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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 19, 1950)
Onfy iaify pvhUceth for students ef iJie Vnhtnrtj ef jVebciia THE WEATHER Partly cloudy witk little rhange in temperature j' " uiru Vol. 51 No.4 Marines ontiiiue Han Push Planes Use Kinipo Airfield In their drive towards Seoul, U. S. marines Monday plunged to the Han river just across from the r-flttr asvfl wiwn. ninrtiiiiiira' ffw dretfsafflaE" under rvw at firhtw planes. Captained Kimpo airport was issused for the first time. United Press correspondent Earnest Hcberech reported in a dispatch dated 12:3 a.m, that the marines had reached the Han west otf Seoul after a day of coat- While the marines mow sighted ! mend. Seoul from t'wo directions, the i Second soprano: Virginia Tsiy 13, S. Seventh division now lor, Jan Schweswr, Virginia nearly half South Korea m Nordstroia. Susanne Koehler, landed at battered Inchon and j; Doris; Boneoroght, Beverly Shu imareibed at once toward the Seoul mam, Robert Lewis. Anne Jane front to reinforce the advancing jl Hall, Elinor Hanson, Nancy imarines. I! Widener, JameMe Mohr, Jo Ann As fihe imarime U mnn their ". Smith. Kathleen Burt, Margaret, attacks, the gveraiaiaent here MtM'' K'wafs" At6n "e5fr- f Sumdeen, Lewis. St-, Ned Con Monday unwrapped its long J J?"?. WtSl,!M" Grant and Patpg Euge Kuyper, Jack Wells, awaited ""anastesr blueprint for building up the nation's civil defenses against a sneak atomic attack. Kbssuh Pawrr In the 149-page documesiit was warning that Russia has "the power to attack mar cities im force and "that amy atomic blitz would be partacaljy swccessfuL A federal civil defense adamanis tratwsm, state and toeal organi zateoaas, and "nmiffioims off civilian roluxiteesrs to act as block war demrs, rescue ssjnaad mnembers, anaxaliary forces, fire gnaard and saaosre patjroBejrs was - called four to cciuratesract the efforts of snath, a totow. At the same tame She United Snaties smggested plants for mass ctefessse; tbousMBHs off coimaaiiuiiiiisS fcnotwps wsnt reportei to be mass- ing ailcnag the Chiiaeseliiado-Cniina banter Monday arad two FWsadh garriscims gmrdiEg iisvasaan rewtes have been attttackeni. Somse inilbtaffy obsearerE said tbe at tacks might be the start of a general iroi offfc iive. The Frendh fcsw a $izab5e army im lia-Chaiaa which is fighting; ifibe native Vaetoininh eoHiffliMinaiistt ttaoes. Sonrae s5nD Istaon lhas ' been iEwuimSang that lioido-Cnina might be the next ipiLfeoe the tmrrmmsmSs woaJii at tack in their anennf to eeesaiwar Asia. HairoM E. Siasseni San New Yosrk sjiiiS M csodiT it mwalld be at teas Ham Asrs. befoire he wooaBd dasclcwe Baas oamnertaoa wuth An aina punrtaciat nataonmal rawoe'" which S pnemciBslty smuS caoosetd Sunn to cancel a Qakaigu ssreedh last Fra 3ay. The pnesiaent off the University ff Pemisylh'axiia andl ffnnnaer PDwirMi(r off IffiiBMsicfla told me pinnfiBrs 8se is "toc4 preyiaiwd or at 3tftsrty as yef to make am an BnianceffineniL In 55txraika Lenntani Mitmlty. LiiEkcwto Xpnn, was wmtiencfiifl to 15 years in the state pmrten ery M.ranaay aT3w aSxrapffly esswiiaag Bait sdhediuJeifl KDiaffifier ttrial tbt12b a files ctf guilty to a cto.uT tlhat h stood a anan tot ftnrati with lais wtbalte wife. Gtves Sewtewe 3ST.