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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1950)
Tuesday, March 21, 1950 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 5 April Easter Vacation BeckonsElS As Students As April makes It debut al mst simultaneously with Spring vacation and Easter, University students will bid farewell to the campus buildings and haunts for several days and depart to var ious locals. The chief reason for the five day holiday from classes is Easter Sunday. Despite the dis tances between the students, many will observe the religious holiday in approximately the tame manner. Church Services Pending on the agenda for many on Easter will be an open ing "sunrise service. Most stu dents will attend the regular morning services at churches of their own choice, and some will even be present for Sunday School. Churches in home towns vill visited by faces not too olten seen during the University term. Several churches throughout the state plan all-day observances tot the religious holiday, and most will conduct evening scr- ices in one form or another for their congregations. On the "relief from school work" side of the picture, there arc some students planning short tups tor the vacation. Trip to Mexico. Vour Phi 1'sis, Dick Kuska, r.utch Williams, Jerry Shiermcyer and John Schroeder. plan to vnnri the spring vacation travel in;; through the southern states and on into Mexico. The national stocklecdcrs' con vention in Houston, Texas, will claim two ATO's during the holi days Doug Barry and Hon Hart. Someplace in Colorado during Easier vacation, will be a group oi Thi Delts, who plan to go there to ski. Another 1'ru ueii Await Spring Rest pV m - t r i ..n,...-'1- 3 i ! H I . ,7 " i I ill u-4tf I .vJ - " k 'Y KAJsTr.R StND.VV Ginny Koch and John Connelly model their new spring outfits. Ginny wears a three piece glen plaid suit, made with a fitted jacket and a throe-quarter length box coat. John has on a tan gabardine suit. the five-day periad will he made by Alpha Chi Joyce Calia, who Joe Williams will take the oppo- is going to Roanoke. Va. site direction and spend the time j DCs will be found at Marge in the O.arks. Arendt's home in Kails City dur- Colorado also will see ATO ing the time. Mary Doyle and r.ob Swctt. who plans to enter I Pat Hinds plan to visit here the ski trails in Aspen, Colo., At j there. Denver will be Jane Radaker Vacation can't stop University and Joyce Albcrs, Alpha Chis. ! debaters. Jack Solomon and Rod who will just visit the city. Lmdwall will spend the absen- One ot the longest distances to re from classes in Texas deba u traveled hv students during i tine. ling what type of garment it is going into, according to mill ol ficials. However, it has been in dicated that the leader will be in dresses for all age groups, with separates next. Production of velveteen in ex tremely limited, and with over 1011 processes involved, the fab ric is slow-weaving and finish ing. Hence, there's slight chance Demand Shoivn For Velveteens A demand tor velveteens, sev eral months earlier than usual, has come from many quarters in j the woman's apparel licld. So anxious were cutters to get j their supply that many have j j bought without definitely decid- New fashions almost invariably emerge from the preceding season, in the opinion of Chris tian Dior, noted designer. "Fashion is more logical than it appears to be," Dior explains, citing flying panels as the fore runner of the straighter lines currently projected. Exceptions sometimes occur, as in the case of coats, where big, important silhouettes brought forth a reac tion now finding expression in simple, straight silhouettes. Dior also finds a direct rela tionship between fashion and current economic and political conditions. "Although designing represents a product of the emotions rather than the results of analysis, we can look back on earlier fash ions and see the relationship clearly," he says. "For example, troubled times usually are ac companied by very feminine styling." Dior says the taste of Amer ican women is constantly im proving, and that he has ob served increasingly high fashion standards on recent trips to this country. Spring Sheers, Fells Appear First signs of sheers and new spring felts are beginning to ap pear in New York. Emphasis in the sheer bracket is on the little flower spiked cap, with net crown. Felt spotlight falls on medium-si7.e sailors and brimmed profile hats with tailor ed feather and ribbon touches. Neutral colors trimmed with high, curled coq feather and a ribbon cocarde are being played up to a great extent. A "capsule sized, flower-garland caprice" of net in cap lorm, edged