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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1950)
Paae 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN TiiPSffav. March 21, 1950 k s. FOR WARMKR DAYS .Julie Johnson, freshman from Lin coln, awaits warm spring and summer days in her two-piece outfit of cotton and rayon yarn in a linen-like weave. The waistcoat and pleated skirt, washable, feature huge patch pockets on the skirt and high pockets on the waistcoat, all trimmed with buttons and shoul der cap sleeves. The skirt has soft fullness in the front im pressed box pleat, with softness echoed in the tiny shawl collar. pectator for Pumps Retain 'Tocllohr Spectator pumps will bo worn this spring as always, along with graceful patent or calf town shoes. hater in the day, the style points to intricate strip sandals in pastels, accompanied by pale stockings. A "nude" sandel. for example, has kid strippinps. Shell pumps ate also made with strippings. Suede pumps are made with contrasting calf strippings. and combinations of patent and call are also seen. Sweater Wear BoomExpeeted This Summer Sweater business is expected to be big business this summer. More cool styling and more cool yarns are reasons for increased interest in the summer sweater through a wide price range. Linen is back plus linen-rayon combinations, rayon boucle, cot ton knits and string knits. Nylon wool and rayon-wool mixtures are other yarns getting a play for warm weather selling. Most firms stress the washability of these yarns. Apart from T-shirts and T hlnuscs these include short sleeved cashmere cardigans. Sweaters are coordinated with evervthing from tennis shorts and swim suits to evening skirts. Topular Styles Other sweaters styled for warm weather are cap-sleeved cardi gans, strapless elasticized tube tops; boleros (called "Shrug Sweaters") and knit toppers. Scooped necklines and off-the-shoulder styles with culled tops also appear. Many sweaters have accents like bright bcadwork, bullion emblems and crests. Cutout work is often used at necklines, filled in with net, to dress up classis styles. Sweaters are also coordinated with sleeveless cotton dresses, sunbacks and play clothes separates. Eight Home Ec Majors Plan Chicago Field Trip Following the fashion world professionally, eight clothing and textile students plan to attend the Home Economics in Business 'Career Days" in Chicago Fri day and Saturday, March 24 and 25. Students making the trip are Lois Elwell, Jean Fenster, Carol liiggins, Dchla Holstcin, Peg McGeachin, Marilyn Nuss, Janet Pierce and Bonnie Washington. "Career Days," HEIB's annual vocational guidance project, is being sponsored by the Chicago group this year. Hume Econom ics students and faculty members from 25 midwest colleges arc ex pected to attend. Study Home Ec Business Th? purpose of the two-day session is to acquaint students with the home economics busi ness field by means of talks, skits, poster exhibits and trips through Chicago company home economics departments. Conference headquarters will be at The Peoples Gas Light and Coke company auditorium. Gen eral conference topics will be discussed there, with outside field trips highlighting the "Career Days" program. Twenty-two field trip group ings are planned for those at tending the convention, each grouping including two actual field trips. All eight students attending from Nebraska are clothing and textile majors and they chose field trips centered around la shion, advertising and textiles. Field Trips Each girl is scheduled for a different field trip grouping. Some of the places which will be visited are: J. Walter Thompson tracing an ad from beginning to end; discussion of advertising photog raphy and copy. Chicago Tribune an explana tion of the various kind of work that make up a career in home economics on a newspaper. Chicago Daily News: The makeup of a food page for a large evening newspaper will be explained as well as a tour through the plant showing how large paper is compiled. Singer Sewing Machine com pany Work in the Singer Sew ing center will be explained as well as teaching aids developed for home and school use. Chicago Fashion Industries Council a tour through the wholesale jobbing center, fol lowed by visits to a ladies' coat and suit factory as well as a dress manufacturer to study the production of women's clothing from the sample making stage to completion. Scars, Roebuck & Company f;ibric tests lor chemical analy sis, shrinkage, color fastness and I fiber identification will be shown j on all kinds of fabrics in this modern textile laboratory. I Special Tour I