(9 esmtil&na was sbcrwrn Mc as lb Bteard tflae seialfiac pno Dmamd by Jsodge K. A. Stofbdaa 9&sl It eaome sh,nrt2y after tQae saflfleaa switcm im Mo41et"s pHea. Tfce Biritib gpwenmiieBt an taouaacieifl M.anflay 42iat it wall teBjpoiritriCry Baa3t 82 export off anadbiiaae ttaoiUs tiul in war pmo- Ihcsr sa1s!llliSieE. A FBI mveipiitkni was fcepun Momday to (deiieaTBMDe wtoefflwer sabotage caiKsed an exsf4rKiaoD w3aidh damaged a "Voice tf jyjaerica'' owsreea radio trams KDttfflr at BeSh'saay. C Deetiwrs Tewer ;j In auxnaQQciixtg tdbe tocfimiry, ttlbe ; rtate aSepartment said the ex-;! fAosioim oarly Simfiay dettooiyd a Ii65-itoot ttewer off a transmitter : ilhieaa Saeami Afflaericaii offficiaH ! turandcitfcts to Europe and Lattdn Ametrtkca. IDiA-id Crawffrard said at ttbt openiaKg ocuawocaittaon that "ttbe tlljinealt of EttKRia oommttnasnii its taae amtfit (difffiirauiht tihas owututry h.m esw HaoedL II watt tfihe cipeiaiaag aff Itbe 7:Pt!a year Sor Doaaae osulppe. ?51 Cornliusker Picture Date Set Dirik Kiuifta, edjiiar ti ffibe CooiaaaiaiaEar, asranewmped that K9ae fikSaanee ISct the yeartwawk wQ foe ttakeao jAaaitiaag Mcmday., Sept. 25.. W;aroer MfiEm Stadia, 714 Fe&Hrxa ' Sewtoniitie Builds r, wall lis tfhe iptartofTitiplijaag. Alii pic tismet aore ejqpeslteid t.9 toe txfcm tow Ojriisltmiw flp-acatiom. TJae iLtnafffflated jstafiamte sibmuikS to ttie CwiahnzMfciar tfffic Mod- t 2 and S pjm. to sdgia tap Uv a cicmwsnieDt -tone tto texwe their fitui talrm. The office w ina ' the IbaMttMsnt it tft Union.. Bcjys aje rogcatred to wear tie and ualt coal. A white bloune r a .rwwater woE be nuitable mtHre ar gJLrtt. The offYaniizied foousei d 1t2ae campus wiQ toe motified at a later date at to the lime to fci.'e their 111 in Chorus Singers Named 2?y Westbrook . University Singers for 1950-51 will have 111 members. Dr. Arthur Westbrok, director, an nounced Monday. The Singers will present their annual Christmas Carol concert, several sprang concerts, an easier cantata and take part in the singing t the -Messiah' at i Christmas. Meanabership of the group: First soprano: Peggy Bayer, Kathleen Agnew, Sue Easter-1! Hubert Payne, Jack Chedester, gard, Mary Phillip, Betty Jane 'j Dean Killion, Robert MartelL Breck, Jean Bauer, Nancy Nor- jj Harry Giesselman. Helmut Sienk man, Anita SpradJey, Judyj necht, Kenneth Schmidt, Robert Sehneit, Margaret Thomas, Har- i Zainger, and Paul Davis, riet Swansom. Dorothy Smiley, ! nm4 t. ii Carol Kent and Bonnie First Al tirsi asuo- wiaouyji oinosse, Tt,?" ard. Irene Roberts, Patncua Ol- fSl: -onnsiicK. uarjooe luwuey, jtratrama Saum Maesbach, Lois Beasamg. Featme of Frosh Hop The Innocents Society and the Union will sponsor the aminaial n Frosm bop to bt held in the Union ballroom on Sept. 23 at 9 pm. !i FresSimaen stmMents wiJil nave trae jj oppicsrttiunriBitty to meet fellow ffresm- University actavitties. Frank Jacobis, Innocent in charge states that in a3diiicom to j Tfce evening's ptogram ftrocludes dancing to the miairsic of Aamon ;, a skit, gmcmp singing and refiresh Scnmcdt and his rchestira. stu- a nraemts - dents' may visit the activities jj Or Coed Counselor from each carnival in Union pairlors A. B cff ttoe 14 alffuliatiiiaras will paurtaci and C Thirty caanpmts rargani2a- jj panto in a skit ooncarniing Me on ttsMBs will depicit ttloeir rt in s ia? cMirapiuB. Tish Swanaon and vainioiiiis boffltihs. i! Namnci BeJBnrol are in charge t A shidot satrirwrall sMt about the jj tjje sJcats. ffmncltims Off thise oirganiMtiittas jj The party, which taati been willl be pinesenitodl dtaining initter- i! sicJhedimled