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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 18, 1950)
4 Monday, September 18, 1950 THE DAILY KEBRASKAN PAGE 3 immnmin ! ii i iHli KlllHl iitill illill lill i ii l i iiSllii' llllil1'''' iisi!iill E3 G G l"J S " WW .HlinHHMHilMMMUi, .Ml. tara - - -fc, I llll III i 1 1 '.MitMUU ... fct ii ..A1.Mtyimn iyn u ; i': i. tt a , w itw i in fur V. .I- : i 111111;; itm n 11 n mm I I rami V I'll w i n n 1 Hsujjiuiiry; Mm Glassford Worried Over Ace FullbacEc; By Kimon Karabatsos "We're tired," That just about Sums up the varsity football squad after their workouts Sat urday afternoon the second since they returned from Curtis. Coach Bill Glassford -was highly concerned over fullback Nick Adduci. Adduci was badly hurt in scrimmage the other day and the charging fullback who doubles as an offensive and de fensive player will be out for Some time. If Adduci is out for any time, it will greatly hurt the Huskers who ere definitely on their way lip. Boy's Town's C a r o d i n e Sparked the offensive freshman Unit that worked against the Varsity defense. Carodine has the "makings of an all-Ameriean if he continues to show improve ment as he has the past week. Another grey hair was added to -Glassford's head Saturday after he viewed his players dur ing their wind-sprints. Breathing Hard . They all complained of not "being able to breathe well. Some observers believed that the dif ference in altitude between Lin coln and Curtis (approximately 1,600 ft.) might be the cause of the Husker's short-windness. While a dark shadow hung over the varsity camp, their were signs of bright days head for the Cornhusker football of tomorrow. The 1950 Prosh crop is loaded 'wiih potential greats as far as the backfield goes. Coach Ike Hanscom's crew 90 -strong "pushed the 'varsity to full steam as they made up for size with fight. Max Kennedy, one of those Watch-charm guards, sparkled on defensive play. The ex-Bcat-lice star consistently came up Wth tackles to stop the varsity offense. II Injured Eleven of the varsity wore not in pads. They were sidelined with injuries suffered either during the Curtis training camp or in 'Friday's scrimmage. Besides Bob Schriener and Ken Schroeder, Ron Clark (rib injury), Don Boll (knee injury), Ted Connor (hip bruise) George Prohaska (ankle injury), Gerry Ferguson (knee injury), George Paynich (back injury), Rcy Hoy (back injury), Rich Novak (leg injury) and Tom Harper (leg injury). Boll, Who was working with the first string, is expected to be back in togs Monday after noon when Glassford will con tinue to scrimmage against the scout team. Friday, Glo.jrd out the var sity to 50 players. Those cut in cluded Keith Colson, Farley Pickering, John Sinclair, Stan Gerlach, Tom Hopkins, Don Carlson, Buck Osborne and Bob Earchus. Barchus Quits Barchus quit football entirely to devote his time to track, "While the others will continue their drills with the scout squad. Working with the first 'offen sive unit were Dick Regier and Frank Simon at ends; Charlie Toogood and Walt Spellman at tackle, Don Strasheim and Art Bauer Ht guards. At the center spot was Joe Mc- Indiana's Next mm, (Cv ; f v i Is. ) When Indiana Unl verity's 1950 football team takes the flold rfgatnst nrini nfrin SS 'Iilii5j5, it ""trl h' W n!"r!h!l?, either Lou D'Achllle (leftT'or Ray Petrauslcas-6r both. Tlwy hare been running neek-and-neck for the starting assignment. Bays Coach Clyde Smith, Booster football headmaster: "ThcyTe both fine prospects and we need both of them." Boll Returns Gill. In the backfield, Glassford had Fran Nagle calling the sig nals, with Clayton Curtis, Bill "Rocky" Mueller., Bobby Reynolds, and Sommers. The defensive unit had Ed Husmann, Dick Goeglein, Roper, Bill Maxe, and Goll. Wayne 'the bear' Handshey, also worked in the line. The defensive "backfield found Don Bloom, Jack Carroll, Joe Ponsiego and Bob Mullen, doing the honors. The frosh offensive unit clicked at times against the de fensive unit, but most of the time they were held to only short gains. Carodine Smooth Carodine