Through special arrangements jhcie in Lincoln the group will , also be shown through the Chi I cago Merchandise mart and Ei I senberg's Thursday, March 23, prior to the convention. Tours are also available in the equipment field and in the food and institutional management lield for students interested in I those lines. In addition to the convention ! program and the field trips there , will be complimentary lunch eons and the group will be din- j ner guests Friday night. j The eight girls will represent Nebraska at the convention. ! You'll remember this Easter. Give it a jaunty salute with color butter-soft color or vivid color. Either version makes the wearer happy. We always thought of happi ness out where the blue began. This is the season lor blue to begin navy blue. Wear it. Match it. Accent it. We found navy blue in dresses at Simon's. A fresh rayon navy dress is styled with thin sewn I pleats. Spanking white pique cir cles the neck and continues down the throatline. A narrow belt speaks for the present shirtwaist influence. Shadow nylon and pure silk prints are made in slim styles. You'll find dollman sleeves, man darin collars, or buttons for de tail. Soon chiffon will be in at Simon's for you to wear. It's going to be a summer ol trans parencies. Short coats speak softly ol spring. Versatile finger tip top pers have the new accent on color. At Harveys you'll find them right in everything includ ing price. Choose one gracefully full, or pleasingly tailored. A tiny lilac-and-lime check is fitted around you in a new shortie. Crepe lining will keep you warm when breezes begin to play. A flap pocket entered from the side completes the good tailoring. Fleecy or smooth wool coats come in new color tones like melon, lime, gold, off-white, and of course, navy. Try a variegated stripe dress that has five shades of one color. You get variety and garden fresh ness in this one color. A nar row cuff is turned at the top of the sunback top. For cooling bareness, wear it without the bolero-cut jacket. Unpressed pleats make walking easy. Millers show this dress in black, brown, blue, and maroon. Crisp waffle piques in candy pastels are news lor the college girl at Millers. You'll find new fabrics like cotton taffeta, and there's cloquedot, which has an upward striving rain of dots per manently pressed into the cotton. Look for sheer delight. By this we mean Bemhergs and organdy to be in at Millers in about two weeks. Burlap moves startlingly into the fashion blue book this spring. It's shown in purses, made into coats and molded into hats. The burlap hat gives an exclama tion point of newness. Simon's have burlap hats in e.g. (college girl) styles. Burlap fits over vour smooth hair in little hat ! styles. Three different looks are the Dutch, the smooth cloche, or the sporty visor style. Also at Simons you'll find felt cloches spiced with white pique. Try a dark felt with bright white pique buttons. The new cloches are cut shorter in back to show your hair. The mad hatter no but again definitely something to do with Open Thuri. 'til 91 mm FASHION'S TOPPER the . whii Lace Tops List In Evening Style Lace is first choice for evening wear at southern resorts, both for the short dinner dress and the full-length formal gown. In full length gowns, black predominates. In short gowns, white, off-white and pastel colors make a strong showing. Nylon tulle ts combined with other fabrics, like lace and taffeta, and no is chiffon, but to a smaller degree. Simon Beauty Shop EDITH BELLI NOR1NE LEWIS SHAPING $1.00 LONG HAIR 1 .50 SHORT HAIR RF.Ql IRES PKOFESSIOAL SHAWSG ;! V ( P 14. HrN 0 ill the Easier Parade! id? In the si.guMts wide in the cuii.; de buckled hall contour belt controls qTlhered hack and ittlcs your waist to a whisper. Forstmann Cresta in traw, para sol pink, middy, aqua, and gold p a t e I plaim and p a 1 1 1 1 tweedi. Sizes 10 lo lit S55 ""fflrttf"'1'' " ' " t(f- - - - your March hair. Flatter it and yourself with the new color, banana. Choose a hat from Magee's. Banana is a wonder ful touch for navy and gray. Magee's give you these tips on hat before you buy. 1. 90 percent of their hats sold are small hats. 2. The little cloche is leading in navy, red tones, and wheat tones. 3. Hats are comfortable and natural looking for your college scene. 4. Fruit is appearing on the more sophisticated styles. 