ior Thursdw. SepiiL naassaon. Spectators wiHl also aneet ii tflae jantsakfleniits t these gmcwigas. Activity Grep !; TJae gnorajps to be mepffesesaiteiS are: Associated Women Sta.deirjts, Stodeaat Ccmniic-aTL Ag execmrtsve Boamd. PanhelOeitc Cooancill, laa tertfiraternitty Ccnancill, Union bevard, Barb Artaviifies Bjsard ftiwr W.pnnen, Mtoaitar Boamd. Inntweaiits. FaannDHrs Fair toward, XDCWA. Ccmhiasker, Dtaaly IJilesbrasStan, A3S University FuundL. Com Colbs, Tassels, Koisanet Khab. Nebraska Mascjoers, lied Cbtousl Coed Ccnaia selkes, Hioitne Eoraaewriacs cQoalb. In idepmteatt SftuMJaratts asscwiaticin, W.tmen''s Athldetftc asscciiailaiCBa, YMCA and YWCA. T)e mottoan wail be deosrated witSa the encsl and eanbiteans off the organnzatfcKsns megwesientod. Tidtets aze 60 cents and maary be ototaiiDeifi tfmMna any anamtoer off Com Cctos begiaaniing today. A bopiQa wiQl tw ojeaa an the Union tor toAet sales. Get Atcwwuetfoi Stoflents nmay ocsrne edthiar with or WBilawsiuit (mattes, ilbe (fitanoe offfferK a ipciad oiOTinrtemirtr to iret anoaaainted with miimw off tihwiir ffeiOciw stnadeiDits. ! ConaaaaairKeieF ff.or the dance aire; FtaKLkity, ffi.od Eigis and Brow Kenne-.y; tbydkett, Ted EanWiph, Qoagh Foffiiaer and JT.adkae Becker; artavalaes carnaVal and jeiwra ttjccav, Sara Dfwe and Boh KuDgertq enterlaaninoenit, Frank Beanie Sales Remain Open To Freshmen I If BtaM aat ftoo late to ttmuy ttlboBe tresflamam beanie. SalCT bp the fatMKieaat So cieSF are oariliBaiiiia'i'C an She wff kw off W. C Harper. Boom '5il. Aidczmnixstoaftiom ftnaaldini;. ILrada wid.iaafl Ccd Osaamsifclars aae also neffiaos the red toeanieB with ffibe wtihte 4 oaa tdbe firotatL AinBordiog to Boto Mother, f.ta aaot!nt am eh,ars off salen. atoexoi 800 Sis5w toewm wold by that w famizatacBsi. "The ttrAdiJaaia enw to fee .ftaamang BDaida oapers1EicD' be saM. Geme Berg is assa-Ptans to She iranoiceaat sates. Peg Mmlrw.aney as Ita c3aar$e off Che Coed Gwuxwtiar Wfotm touj-iiat a beanie, a ffncti'iBiUiis ohtiar. lnoan a Coed CcMflinaieloir or Deaaa Harpar off face a caand witiffyaaikg he b-as paid cent. Thi caarifl wxast be pnewnBted at Ben Samona". wtoere the sstudemt URiiHl tt the toeanae. Wjthout a oamd a .vtti'jkdesat caxuooit 14 the beanie at the fSt(re. Tbe eapt, by tradition, acre to fee wanna writoH the ffirKt smow m eampMfi, or timta! freArnen aire tri&armttt am fihe aiaxiittal lLrei2a-man-qpJhonacare taig - off - war, wtoda wal be toeid Aiarang KJbe BaaKtime at the lMH!eHm3iiie f:aaoeu JJot. 4. Iff the ooeitest is last, SnofSa wU conatinoae wtaafrnt, the beanies. Kathryn Baker and Bonnie Bries, Second alto: Dorothy Williams, Jo Ann Hansen, Nancy Button, Betty Lou Barnes, Virginia Cum mimgs, Gloria Sandels, Joan Law, Florentine Crawford, Phoebe Dempster, Janet Glock, Virginia Magdam, Jean Hovt, Jessie Mur ray and Kathryn Newshouse. first tenor: Leland Finecy, Ray Schaumbersr. Don Carlyon. n Donovan CrandalL Joel WadditL Second tenor: Aaron Schmidt, John Moran, Don Jeffries, Har old Slagle. Jfofan Schaummberg, Robert Logan, Rodson Risxrs, Rbert Wallace. Stanley Meyer, Dennis Ko Young, Con Bashop. Baritone: Renner, Jack Anderson, Eugene I Bob RosenHjtuist, Milton Gro- i' bevk, Tom McVay, Lewis For- , twj Tntov.u i,n u.. """ W' b-. r,,, Caimobem. Titm : Korinek, Wjffiam Wurtz, Kiel iiiwKB,ri nn icv,iiihc i.m srih-arto- Dean Dellinger, Rich- :l ard Bush, Vaughn Jaenik. Mil jj found Myhre, Charles Hunley, Carl Halker, Jin Thorin. Bill James. John Hardy. Robert (i Brown. Duane Ainlay, Ben Leom- amriL, RichariS Manns, Jim Fafeitta and EUtn Monasiinith. 