in small flowers and black velvet bows, is featured also. Natural straws with velvet touches in small, head-hugging shapes arc also demanding more attention in the world of fashions. Pointed up in this category are the smooth or rough straw sailors and bonnets in "pale Spring Clean-up Traditional For Campus Houses, Yards What happens to the organ- yerrs in a row without being ized houses on the University returned. campus when spring fever hits In betweer, , .U Tjjj them? What do the members do besides think about the opposite sex and sit around and do noth ing? Many of them suggest worth while projects for their houses. Most of these suggestions con cern cleaning up, beautification, and repair work. But specifi cally, here's what they are going to do: Kappa Sigma boys will be set tine out new shrubs and rc- look nice when people come to see all the trophies which we have retrieved." Howard hall will attempt to start a morning glory hedge. They recently had a new bck fence installed and they need the morning glories to cover it. In addition to this, chrysanthe mums, iris, and gladiolus will be planted in the front yard. Sigma Alpha Mu's are plan ning to have a row of little ereen seeding their lawn. The Pi Phi's , shrubs around their terrace be and Kappas will soon be rolling . fole long. It seems that the boys up their sleeves and tackling a ' want something to hide behind job they have been looking tor ward to namely spring house cleaning. Backyard Plans The Gamma Thi girls are go- when they sit out there. Also thinking about camou flage techniques are the Kappa Deltas, who will try to start a new ivy on the front of their ing to bcautity tneir oacK aio. house. This, coupiea witn a gen Last year they attempted to start erai yarrj cleaning administered with rakes, will constitute the Kappa Delta's spring plans. Mothers and Lawns Phi Psi's will clean house sometime this spring before their mothers club comes down to give them a party. The DU's will seed their front lawn. DU lawn a big tulip bed, but somehow the tnlins died. The girls are trying again this year. They will also tackle the man-size job of put ting on the screens and cleaning the whole house except the at tic. "The attic really isn't dirty at all," they say. wontheii-t lawn and. Parties are famous on the Uni- doing general repair work, will finish their new parking lot. The new snace needs to be leveled before it will be ready for use. Phi Gamma Delta has some repair work. It seems that the March windstorms were not too nice to the Phi Gam house. Dam age: one second floor window broken, one front door window bar broken, and one shutter on the sick list. There's also a little matter of tightening the wire of the fence around the front lawn. The wires have sagged a little since last fall. versity campus, but ther is no connection between the parties and the need for a DU re-seeding job. Loomis hall and Love hall, one of these mornings, are planning to rise early for a 6:30 get-together at Loomis hall. Breakfast will be served and the girls will have nice littlt chat while watching the sun come up. Brown Palace has a new kitchen and is enjoying its new television set. Tho boys there are also getting ready for their sprfng banquet April 22. Over at the Sig Alph house things are going to be pretty well spruced up. The fellows there are planning a big house (clean ing) party. They say that the whole house will be clean in side and outside before they get done. Kappa Alpha Theta and Alpha Omicron Pi will be out coaxing the flowers between their houses to grow. The vegetation really belongs to the AOPis, but the Thetas insist that it couldn't sur vive without Theta influence. T'ie flowers and lilacs vil! have to be cultivated as will the yards of the two houses. Here's what the Thetas will be doing, (Cuntinued on Page 6) Spring Carnegie Creations Accent Feminine Silhouette According' to Hatnc Carnegie esting sleeves. Another chaim-in'hiM- snring-summer creations. , inn white linen blouse has there s insistence on a yei y ii.