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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 17, 1950)
0)10) v r n f DlnJ II III ij jlll B'lll IK I. LUUUlJL VoT5l No. 46 LINCOLN 8. NEBRASKA Friday, November 17, 1950 V. T"' T" 'Bachelor' Contest Vote Today to Pick Eight Eligible Men Eight NU men will be tabbed Eligible" by campus women in an all-girl election in Ellen Smith hall and the Ag Union today from 9 a.m. to S p.m. The occasion is the election of the eight Eligible uacneiors wno McKe, BiU Marbaker and Ed will be presented at toe Mortar ' win Lane. Board Ball Friday. Dec. 8. 3 Jerrv Matzke. Fran Nacle. Pictures ot those running for me uue wui oe txu.-u i election polls. Candidates The thirty-two names appear- N.U. Forces Resist Reds; Move Ahead U.N. forces continued to move forward in the face of continued communist withdrawals in North Korea, while South Koreans and the reds continued to attack and counterattack in the East. Allied troops were able to ad vance from one to five miles. The Seventh Marine division met the first real red resistance in two days. They continued to push along the shore of Chosin reservoir, source of Korean and Manchurian power. South Koreans managed to throw back red counterattacks on their positions in the west central sector of the front Temperatures rose above the freezing mark for the first time in three days, although some sleet fell on Thursday rooming. A spokesman for General IflacArthur said that allied units were moving ahead cautiously, to prevent exposure of their flanks to the enemy. War Casualties attre to 28.8S1 Total American casual lies in the .Korean war now stand at 28,881, according to a report re leased by the defense depart ment. Of this total 4,798 were; deaths and 19,740 were wounded, i Among the missing are 3,7 IS men. The deaths by sen-ice were: army, 4.049; navy, 49; marine corps, 27 and air force, 73. Committee Stufiy China Propose In the United Nations as sembly. President Nasrollah En tezam suggested that a group of small nations be allowed to study the question of Chinese recogni tion and recommend which party in the dispute should be granted the U. N. seat Russia's representative, Jacob Malik, objected. He claimed that the list of nations on the proposed committee would be stacked against the communists. Only two of those proposed lor the committee, India and Poland, recognize the present Chinese government. IT.S England Sent Material to Berlin Both the United States and England brought new troops and tanks into Berlin shortly after Russia had charged an American plane with attacking a Russian passenger plane flying ever "Ger many. However, the reinforcements, 12 British tanks and 270 Ameri can troops, were already being sent when the Russians released their charge. The chairman of the Soviet Control commission indicated that he bad sent a protest to American High Commissioner John McCloy about the "attack." TA'est Berlin officials an nounced that west German po lice will be given rifles and ma chine guns, since the Russian police already have them. They will be used only in emergencies, the announcement said. FiChting Moslem' Steport Questioned The wife of TJebraBka's "fight ing Moelem" reported that if her husband bad ever embraced the Mohammedan faith, it was news to her. Mrs. "William Koontz, -wife f "the man who is reported to have said that Mohammedanism was 'a fightmg man's religion;" said lhat she had never heard 'him mention "the subject in their 13 years of marriage. 2 Club Plans Squa re Dance An all-University square dance will be held Saturday, Nov. 18, in the Ag College Activities build ing. Providing the music for "the dance will be the Texas Stars. The dance, sponsored by Ag County Dancers, will last from 4f;30 to 1130 p.m. Student members of ihe County Dancers will oall the dances. According to Alice Anderson, president of the Sguure-dance lub, there will be no regular meeting Friday night. The Weather Cloudy . windy uud warmer to morrow, finuw flurries Saturday. ing on the ballot are: Gene Brue- ning, Leonard Bush, Wendell Cole, Ira Epstein, Wayne Hand- i. r.1 1 IT . 