'Sister' Frosh Party Toui3I.1t jj The Coed Counsels freshman party will be held in the Union t BaiiUiroom tonnghL The party J starts at 1:3 pm and will be the i and tiroe "-Lattltle Sisters"" in mass. !! Ateoast 4.M ririls are expected. jl was poisttpioiiraed bec-anjise off the u5s iwu oonxuon. m?- - , -- - r , Af tf, ..i.,! woojiwuae ana Jtsem junua - v- - , ... . ... : uon isrewer, inomas i waturai we wvre aiii surprisea .. - v" iiwk ireiSeicrt!iraltBi(iin an the tallbnooaim. jeanoexoxk. aaas eaa, wmsra. iusjc T8a event had toraneoily been beM ;; pwataoin off cme of the thaw in Elfen Srnattn toalL This is the !: managing editors. seu:!)nd coiaseriiattiive yeair the j' Mass FaaltiDBa tnarned in her pvartty has baeaa ana the Unworn. mesiignai&DBU bocaiiase off toeing For the past two weeiks the ij ewirpcwnteid in the AWS ac "Big Sustere" ha'e been oomatact- ii ttovity paant system. The point ing thciar "litttJe Sisters'" to help i systteim speafys that no Uaiuiver ttoean registiar. They sold fresh- sity wioanan may carry irnrwe anan 'aniites:'" and the "'X" I than SO) points at any ttikroe duar-bofcS- The Ccwd Cpnansteilfflrs have 'i ing t2ae school year.. toeem fc&vang ocilte dates with the new girfls and haiw akpqanauiimired tfibema waiUh Che craianpaas and 83ae city oi Liiiacipte.. Freshiiian Drama Group to Meet AIQ ffresnanan mem and wmmb intTCS3d an the detauflls off fee lErestarnstn artang giauip are an - vated to attend a fflaee-ttang Ttotuirs- clay, iseipm.. zs. at i jpx. am, on irooan 31 Temple Tniis gsnwuip was originated last year by Dallas Walfamaa, Etoreicor i off the Unawrsatw Theater. Fiff- feem or 20 raeanbere aire dbsaen year ffw the gwojnp aword- ang to ability and intemestL They wall csrodiflvne a .neries off one act plays sind cane toa.C tnnoidiuKltioBa daar- iiaig the OBirnanig TOar. ! i I : !! Pepsters Mass Potsy Clark, HPwifcsr" Oart, Unawrsatty atffla letac damettiiar. wiiM sj!eak to irireA nuan pespsitors at ffhe mass aaaeet inig Wednesday at? p. am, in the Uanaiora balEtrocHiEi. An etirnated 3.EI8 pepKier. im oikkdinf 134 boys and IM gmtt are expected to attend tfhe tinst nwettiaag off the 155(1) pegs g&mupi. A a pant off ICfae piroigrsuaa, Yeol Scyuiad anesnabeirs wiiJIl .fitoaaoBaKtrat .diffieaeaat yeiQ. Frank Panoolm., YeH Kinc aKbcted by his all aanaDe snad. wuTlll be ian flwge. Erme ED Cares Pejwteirs aUea&smg iflae kbkwb aire netaiBfisteid to bring fhsar ID card, S5 im their ffwitibxalUl tkSret auavd a card ffmown Chedr orcaaaiiza ttiam whidb aiuthkcraziec thexn as an official- irepaieBenlUtBW off that fjnouajti. These Steins ame neoes sary in onder to iretwrw ff.soi&alll tidkets an the pep SKtiema on the Sr'aund line. IDskSs Kaasfca. -siiice paiKfiideaat off Com Cckfc, .said tihait ffjrestjmaia aaaeanlbers sauaiHt attend this naeet ang an miter to get ttkSreftsi. to ctarge -off ffiae fftieffcianan icteeamg wctiMta ane K-uiita and Janet Carr, irepiresesBlalirw of TaBe3s. AJternsle aneanbers off the Cronrp are aluo mwited eeaa iff ttbey fttave alieiikdy paareaaased fftoeir tadkeffx. MJmbers off the YeJl Stjnsaid axe; BricSs Paaalfien, Liarry Ander ncna. Ira EpFteiaa, Leonard Kehl. Jerry Tubs, Goorfe Hanoot and Oicfe Wakesnaaa. Tbe ftrwdaman pep grown, mm II LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA 