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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1950)
9 PAGE 4 Tht complete list of the grad lutes: JINIOR DIVISION. Associate in Applied Art, William H. Hmk, Lincoln. Rotrt H. Jenkins, Fhimpsburff. Kai fcoirt K. L, Fremont. Gsylorrl V. Marr. HeUnnl. lonnrd 8. Pnchmn. Lincoln. A ftftorlat In oinmerrl n M ucl Ion, IKt R. Meier. DtWltt. Norma J. Riimmell, iartitnt. Beuiah F. Taylor. 81. Paul.. i'Ol.r.KClK OK A(.Rlt I.TI RR. tlsx-hHor ol Hclrnce In Aurlrullune. Harold P. Raker. CowcMI, Mo. Warren F. Brannon, North Loup. Kdwm U Brtinken, Linroln. Rnic L. Cnmphell. Firllerlon. Pryca C, t'ha'quint, RlKin Cltv. Tbnmas C. Ctitlvers. Pierce (with dts tlnrtton). Marvin J. F.dn. Nchrnnka Cltv. Rot-wrt . Kgnert, Aurora, (with high istinctton i. Henry C. Kmrttthl. Crtn Robert O. Ki.p. Hendemon. John R. Fonter, Linroln. Keith A. Frederlckfl'in. Allen. Rtchard J. QnKan. Airartm. Norman F. Ctunlach. Nfbrnska City. Myron J. Oustnfon, Phillips. Ronald J. Ousts f son. Mead. Robert W. Haemnn. Ittinrn. Hans K. Hansen. North Plaits. Howard E, Hansen. Nhnw!t. Warren B. lln rrliion. Nnnon, Joseph F. Havelka. Wetun. Klner N Hnlmhsrs, Phillips. Vinion M. Huffman, Denton. Pwipht L. Raster, Linroln. William F. Knmh. Ivint;ton. Lorin F. Kranti. Hallnrn. Ralph F, Kunkle. Jr.. Orrmha. Dunne E. Ioewentein. Keurney. Olen W. Lowrey, Lincoln, (with distinc tion). James 8, Lux. Lincoln. John P. Mcintosh, Pllger. (with dis tinction). William E. McReynoMw. Ashland. Arnold R. Alarr. Marilann. Martin D. Watson, Onoa. Oliver A. Mohnen, Crenton. Wmin R. Mormon, Haronville. John H. NehHsiok. Lincoln. Jnme W. Newell. Lincoln. Jack V. Newman. Pnttnnaburit, Mo. Robert 8. Pollock. Ulvsae. Donald H. IMpken. West Point. Joy M. Porter, Nebraska City. Oeorfte A. Preece. Lincoln. Tiean W. Relit. Primrose. MMton F Rfwchnnlr, Mncoln. I.oula W. Retmer, it., O'Neill. Wealey W. Rleke. Murdock. Max A. Rnjrera, Stella. Sidney K. Salzman, Alnsworth. Lawrence P. Schmadeke. Alhion. Lenlle F. Sheffield. Holdrene. (with tiiKh distinction). Lelnnd A. Rkalberjt. Wauna. Lloyd R. Spackman. Fullertnn. Wallact D. StieKelmeyer, MarteU Ronald E. Stolier. Indlanola. Walter B. fltone, Omaha. Arthur W. Struempler, LexlnRton. Howard W Temple. Wnhoo. Charlea R. Todd. Jr., Omaha. William K. Tripp, Blntr. I.nren O. UhrlR, HemlnKford. William O. Voelker. Stanton. Frank E. Wahl. Gothenburg. Russel E. Weiss. VlrKinla. Don K. Wllea, Rennet. Talmadfte H. Wlmer. Idaho Falls. Tda. Bachelor of Science fn Home Kcnnomlcs, Dorothy P. Kmieaen. Cozad. Oertrude Gealy. C.ordnn Katherine J. A. Gilbert. Lincoln. Ports M. Heller, Dewitt. Oloria P. HiRh. Bertram!. Betty Jean C, Lincoln. Arley M. Ohon, Oakland. Maria C. Pulos. Athens, Oreece. Verlon U ReifarhoeiUer, Lincoln. COLLEGE OK ARTS SOKNCES. AsMoclnte In' Aria. T. Phi'llD Acee. Lincoln tlaine J. Krause. Uncoln. Bachelor of Aria. Robert J. Ackermnn. Sidney. Paul C, Andreas. Lincoln. Thomas C. Andreas, Lincoln. Margaret A. Baker. Lincoln. Roberta J. Rauman Bates. Lincoln. Paul T. Becker, tr., Seward. Walter A. Bennett. 