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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 2, 1950)
Tuesday, May 2, 1950 PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN iust V- r H Ml - . 3 . I Membat Intercollegiate Press WIU'I'VJIMVKNTII VKAIt Th Dll Nebrailtao i pubiunea um atudenta of tht Unlvmity of Nt hukTu xpreuion of tudenti1 nw ia opinion! only. According to Artlclt 1 SlS ft UW ovram .tudnt publication and. admlmitered 1 By tha Board ff.taJSt'Sw &"lfttT5 & Un.vr..t, burm.ib.r. of ttMttll I Til. Dally N.braakan ar. Daraonally reaponaibl. for what they aay ' MbrtM wteT an$2d6o p.. I2.BO per aemerter mailed, or J3.00 ro, u MUiS! "ear. ?4 00 mailed. Singl cop, Sc. Publl.hed dally durlns the LI yaw eWt Mondaya and Saturday vacatlone and .examination th. University of Nebra.ka under th. eupervl.lon of the Publication. Board. En Ured a. IBeSnd Claaa Matter at the Poet Offlc. In Lincoln, Nebraska, under Act iT .iTMarch 3. 1879. and at .pedal rat. of poMage Provided for Id Bee tloa 1103. Act of October t. 1817, authonwd Hept.moer iv. .. . Editor "V uZ. mnT Norma Chubbuck, Poocnie Keaiger, New. Editor. jew Warren, Kent Axtell, Joan Krueger Klroon Karabatao. ffl;::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: t?JSfi uvwt akuvai ) ---- - - BDSINEflS r.u. x,:r "j:..:: " ' aiui. avwb aoiiur Tine's A-Wastin . . . We hate to keep harp, dragged-out exam issue, but minor matter . . . NOTHING A fw instmintors have in the hope of relieving the situation, some of them putting the matter up to a student has been taken, and Heaven solution. Furthermore, the calendar calls for speedy action. No more dilly dallying if we're going to find an answer before final week is upon us. The time is growing short, just too short for comfort. Finals are looming aneaa, ana we im only a matter of weeks in which to take care of this per plexing problem which turns up at the end of each and every semester. The Student Council has tution and conseauentlv. the the short end. We realize that no small amount of labor in the daily lives of Council members. But George and his friends whipped one up in a scant three and a half months, and the United States has managed to get along with it for 162 plus years. Seriously, we don't think the Student Council can just drop every thing in favor of this one project. The interim Council's assignment was not only to draw up its own new blue prints, but to meet all the problems which arise before a. student governing body during the year, inere are many issues demanding the Council s attention, and one 01 the most pressing of these is the exam stealing problem. If something isn't done, we can expect to see all our little burglars sally forth on their quest of knowledge, knowledge of a rather questionable character, when exam week rolls around. Stealing finals ... it isn't right and it isn't fair and it isn't upio par with the mental level expected of a Univer sity student. But if the students can't control their own actions, we must remove those factors which cause them to take such steps. These very factors provide powerful motives. Most students wouldn't go so far as to set out on a midnight raid. But when someone else does the dirty work, when other individuals smack a contraband final right before the students' eyes . . . free for the asking then's when the temptation builds up to magnanimous pro portions. It becomes so powerful that most students don't even realize that they are being tempted; they scarcely feel any force compelling them in the opposite direction of re fusing the final. So students do steal exams at other schools. So what ? Let these other would-be education getters win their di plomas after their own fashion. We're cencerned with what goe3 on in our own back yard, and what other schools do is no excuse for Nebraska "traditions." University students get pretty much of a square deal all the way around. It goes without saying, however, that the exam racket is a far cry from anything resembling fair play. Why should some student who has poked along all semester come through with flying colors, while the student next to him, who has applied himself diligently for his grades, is made the goat? The solution of de-emphasizing finals has had much publicity and much support. The honor system has been proclaimed as the perfect answer to the problem, while sev eral students and instructors have questioned its worka bility. Many students and manv facultv