5. Flowers are worn with smartness. Daisies and field flowers are good to tie in with the yellow interest. Like straws in the wind, hos iery is bending to the fashion forecast. Hemlines move up and eye interest goes down. Shoes are open to show off cobwebby sheer Stocking shades arc looking like a cloud-soft night. Shades like smoky crystal and hazy dream are in, and dark shades are out. "Watercolors" in wheat tones are right. Hovland's have hose which emphasize your pert heel. Their sapphire hose has a serenade heel. Which all means darker contrast at the heel makes your ankle seem slimmer and lovelier. You'll also find seamless hose at Hov's. To give yourself an underline of beauty, wear them with sandals. All the bareness of a plung- Wcskils Popular For Blouse Wear A crisp weskit will be a chic accent to many a spring suit. Sleeveless, of white pique, with front buttons is one of the typi cal stvlcs. Handkerchief linen blouses with round collars afe also seen. Also in linen is a natural tone blouse with bib effect yoke. Circle Skirts Grow Popular Circle skirts aic receiving con siderable promotion and arc sell ing rapidly in a variety of ma terials and color combinations in many stores throughout the country. Cottons are most wanted, in bold designs and bright colors. Navy, red, pink, blue and brown talleta-dot cotton is favored, drapcrv material running a close second! Chambrays, taffetas and tapestry cloth are doing well. Boldness and color arc cited as kevnotes of general acceptance. Some skirts have matching belts, and one popular number fea tures a decp-quilted pocket. An other important feature is that all these skirts are equipped with adjustable backs to fit all waist- ! lines. j Hows of contrasting stitching and quilted diamond patterns j are favored as trim on some of ' the matched cotton broadcloth blouses and skirts. I fi demand also arc silk ! blouses in long-sleeved styles i with tucked bibs or scattered ! button trim on bibs and collars. Satin-striped batiste shuts are presented in many versions. I Blouses with wing or rolled collars in the broadcloth group are matched to full skirts which are gathered or with unpressed I pleats. Contrasting stitching or i ouiltinc on waistbands and ing neckline now goes into shoes, j p0Ckcts of the skirts repeat; Patterns of air for more freedom are cut into the 1950 Easter shoe. Choose a 60 guage nylon to set your foot ott to the best ad vantage. In handsome woolens and bright young colors, Gulds comes up with the hip-topper for spring. The full sleeves can be trim on collars, culls ana of the matching blouses. llap ; the bibs v mr- nr - -A& W; n I' V f: .f t iy-j ... ' i Si,. 1 " ' " '.-. v-v . 4 ' A ..' - Jf .- '' -!- ing to be beach-bound or ease bound, wear a terry robe. A swinging coolie robe has a nau tical air with its white, flufly background and a dark-blue frog rolled i tie. Golds have a new shipment FOR SQl'ARE DWCE OR CLASS Dorns Newman, freshman from Lincoln, wears a blue gathered skirt which measures four yards around. Red bandannas are appliqued on the skirt, and Miss Newman wears a pure silk scarf with a large polka dot in each corner at the neckline. The short sleeved blouse is of white broad cloth and has a huge collar and cuff treatment. from bracelet length to elbow length. The sleeves are beauti fully lined to make them look re versible. Lucky you it you choose a Shaginoor; they're guaranteed to be moth-proof. A wardrobe wonder, you'll find versatile top pers in junior and misses sizes. Summer ahoy! If you're want- of terry robes which give you three scene changes. The coolie, the three quarter and the "his and her" are all grand for dorm lounging. The "his and her" robe has no size, no gender. It wraps easily around to fit in with your minutes of relaxation the year around. -ktD ) IS1T Fred Ivcrson Flower Shop 228 South 12th St. LINCOLN, NEBRASKA IvLRSON ft k y W y vJJ,r.. it I 1 l. 1 1 n I Hi 'kx! 1 l' j Mir DH4DME no U n ft In the Mjlrs lliat look right vlioretrr they go . . . Yes, here arc ihe important fea ture lliiit tell the discriminating man, "It's Right!" Be smart ly ami eomfortahlj- attired for Easter in rearing aj arl from COLD'S Men Shop. Men's Store GOLD'S Street Floor Clothcrafl a top value In mrn's suits prrsents nrw sprlnc patterns and skilled tailoring in fine fabrics to a'sure nu of lone wear and excellent fit. Worsteds, tharr:,i.ins and fabardincs in year 'round weight. ' 11 Presenting the new C'ricktrer sport jacket In the liglitrr wright 100Cr wool for spring. Styled with the ultrasmart patch pockets and hand pricked rders. Here is the com fortable jacket for Spring. Tan, gray, brown. 2-1 50 Superbly tailored slacks In rich-looking ill wool gabardine. Styled with the smooth fittine Hollywood waist and sarldlr ditched seams. Popular colors including tray, frren, tan, brown and blurs. 28-42. 15 rhone 2-6905 1213 O Fourth Floor