1r.. MUford. Peter P. Biolak. Rockville. Conn. Jamei A. BrundaRe. Temmseh Elaine P. Carroll. Lincoln. WaMer D. Chanev. IJonirmnn. Nancy M. Clark, St. Kdward. John C. Dyson, jr.. Areola. Pa. Homer L. Fine. Creston. la. Ruth C. Gilmore Lincoln Leonard E. Gissler Osceola. DwlKht E. Griswold. (iordon. Frank W. Hale, Lincoln. Janet HatiKseth. Hollywood. III. Charles R. Jnhnton. Hartinmon. I Charlotte J. Katinnn Omaiia, Alden J. Kinn. Lincoln. Sara J. Kronp. Nehawka, Eelvn W. Krucer. Lincoln. Dean A Lair. Pawnee Cltv. Patricia 8 Lee. University Cltv. Mo. Robert F. Lee. Fremont. Maurice E. Loi:an St Johnsburv. Vt. Ardu June Loatroh, Malcolm, (with distinction). Huth R. McVlcker. Lincoln. William A Mnnz. Omnha. Horace E. Newberu. Grand Island. Joanna K. Norns. Aberdeen S D. Jainea ' D. O'Rourke. Gerinft. Clara Pannas. Lincoln. Jo Ann Pokorskt. Hcottsbluff. Pnell W Putnev. Lincoln. Richard W. Rvman, Lincoln. Lul'l Snvastano. Brooklyn. N. 7. Richard K. Scheer. Madison Jack A. Scblrmcr i-'remont. Jean L Schormann. Bcemer. Hoianrl R. Hchulz. He:iver Crossing. Tber.dore E. Schuli. Lincoln. Charl R. Schuphach. Lincoln PnIPp W. Sienor. 1r.. Wat.rburv. Conn. Walter O. S mon, Lincoln A . hichard Bimone. Lincoln. June W. Smith. Lincoln. Kavo Smith. Bnvr rrt Io D. Snell, (ireelev Bruce B. Snvrtcr. Falrhurv, Glenn O. RobeMavsky. Clarkson. Raphael E. Soderpren. Holree. William A. Sondercccr. Beatrice). Roland J Stumer, Lincoln. Alice d. Sundberr Osceola. Dean T. Tait, Mllbonk. S D. Geraldine G. Tubman. Lincoln. Jovre L. Vlehmever. North Platte. Har'an L. Watson. Camplwll. Prlcllla K. Wheeler. Lincoln Verna W. Zatiel Cook. Bachelor of Fine Art. Benjamin Blsiiop, New York. N. T. Pallai R. Bottcher, Lincoln Marion E. Norall. North Platte. Marilyn L. Rtissell. Fullerton. Stanley D. Hohl. Lincoln. JjUcia G. Zastera. Louisville. ' Barhelor of Hrlenre, Gordon E. Bale. LodKrpole. Marvin J Bender. Eacle. William A. Bramiorff Talmaise Roy S. Brown. Lincoln. Krnest S. Dleirich. Morrill. Lowell E. Faost, Pvracuse. Richard G. Hanisch. St. Paul. Iddo C. Heinlcke. 1r . Seward. J amis R. Holden. Omaha. Pale R. Initwerson. IxiKe Pole. Robert 8. Jaroska. Clarkson. Rav B. Johnson. Wnhoo. Ruth L. Jchnston. Lincoln. Alhert E. Koop. Lincoln. Marilyn K. Kuehn, Clarinda. Ia. Marjory M. Lavmon. Lincoln. Catherine H. Lear. Lincoln. Patricia C, McKinnev. Lincoln Maurice E. Mendenhall. Yuma, Colo. Jamea W. Needham. Lincoln. Rollin E. Phips, Lincoln. Shirley W Pnhl." Hampton. Conrad Rennemann. Jr . Mt. Vernon M. Y. Robert L. Robertson. Pt Iouli. Mo Charlea J. Baults. (Iordon. Raymond L, Schreurs. Lincoln. Parrell Stender. Kearney. Rohert O. Stoker. Omaha. Clarence C. 8vob da. Malcolm. Etta H. W'eeth Winters. Gretna. COLLEGE OK BISINEESS ADMINISTRATION. A moriate In Rnslnesa Admlnlatrstlo. Esref Aydln, Istanbul, Turkey. Donald L. LohrtierR, Lincoln. Orhao B. Huseyin L'luaoy, Istanbul. Turkey. Bachelor of 8clene In Bualneaa Admlnintintlon. Rtdney H. Albrecht. Lincoln. Robert M. Allen. Lincoln. P.oland D. Andersen. Lincoln. CARDS Of CHAftACTEK W hov to Mnd dcugnad by va"- C? For him for her. GOLDENROD STATIONERY STORE 215 Nsrth 14th St Lyi L. HMre. Pilfer (with distinction), Glltiert George Harnell. Hut ton. Newton H. Hatlen, Lincoln. l,rltoy I). LaiiKhan. Lincoln. KnOeit D. Baumfalk. Lincoln. ThetHlora C. Bierdeman. Ht. Louis, Mo. Roy