members h on what to do about this bug in the University student's educational development. But ideas alone will get us no place. Something has to be done . . . something concrete and workable. Our first effort to stamp out the exam racket may prove a stab in. the dark with no desirable results. But at least we will have had one lesson; we will have had something to go on, a nlan upon which we can proceed in another direction to attack the problem. We have no choice but to bend every effort toward finding the best solution we can devise for elimi nating mass final snatching. Editorial Briefs Conpratulationa tn tho twn mnlp TTnivproitv ctnrlonfa both unknown to us, who thought twice Monday morning before they walked across the campus lawn. Much to our surprise, we actually saw this happen. The two men stepped onto the grass, then hesitated. One said to the other, "Ob well,' we're this far. Might as well go on." And they did. Bu at least they were thinking about keeping our campus grass intact. Congratulations again. i ; Thirteen engine students have "engineered" themselve right to the top of their ranks. These men were honored at the annual E-week banquet which brought to a close the engineers' week to shine. At the top of the list was Donald Cochran, who won the coveted award for being the out standing senior in the college. Praise goes right on down the line, to all those who were recoe-nizerl with nnrtinilnr hrmnrc at the banquet. These 13 engineers can be set up a? examples for all struggling students, examples of what it takes to get to the top. :. Undf.5 ' tedly one of the biggest names to appear on the campus year will be that of Ralph Bunche, United Nations mediator who won world-wide fame for his work with the Palestine issue. There isn't one single student on the campus who wouldn't benefit by hearing Dr. Bunche when he gives his address next Monday at the Coliseum. The occasion calls for the removal of all conflicts which would prevent anyone from missing the speech, and we irge all organizations to postpone their Monday night meetings. The subject of "The United Nations Interven tion" will consume the time allowed for the mediator's ad rress. The topic alone demands our attention, and with Dr. Uunche tiaborating on this particular subject, we eagerly t .,-:.:t the occasion. , The "Pag" never has too many reporters on hand. And the ? students who would take serious interest in 'v...-. c " -j newspaper are more than welcome in The Daily J " . kan office. Although the semester is nearing its I I ?fj'vo, its not too lata to ence v can ce ooiamea oy ; mt Blmnaon ........... Buele Reed ' bV'uc'.' KVnnVdV,' Gena Berg Keith O'Bannon Kent Ateii ------- - , harp, harping on the long we'd like to point out this one HAS BEEN DONE ABOUT IT. revised their course schedules vote, tsut no au-campus duuu knows we need some kind of a wound itself up in its consti exam issue has come out on creating constitutions takes gain the newspaper experi reporting lor uie 'nag. n " wim in mimmmmJmsm BY JOAN KRUEGER "Rock Island Trail" The tales of the building ' of a railroad penetrating the West of the 1850's is re-enacted In "Rock Island Trail," starting at the State Wednesday. Forrest 1 ucker stars in his first ro mantic role in the film pro d u c t i o n of Frank D. Ne vin's novel, "A Yankee Dared." It is an account of the light to ex tend he rail road across the M i s s i ssippi aeainst the on- position of nverboat interests ana marauding Indians. Portraying an engineer and buiiaei m me railroad, Tucker wins the fight to stretch his railroad tracks from Chicago to Joliet, 111., and then on across the Mississippi to Davenport, la. The love interest is supplied by Adele Mara whom Tucker wins away from Bruce Cabot, the unscrupulous leader of river boat interests fighting to de stroy the railroad and its builder. The Reformer and the Redhead" June Allvson and Dick Powell take the starring roles in "The Reformer and the Redhead starting Tuesday at the Lincoln.' The romantic, comedy has Miss Allyson in the role of a zoo keeper's daughter with spirit and aggressiveness to match her red hair, and Powell playing a cru sading mayoralty candidate who ousts both a crooked political machine and the zoo's most fero cious lion. The story starts when the daughter, devoted to the ani mals in her father's zoo, slaps down a female big-game hunter who turns out to be the daugh ter of the town's political boss. Faced with a jail sentence