1 t -1 UaKa Vma. IV.aIJ - ... Paul Kucler. Joe McGilL Paul '"-'v wuiiccs L-n.ui.t ui rwutiucit. Phil Olsen, Russell Parnienter, naroia tetersen. veri scott. Tom Snyder, Dick Walsh, Clay ton Yeutter, Charles Burmeister, Bill Dugan, Ed Hussman, Frank Simmon, Bob Reynolds, Richard Buls, Aaron Schmidt and Lavone Fritson. Presentation Presentation of the Bachelors is the highlight of the annual ""turnabout" dance sponsored by the campus senior women's hon orary. The identity of the Most Ugli est Man on Campus will also be revealed at the ball. Girls assume the roles of fel lows for one night They pay the bills call for their dates and provide corsages for their dates. Cersaces Some of the corsages last year ranged from electric razors to Christmas tree lights, A basket ball hoop, TNE pin, a miniature barn containing a cow and chicken which laid two eggs, a surrealistic creation of a minia ture girdle with an oversized garter attached were some of the outstanding corsages at the last balL Last year's Eligible Bachelors were Charles Widmaier, Robert Sim, Keith O'Bannon, Ajon Far ber, Tom Donahoe, Bill Brink man, Don Bloom and Bus White bead. Coeds must present their TD cards before wting. NU Foreign Students Aid NUCWA Group Foreign students at the Uni versity have been active in NTTCW A's speakers' bureau x service. The foreign students nave addressed a number of gatherings, both on and off the University campus. Ed Saad, a student from Je rusalem, directs the work of the XUCWA project This year the group has addressed a number of campus "Organizations and is currently participating in the AUF program "Three foreign trtudents, Frank Smith from Newfoundland, Helen Su from China and Saad spoke to a business gills asso ciation meeting on Wednesday. The three students told the business group about their re spective countries and what they ttiought of the United States. In addition, they gave their views on why they chose the Univer sity instead of some .other Amer- ae u.;For Scholarships reau provided speakers for Ira- nity houses, lor vcorrvocations in Lincoln schools and for a confer ence at "Weeleyan university. They also spoke to religious student house groups and to other campus -organizations. Saad invites aH organized groups to ask for speakers. Ac cording to the speakers' bureau chairman, a number of foreign studentB are available to give in teresting and varied programs. Organizations may inquire about the foreign speaking pro gram by .calling Saad at 2-71DB between 12:15 and 3 p.m. ..or .calling NUCWA president Har old Peterson at 2-SH66 between the hours of and 7:30 p.m. At least C5D Nebruska high school journalists will invade the University -campus today for the 3 Wb annual Nebraska High School Press association -convention. According to "William H. Hice, assistant professor of journalism ana contuixion director., 44 high schools will participate in .the -convention. Headquarters will be at the Lincoln hotel. All panels and clinics will be beld on the Uni versity campus. These meetings will .cover headlines, circulation, news -coverage, advertising, pho tography and make-tup. The entire convention wiD be divided into three main groups, a general -convocation, a series of dunes and a series of panel dis- CUBBiUllS. Tours Planned The -convention will get -under way at U a.m. today, -with regis tration in the south mezzunine of the Lincoln hotel lobby. Tours of the Star, the Journal and the University -campus will follow, , Prep J p Weekend. Good Soldiers . :F . fk HL- -ru V'!t .-.. I .......... mur- ..... wtifc.... .... ' Jw.. i BEST ARMY STIDENTS These students were honored at a mjhtary parade. They were cited for scholarship, leadership, military bearing and character. They are: (back row, L to r.) John E. Cudgel Jr., James M. Rosenquist Gordon R. Der.ker, Henry M. Kadavy, Allan F. Decker, Donald D. Jensen, (front row) Stanford W. Jones, Rolland L. Egger, Edward D. Pullen, James M. Wroth, Oscar C Decker and Mark O'Dell Jr. Not pic tured are: John W. Ma her, Miroslav H. Mate; a. Robert B. Meyers, Charles XL Bressnnaa and Richard Meissner. TC Seniors ! !, eceive Members of this group f top- ranldrg senior Army ROTC stu dents at the University were among those honored Wednesday evening at a parade and cere monies on the campus. They are: John