A. Hlisi, Kearney. Joseph C. Bhimel. Nebraska City. HotitTt . Hot' 1 1 in, Grand island. lt'rer A. Hoeka. Llnculn. t'hlton R. Hohner. Ht. Joseph. Mo. Harold G. Boker, Omaiia. Marshall G. Boomer. Lincoln. Richard H. Bornt-meii-r, A Ivo. A rthur E. Brandt, burprise. William If. Hmw ne. Jr. . Lincoln. Donald D. Brunk, Bloomrield, la. Jak K. liurkp. Oakdiile. Jamea R. Buxlle. Brodhend. Wis. JiiniM W. Butzow, Aberdeen. H. D. DwiKht K Hvers. Keiinntd. IrviiiK W. Otrison. Omaha. Itot.ert E ' Clark. Lincoln. Park D. Coburn, Jr.. Sioux Cltv. Ia. Wtiinrd 8. Coffin, Lincoln ( Aith dis tinct ion t. Roliirid B. Coker, Sutherland. K:trl A. ConitTford. Lincoln. Warren A. Connell. Grand Island. Verne L. D.ilptns. Grand Island. Donald L. Darnl. Aihlmid. Kuf-ene A. Deeter. Lincoln. Robert D. Deminn. Nebrnwka Cy. August L. Deuchler. Kails City. Frwin M. DeviPh, Mason City. Howard R. Itolen, Lincoln. William J. Doyle. Greeley. V'nn C. Dullnif. Lincoln. Rohort s. Eicher. Milford. ' Konald D. l-ilrn, Genoa. Loren II. Kndorf. Western. Kandall W. KwinK. Trelto. Knnlen J. Face. Stratford. 8. D. Donald J. Kitzpatrlck. Omaha. Jnrit Korman, HI. Joseph. Mo. Rohert M. Foster. Gordon. Robert W. Freeman, TuMake, Calif (with distinction). Paul J. Kndrirh. Wllber. Donald H. GUihkow. Sterling. J;imea E. Goll, Tckamah. Alfred B. Grlce. Omnha. Richard W. Guhin. Aberdeen, S. D. Marvin L. Ilitase, Lincoln. Milton L. HucelhcrKcr, Lincoln. William I,. Ilapertv. Mlnden. Harry D. Harris. Kairhury. Lee A. Harris, Omaha. Teddy M. Harvey, 1 eytneton. J"seph .M. Hav.-r. Hcottshhifr. Vertion II. Heiher, Lincoln. Clin rtes J. Hermtnini.'sen. Auburn. ;avle E. lleiMtt. Slielhv. Richard O. Hr!:ev. i'oiumbus. Iiewarld D. Hiner. Wymote (with dia- tinrli j:i . Robert L. Hlnmnn. Lincoln. Arlhur Johnson, Lincoln. Lloyd D. Joncjt, Lexington. Robert L. Jon.-s, Omaha, liobert V. Jones, David City. Utlson G. Kiisik. Madicon. Francis D. Keller, Grafton. William H. KniKt-r. Lincoln. Roer D. Kruse. Fort 'alhoun. Robert B. Kn.llacek. Wilher. Ramon K. Kunc, Wilher. John B. Lacev, Wichita Falls. Tex, Ervin A. Lar.son. Kri.-nd. Harry A. Larson, Genua. Donald F. Lentz, Beatrice, Karl Llnke, Jr., Basf,'tt. Robert H. Iyiisel. West point. Richard L. Lnvitt. Crab Orchard. Jim D Ludwig, Lincoln. Ronald S. Lux, Lincoln (with distinc tion!. Dale F. McKinnev, Lincoln. De:m r. Mnnm, Hancock. Ia. Kenneth R. Mnser, Lincoln. M.tnan K. Men ie, Lexington. Richard S Miles. Lincoln. William W. Mulder. Adams. Rfivniond H. Muller, Norfolk, Ralph J. Muniwskl, Chicnco. III. Thomas O. Murphy. Storm Iwike, Ja. J"hn E. Newmun. Lincoln. Fail W. oIhwi. Aurora. Ornrne J . Ostermiller, jr.. Lincoln. William H. I'armenter. Onialm. Diirvvln R. Piersor,. Genoa. Paul J. Pttlencer. Albion ulfh riiHtin. tiont. Mtllam H. Plank, Pierre, 8. D. Burton P. Poisky, Lincoln. Max L. Redelfs, Lincoln Robert P. Herd, Falls Cltv. Clarence J. Reitan. Jr.. Grand IsMnd. VVeico.iie M, iietz. Salem. Ore iwith distinction!. Giuis.sem Real, Teheran. Iran. John R. Rlclmer, Kansas ("it v. Mo. George L. Riley, jr.. Little Rock. Ark. Gerald A. Roberts. Lincoln. James C. Robertson. St. Joseph, Mo Bruce M. Rosen. Omaha Al in D. Sa'ranek. Wilher, Anton C. St. JUn. Rushvtllf. Robert V. Schneider. Nebraska City. Harold C. S.hoii. Julian. Glen H. Schreurs. Lincoln. G.i.vb.