for disorderly conduct, she turns to lawyer Powell for advice. Be fore she ends up in his arms, she has enlisted the aid of every orphan in the town to help elect him mayor and in the final funny sequence makes him a hero in spite of himself when he cap tures a man-eating lion which he thinks to be tame. "Perfect Strangers" What goes on among the 12 people of a jury thrown together by the law for a lengthy murder trial, is revealed in "Perfect Strangers," starting Wednesday at the Stuart. Ginger Rogers and Dennis Morgan, the two perfect strangers, fall in love, and play a big part in the arrival of the verdict in the actual trial. In the picture, a man accused for murder of his wife in order to marry his secretary, is on trial. "Johnny Stool Pigeon" "Johnny Stool Pigeon," star ring Howard Duff, Shelley Win ters and Dan Duryea begins Tuesday at the Nebraska. The film opens with Duff in the role of a Treasury department nar cotics agent, hot on the trial of a gang of post-war dope smug glers. He is is about to smash the ring's operation in San Fran cisco when he is completely stymied by the disappearance of the syndicate's leader. Duff then persuades his superior to release an Alcatraz convict, played by Duryea, who teams up with Duff and joins an underworld ring in the hopes of gaining another clue to the boss. "Molly X" The co-feature is "Molly X," story of a woman convicted of a robbery and her life in the women's reformatory in Cali fornia. It will be a surprise to many to witness the helpful treatment given in this partic ular reform school. To compli cate the plot, Molly is continually tormented by anoth -r woman, who is trying to get her sentenced for life or executed for a mur der. "Intruder In the Dust" Making a return performance is "Intruder in the Dust," start ing Tuesday at the Capitol. It is the story of a Negro accused of murder in the deep South and a courageous white woman who defied the hate-maddened mob. Starring are David Brian, Claude Jarman, jr., and Juano Hernandez. "Chain Lightning" Co-feature is "Chain Light ning" starring Humphrey Bogart and Eleanor Parker. Here is the account of a test pilot for the "hot Jobs." Miss Parker plays a Red Cross girl in England who meets the intrepid Army pilot played by Bogart. When, after the war, his talents are needed to test the fastest type of fighter plane devised by man, it is she who brings Bogey back to his first love. NU Bulletin Board Krueger Tuesday ' Sigma Tlicta Epsilon will hold installation service at 7 p. m. German Club will meet at Ellen Smith hall at 7:30 p. m. Walter Willi will speak and show slides of Switzerland. ; Senior Organization committee meets at 7 p. m. tnHhc Union. Corn Cob meeting at S p. m. in the Union. All old and new ac tives must attend, i Red Guidon meets at 7:30 p. m. In the Motor Trucks lab on Ag. Scabbard and Blade meets at 7 p.- m. in the Armory, Lecture at 8 p. m. in Love Library audi torium. . All UKULELE PLAYERS in terested In appearing in the Kog met Klub Spring Revue, should bring ukes to a special meeting of the Kosmet Klub in Room 307 of the Union at 8:30 p. m. Tuesday. KOSMET KLUB will meet at 7 p. m, Tuesday in Room 307 of the Union.' I if." i" r around BY ROD RIGGS The Union is having an ever lovin' birthday this week! Now what do you think about that? The dear old brick barn is 12 years old this week, and intends to throw a big brawl Friday night to show its appreciation for your patronage. Something new in the way of Union entertainment will be tried a lawn party. There will also be dancing, refreshments, movies, and a carnival. Sounds like it might be quite a deal. Next Sunday at 7:30 p. m. the University radio department will present a program called "I Can Almost Hear It Now." The two-hour musical revue of the last half -century was written and produced by Gay Marr, and starts from 1900 and comes up to date, stopping along the way to show what life was like in days gone by. It seems that the program will be of a humorous nature, be cause besides Marr's stuff, addi tional material was furnished by Joe Miller, Bob Hope, Fred Allen, Milton Berle, and Frank Jacobs. The most famous historical events of the last 50 years are dramatized in a humorous man ner. The show pokes fun at all of the characters in the past five decades, from the suffragettes through "Flaming Youth," the Charleston dancers to the psychos of the forties. All in all, it should be very entertaining entertainment. So don't forget