43 rd Guard Baud Gets Active Call Includes Fifteen University Men Fifteen University students re ceived their call to active duty when the 43rd Army band of the Nebraska National Guard was activated Saturday night. The Lincoln unit will report to Camp Carson., Colo., about Oct. 15. Although a member of the Nebraska National Guard, it is not an element of the S-tsh I Infantrv division of which the AcorasKa guaro is . ire dson has its own band. News of activation came as a surprise to band members who had supposed That they would be one ot the last umts to be called. ,; n,w. when the word came through that we had been activated. We are disappointed that we mill not be able to femish our college right now. However, if our government i mt.' wbc c ! The University students called r.j nn r, icwil, S FaircMld, Roland GoW Bob Harrison. Dam Johns. Erie Kemdle, Roger PMpps, Dack Reid, Bob Sandstedt, Art Sctomeer, Don Stack, Al States, and James Wroth. The band leader. W, O William Spliehal. is a graduate student at the University. Word received from Washing- ton indicated that all tusmi menu- bers must report to Camp Carson tor physicals. The announcensemt said that no deferments would be grantecL Orae off the memnibeirs, James Wroth, is a senior in the ArtiMerv unit of the Nebraska R..O.T.C. CoL H. R. Turner of the Ne braska National Guard podnted out seeral other nom-divisMimial units off the guard fcnoim sinnnouirDd- !j """S. stales had beea !! artiw duty. caltedl to T t - p ' fkf I'tliTkfli r -P-f A vT.l II UvJUlV let LI. Position Open; Fulton Resigns The resagnatactsoa off Saurah Fan- " managing edatitw off the Naurme off t3ae stiukdent who wiM ; CiM .. ttoe vacancy wiiM be an il noianoftd meact week after a mwet " iing off the Cciamanitftee on Staa 'i dent PaatolacairjioiiriS. Ediiteir Dick n i .... .... ... - 1t. mm. fcrijM,w AM TTrA . ..... - t i ii Kiuiska indicated Miooaday. The ij JMLastei'" dgnee at Michi.gati Una II new mana-ging edilor wail be an- j; versity and Duscfttw's at ComelL I; poiaattad ffrowra memtoesrs off je jj Dr. Josephine BmhIs is claair li imreaentt staff mooim ireecsiunaemida- ,; man off ah diwisiiBm off ffoads and taoaa off the Cfsraahimsker staff! , 4iff Mjiara ;; aaargse off tfiraternit, ss- a -. -itw Mik xy h.oU9es Bearaatty Qiiaawus and an- iiTt iBrWltiran. Mm Faaliaw was PP- iijtesat Fwtfessw in housing the positaw f : managsnig oter bMltsieMldi inp-memtt replac last sffxrairss bjr the Coffnimattee aa ;; vacaisor os. Dorc-thea SJaadeaat PaaHaica.tiitairiis. ' Ptan. ;j Other actawattief off Mist Faii3tfnm j. inclaftde head solicatair of AUF ! and Tassea. She as a aneauber off Kapj; aiapja Oaaaasna. Meeting Set Yell Squad on - s . Air.-. llu1"' IV -V Vr-J V. , iV1-.j4 Tbe ached COKKBtSCEE SMXIT Tbe bag red p?srtirayed by the F3a2asnien pepwtea at eadlB fksisifHsall gajaae. Tbe bays fa red sweatent ffiamiB tbe "ST ar2 tSoe girls im white, ae fcW'ksmar!L TI.e 340 tre&bitnen iwcieaatt Ssxm tine caird sectkna a!d sit on Cbe US yanig line. an its ssmd year iff aclikiiira. ffonnns a large red "NT" as the srtuadsn siSe off ttive staditttrm. Boys will wear red sweaters with white txsegsf&smx eaaaliJeimas, ami tbe girJs, white sweaters with red atiipi!ines. AH sjma.d members maast wear red ffresn- man beaaaaes. Comshucks Calls For Workers Comshucks needs business staff workers. All students interested in working on the business staff should meet at