-rt P Srhroe.ler. Tluodore H. Sihullz. Lincoln. Leon L. Kiinmhter, Rosalie. Wayne M. Smith, Anslev. Donn B. Spalding. Gerinn. 1 '"iiald R. Spoincr. Lincoln, Kenneth D. sieinmiller. l.nvoln. Rolert H, Stilint:er, o!umlnis. Dorothy C. Slum, Ainswnrth. Richard E. Taylor, Lincoln. Dean W. Tebo, Lincoln. Kenneth E. Tempim, Mason City. Stanley V. Thelander. KtromsbuiK. Jerry E. Tomsik, Lincoln. Mary F. Tons, Fairmont. Margaret A. 8. Turecun, Chappell. fcuene Ka Van Dover. W'esiport, S. D. Dixie A. Van Winkle. Omaha. Richard Walla. Lmuood. Darwin K. Wansward. Lincoln. Jerry F. Wellman. t; Wyo. Harn,d H. v.iner. .r,tri,l Island. Harvey R. White, Lincoln. Nell W Wilkinson, WaMmiKton, Kas. Gerald J. Wo iter. Fremont. Opal H. Wulil, Yolk. Rohert L. Zwiebel, Amsworth. COLLEGE OK ENGINEERING AMI AKCIIITEt Tl HE. Bachelor of the Art of Arrhitcclure. Rav D. Adams, Nelson. Allen G. Ahre, Astoria. 8. P. Robert K. Brown. Evanston, 111. Franklin N Hunker. llastniKfl Arnold F. Butt, Lincoln. Steven E. C-.ok, Jr.. P.ayvllle. Iji. Gi-orte E. De:piner. Wausau, Wis. William M. Fenton. Lincoln. Romrt B G'bh. Lincoln. Howard R Koiipal. Lincoln. Ralph E. Perssnn. Wood River. James M. Rosekrans. Denton. William H. Rump. Fremont. Jane H. Sun (Siieni, Singapore. Ma laja. Bachelor of Science In Asjrlrjltural EnKlneerins;. Donald B Beckman, Klein. Kirk B. Bowman. Albion. Billy B. Brwin, Forrest City, Ark. Zane C. Fairchild. I mcoln. t:nene A. Jarei ki. Columbus. Wiiham E. Splinter, North Ptatte. Barhelor of Science In Architectural Engineering-. Piul H. Ba!l..u. Lincoln. Alfons r. Harnersk' Deweese. W' n ne B K : n terv. I -i ncotn William V North. Brookib-M. Mo. Charles vV. Roberts, Iwellen. John W Snow. Tekamah. John H, Ktockwell, Haitincton. Bachrlir of Hrlenee In ( bemtral Enicineerlna. Dewey C Aucenstein. Kidney. Erei M. Fuller, Uncoln. Howard J. Jensen. Arhnuton. James c. Licuert. Lincoln. GerMd r, Mueller, Minneaollii. Minn (with hiiih distinction). It's For Second Semcslor . . . So get your Scliool Supplies now FOR THE Slide Rules T-Squares . Drawing Boards FOR THE Paint Drawing Pens Drawing Ink FOR EVERYONE Rulers 3-Ring Notebooks Pens, Pencils "Vomt Downtown School Supply Sre" I ahchflrothers Ji STATION ERS.ttjf PRINTERS Ctiarlea E. Vlllara, Lincoln. Harhrlor of Hrlenrr tn (Ml Kntinertnf, Charles M. Anson, Fremont. Lynn R. Bereuter, York. Myron M. B!i:ine. Lincoln. Ravmnnd C. Coleman, Omaha. Llovd R. Iobnev. Norfolk. Date R. Each II man, Clarka. Richard Finnstrom, Omaha. tften J. Kreeland, Bertrand (with dis tinction). Ronald R. Orear. LaPlnta, Mo. Wiitur D. Hat tan. Nelson. John J HetriK", HastltiKs. Alexander F. Henry, Lincoln, John C. Jenkins. Omaha (with distinc tion". Ien B. Kkitner Lincoln. Riissel D. Ierch, Tekamah. Billv R. Michael. Lincoln. Lloyd J. Newbertt. Custer, 8. D. Calvin C. NodcHHrd, Omaiia. Jack D. Pickett. Lincoln. Edward F. quinn. O'Neill. Date B. Rnlit, Alnsworlh. Rhees R. Rohlns tr. . Lincoln. Llovd E. Roniine, Palisade. Dale E. Schncntcher. Lincoln. R'thert L. Hcott, Omaha. Donald L, Sieckman, Lincoln. Barhelor or hcirnrif In Electrical KnglneeTlnf. Robert