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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 16, 1951)
Wednesday, May 16, 1951 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 4 - u 7 r - 1 "i 'Duh!' Expresses Students1 Attitudes Tovards Last Few Weeks of School Duh! That's the way most students leel about the last few weeks of school. The term papers that they post poned until instructors began to demand them; the day-by-day reports that they were supposed to have kept and the books that they didn't read because they didn't have any tests in it before the final. These students succumbed to the ancient disease known as postponitis. Do It Now! "Do it now," could well be the motto of the students as they spend the wee hours of the morn ing preparing the assignments that they should have done weeks ago. '11 do belter next semester" is always their cry. They usually b i the nexi semester oy keep- Student ' Student Council Constitution We, th etudenta of the University ef Nebraska, with the consent of the Uni versity Senate, do hereby ordain and es tablish this constitution for the adminis tration of student affairs. . ARTICLE I Name The name of this organization shall be The Student Council of the University of Nebraska. ARTICLE II Purposes The 'purposes of this organization shall be to act as the. supreme student govern ing body In the regulation and coordina tion of all phases of student self-government and to serve as an agency through which faculty-student relationships may te maintained. ARTICLE III Powers Section 1. Legislative Power The Student Council shall nave the following legislative powers In so far as these powers do not conflict with general University regulations: , a. To regulate and coordinate the activities of all atudent organisations and student (roups of, general university interest k. To recognize and approve the constitutions of any new stu dent organization, without which recognition and ap proval an organization shall not be permitted to function a. To review (at the discretion of the Student Council) the constitution of any student organization with power of revocation. , 4. To control student pep tal lies, pep demonstrations, and student migrations , To schedule and conduct all student elections of general university Interest t. To act as liaison between stu dents and faculty m. To exercise other powers that nay benefit the student body k. To Institute such legislation as shall be necessary to carry out the foregoing powers of the Student Council. lacMoaZ. executive powers The Student Council (hall have the following executive powers to so far a these powers do not conflict with general University regulations. The decisions of the Student Council made In pursu ance of Its constitutional pow ers, (hall be carried Into execu tion by the appropriate execu tive or group. To suapend or dismiss from office any student executive who shall refuse to carry its legislation Into effect k. To permit appeals by any student, organization, or fac ulty member to the appro priate committee of the Uni versity Benate. ARTICLE IV Representation taction X The following representatives snail comprise the Student Coun cil: a. College Representative 1, The colleges listed herein ball be entitled to the J mmber of members as ollows: a. Agriculture t (one woman and one man) k. Arts and Sciences S (at least one woman and at least one man) e. Business Administra tion 2 4. Engineering t e. Law 1 f. Pharmacy and Den tistry 1 g. Teacher S (at least one woman and at least one man) 1. These members shall be elected at the general spring election. ' S. An change In the college representation shall be on .... the basis of one represen tative for every 600 stu- - dents or malor portion thereof, as determined by the Student Council. Each college or eomblntion of colleges aa listed In the oiutttutlon ahall be en titled to a minimum of one representative. 4. In ease a Student Council member elected by a col lege cV colleges gives up Ills eat because of wlth . drawal from school, reslg . smtlon, or Ineligibility, the second-high person In the lection shall serve as the replacement unless be Is . ineligible or rejected by a two-thirds vote of the Stu . dent Council membership at the first regular Stu dent Council meeting held . one week after the vacancy has been announced to the Student Council. In case of Student Council rejection of tbe yecond-blgh candl- 4ate, the replacement shall be elected by the Student Council from those who . have submitted written ap- plications for the position. . This replacement must be of the same sax. In those ' colleges In which a ratio to specified, and must be matriculated In the same ., eollege as the originally ... . '.eeted member. V Pilings for eollege repre . . eentaUon are open to stu dents who will be eligible to serve during their sopho more or junior years.' . k. Organization and Group Rep- rentatlvee Keen organization or group Heted herein ehall be en . titled to one member ., ... elected In the spring by se , eret ballot. Unless the number of votes cast repre ante at least two-thirds of the membership ef the or- ganlsatlon or group, ' tbe election shall he invalid. Pharmacy College and the College of Bentletry ehall he considered one unit and jnell he entitled to one member on the Student Connell. In the ease of Law College, filings will fc open to those Law students vho will be eligible to serve during their sophomore year To tbe four-year law curriculum. a. Associated Women's Students Board b. Barb ActlvltSec Board , for women a. Corn Cobs d. Coed Counselor Board e. Cosmopolitan