the Comshucks office in the Union basement at i 4 p.m. Wednesday. Business manager A I Tully i will be on hand to assign duties and explain the situation to pro- speetive workers. NU Theater Opens Tryouts Dean Graunke, director of the first University theater produc tion announced that trvouts for "Antigone will begin Wednes- day. Tryouts will be held from r.sday. and continue Thursday - u 9 pm Xfcer be jr. Room 21, Temple building. j, The story is based on the " Greek myth of Antigone, a Greek , maiden, and her father, Edipus. Aniim twr.mP-: mrtrr The adaptation used was first displayed in Paris in 1945 and 1SS, during the German occupa- tion. A few revisions had to be made at that time because off the marked likeness off the dictator- ship oif Creon to that of Hitler. The modem is used with formal attire during the performance which lasts one hour and 4 minutes. n j - 1 1 UllIOIl ISSlieS L.all xvii 1q lllmr F rOSU , One of the busiest places on i "he Cornhiusker camptis is the Union activity office. The union i1 is again issuing a call to all ffresh- : men. w orkere for the many ! phases off activities are meetfetl : Tiupise frosh possessing speciial talents are very welcome. The jobs are varied and there are places for nearly everyone will- ZZ"C "' muni c'ji milujiu mu nnipmiu: jjj'uaiuiji dances and coftvocattions to typ ; ing Betters. As one worker in the' activity "a stated. ""Helping in wniom . ctavities has many advantages- student can do mwch to make th'i. union a better place, and yet iTuave a gojod time and meet new friends at the same time."" ----- , - - . - . : 3IK l'Ti,-tn SchIaphof f New Chairman Of Home Ec Dr. Dwetnta ScMaphoff as the new chajraman ol the department off hiOOToe eiconotnics. Miss Srhlaip- ; boff served this past yeaur as the ;: chaiirmana of the ffi0dls and moa- tratoon department. She ifejf 'IUnces liHaiirgiret ' Fodide w!hw) as now aaa Waesbaden, Genmamy. eanpOoyed by the Hi CiwrmnsiifsscMi off Germamy. IMass FerfWe as working on a d'ekip anent ad edaacaitaomal program :: for raarall wHoanem asad ga'rls. ESr. Sc-Maphoffff is a graduate off the Uojiaversaty. She got her '! nuttriitiipn- Miiss Ann Reiaz and :j Mrs. Heteaa Coailley Saalek aire new " instnukrt.Prs im the foods depart- i: mentt ffilMmg the teanctoimg tm- Ij MAckHe and Jl lr Bawkx. ' Mass Fern Pentz Browaa is j feaehiuag ana idoting reseasnch work !j aaa the dwisaoja off xH-ttd deveitsro- ii assent and 1 aaaaly lifle. L Wednesday: Program turn,-" (j )iiii' In ctoainge off the pepsters wall be Cwm Cobs and Tassels mem bers. ApsrswdmaJe ten wiB be in each srwup. JkAus CwaneCy and Joel Bai3y headed the grwip daaring its initial yeaur. Eeffreshraerols wil be served at tbe aneeiting Wednesday. After Monday, Sept. 25. the ax will fall on parking violators. According to Sgt. John Furrow of the campus police, regulation parking violation tickets w ill be given to students and faculty members who park their cars after that date -without parking stickers in restricted areas. !i Deadline for obtaining the I parking permits is Tuesday at 5 p.m. They can be obtained from the Student Council booth in the , Union. Decals identifying permit hold- T"1 1 I rkCTYIfkt1 rV Illli , m SninL pr Trfclllf wJUlvllVvl X i, Ti"edav ewninc i the date for Kot Kllb smoker, . . , , . t . t DesJgned to acquaint prospect the meeting 30 pjna. Room according to Jaeors, ice president. Active iembers will met at f T P-nx, "loom 