made some beautiful runs after he appeared 'to have been trapped behind the line. Seven freshman checked in their equipment. They were Angelo Manzitto, Omaha South; Ed Benak, Omaha South; Rich ard Giles, Table Rock, C. W. Pumphrey, Marianna, Fla.; Don Warren, Emerson, John Lehigh, Wyoming, Penn.; George Moran, Chicago. Glassford still has a long way to go before the Huskers will be ready for the powerful In diana Hoosiers. With the game only two weeks off and 11 play ers on the injury list, the rope is drawing short for Nebraska. Glassford indicated that he will probably work on funda mentals the coming week as well as breathing exercises. Saturday afte-noon the var sity and the frosh mix it up in their annual game. After then, it will be easier to see how much the Huskers have improved over last year. Press Box Views Lv Kimon Ksrabatsos What's going to happen to col lege athletics if they must com pete with professional athletic organizations? The Big Ten lost another football star to professional base ball this year and an outraged university official called for a ban on campus raids. What has come of this banning? "Nothing. William "Moose" Skowron, a 179-pound junior halfback, was supposed to report for fall grid iron drills at Purdue on Septem ber 6 He didn't. He had signed a baseball contract with the New York Yankees for a bonui re ported to be between $25,000 and $30,000. Purdue's Athletic Director Guy "Red" Maekey greated the Yan kees raid with a vehement blast "I'm burned up," he said. "The biff leagues are always helling for the colleges to spend more money on their baseball programs then they raid them for their best athletes." He said that he had protested to baseball Commissioner A B. "Happy" Chandler but had been told there Is- no baseball restriction against signing col lege men. IViUekey quickly complained. "They'd better make a rule. I Quarterback?, ttirt fiiitfniaVi- 1 1ft J-'W iHn iimniii'i'flfY f aKixS' lira At ' Courtesy Lincoln Journal TED CONNOR The ex-Hastings High ace, was held from practice due to a hip injury. Connor was 'one of the first stringers. . ' yv'IV: Four Big Seven Schools Will See Action Saturday BY BOB BANKS "The Call of The Cridiron" will be the theme of the week end Saturday around the Big Seven conference when four con ference schools pull the baby blanket off of their infant foot ball squads. The conference sportlight will focus on the Iowa State-Colorado argument at Boulde r. Whichever team goes home with the victory laurels will automat ically take over the lead in the conference race since this will be the only conference game. "The Golden Buffaloes inaugurated themselves into the conference last year by pasting the Cyclones 13-6 at Ames. In Merwin Hodel, Colorado has what is generally considered as being one of the finest young fullbacks in the nation He is fast, a good plunger, .and sparks the Dallas Ward backfield. The Buffs are also supposed to pos sess a pretty good line. The Cyclones have at their command last year's Big Seven leading passer. Jim Weeks, 'who tossed the pigskin for over a thousand yards in 19y), is ex- don't believe baseball is doing itself any good raiding the cam puses." At present, baseball rules only forbid tampering with high school athletes before their class has graduated. From the Yankee camp, Art hur "Red" Patterson acknow ledged that their club had snatched the 19-year-old Chicago youth, regarded, as one of the best all-around athletes in the Western conference. Patterson said, "The boy is old enough to make up his own mind. What do they expect us to do wait until these boys become Supreme court justices?" The reply, in my opinion was about as stupid and as far from a sensible answer that could have been given. Nebraska was faced with a similar problem last spring, 'ex cept the athlete was a little older and could realize his position. A 19-year-old lad 'does mot know exactly -what he is going to do. Thirty thousand dollars sounds like a lot of money and it is a lot of money. But he is forfeiting his education and perhaps even his future. "What happens to him if he falls to make the grade in pro ball. To where does he turn? The Nebraska athlete waited until he was through with college athletics and then he Bigned his professional contract. It was the right thing for himself and his school. Why should any university spend thousands of dollars, building baseball players when Ht any moment they are subject to be loft "holding the bag." We Proudly OUV TOUR V P- QUICKEST MOST ECONOMICAL mi LAUNDRY SERVICE HOUR SERVICE!! 