Club f. Independent Students Asso ciation or similar successor . organisation or group f. Interfreternlty Council .Men' Co-ops and Residence Halls L panhellenlc Counctl . religions Welfare Council fc. Tassels University of Nebraska Build ers' Board a. Toung Women' Christian As sociation and Toung Men's Christian Association t, A Student Council repre- at organisation and group lections to supervise ine be noting. The be Hot for eech organization and group election for Student Council representative ahall be sjattd tn in envelope nd ubmltted to the Stu , dent Council for tabulation, validation, and announce- IMMlt. S. Organization and group representative (hall be etMted to serve during their Junior ear. 4. Trie organization or group rotraaematlvee ehall not have had previous service en the Student Council, V. In caue the representative e'od by an organization or group give up his Stu dent Council memberehlp ferji if wHhdrawal from vrKii resignation, or In- t nihility, the orgenlza m or group be represents ehall hnld another election rt It first rrgular meet e; iftr the vacancy is a ..ourtced to replace the hiMeeentattva, Tbe elee. ing up, and then, well, somehow they begin to have coffee or go to a show or "out with the kids" and get behind in their studies. It happens every semester. Rare indeed is the student who is not behind in something by the end of the semester. With an "I'll do it tomorrow" attitude, they do the things that are so much more fun than studying. Approximately 20 to 23 hours of the day are spent in serious study toward the end of the sem ester by many students. They spend their daylight hours in the library ferreting out information. During the fall semester, this is much, easier for the average stu dent to bear. The weather is us ually cold, and not very good for other activities anyway. But in the spring, picnics, baseball games, swimming and numerous Council Constitution tion of the replacement shall be governed by the rules previously specified for the election of organ ization or group repre sentatives. I. Inactive organizations or groups shall be deprived of representation on the Stu dent Council. c Senior Representatives Five ' seniors, at least one man and one woman, shall be nominated and elected by the outgoing Student Council, at the first meeting after the spring election, from the jun ior members of that body to serve during their senior year. d. Faculty Representatives Two faculty members, one man and one woman, ap pointed by the Faculty Com mittee on Student Affairs from nominations submitted by the Student Council. Terms of office shall be six years and shall not be con. current. Faculty representa tive" shall serve without vote. An Independent la a student not affil iated with a social fraternity or sorority. "The organization eligible to participate In the election of this representative will be designated by the Student Council. ARTICLE V Eligibility, Filings, Eelectlon of Members, and Publicity Section 1. To be eligible for membership on the Student Council, candi dates must meet the following requirements : a. Each candidate ahall eb a bona fide member of the col lege, organization, or group which he propose to repre sent. Membership on tbe Stu dent Council ehall be con tingent on retention of con tinued membership In one's respective college, organiza tion, or group. b. Regular University rules shall govern In determining a can didate' eligibility. . Each candidate or bold-over member ahall have a mini mum cumulative average of five. For Law College candi dates only pre-law grade shall be considered tn the computation of the cumulative average. Section i. College Filings a. Nominations of college repre sentatives for election to the , student Council shall be filed In the Oflfce of the Dean of Student Affairs. At least ten day prior to the day upon which filings open, the sec ond vice-president of the Stu dent Council shall publicize through the Daily Nebraakan the period for filings. k. Filings will open the fust Monday In April and shall run for one week, closing on Saturday noon of that week. )( spring vacation conflicts with this date, the Student Council ehall designate the last full school week prior to spring vacation for filing. c. Special filing form shall be obtained from the Office of the Dean of Student Affairs. d. The form shall contain the following information: 1, Name, address, sex 2. Position sought . Grade average, college, class (to bs certified by the registrar) 4. Social fraternity or organ ized house (membership, offices held) t. Professional f r a t entitles and societies (membership, offices held) . Activities (membership, of fices held) 7. A statment signed by the candidate to this effect: "I hereby agree that If elected to the Stundent Council I will serve to the best of my ability and 1 will arrange my ' school schedule to permit my at tendance at tbe regular meeting of the Student Council. I. Other Information desired deelrsd by the Studenl Council. e. Signatures of SB bona fide student within the candi date's college must be ob tained for each candidate fil ing. f. Each candidate shall be pho tographed. The photograph aad filing Information will be published In a manner sped fled by the Student Council. g. Failure to complete the fil ing form will Invalidate the filing. Section 3. Organization and Groups a. Members representing organ Ixetlons and groups shall meet trie same eligibility require ment as eollege representa tives with the exception of the requirement for 25 elgna tures, photographs, and pub licity. b. Filing for Student Council checking and