to say "happy birthday" to the Union, and re member that if next week isn't like this one was, the birthday party will be held outside on the lawn. Nice ... And there's always lots going on around here, so . , , Drop around! George Wilcox Chrysler Strike Near End Verbal agreement has been reached on all points to settle the Chrysler strike and only putting terms in contract form is holding up the end of the 97-day walk out, Chrysler Manager Her man L. Weck ler reported. C o n f o r mation of the end of the long and costly strike came after more than 45 hoilES of gruelling "do or die" bargaining by Chrysler and Wilcox CIO United Auto Workers offi cials. However, union representatives deny there is any agreement. Walter Reuther says there are yet points to be agreed upon. The agreement, when in final form, will include $100-dollar-a-month pensions for the 89 thou sand striking workers and a hospital-medical insurance program believed to be the best in the auto industry. The strike, second longest in auto history, has idled more than 144,000 persons, including the strikers, across the nation. It has cost production of more than 450 thousand cars and trucks Big Berlin Riots Nil Threats of trouble marked East-West May Day celebrations in divided Berlin, but cool-headed German police from both sides prevented any outbreak of riot ing, fn the Western sector of the city an estimated 750,000 Ger mans cheered speakers who at tacked Russia and communism. In the Eastern zone, thousands there took part in speeches at tacking the United States and de mocracy. To many observers it looked like a dress rehearsal for the demonstrations of May 28 in which some fear the communists will take over Berlin, In the Western zone, some 11 thousand West German police, supported by eight thousand alerted Western allied police, were ready to maintain order. Mork Communist Seizure in U. S. Mosinee, Wis., received nation al atention when its pajama-clad mayor was dragged into the snowy street and the chief ot police executed in a Mock May Day insurrection. At sunrise a flying squad took over the police station, shot the police chief, and began to print copies of the Red Star irom Mosinee Weekly Times prcs-ws. "COLLEGE r ; ; PETS" A very special purchase allows us to pass on this value to you. Each pet made oof felt in Nebraska colors. Excellent for children, party favors, etc. Jake advantage of this special purchase today. ' l V $4Vtn 4"" i A 1 'f : ' t l h s -. 1 - - ?r , 4 MORTAR BOARDS PREPARE Five members of the Black Masque chapter of Mortar Boards try on thoir rnns and enwns in Dreroration for Ivy Day festivities. Their group will tap new members during ceremonies Saturday, May Sampson, Mrs. Sheldon Kuschner; By Pat Wiedman Where are those big-league scouts? There was plenty of tal ent at the Publications picnic Friday. Of course there was add ed inspiration in the fine slug ging of- one Betty Green. Only comment b y neighbor ing farmer was a ques tion as to the identity of the pen escapee who had been seen in that area. Authori ties will prob ably want to invest!- Wicdman gate Bill Dugan's clothes closet. Boys and Girls' staters pulled a lunny at tne Dig dance ana skit show. Jan Lindquist has been approached by the guitar players union. Theme song of the show was entitled "Cold 'Taters" And what was under the bed in the boys' state skit. Reliable sources claim it was only snack- happy midnighters. Didn t they feed you enough fellows? Seems the principle reason Dons An derson is favorable to the Sta ters' reunion was Wayne Bailey's monopoly of her during the dance. This isn't according to Colliers, Wayne. Increased amount of women power on the campus this week end was the advent of several legacy parties. Only comment by a visitor was what are all the uniforms for. After the explana tion that a ROTC parade was be ing held, the only comment was Hmmmmm! Also under the title hidden talent was the skill shown by Jean Fenster and Bev Schu mann in the Calf-catching con test at Farmers' Fair. How mud dy can one person get? Acacia party-goers' complaint ahout their formal was limited to moaning about the impractic ability of wearing leis to school. Ingenious members took them apart to wear orchids and car nations separately. A recent announcement over Hedda Hopper's column and ra dio show stated that a certain controversy was taking place in Hollywood over photography of live subjects. Should women al ways appear beautiful on the screen