E. GudgeL jr James M. Rasenouist. Gordon R. Denker, Henry M. Kadavy, Al lan F. Decker. Donald D. Jensen, Stanford W. Jones. Roland L. Eg ger. Edward D. Pullen. James M. Wroth. Oscar C Decker, and Mark O'Dell. jr. Members of the honorary army cadet group not pictured are: John W. Maher, Muro&lav JL Mateja, Robert 33. Meyers. Charles M. Bressmtn. and Rich ard H. Meissner. Selec&im Basis Members of ihe honor tioup all seniors, were selet.'ted on the Saturday's Game To Honor Faculty Siiturday the hard working faculty members will come into their tmn. The University has sea aside this day as Faculty Day and will give special recognition to the members. The University Alumni asso ciation, holding their last pre game luncheon of the year, has issued a special invitation to aH faculty members. The buffet wiH be served in the Union ballroom from 11.30 until 12:45 p.m. During halftime activities of the Iowa State-Nebraska game, the BOTC marching band will offer a special salute to instruc tors. Through formations, each department will be symbolized. The dean of that college will then be introduced while the band plays an appropriate selec tion. Exigineers Eligible The fourth annual mgineering undergraduate award .and schol arship program has been an nounced for 1B50-1H51. Awards range from $25 to $1000 for students. Duplicate awards an scholarship funds will be made to the schools .of the main award winners. Engineering undergrad a a 1 e s registered in colleges offering a degree in any branch of engi neering are eligible to partici pate. The program is to stimu late independent study and in vestigBtion into the science of arc welding and its possible ap plication an industry and agri culture. Papers should be ton arc -weld- ing (design, maintenance, Cabri- cation or research. ournuhsts Meet A general icon-vocation will be held at IB am. in the Lincoln hotel ballroom. Speakers will be Dr. Carl Borgmaim, -dean of fac ulties; Barbara Schlect, president and converiion Chairman of Theta Sigma Phi; and Kenneth McCormick. convention chairman of Sigma Delta Chi. To Publish ""Bag A student staff lor the Daily Nebraukan will be organized at 3 p.m. today. Also scheduled aire faddrcifises -by Dr. Nathan Eium berg, asBistaiit professor of jour naliBm, and Kobert P. Crawford, author and professor f joumal iam, and -competitive .contests in jourualiBm. Scheduled for 2 p.m. are a se ries of -clinics on "The Yearbook: Prom Start to FiniBh,' ""DiEging -Out reatures," "Say It With Pic tures," and ""There's Always News;" Each school will have at least two representatives present at iclinics that pertain to their publications. The first series of panel dis cuauions will get underway at 2, . 16 m Honors i basis of scholarship, leadership. military bearing and character. The election is a preliminary qualification for graduation with distmctioa in military science. Also honored at the parade and ceremony weie 15 others whose selection as the Univer sity's outstanding advanced Air l- orce KOTC was announced Nov. great an honor to be chosen 2. They include: Don E. Etmund, . Prince Kosmet as it was Sweet W. E. Henkle, James M. Weldon, j beart George S. McQueen. Wendell C Until 1948, the student body Bauman, Charles F. Hughes, WS1- j had no part in selection of the liam T. Greer. Robert R. Reich- ; Prince. The members cf Kosmet enbach. Richard Churchill. Rob- Klub nlv were allowed to vote ert Pierce. Richard F. Buls, Her- ,j for the Prince. Coeds had their bert A. Engdahl, Donald Bloom ' first cpTiortunity to choose the and Vincent C. Adams. .Prince Kosmet in 190. It might Perform noe AwarAs amterestang to note that first company C. 5rd batallion. i .djceand. squadron A. cf the air group, miere awarded rib- DOT3S tor the most unifoma per- formance in xbe Nov. 2 parade. The amard for tbe ground force group was received ty Cadet First Lt James A. Doyle, batterv exex-utive officer for Cadet Capt. Richard H. Heissner. battalion commander. Cadet Capt Robert w s,i,r rv.rft Cadet Lt Col. Robert Pierce. ' 3ZT m3 squaoron thawarfl forth-Air ffirmm The arm merit swards were presented bv Col James H. FrrrY-mm rrf-r- J-r science and tactics: the air force awards by Lt. Col. Alex C )iinjjieji(.in, processor- ta