J. All. Lincoln. Tim II Rntes. Jr., Lincoln. Howard E. Heckler, RisltiK Cltv. Kenneth L. Bishop. Beaver City. Gerhard W. Butt. Lincoln. Richard B. Calhoun, Alliance. Charles E Connors, Lincoln. Thomas Dudirchlk, Jr., Jackion Heights U L, N. Y. Richard Chester Dntton, Warren, O. Everleith W. Foster, Omaiia. Cleo V. F'uchser, Irwin. Charles F. Gayton, Jr., Fremont. Herbert Hiram Clancy. Lincoln. Ralph M. Handren. Jr.. Omaha. Harold F. Hartrfek. New Iondon. Mo. Male m M. Hltna. Duncan. Okl Mori land J. Hilton, Deadwood, ti. D. Warren M. Huff. Jr.. Lincoln. Ralph E Husband. North Plattt. Jerald D. Jacobson, Randolph. Benton W. Joilifte, Chevcn ie. Wyo. DouKlas T. Kieltv. Madron. Robert W. Iwinton. Puducah. Ky. RoIh rt O. lawyer. mah. Merle D. lents. New Point. Mo. Bernard W MeVey, Lincoln. Victor E. Maduta, Omaha. Rav L Martin. Freunuit. R.ihert A. Mason, Jr.. Omaha. George C. Mehuron, York Yule A. Mever. Heaver Crossing. Gerald G. Morris, Wood River. Harctld C. Pcnner, Beatrice. Kenneth L. Powell. Hebron. John Schlelcht, Jr Omaha. A.tolpn E. Schmidt. Omnha, John J. Sedlacek, Seward. John W. Senftcti. Oenoa Roi.ert E Shillmi:1on. Lincoln. Curtis B.Kd Slc.:k. Martell (with dls- tlnition). ... ItobtTt V, South worm. I.inruni. Terry W. Slates. Ravenna. Llovd H. Thomt'lad. Oakland. John Tomcnk. Cozad. Hubert W. I'plon, Adams. Orvill" Vanlewei;e. Kirth. John H. Wheeler. Lincoln. Bachelor of Science tn Mechanical Enlni-erlnii. David fi. Adams. Pnmi-osc. Keith R. Barker. Mitchell Merle I). Bernson, Platte, b. U. John E. RobeiK. Lincoln. John It. Huehler, Omaha. Shellv A. Buhn. Lincoln Robert L Cochiim. Jr., Lincoln. Artyn 11. Collins. Grand Island. Ro'.ert L. Daul. Overton. Theo E. Deal. Omaha. Ridnrd A. Dudek. Clarkson Ralph O. Eis. Wilher (with distinc tion!. , William II. Elliot, jr.. tain oi. uvuiu. 111 JpMn E Funk Mnywooii James D. Gritiith Lincoln. Alinn K Harm. Blo-uulield (Wllh dis till" lion). W.IWIC W. MICKOK. SlMllf'fl. a r re n F llowa rd , Oni aha. Vsi h Kirveiand. Neinan Grove (wiih distinction!. iclnr J. !oeniK. Robert F. Krets. hnier. u,..;iln. William A. Kuser. Atlantic City. N. J, Gerhrirdt G. i-rss. Lincoln. Hukh T. McGtil. Madison. Ritobl I. Menhact Lincoln. Al in A. Moi ns, Omaha. Bernard A. N-lfon Hnstow, Keilh L. Nebon, Sargent Temple W. Neiimaim. W more. Donn Id E. ONoti. X'alparaiso. Ru.cll A. Perientetn. Jersev City. N. 3 RaMtiond J. Plou.ek, Dorchealer. Rex V. PUimb. Vai!e. Ftnilio A. Pontilln, Clearfield. Pa. Hap'id K. Halsten. Omaha. ane R Roads, Scottsblutf Fred R. Sani-'-ni, Fresno. Calif. Marvin H Shell. Lincoln. John C. Spalding. lerniK Marion J. Hindu hen, Lincoln Charles L. Thomsen, North Platte. Jack Thorman, New York N. Y, Uni-v J. Waslk. Canton. O, Kenneth W. Wietzki. Omaha. Wilbur W. Wright. Lincoln, Karl W. Ztmmermann. Lincoln. COLLEGE OF I'll ARM A(Y. Bachelor of Science In Pharmacy Lovde H Adams. Doniphan. Joe C. Bacon. Omaha, Martin J Bakken. Hcottsbluff (with distinction). Merrill L. never, irrmon. i". James L. Rti'hannn. Randolph. Kenneth E, Can no. Hastings. Wavnr R Cloui-h. McCok. inx Cohen. Omaha James W. Colson. M ma tare. Geioi:e 11. Coupe. Neora-l.a City. Cilvin T Dnmman HaslinKS. Join E. Dully. Scottsblutt (with dia tm.uom. 1 Fr:mk R FN'un 111. Lincoln. Densel D Fank liauser. DuHois. P'ltncia G.ill-icher. on-"1'-! D-Ivm C Ma rns, Onawa. la. Melvin D JilNon. Dalton William A !"ehn. Lm-oin A'n'.i-w F Meerle. Arapahoe. Gavin L Mmrliead -n. Orvipp J Peters. Janen. OrW L. Phelp tr . P.eatnre. l'iirold W. Rnbhms. Ravenna. Francis A. Robi-loiix. Lincoln F-lx'ard D Schnasse Os. eola. H:rrv N Sh'ba. Scott.