14 Automatic MACHINES ZERO SOFT WATER 7 1-hs. Washed Dried 60c We Do Most AH the Work at Self Service " "3juuftdhiJL 10?4 Q. 6t. ' OPEN A.M.-7 P.M. I! II dl(gdl Courtesy Lincoln Journal DON BOLL The x-Marine will probably be out for drills Monday night after a few days of rest. Boll injured his knee at Curtis. pected to team up with end Jim Doran to form another top pass ing combination.. Iowa is consid ered as having a ' team lacking depth but capable of knocking off any school in the Big Seven on a given day. Last year Iowa State occupied the cellar berth in the Big Seven while Colorado was one notch above them. One of the tap games in the nation should be the encounter between the Kansas Jayhawks and th Texas Christian Long horns. This ame will pit a Big Seven school -against an institu tion from the highly regarded Southwest conference. Last year the Texans toofethe. lull . meas ure of Julius Sikes' boys 28 to 0. Good Sophomores The Kansans 'have the best sophomore back in the nation according to a recent article in Colliers. Charley Hoag, who came to Lawrence by way of Chicago, is said to 'be giving Jay hawk Alumni visions of another Ray Evans. The experts are giv ing Kansas third billing in the conference race behind Okla homa and Missouri. Texas Christian is listed as a darkhorse in the Southwest and they will be out to make a car bon copy of last year's game. The Kansas State Wildcats will play the second game of the j young season when they take on Washington of St Louis, a Mis souri "Valley school. Kansas State has two men on their team who made the All Big Seven Confer ence sophomore team. Hiram Faubion and Elmer Creviston, back for their second taste of college football, will team up to form a jet-powered backfield which win be operating behind a solid line. Deadline for ei."tries for in tramural touch-footbkll is ' 5 p.m. Tuesday, Sept. aB. AH entries should be made in the Intramural office, Room 102, P. E. Building. Rosters -of "A" and "B" teams are due be fore the first game, IfUMBER FKUKHAL DBP08IT STUDENTS . . m . ; I YOU ARE CORDIALLY 1 . I - INVITED TO ViAKE 'USE OF j 1 f 7 J OUR EVERY BANKING 1 ' 1 ;. E . SERVICE. ; 1 i J 10th & "CStreets Since 1871 j j FOOTBALL COACHING STAFF Left to right front row; Pete J&netos, Bill lassford, Bob Davfll and Neal Mehring; back row; Ralph Fife and Marvin Franklin. MeEger A 6 El I .iwr BY BILL MUNDF-LL (Assistant Sports Editor) Intramural managers of some 40 odd number organizations gathered 'for their first meeting Thursday night to discuss the coming year ,in intramural sports. Charles E. Miller, director of physical education and intra murals on the University 'cam pus, directed the discussion which saw many issues clarified for the coming school year. Also speaking to the group were Miller's assistants, "Hollie Lepley, Ed Higgenbotham, and Buck Barger. Eligibility Discussed Eligibility was first on the evening agenda and the follow ing rules are being followed for this "year's competition: Undergraduates must be carry ing at least 12 hours to be eligi ble; Minimum hours for graduate students will be determined within a few days; Any student lettering in any sport in ANY college is declared All men interested in offi ciating at intramural football games for "pay this fall are asked to meet at 5 v-m. Tues day at room 101 in the Ihysi cal Education building. Coing into the 1950 season, Missouri's football teams have scored at least one touchdown in their last 36 games. The Tigers were last shut out by Southern Methodist, 17-0, on Oct. 26, 1946. CLASSIFIED LOST Brown wort! worsted suit ties In plimtir. cne on north 16th. warrt. 