316 of the Union. i: AH workers mast be first ; semester sophomores and have : maintained a 4.5 average during r their first vear of work. Two men from each organized house, as well as any independent stu dent who so desires, may attend the meeting. The men's dramatic society an nually sponsors fall and spring show revues. The fait show in cludes a number of skits by var ious organizer! men's groups on the campus. The spring revue is an original play with an all male cast. Workers sell advertising, do stage work and sell tickets for these revues, as well as other Kosmet Klub sponsored events. "Workers will be judged on the cjuaotity and quality of their work: the top men will be selec tor membership, said f J3is. m-ho is in charge ot workers. Tbe Kosxuet Klsb smoker for pr!pective workers be held tnit bt at :3t pja. in stead t Wedeesdar evening as previessly rrpertei in Tfce Daily Xebraskan. Department Student Council Plans Meeting On Sept 27 ,1 Tne Student Cwuiacil wiH hold i its first ineeting ff the year Wed- nediy, Sept. T2. AoctandiiEg to EciJ Baiuwa. presidetstL tJae Coun- col wail be unaUe to isaeet nmraftiS ' thai diite to tjbe i.sct that six ; campiuf orj.iicizatioraf have not ' yet eaW-tod fhejr Stiuifileirjt CoaamciE j representative. j Oirg.iiniiziitMwni stall lUc-kang rep- j . . . . , . rw ' refT.ia.aia3vef are liAjsm, uc ii gineerang Exec board. later Fra- teraatty Count-all. YWCA and the Law association. Tbe ffoEldmltog oSjficer wall be elected at the ffarst Coaancal Eeet ing: treasurer, secretary and cor respondirjg seiwetairy. Present of ficers inclasde, bessdes Katum; vk presjident, Rso Parker and Judi ciary dbaarman. Gene Barg. Hoid over maenaberi ff the Cmsmsl. in aAdilicin to the S'fsaers are Bmice Kennedy. Betty Gireeas aawl Shir ley AHen. . aale ff work ffcr the caBs f9r cwaapJe- ii for the staikdent nan- i gratikONni- eBectaoai of additional II CoKianrf offffbeerf and dasvusaaon of plsMs for the election ff class ot- j filters. ' The six holdover iraembers of the Cwuncal will coctinte to meet i wath the faculty susb-cotr'tjee n gener.4J orgajitotaon l.w dis casssFJon f the Student Conines! comtaSijtiffliB. The new constiJui tkm. OOTMplelted last year is stall under dasmssMssa by the faculty SMb-eananaittee. Eevisaosss and aASixms wall be recoaaassseoded by this faculty group. ' if SSfe.' ' !: j i 1 I I V ft. HI- "' -3' 1 i ii i llir-miMiiiin lnftTiirr,rJ-"yl-'J1lT hh-rr-m - rrni wHwima Dr. DrHta SchUptaeTf . . . jj Tuesday, September 19, 1SS0 ers are being affixed to ears at a station set up in the parking lot north of the Social Science building. The station win remain open until S pm. Wednesday afternoon. T Folic Cmpw Furrow and his staff will be gin regular policing of the cam pus parking stalls Monday. Stu dents receiving tickets must pre sent them at the campus polio office in the West Stadium within ten days after issuance. The first two tickets, according to Sergeant Furorw, will be dis missed, however, as courtesy tickets. They will be filed against the student and his car registra tion at the campus police office. Third time violators will auto matically have their names sub mitted to Dean V. J. Thompson, if a student, and Dean Carl Borgmann, if a faculty member. The administration will then haw charge of prosecution. "Students who do not submit their traffic tickets to the police within ten days after issuance will also be turned over to the