eligibility, will he made by nomlneee at least two weeks prior to the organisation or group elec tion. Section 4. Election date The regular Student Council election shall bs held the Mon day following the first Satur day of May. The polls shall be open from 7:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Section 6. Publicity and Campaigning a. In at least one major build' Ing for each college, the Stu- ' dent Unions, adn Love Li brary, one locked bulletin hoard shall be designated for the Student Council In order to publicize election date and other Sli'dent Council notices. All ma'eilals thus displayed must carry the signature of the Dean nf Student Affairs, I he President of the Student Council,, and any other re quired University signatures, b. The Student Council may sponsor assemblies which may be attended by Ihe can didates for the purpose of In forming the voters, answer ing questions, and rallying. e. Publicity other than that pre scribed In the constitution shell not be permitted, d. The results of all elections I number of votes for each candidate) shall be mibllshed In the Dally Nebraskan as soon as tabulated. ARTICLE VI Election and Duties of Officer" Section 1. Election of Officers a. The president, flrsl vice president, and second vies president, shall be elected from the hold-over members hy the outgoing student Council, by a majority vote end by secret! written ballot, at the first meeting of the Student Council following the general election. k. The outgoing president Shall administer the oath of office lo the new Student Council members et the frlst meeting or ine nuinent council follow Ing the general election, c. The recording secretary, the corresponding secretary, nd the treasurer shell be elected bv the new student Council members at the second regu lar meeting after the general elertlon by a majority vote o( the membership and by se cret written ballot. These of fices shall be filled by sopho mores who will serve In these positions during their Junior y"nr, . Section ?, Dutlee of Officers a. The duties of the president shall be: 1, To be en ex-offlclo mem ber, with vote, of all eom mltteee ,1. To preside at all meetlnge 3. To appoint committee chairmen and committee member not otherwise provliletl for In the const). tiitlon 4, Tu be responelbl for all other activities are So much more inviting than is studying. Many potential "9" students only get "5's" because they just didn't get around to doing their assign ments. Diverted Interests During the course of studying, the student usually paces the room, turns on the radio, reads the latest magazines and finally grudgingly sits down to work. He finds himself unable to concen trate, and as a result, takes twice as long to accomplish the "ap pointed task. It happens every spring. Receipts for Cotton and Denim dance pictures must be presented at the photo labora tory Wednesday, Thursday or Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 1 communications of the Stu- ' dent Counctl 5. To present an annual writ ten report summarizing the year's activities of the Student Council at the first meeting following general elections 6. To remove any member from the Student Council upon three unexcused ab sences 7. To recommend to the Judi ciary Committee the re moval of any member con sidered negligent In hi duties on the Council S. To appoint specially quali fied non-members to tem- 1 porary committee posts ' 9. To create an advisory body if need for one exists 10. To be responsible for the execution of all provlslone of the constitution and by laws and to carry out duly enacted legislation of the Student Council b. The duties of the first vice president shall be: 1. To serve as chairman and ex-officlo member, with vote, of the Judiciary Com mittee 1. To assume the duties of the president in his' ato- sence c. The duties o fthe second vice president shall be: 1, To serve as chairman and ex-officlo member, with vote, of the Election Committee 1. To assume the duties of the prlsldent in the ab sence of the president and the first vice-president d. The duties of the treasurer shall be: 1. To prepare, with the aid of the president and the advisors, the annual budget 1. To keep all financial rec ords of the Student Coun cil and submit financial reports upon request I. To maintain proper rela tionships with the Office of the Director of Student Activities as required by University ruling e. The duties of the recording secretary ahall be: 1. To keep the minutes of all meetings of the Student Council i. To aubmlt for weekly pub lication in the Dally Ne braakan a complete ac count of the official ac tion of the Student Coun cil f. The duties of the corresponding secretary shall be: 1. To conduct necessary Stu- dent Council correspond ence 2. To assume the duties of recording secretary in her absence ARTICLE VII Judiciary Committee Section l. The Student Council Judiciary Committee shall consist of five members, namely: a. The first vice-president who shall be chairman b. The two hold-over members who were not elected so to serve ae officers c. Two newly-elected Student Council members appointed by the president subject to the approval of the student Council d. The faculty advisors of the Student Council who shall serve without vote Section 2. The duties of the Student Coun cil Judiciary Committee shall be: a. To Interpret the Student Council Constitution and by laws b. To conduct hearings on all matters referred to It by the Student Council e. To review and make recom mendations for action on all new constitutions and amend ments of constitutions of stu dent organizations