-i.i-imne hippy silhouette. It's for almost all the new crop of sleek urbane suits with their snug, lit tle jackets, chiselinR out little shoulders, neat waist and then springing into an arch over the pencil slim skirts. Some look like suits and have "shoemaker" aprons, jutting hip pv peplums that come ott. For latleta, silk organdie, even for lace m short evening dresses, the round-hip effect is worked by wav of what Miss Carnegie calls her "fan pleated skirts." These arc flared from the waist and spring into a myriad of knitc Pleats, some low and all-around . some in back only. Bare top costumes are newest when Ihev're dark slip dresses topped by ' crystal-studded oyster linen boleros. Flannels, Worsted. Neat grav flannels, pin clot worsteds. shantung-tweeds in glowing blues and a number of navv or black silk are used in the' suits. Chief of the new 1 ricks are narrow revrrs notched up on the shoulders, chunky i limestone buttons, and zippers placed to the side in back to preserve a very smooth line. Seaming is played up by multiple-stitching and jutted tucks !,s in the joining of slim skirt gores 10 get the vertical effect below the rounded hips. Pockets have of fancy names and deserve them. There arc squared nil dice" pockets, flat padded looking buttonhole pockets, wal let pockets. These all give a build-up to arched hips. Blouses. With the suits, many new blouses in Italian silk shirunus. h'tle striped cottons and piques are intricately worked for the simple look and worn just over the waistband. Newest ol ail is the "bolero blouse." hai"i'"' l.."se instead ot tucked in and just cleannr the waist band. Wrappv full length coat; that f M in f!,,:d folds from drop shoulrir-rs are the choice, both lor fleece..' and for important faf'ta afternoon coals, l-.-.'-k f iple-film sheer coats or t'ie white taffeta flared man- H. nil. Miggcrted as the new wran to wear over all kinds anrt lei.- 'V" "t evening ri'-rsses. Black and White. Tl ere are some long rire'S'-s foi evening, hut the fan-pleated mid-rail ones done one and two-P'o-e are distinctive. Black and white, verv often involving crys tal studded litien boleros and black tafleta dress, is a favorite plot. Low-neck and very inter-ei-imq are a couple of new navy sweaters, shown with a slim oys ter skirt with patch pockets at the hips. A single jersey jumper, and verv smart, is vnung with scoop .lecK Trent and back, worn with a linen blouse which applies the 'an-pleating to its short, it'ter- W Iiile Touches Top 1950 'Look Wl.;tc touches in hats, in col lars and cuffs, in gloves, in gi ets are one of the distinctive looks of the 1950 spring. The collars and cuffs are used on both dresses and suits. Little tourid collars mark suits but toned clear to the neckline w hile, in another case, a rolled collar of waflle pique borders a V-neck-line cut to the waistline. It is filled in with a severe gilet of the same pique. White is a strong millinery choice, too, in deep brimless 'Inches covered with thiny white flowers as w'cll as in straw. double-puff sleeves, t i g lt 1 y banded between, and worn with a flared black tafleta skirt. ol any supply improvement, Radar Reallv undertaking a job will be the Ti i Delts who are out to get the people who "borrowed'' their trophies. According to some of the girls there, the lat est crime detection techniques, including radar will be used. They claim that this radar ss tem is really going to work. Bor rowed trophies can be detected anywhere by the machine, even when they are inside fraternity houses. Gone from the house's Among colors used as neutrals trophy case are the scholarship this spring will be yellow and i cup (who would want to take pink ' I this?) and many other trophies. Yellow goes with everything. ! both big and small. They're es anri pink is shown with gray, pecially anxious to get back the black brown, navy and even cholarship tronhy because it has s(.arlo't been borrowed now for two chamois color." White rough straw pillboxes and bonnets, along with small sailors, derbies and bonnets with a little velvet trim are also high lighted for spring wear. Spring Flowers SAY IT BEST CORSAGES BOUQUETS PLANTS DANIELSON FLORAL CO. 1306 N 2-7602 AAenu by Miller's- Selection a la carte by You! ... 'i V ' -..-.'-A 1 .vt.M?sA . j ' t 'j w i 31-sM-.yv I I a oondrlf 1.1 t of Mr . . . ll.i l rarlr l i in : ! t hanur-alx.iil appairl for m.r oft- I'lmtiKiiiS nroils, and of ure rny inrli of lier brilliiintl? llcd M-pralr fliurii-hr 1950 Hesiviii'i'-iiiHuic ' W, c"l'. ri'lm'. Clmir a pair (if pain, . . . llicn near llieiB a la vailc us a wardniltr in llirn.sclvr! Blouse SlorvrlcM. for llie liarr-arnir i look. Solid Inned in Black, W hile, Xavy, 5.95 Skirt The narrow line, permanency plcalrd. Ciione llic "niii-h" room" Uii1 in Black. "Navy, Green print, 3.95 Blouse SiiKK.lli-fillii.f butrlirr litirn, buck led at our necknmi. (Iniosr il in l.imr. Vlo. Tangerine, a, 5.95 Skirl 2 bi porkeU -perch on full, wilid-tonrd butcher linrn. i.rrrn. Brown, Navy, Tangerine, 8.95 Blouse Of uliiminrrinn collon taffeta, labhrd neckline, in Tangrrine, rllow. Aqua, 5a95 Skirt Sllrd lo blow airiW rclaxi"! Kiiminfr breezes, maintain poic on dale, in town. In cotton laffrta of Blue, Green, Mocha, 7.95 Sizes 10 to 1 8 SPORTSWEAR . . . Miller', Third Floor IF? t . n ILLCR PA0E