iir science and tactics. Ballet Program Planned Todav "'Program on the Ballef" vrUl the Union from 4 to pan, Fn- .day, Nav. 37. Mcvies about the Sadler's Wells bcHet school, steps of the ' ballet and Margo Fonteyn danc- ing a,Les Sylphides'" wiU be shown. Ballet music on tbdotSu; w-IH be played. "Sleeping Beauty, "Swan Lake and "Gisene" are a Jew of the mimiwi . mgs of the -Tirebird" by Stra vinsky .and -Nutcracker Suite" by TschaikowKlry win be plas-ed. Stories of tte ballets to b performed will be available. Books and articles on the ballet I m penerai also may be obtained. me program for Sadler's Wells ballet includes "Dante So nata,'" "'Lelac Des Cygnet" from "'Swan Lake "Tacaae" and "Aurora Pas De Deux" from 'Sleeping Beauty Everyone anterested in ballet j is urged to .come. Tl program j is oo-sponsored by the Union 'ballet ooinmittee and Orchesis. pm, the second at Z pju. Among the -discussions are: "Winning a Medalist Eating ''Covering fhe News. -The laimeograpbed ; Paper and "Newspapers of Far- eign Countries. . ' SwintUer tm Speak Dr. William f. Swindler wiD: give an address at pan. atm, Claiming Tor Jotirnalism The tclinics and panels wiH be; held on the -campus in the foil-1 lowing buildings: Social Science,1 Andrews, Morrill aiaU, Burnett.! Union, Bessey balL Love library and the Law building. The -convention xlance r,S ban- cjuel will be held lonight in the Lincoln hotel ballroom. Another series of panel dis cuaBions and iclinics will be 'beld Saturday morning. Ts Presenl AwarOs Tne big award Indieon will lie held at noon StuTdBy, Awards will be given to first second and third place winners of the com- I petive -contents to be held todav. The Omaha Wwla-Beraid. A Revue' to Include 6 Fmt NU Students Cast 'Prince' Vote Tonight A popular student vote at the door of the Coliseum tonight will answer the current campus question: "Who will be Prince Kosmet this year?" A giant poster inside the Col seum lobby will identify the six finalists for the title with large photographs with names under neath. The presentation will provide breath-taking suspense during a special ceremony which will re veal the Prince accompanied by the new Nebraska Sweetheart. Roaring Twenties The precedent of a Prince : Kosmet was originated during i the -Roaring Twenties" when i crowds -roared" with laughter j at the riotous escapades of hairy 1 legged athletes pounding the j boards into pulp. However, it iwasnt a very exciting prece- dent; in fact, the Prince took a tJUMCK. seal lu uie ivcuKuaa Sweetheart It was a custom to present the Sweetheart in an atmosphere of majesty and forget the Prince, whose only purpose was to merelv escort taer royal high- 'mess" when she was introduced. However, the Prince gradu ally gained more prestige and fi- 'nally it was considered just as 1 to be sto chosen was Ralph w or- jdess, bead cheerleader and for- roer Big Six diving champ. Skelcli f Fiaalists " . v ' r5i! " l PlCeJlfS- u ! Wt Taa?K 1?aer cl TST ?Ag Ec, and Umon board. He j Ag Junior. Bobby Reynolds, cf Phi Kap- jf f ft halfback on ! busker .ri fle squad; is iSfP"ie eniiuiea. a i i. , . Warren. Sigma Xa , managing editor of the Eag, a -"f "T1. iZ jur - -rJ ;ue jru.ui-li g.iu.u jAyjia ip- sii ttrx, is a member of the Husker golf team and Simon's college board. He is an arts and science junior. Phil Neff, president of Delta Tau Delta, is a member of Gam irna fjarnhrlfi- and the EOTC j1", PicoTlo. Alpha Tau v'StVh, il bizad senior. Sfinrt Ticket hSlC To Beam Nov. 27 Basketball tickets for Unwer crrv ctnAptrte ffarajltv members iand -the general public will go on sale .at the ColiBeum ticket office, Monday, Nov. 27. Students and faculty tickets wiD include admittance lo bas ketball and all other sports .dur- ug the rest of the school year. Public tickets wiD cover banket- Iball games only The faculty tickets wiD be 4 and student tickets, $2, tax in icluded. Reserved seats for tlie general public will be $1JD and gen eral admission tickets, f L The entire side of the Coli seum and west bleachers will be reaerj'ed as a student and fac ulty section at basketball games. Today placjue will be awarded to the best printed and best axiimeo graphefl newspaper an the state for