d. To decide on the validity of Student Council elections e. To file a written report of an ruimg or. the Judiciary Committee f. To remove for due cause a member of the Student Coun cil after a hearing open to all Student Council members. Sections. All rulings of the Judiciary Committee shall be final except for appeal to the proper Unl verslty Senate Committee. ARTICLK VIII Elections Committee Section 1. The Student Council Election Committee shall consist of five members, namely: a. The second vice-president who shall be chairman b. Four newly-elected . ('oucll members appointed by the president subject to the approval of the Student Coun rll e. The faculty advisors of the Student Council who shall erve without vote. Section 2. The duties of the Student Coun cil Elections Committee shall be: a. To announce filing and elec tion dates b. To supervise all publicity for filing and election . To arrange for the polling places and to supervise the balloting t. To tabulate the ballots in the presence of at least one faculty advisor. t. To seal the billots and tabu lations and deliver them to a faculty advisor for safe . keeping for a tnirty-day pe riod. I. To announce the complete re sults of the election to Ihe Dally Nebraakan, g To supervise all other elec lions of general University tn :etest approved by the Stu dent Council, membeiKTAOIN SHRDI, SHRDLU KURD ARTICLE IX Annunl Budget The Committee as provided In ArticI VI Section 2d of the Student Council Constitution shall prepare an Itemized budget In the spring for the ensuing school yesr outlining proposed expendi tures of the Stundent Council, After ap proval by the Student Council, the budget shell be submitted before May 10 to the Comptroller of the University for appro priate action !n providing funds, . - ARTICLE X Meetings Section 1. The student Council shall meet weekly during regular school sessions Section 2. A quorum shell consist of not less than 60 of the total mem bership ARTICLE XI Student Orlenvancea , Students may present to the Student Council In writing or In person any pro. Poanl or grievance at any regulsr meet ing. ARTICLE XII Revision and Amend, ments Section 1. Proposals for revisions of or amendments to the Constitution may oe originated by: e. A majority vote of two-thlrde thirds of the Student Council, ell, or a. A petition, submitted tn the Student Council, signed by not, less then 000 recularly enrolled students. Signature must he validated by the Of fice of the Registrar. Section 2. Proposals for revision or amend ments shall be submitted before th end of the first semester for action during the school yenr. Section 9. Proposals for revision or amend mentsv must be published at least three times during the sec ond semested st Intervals of at leaat one week. The final Of ficial publishing must be made two weeks before the general election, Section 4. Proposals for revision or amend ments to the constitution shell be voted on at the general election. Section I. The amendment shall be ratified hv a majority vote when at lenat :in percent of the eligible stu dent vote tn Ihe election. Students Saddened by Death Of NJJ Tradition, Corn Shucks .Students are wondering whe-i thing else to read." ther Corn Shucks is going to die I From various other students or just fade away. Ron Raitt, student at NU, when asked whether he was sad or glad Corn Shucks couldn't have their last issue, stated he was very sad. It reminded him of p popu lar song "Old magazines never die, but Com Shucks is fading away." Another student when ap proached upon this subject an nounced that he was sad as he always got a big laugh out of it too , bad they don't have any jokes in it. A group of students gathered in the Crib said "Yes, we want another issue. We're tired of reading the Rag and want some- Interviews for Staff Positions On Publications Slated May 19 Interviews for summer and fall staff positions on The Daily Nebraskan and for fall positions on the Cornhusker yearbook are Saturday, May 19, 8 a.m., at the Union faculty lounge. Following these interviews the student-faculty committee on stu dent publication will appoint the new members of the publications staffs. Editor and business manager are the summer positions for The Daily Nebraskan. They receive a set salary plus a bonus at the end of the eight-week period. Fall Staff The "Rag's" fall staff consists of editor and business manager, news editor, five feature editors, Ag editor, sports editor, staff photographer, society editor, as sistant business manager, (3) and assistant sports editor. Available Cornhusker positions are: editor and business mana ger, assistant editor, managing editor and assistant business Report Tells Of Progress With Crops Progress in crops research is outlined in a report of the Uni versity's Box Butte experiment farm which has been submitted to the county commissioners by Dean W. V. Lambert of the col lege of agriculture. Highlights of th document: Results of 20 years of crop ro tations have been compiled. It shows that potato production after summer fallowing is de pendable all years. But in half or more of the year's potato pro duction following wheat or corn is uncertain. More than double the yield of wheat is usually obtained after summc fallowing than when wheat follows wheat. Experimental Varieties Approximately 800 lines or va rieties of potatoes were grown on the farm in 1950. Eighty of the most promising were used to find their suitability for dryland culture and to develop a supply of foundation seed potatoes for later distribution for tests at other places and later for distri bution to