administration, says Furrow. T trace Cars Unmarked or locked cars vio lating the parking rules wd be traced through the state office in the State Capitol building and through the Lancaster and Lin coln city files. All Nebraska reg istered cars can be found in this way. Though the plans for prosecu tion are not clear-cut, the gen eral procedure for punishment is through the Lincoln Municipal court. Furrow emphasized that last year's stickers are no good for the current year, and that the new stackers are the only ones authorized for campus parking. Permits will not be necessary on Ag campus and students liv ing within eight blocks of the caimpMs are not eligible to re ceive the persnits. Residence Cnanges "If a person changes bis resi dence during the school year and is eligatoSe for a permit, he shoakl see the Student Council to obtain a sticker. Sergeant Furrow explains that parking m city campus parking staBs and lots is restricted cnty between the hours of 7:33 a. m, and 3:30 pjra. "After 3:30, the campus is pen for parking to everybody, though red-line park ing is still prohibited. be says. Parkiiiis: facilities have been in creased this fall by 75 staBs. In addition, as s.wj as operations pertnit. a new lot wiH be opened at Utth and Vine streets. The groaand must be cleared and graded before tr e lot is available to faculty and students. YWCA Tells Membership Drive Plans The YWCA win begin its an nual membership drive Wednes day. Emphasis wall be placed on Mainiing iniennibers who wall par fcapate in all phases" off the Ys activities. Solicitors will contact girls l?v img in organized fcoassesv. Tos living off the campus w2 be con tacted a Is. First event off the year wiH be a rendervosuts Monday, Sept. 25 from 350 to 539 p. in. al EZlen Smith halL Any girl who is not a freshman is urged to attend the meeting. Freshmen girls must want six weeks before they can take part in any campus activity. Mi ny Benefits Some of the benefits off the or- ganizatsiooi listed fcy Raata Shiisn, YW direcltor are: imakisg zsew fraends, excharaging ideas wita other itodesits, training lor leadership. m'crkJag on a specific project, learning of fctercoUe giite conferences anl rummer jj , jscjBt natunal and worU J enwiTe3SeisL 11 3ng members off tie Y insist 1 partiidpate im at least or. cmor i a1tsvsty. Sosrae of the commission I grwjj pen to girls cm tbe city campus are: knitting and diarua i sdouii. belaefs an trial, cosnparafcv j rt3.g3cr.. iterciLiltwaL persoaal I va3iues on campm, social service ' twjirs, freshmen coininissrioes, wor ship workshvop. current affairs. ,j o', xmd tensor cmmisxki. Conarittees on which girls may serve are: publicity, social, f ffice staff, rnanbershjp and con ference co-op. MemibetiMa Traiiien iCeenhenhJp in the local YW offers particapaSion in the World Stadent Oaristian Federatioei, a world-wade organization. The YW is represented im 735 com imanitaes and on C17 canpuses in the United States. Members may also participate iaa the summer inffercoCegiat prcigrani of the TT. Last year, K girls were able to obtain paid government j'jb for the sumner as a result of their messbenrhip. Tbe tneniibership fee is (L4 per year, or SI a seroesSer. Cera Sbrks neeis mm Art Tke kintr nmrxtc present art bead nas lani re cefvei Us rreettngs aad wlU mm be sraiy trfwrtd. At me rnteresled la tbe pmiAm ptease see Editor Fraak la ta the Cra S'kscks f fW far cleuQs. f" "j ft II Oil