or should desert scenes and rainstorms take their toll of makeup and hairdoes. Comments were very interesting. There are those who believe that movies should be idealistic; others who think they should be practical. How about it? Going steady: Mary Jane An dclt and Bob Ott; Bob Waters and Laura Scherff; Pat Reed and Dave llallstiom. Pinned: Mary Spencer and Jack Montgomery, Kappa Sigma at Denver U. Engaged: Shirley Douglas and Bill Sadler. Faculty Items In 'Schooner' Stories by three University faculty members and one grad uate student are contained in the April-May-June 1950 issue of the Prairie Schooner. The Prairie Schooner In cludes "The Lark In English Poetry" by James V. Baker, English instructor; "Academic Epitaphs" by O r e n Stcpanek, associate professor of English; "Existentialism in Contempor ary Literature" by Bruce Wa ters, visiting professor of Phil osophy; and "The Rock Cried Out" by Maurice Natanson, graduate student in philosophy. The quarterly publication is edited by Lowry C. Wimberley, University English professor. Choice $ 'eaBOOK STORE 6. Pictured left to right are Mrs. Charles Clem, Miss Eugenie Miss Mary Helen Schroeder and Miss Mary Helen Mallory. Stimulants No Popularity Aid; Article Lists Evils of Alcohol BY JACK SAVAGE. Attention all red-blooded American girls. You do not have to drink to be popular. Jacque Mercer, currently reign ing Miss America of 1949, said last September in Atlantic City, Ga., "To attain success or popu larity I never felt it necessary to use intoxicating beverages, nor have I had the desire to do so." Continuing in her warm, per sonal style Miss Mercer stated that by adopting wholesome ideals, American girls achieve great honors and success. The quotes have been passed along by Clipsheet, a temperance paper to publicize the scourge of alochol thruout the world. Killings, Etc. Clipsheet lists columns of kill ings, beatings, and other inci dents caused by beer and other alocholic beverages." In a juicy story on television the Clipsheet relates how Mrs. H. W. Birdseed of Georgia and her son had "patronized" a tele vision set one evening, only to be shocked by a play showing drinking and fighting. As unquestionable evidence as to the effects of this beverage, Mrs. Birdseed relates how she mentioned it to her daughter-in-law, "Just think, three drinking scenes in less than 30 minutes." "Three nothing, there were five," retaliates the daughter-in-law. "This," opines the Clipsheet writer, "just goes to prove tht it is hard to keep account." How true, how true. Other features of the enter tainingly different release sheet, in addition to the classy boldface type that accentuates the stories about alochol is set in, one of the stories includes facts and At Miller's Exclusively V- SPOR The College Man's Quality Shop . . . First Ay Two things eveiy college man, Thin it a Pre'Lmv. Juilge pounds gavel as lie trys to bml rap. Law-imbibing citizen. Works on cases at home qwn sees pink irrelevants. Sonwtiines wires bail and that ain't hay. Presses suit to make "Manhattan shin look even bvUer, mmmm AJ This is a" Puts you in a cooler mood Appeal4ng colors and collar styles, long or short sleeves. Arresting tie is a "Manhattan" too. CAMPUS FAVORITE IHI MANHATTAN SHIRT COMPA NY Cow. tM, Th Manhattan Shin Co. X. 'V ''-A .yvv statistics on the connection of crime and alochol, and medical reports on subjects like, "Beer for that Hungry Feeling." Fake Wrestlers The writer of this article doesn't feel the need to pull Mrs. Birdsong's story into his argu ment until telling the horrors of T-V regarding poor plays, fake wrestlers, and shows advertising beer. The writer shows exceptional emotional control by holding back his opinions of Arthur Godfrey. "We won't make any comments on Art for fear lest he make a comment on us." Novak Accepts All-Star Invitation Tom Novak, University of Ne braska's star center, has accepted an invitation to play with the College All Stars eleven in Chi cago next Aug. 11. The All Star squad is being trimmed to smaller proportions for the 1950 game so that all players chosen will have an op portunity to play, Arch Ward, sports editor of the Chicago Tribune, told Tom in his letter of invitation. WEDDING STATIONERY Printed, Embossed, Engraved As low as $10 for 100 sets Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street SHIRTS, SHORTS, PAJAMAS, SPORT SHIRTS, AND TIES. Floor mtCCER CPAtflE should know! A Manhattan Vericool shirt. for Summer. V V