potato growers. The Progress variety, devel oped in this program during the past 13 years, is rapidly replac ing Triumph in western Nebraska because the tubers of the former have very little scab and do not crack during harvest. An experiment is being con ducted to find the best planting rate for the new variety and the best methods of cultivation for dryland use. During the past summer facilities at the farm were used for some technical studies with potatoes to find fac tors influencing drouth or heat endurance, food manufacturing efficiency of different varieties of potatoes and relation of type of plant growth which enables some varieties to survive hail damage better than others. Synthetic Variety An Iowa corn hybrid No. 4417 has been found to outyield Dawes No. 2 the local open pol linated variety that" has been used at the farm for many years. Progress is being made In devel oping a synthetic variety for northwestern Nebraska because seed of it would be much cheaper, Throughout a period of years an Improved synthetic va riety might because of the vari ability within it be more pro ductive in such a short season country than hybrids with their uniform types of plants. Scientists found that it was possible to screen out many lines of wheat that were readily damaged by hail after two se vere storms which hit the winter wheat nursery last summer. Much information obtained as to winter hardiness and drouth en durance is being used as a guide in maknig selections for later use, 10-Year Test During a 10-year wheat test the Cheyenne variety has aver aged the best yield 32.3 bushels per acre, Nebred follows with an average yield of 30.7. Paw nee and Comanche were next, both averaging 29.7. Despite sorghum plantings be ing destroyed for grain yields by hail, the Norghum variety, re covered well and some grain ma tured. Even with wheat damage by hull and drouth last summer there were increased yields after nitrogen application when the wheat followed summer fallow. But there was no increase In yield when wheat followed until 60 pounds of nitrogen per acre was applied. The protein content of wheat was increased distinctly with ni trogen fertilizer during the past two years. Phosphorus applica tions had lltl'n effect. Mid-September seeding showed better re sults than lata August seeding both years. , came statements like: "We want our money for the last issue back." "Completely unaware of not having another issue." "I'll have nothing to send to my girl friend in Kansas, for her birthday:" "If it was a humor magazine, I'd probably miss it." Many other students that we didn't contact probably have other comments to say on the subject. Frank Jacobs, editor of the magazine would be glad to knjow any other comments and will be open for interviews any afternoon in the Corn Shucks of fice. manager. Three students and four facul ty members compose the commit tee on student publications who select the staffs. Leon Pfeiffer, senior member; Gerald Matzke, junior member; and Noirnan Rasmussen, sopho more member, are the student members of the committee. The committee is headed by Roger V. Shumate, political sci ence professor. William C. Har per, director of student affairs, Mary E. Guthrie, home economics professor; and William J. Arn old, professor of psychology, are the faculty board members. The faculty Senate appoints the faculty members to the com mittee. Student members are selected by the Student Council. Bruce Nicoll, of the University public relations department, acts as liaison officer for the commiti tee. He works between the mem bers of student publications and the committee on publications. Better Yell Squad Drive Ends Today The "Better Yell Squad" cam paign which started last week will end today noon. If any students have ideas of any sort for new yells, new stunts, chants or merely general suggestions the yell squad will greatly appreciate receiving them. Don Devries, yell king for the 1951-52 yell squad,, stated that the only way to develop a yell squad which will be perfectly suitable to the majority of stu dents is to let the students them selves decide what it should be like. Students that have suggestions may give them or mail them to Don Devries at 1545 R St. Seniors to Receive Three Graduation Tickets Three commencement tickets will be enclosed with the senior letters mailed to each University senior. No additional tickets may be obtained from the registrar's office. Parents, relatives or friends planning to attend graduation ceremonies must present these tickets to be admitted. Estimated and final senior grades are now being submitted by faculty members. These grades are subject to change until June 2. set-ups for cm ' o CATALINA McGregor JANTZEN 50 to S95 Little Man On Campus how to ' keep off the stag line... I I ' l "I-' I I 4 j Ml. ; &f i.LU! " ! .Lit v A Will you be the life of the party in these Van Heuscn Formal Favorites? Well, not necessarily ... but you will have that nice, confident feeling of knowing you're properly dressed. Van Tux comes in two collar-attached models wide-spread and regular. Van Dress is neck band only. Both with snowy-while pique fronts. 9 VanHeusen see. t. m. "the world's smartest" PHILLIPS. JONES CORP., NEW YORK 1, H'. Y, A 4 1 s, y , y trunlc A t boxr iWVn'j SporUwear . . M ACRE'S Fir$l Floor bv Bibler t ? 1 I V!ii Thy tmA -' Van Dress, 5" shirts IN " ''"'lUSSj. Yp, you'll b. get-up lor iwlm mlnrj when you'r wearing new worn Mao;'s. Ther or and brl.fg in gay patt-MM or m iRi -4 41 olid colon . , , many with matching port hirti. All color in all tines from 28 to 48. Get yours today! 3 50 to 695