a4&-18D(). For the best S HDD yearbook the Grand Island Inde pendent cup will be presented. "These state newspapers are making the awai:ds an cooperation with the Unroersity Stihoo of HournElism. The winning stilnouls will Shave their names inscribed on She base of the trophies and will be allowed to display the awards for the rest of the year, ttetum La June The trophies will be returned to the Cni versify in JItme lo be beld amta time far uresenlatioii to the next winner. Besides the larger liincolii and xnaiha schools, Which include Liriceln high, and Northeast, Omaha icentrat North, South and Tech, the largest state iielegatioiis i are oming from Grand Island,: North Platte, St. Patrick .at Fre mont and Waver!. ctivit ity em A host of University enter tainers will embark tonight on "A Mythical Tour of Broadway," with an expected crowd of 3,500 as their guests. The Broadway theme will es tablish the setting at the 1950 Kosmet Klub Fall Revue which will begin at 8 pjn. at the Coli seum. The entertainment aggregate will include skits presented by six fraternities, special acts by student talent, a royal presenta tion, and the wit of veteran emcee, John Carson. Blake-Believe Atmosphere This year's skits will be flav ored with the make-believe at mosphere of Broadway. All will embody the sparkle, hilarity, and gayety of the New York wonder land. Delta Upsilon actors directed by Howard Dennis, will delve into the history books as they present "The Life of Mr. Berlin.- The interesting sidelights of Broadway will be surveyed by Alpha Tau Omega as they give their "On the Town," directed by Charles Saggau. The Zeta Beta Tau skit, "Call Me Private," will provide a pan tomir.e of Broadway's drama. It is directed by Leo Schmidt A bit of the classical is em braced by the name of Beta Theta Pi's The Adventures of Cyrano de Bergerac Skitmaster is Ken Wayman. Tea Time On Broadway A white-collared title has been given to the Theta Xi skit j to the throne next to the one "Tea Time on Broadway,' cirec- j which he himself would occupy, ted hy Jack Moore. J Kosmet Klub conferred the honor A lively plot is hinted at by the upon some prominent non-mem-Phi Gam's skit name. "Manhat- j ber or someone who had done the tanMerry-Go-Round. Director of j most in past Kosmet Klub pro last year's first place skit Jerry j ductions. Solomon is back at the helm. To guide the show throughout its entirety. Jack Carson will be back in his favorite role as mas ter of ceremonies. Presently em ployed by radio station WOW-TV in Omaha. Carson is known throughout the midwest area for his specialty impersonations, witty satire, and ventrikxiuist numbers. He was very active in radio and other campus functions before his graduation in 199. He was a Prince Kosmet finalist ia 1 98. and is also an honorary member of Kmet Klub. God Acts PrMBtsed However. George Wilcox See Eeve, Tare 2 and s Crack Sqiiad TTrf,Il n C L? PpriOnil If Xii M. L11U1U1 i . 1 fl. T 11 , T itll irnry noii The Military Ball will be breaking with all tradition when it pens the J 50-51 f ormal sea son on Saturday, Dec 2. This is the first time in 58 rears that the Ball will mot be I i13 on Friday ia De- 'cember. ibraska an 307 wi3 be followed !fter the ROTC band opens the Military Ball Saturday, Dec 2 at p.m. in the Coliseum Twelve members of Pershing Rifle crack ssjuad will perform before the Honorary Command ant as pj-esented, as the highlight -of the evening. Conoiaitdaxii The Commandant wiD be t tined in a -double-breasted "while gabardine suit, white military srj'le cape with red lining and a whit overseas cap with gold braid. This 3ear's theme as to honor the Navy.. Decorations wiD be carried out in accordance witaa ! these. Candidate Officers association spokesmen said that the Cam inandanl who will either be Susie B-eed, Nancy Noble. Ginny Kocih, Shirley Alien, Janet Carr -or Eileen Derieg, will be an nounced at ;8:3EI pm. D&sacing i 12 The (dancing wIH take plat from II pm. mtl 12 midnight. Nimble-fingered Frankie Car'le .and Shis orchestra win furnish the muBie for the evening. KOLN will broadcast the aiusic of Frahkie Carle from to 3D pXD.. Tickets for the ball ja be par-chased for i from ary aid- vaneed -officer ia BOTC Specta-1 tor tickets can be purchased 4ur ' . wmi,. Monday. 