-'Wnff. William D Ptehlik. Wnber Oscar L Swanson. ljoup City. TEACHERS COLLEGE. Bachelor of Arts In Kdiirntinn. Roberta M. Hathnwnv, Scottf-bluff. Geor.e I'earce. Lincoln. I'ach-lor f M-t" i Education. John F. Hardv, Omaha Va-lin D. Killmn. Fairfield (with dis tinction i. Herbert L. Klemme. Murrtock. Robert K Parks Lincoln Cl ttord C Thoene. U-rtincton. J;imcs O Thonib'iiin, Bertrand Hcbi'lor f science tn Education. Thomas V. AtdnOi. Si"ix O-ty. la. Imna'd J Raker David Cltv. Var'nrie M. R'nim inn vWe' Point. Mar-or e .1 Render S-oux Citv, la. Wrrell 1 Roeit;er. Cortland. Annette tlorenha ten. Omatia. Forrest W. Brun-ion. 1unsville. 1 e)nar E 1 ierson Fremont. Vera L. Duprsehner. Rosalie. Yvonne M luTeail. Lincoln. 1 ois H Feller. Lincoln M irv L Garrison T'nion Arthur C F Gilbert. New York. N. Y. Dolores M. Groenwlt Ord. Norma L. Grot he. c.eneva Conrad C. Hansen Jr.. Elba. ENGINEER Drawing Sets Triangles Graph Paper ARTIST Brushes Drawing Paper Colored Pencils Erasers Notebook Paper Dictionaries thedailvJ Kvlvin K. !"r""',nr',aiirl. Hnh.rt P. HnrrinMon. Joii. M. "I ' Hlvtrlnri Hr,.ld W. I'''' (i:,l,,.y. Mn Ann A. KiinH, l)"", Z '.". N..l.fK. M. J,,hrn 'c Wa' W""ln. UM. C.rt. "" "h ... Cnr.,1 K. Hwvrrn. Mr',mAprt Mich ael F. Sti.: nali m. onca. James T Fieri'. Jr.. "ha. Kucenr K. Mnd-ls. Unn n. Alden B. Simon. M' Kirk M. Boren-en ';n'nm' D.doren K. S.ei.lel. ' Td Philip C Hl'iat'if Beatrice Beverlv I- Vanlmd Lincoln. Ivan L Wanl. Jerald K Weher K-n Ph. Harriett Wllbntirne. iman.i. Kllsaiieih J. Voder. Lincoln. lOl.I.EfiE BrNHNTRT. Baehelnr of Science In Hentlslry. tleorKe J. Revis. ivnxer. Colo. I.AW (IM.I EI.E. Hachelor Laws. Ctarle H. Ciae, S-1 uvler. B.iMtrd R. T;tlor, Lincoln, Gavle C Tlioene. Haetinuton. Bs Nelor o( Selriiee In J1W. Jolin M Brower hiU'erton. Richard D M"e!l. Albion. Doin-i, F Peters, 1' , nmnha. Cecil T. Hnthrnik. ApPlaehin. N. T. I.II1M.K itV MEDICINE, Rrhelir of Science In Mdlrlne. Crnr:fl H. R"ttertsrn. Jr., Han Jose, Calif . Ba4 lidnr f rlenep in ursine. '4th- A Giit-'l!". Hlair. .Variolic J r-iil.M-k N' betly J. W hM o . Cliadmn. .ltll Mr Ol.I.EHE. Muster of Arts. Arsenlo Altai... Nevada. Mo. William E Rercer. Axoca. ElltbeMi M L'"ir. Plamview. Robert E. ceei;iinl. Lincoln. Phil N. Daiuv. I uicolti, Freddie A. DteMer. Faitbnry. R-Mlnev L, Fr iuUn. Lincoln. P li;iMieo, Nuncy France (Paris, France. 1. Ileitis hinniR ny. aio. Robert L. Unpins. Lincoln. Marv G. Honl. Lincoln. Chich-ciian lliirn:. LuiR-Shan. China. Tsui P Hume i".i"ton, China. (lladvs B. J'Hiink Lincoln. Mary .1 SoienM, L ncoln. Lnii F Tnvi.o. Lincin. lloii-rt L. Ta i 'r i . i and Inland. L. 1 1 l.rvn Kfce and. Llncuiu. Vnentin W. Litidfv , Lincoln. A lv in L. Lui'n H . Lincoln. Hones G. McPouell. jr., North Can ton, O. Cha rleii R Men. Kcl, Lincoln. David I'. Miliar. Beatrice. Madce B. Mi.:er. Line, in. In'she L Nirin,Mn, Mnrnuette. Jav C, Norns. Fi.'s City. W iMiani K. Crr. Lm. oln. Patricia L. Pir-.n.s Grand Island. Evan W. Pick-i York, Walter A. .1 h.i htiuri. David City. ('banes S Weiirci ir. Norlolk. Fukjl 11. Yostntia, Papaaloa. Hawaii, Master of Science-, Francli L. A in., to, Omaha. forest N. Raio-r. Ames la. Keith g. Ptetner, I'uiiuar. I'ni.