3-41111. two, Re-1 FOR BAI-.K Mercury Convertible. Vtsta Dome Top. All extras. Reasonable. H-1307. IhOl So. 23rd. ATTENTION Organized housen! I have some new, automatic Laur.derall washers wnich retull Inr $300. 1 will Bell these helnw wholesnle at 200 It's a good deal. Cal! Hon Morrow. 6-B10H. i lost Pean ieweled Siema Chi pin curiums last week, liberal reward lor return to Junk Maher. 2-7931. ROOM Unlvesrlty men etudents. Bus one hloek, f44 So. Zti. K-Hh. WIliL tutor German and Math. Call Max Bklarcyzk. 2-301M. 'Visit us at our new loaction. Clothing. 136 So. 13th. Export pipe and lighter repairing. Quick nervlee. Huhwartzman's, 1343 O. TART TIME EMJMYMKNT We have part time employment in our fnod service department for two college men. Must be able to work 11 a.m. to '2 p.m. live dayb a week, rtutien -con--sist of carrying trays of dishes from the tea room Applv employment of fice, seventh floor, Mli.l.KIt 1-AfNK Cllrlf Snip fur-lined fltorm coat. Blze 12. Tl. Coll 3-4347. First-floor, close-in, Front Apartment, Kitchen equipped. Refrigerator Rest ing -couch. Blankets, comforts. up i lied. Private phone. Also economy aptirtment. sleeps 3. Roommate wanted, tltllltles paid. CM No, 16. Reward -For return of brown wallet W. C. Becker. 2-6306 to INHCRAMOE COHPOHATHrN 1 HI10IIE160S ineligible for that sport in which he lettered; Varsity and freshmen squad men will be declared .eligible or ineligible as the .coaches for the respective sports see fit; (General (eligibility rules 'carried over from previous years will be posted on the intramural bulletin-board in the P, E. Building; It will be declared an auto matic forfeit if an ineligible man participates. This will be the re sult when the act is brought to the attention 'Of the 1-M Dep't. by ither students 'Or the I-M staff. More physical protection will be furnished the students by the I-M Dep't. Physical outfit per sons as .determined by physicals will not be allowed to participate in certain sports. C-uards for glasses will be required for all those wearing glasses in compe tition this year. If the student does not have his own, the De partment's new guards will be available for use. Seven-Man Football Seven-man football will be played by everyone this year in a .change from last year's both seven and nine-man. Three divi sions will again be set up: fra 'wnity, interdenominational, and independent. Within these divi sions, as many leagues as is necessary will be formed to fa cilitate play. The method ot forming the leagues within the fraternity di vision was discussed and the fol lowing plan was resolved: The leagues will be determined y enrollment as it is found in the On 0 Mir ' Eurt oxford liutton-fThwn collar with the noft tmfl ,(the cfillcge man's Btajile diet). A 'Manuattim, of course. EtaSSSSja .fin,, -white hroaduluth vith the depMtd iilur. Made "Manhattan,'' vhich mt:un pwfeot fu. The Manhattan Shirt Cmnpanv, j d EmIss registrar's office. The fraternities will be listed according to -si and separated into the respertiv leagues. If all 28 organi7tion enter touch-football, there will be four leagues of seven tetun each. 16 -Team Tourney After league play, the top four teams of each league will meet in 16-team single -elimination tournament, the winner being de clared fraternity champion. The Interdenominational -and Independent -divisions will be handled in a similar manner. After the three divisional champions have been crowned, there will be a three-team play off for the All-University Cham pionship. There will also be a "B" league for fraternities wishing to enter a second football team this yeHr. Men playing on an (organization's "B" team may be moved oip to the "A" team any time during the season but no man may be moved down from the A" team to the 4iB" team. Also discussed was the possi bility of an independent team winning an All-University event, that is, an event in which the three .divisions are not set up. U-N Stationery 10c Packages Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14ih Street urrn 0.pu mtdt'mthattanK shir, tim. ... -fx