21 tickets lor tl Military Ball will be sold fa" both the Ag and iy campus ,L;ruanK' Poultry Ouh Plans Barbecjue Dinner The tDnivej'sity Poultry dub wiD bold a tChicken barbeiyue am" tietnany rai't, dilita and Vctne streets, it3pm, Saturday, Not. Ob. Main -dish of the evening will be a barbecued balf-ciucken along with the regular Sare t a barwy ue. Free tranBportatioa wiB 4 prcw-idefl from the Poultry Eus bandry buildmg at :4S pm. far those Wb -Mo nctt wiiih to s -fli-reclly so Bethany park. Admission will be 7i cents ci opt lor last year's dub members j w-fao wifl ie admitted ire. les Skits Royal Rites Will Honor 'Sweetheart' A tradition begun in 1929 will again focus student interest to night upon the annual Fall Re vue. The presentation of the Ne braska Sweetheart of 1950 will mark the 22nd royal ceremony for "her majesty.'' In November of 1929, men chose the Sweetheart ia a regu lar campus election. Even when it was decided that only males would be featured in the Revues and Spring shows, . royal ceremonies revealing the Sweetheart took top priority regarding student concern. The loud guffaws from slap stick-appreciating audiences usu ally subsided enough to permit an impressive coronation of the Sweetheart. Even George Sauer and Bemie Masterson of football fame wno once appeared in a Fall Revue, rated second best to the show's royalty rites. It was from these rites that the title cf Prince Kosmet orig inated. The titlist actually was given the honor of leading her Finalists I A brief sketch of the six final ists lor the bweetheart title of 1950: Jackie Sorens of Kappa Kappa Gamma, managing editor of the Core, sker, secre tary of AUF and a member of a College Days committee. She is an arts and science junior. Dorothy Elliott Alpha Phi. is a member cf Coed Counselors. She is a sophomore in Teachers college, Jean Loudon. Alpha Chi Omega, is a member of Coed counselors board, Aquaauettes, j YWCA, and the Union committee. She is also A"VS board treasurer, j She is enrolled as an arts and ! sciences sophomore. Lorraine WestphaL Pi Beta Pni, is a member of the YWCA. Cornhusker staff, and a Union committee. She is a Teachers col lege sophomore. Anita Spradley, Alpha Xi Del ta, is a member of Ma Phi Ep silon. She is a Teachers college junior. Dolly McQuistaa, Delta Delta Delta, as a member of Coed Coun selors and is enrolled as a Teachers college sophomore. Hiisker Fans vrrH 1 1 I VVl 1 1 f .OriplllfiO. Rallies Tonight Huiker fans will be rallying for the last time during this football season tonight. Starting at 7 pa at the Union, students will cheer for both the Iowa State and the Oklaboma game. The Sooner rally is being held ia conjunction with the Iowa one because cf Tbanksgirmg va cation. The final rally of the 1959 foot liil season will narade from the union down ?ito street to U street and then to J4ib street and Vine street. The r&Hiers wia end at the Coliseum by 7:29 prn the time doors open far the E-osmet Kioto show. A big Sue and fireworks will greet 'Potry Clark and the team captains bo will be the featured speakers. BaiUI to IueaJ Leading the rally will te fbe Doaversity EOTC band Ctdtowei by the -ictory btH, the ceer lea&ers, Tassels and Cora Cobs Yell Sting Frank Pkc3 bs urged all students to buy pom poms from Tassels to sad the ef fectivness A the eieeiing ec tions for spectartcs'S acraw the field, Pom-ptm will te sold jiiiay afternoais and Satttrdsy morning oantu game tune. Rjjjy ,c,mmirte inwmbers are: Frank PioecK Dee Irwin, Jaa ziomke. Brick Paulsen, Aaron S:amct, iDel ILopf iaxi Gen ttaatmmM vnaa-m wma-uip for the footbal season. Unuler dinBcticta I the raHy ooinmiriiee, pre-saaae aneet ba been btld btlare each borne gtnc and M wveral ouluf-4-owa txaa lesis. E.usker fans jnembei dowiaowo -for Elie one rally Where they beard the coatbes and game captain speak tram the victory btll jAa.tJ.arm, Ctttier rallies iartuftea tcra ing if the UfiisBouri Tiger Homepoirunc, nd Eoraeciumiig raTy at the Cculi:n tower at wbica tinj Pep iDeea iflates were armuuTitwd, Fivewu-irs hare been lined wer3 times this j-ear t itd the 8l.:t tm thty jmrade d&wa stretas. i i V' V it . I i i Vi i n' . at