-e I. PiitMiiati. omaha. Philip 11 to;.- Uestfield. Mass. Ricii'ir.t E. 1 in. Lincoln. A una M . Ch.r e I 'iniii. Lincoln. D.'lt.Mt D Fix Pierce. Matt new J. 1'ieiinl. t'rnmixiiMl. N. Y. Karl J Have,. Cuba, Kas. Donn Id M. K'inier. Wesiern. Roner A Larsin. Choctaw. Okl. Paul 0 Marti, jr . Chicago. 111. Fldon K. M:it h.iu.-cr 0:d. Scott A M iller. jr. , Rerwvn. William S. Pnaidfit. Lincoln. Loren M. To0i,-v, Alliance, Theoitoif ,. Tristan. Rochester. N. V. Krishna C. Varum. Rhilsa. India. Chen H. Yien, Nanking, china. Normnn R. 7.nbel, Lincoln. Master f Science In Dentistry. Charles A. Delio. Denver, Colo. Doctor of Philosophy. Stuart T. Bsller. Carthane. HI. Harold II. Hopklm. Hays. Km. , Ira o Jones. Omaha Thomas A Little, Arllncton. Calif. Loren W'., Waftuncton, Kas. Jack A I'eterson. Central City. I'll shelves are sagging. HOOKS stocked to the ceiling. Lots of good clean I 'SKI) ones at :0 to ."0 off! A good stock of XKW ones also. SI IHLY KITS for Home Ec, Art, Architecture, Engineering. B 0 0 K S Save wonvy now Friendly Service f STUDENT: THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK OF LINCOLN 10th & O ST. SKNCE 1871 MEMBER FEDER L DEPOSIT INSURANCE CORPORATION Milo Bail Addresses Graduates Docliirini? that students are BO Jig into the second half of liles Clinic, Dr. Milo Bail, president of the University of Omaha, told University graduates that they muit fn'H Hpmm'rarv's respon sibilities bs well as assume its rights. Dr. Bail addressed 660 students nf th snth .I;inunrv commence ment, pointing out that of these responsibilties, four are basic: 1. A fundamental faith in, and loyalty to, the principles of democratic living. 2. Work work for the joy of it that you may stand on your own feet, pay your own freight and ask no special favors. 3. Establishment of a happy, harmonious home, the basic in stitution of democracy. 4. Becoming a good neighbor anil n.ii-tirinntinc in the social, civic and political life of your community, state and nation for the betterment of society as a whole. Challenge of Work "One of the great challenges facing us today is work," began Tlr n.iil "There is no easy path of success. The earth yields n.liincr cmrn fn Ihn labor OI man. No mutter what some individuals, even some in high places, are saving to the contrary today, we just don't get something for noth ing. Va Vtrtxra lirntTlP tOO COITI- nlacent about our human prob lems." Dr. Bail stated. u.. oHHnH Hmt if wo eould use thousands of our greatest scien tists and spend two ounon mu i.,r. in nrnHnr-p the first atomic bomb, then we should also be able to find the answers 10 our problems of human relationships. He scoffed at the decadent ex pression of "no frontiers." nirluM C. rwtK. (""Hire Ftnllon. Tm. Krr.1 W. Slurks. illl.M.n I lly. 111. John Y. VoibI. .V'Hlnon. III. Rolwrl I.. Wear, rrlnrevllle. III. rtvllllltlKS I'lin KRTIKH ATKS. (Grnnte.l but ti"t ronlfrrM Rt th Com mencr ruf nl r.xerv iwr. , Ortlrlratn In JiiumalUm. (PeBcre reoelvf.1 from th Colltg ol AKrH'llnuir. , Kfltli A Kre'lrlckpon. MnldreK. : , Phillm. (Ilftrec rn'civr.i trom th ColleR of Art! Vfler P. Plrlnk. Linroln. pysiin. jr.. Arrulll. P. Ilomor I.. Klne. I.inroln. rtmiks K. Jnhnst"n. Hnrtlnntnn. Pitr.nn S. le. I' Moines. l. CiHra Paplinsv. I.inroln. JiM'li A SclilrmiT. Hrllflowfr. Tliooilore K. f 'hulr, Unroln. Kiiplmrl K. .Sodertrrn. Cfntral City. ( .-rllflrnlr In I'hy.lnll Munition. (IVtrr. rrrrlvrd from Tfaclirrs Coll.Kf.) Murlorle M. Haumnnn. i-uiiu. r.i I.. I)uprrhnr. (lotlienburR. Bftlv K. Hiiyn. Kt. Paul, (rrllflratr In I'hynim Munition nd Alhlrllr.. (Hrcre. re-.lvf1 from T.ach.rp oolleg.) I linnms . Ainru n, ndus . ny. i. W.nilrll I.. Hoealncr. Cortland. J0in J. Cany. 8uUi.rlan1. gii.ntln e. Jnn.s. Rloux Kolli, 8. D. Jark V.. KlHnknuf. Linroln. 8lilrlv R. Mntthtwa, Natlrk, Maaa. Wnll.r P. Klfk.tta, Wrnrlieiiler. Ky. Rlrh.inl II. Hal.tilcn, Reil Cloud. .Innifn T. Hbarp. Jr. Lincoln. l-:ii':rne K. Mnrlils, Lincoln. Philip C. SpraKUe. Heatrlce. LOADED say we arc, S u p p L I E S at N VJ YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO MAKE USE OF OUR COMPLETE BANKING SERVICE 7 -A : y . h St - . ww,rw,n m ti iAr Georgescu that he is winner of The Architectual Forum Beaux Arts competition for design of a suburban department store. Butt produced his winning design as a class problem under the direc tion of Professor Georgescu. (U. of N. Photo.) , Architecture Student Wins Design Contest Arnold Butt, Lincoln, a sen ior architectual student ut the Universit;- of Nebraska, won first place honors in the national Beaux Arts competition for de sign of a suburban department store. The award, sponsored by The Architectual Forum, a profes sional journal, is a national recognition coveted by advanced students. It includes a token prize of $50. Butt produced his design as a class problem under the direc tion of Prof. Haralamb Geor gescu who was one of the lead ing architectural resigners of central Europe before coming to the U. S. about two years ago. GOLD'S 7 From the Sportswear Shop Itnyon nbariiie SUITS . . . For t lie classroom and ilulc: You'll stay fresh ami nral in lliese Binart unlinetl suits of wondrous, wrinkle-resistant rayon gabardine. Tailored well ... to fit veil! Trice less because tliey show bow smart a woman can dress on a budget. Side pockets on some styles. Tan, green, navy and red Sizes from 10 to 16. 1295 GOLD'S . . Tuesday, January 30, 1950 .. I in-imo frnm Prof. Harclamb Production of Butt's design re quired about 100 hours of work. Douglas Haskell, a representa tive of The Forum, advised Butt that competition in his particular class was especially keen and that he is to be congratulated "on winning against real com petition." Butt is the first Ne braska student to win first placa in a Forum contest. Last year Butt submitted the prize-winning dedgn for a hous ing project sponsored by the Lin coln Housing Authority. Another Nebraska student. Dale Gibbs, also of Lincoln, won an honorable mention in the Forum's contest. . Second Floor 1121-26 O Street 2-68.18