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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 30, 1950)
Tuesday, January 30, 1950 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Gctes" Long Provides Victory BY RIMON KARABATSOS (Sports Editor. Dally Nebraakan) Hail to the Kines! Pundemonium broke lose in the Coliseum Monday night as Maestro Harry Good's cagers staged the most daring up set of the 1950 Big Seven conference race as the Huskers aumpea uie Kansas State Wildcats 65-63 in an overtime lussie mat had the record crowd of 9,600 people standing practi cally the entire last halt. Bog Gates, with just three ccondg left In the overtime, wished a spectacular 40 foot act shot to give the Huskers a well deserved, hard-fought victory that sent them into a tie with the Wildcats and Kansas U for the conference lead. With 30 seconds remaining In the regulation time, Bus Whitehead pivoted around Clarence Brannum and swished a bucket to send the came into the extra period at 57 all. Captain Brannum made the mistake of trying to stall out the remaining seconds and as the horn sounded Henry Cech tied the ball up. Rick Harmon drew first blood in the overtime with a drive in shot. Ccch countered with the same after 1:15 had lapsed. Langton potted a set shot to Rive the Wildcats a two-point edge. Whitehead passed to Joe Malecck who potted a jump shot. Harmon was fouled with 46 seconds left. Nervous as the pro verbial "wet-hen", he strode to the chnrity line, shot, watched the ball roll around the rim and finally through the hoop for a point. Chuckling at his lurk, he calmly sent the other gratis shot through the meshes to give the Wildcats a two point margin. Brown Knots Score Ccch tried a long shot and failed. With just 20 seconds left and the Huskers two points be hind, ole reliable Joe Brown entered the game. He passed the ball into Gates, took a couple of steps, received a pass and quietly netted a long shot to again tie the game. Then came Gates' tremendous shot with just three seconds left. Kansas State took the ball out of bounds and Brannum tried a desperation shot from mid-court and failed. Whitehead again led the Hus kers in the scoring column, get ting 15 points 6 field goals and 3 free throws. Brannum was high for K-State with 14. Bob "Shorty" Pierce hit 5x field goals for ten points, lie didn't do so hot at the key hole, missing four free throws. Gates also hit 5x6, Including the winning shot in the over time. The lead changed six times the first half and eight the second and two in the overtime for a total of 16 times. Nebraska led 25-22 at intermission. Whitehead gave the Huskers the lead as he sank his free throw after the game had gone for 33 seconds without a tally. Brannum netted a long shot and then Bob Cerv hit one from far out. The lead bounced back and forth with neither team holding more than a four-point lead. The score was 19-15, Nebraska, with 6:40 seconds left. Jack Stone narrowed the mar gin to one point on a set shot and a free throw. Pierce hit from under the basket and Ed Head hit from the side. Whitehead sank a long mesh shot with 1:15 sec onds lef ''' intermission to end first haL scoring. BiU and 'Gas' Vie. An added attraction was shown the fanj at half-time with head football coach Bill Glassford and Chancellor Gustavson doing the honors. The two had a kicking contest to begin the "March of Dimes" campaign. Chancellor "Gus," keeping his legs In shape by running for trains, treated the crowd to another upset as he beat Glass ford. Yep, the Chancellor has a lot of hidden talents. Opening the second half with a tally was K-State. Stone hit a long one and then Buchanan hit his shot from the charity lane. Stone tied the ball game for the ninth time with two gratis shots. Whitehead captured the lead for the Huskers with a free throw and Krone hit a long set shot. The Huskers hit 26 times from the ffeld oa 81 attempts while the Wildcats meshed 24x70. With lust a few minutes left in the game, Brannum warmed up and threw, what perhaps was a new record for height, and hit the score-board dead center. A little later on he tossed one to Har man who dove into the crowd at i Till I i I j a ra 13 I u u .When you buy books at your University Check these other advantages t Lowest used book prices on the campus A convenient location Quick service Get the right book for the right price from your OFFICIAL Univertity Bookttore UlilVERSITY REGENTS BOOK STORE Temple Bldg. LJ S Ei erf the south end of the court trying to retrieve it. Next home game for the Good boys is February 6, when Mis souri comes to Lincoln. Missouri won the pre-scason Big Seven tourney and it looks like another thriller is in store. Nubbins Lose 50-46 In the preliminary tilt, an injury-ridden Nebraska B team dropped a 50-46 decision to Ne braska Weslcyan B. Conspicuously missing was Center Al Blessing. The team felt the absence of Blessing un der both backboards as Wcsleyan controlled the rebounds. Two late spurts were not enough to catch the long shout ing Plainsmen crew. The Nub bins trailed by eight points with ten minutes left, then closed the gap to 38-41 with five minutes left. The winners moved out again 48-40 before Nebraska challenged again. Varsity box score: Knniaa State Htnne, f l'n'k, f llracl. f Hnrman, f fllhion, f Hrannum, c (c). Hltrh, K Krnna. s Laiialnn, r .... Harrrtt, r Upson, s IK ft-at I pta 4-1 II I 1-2 II 0-0 3-3 0- 0 14 1- 1 0-0 0-0 Totals a 24 1.V2S 2 (I.) f pta 4 4 Mnlarek, f 2 I.nwrv, f 4 WhiiphRt, c (c) (1 Plprci, f ft t'"v. f i Brown, u , i Burhanan, g 1 Cech, g ,. i (1-0 3-7 .1-4 0- 4 ft-10 1- 1 1-2 (1-1 Totala 26 13-29 22 6.1 Dutch Lonborg Is KU Athletic Head Arthur C. (Dutch) Lonborg resigned the position of basket-' ball coach at Northwestern Sat urday to become athletic direc tor at Kansas University. Mr. Lonborg is a former Jayhawk basketball, football and baseball star. Lonborg, coach at Northwest ern for 23 years, was offered the Kansas directorship In 1937, suc ceeding Phog Allen, but declined the offer. Mr. Lonborg will be remem bered in connection with Ne braska in that he tossed two touchdown passes in a 20-20 tie game with the Huskers in 1920. He went to Northwestern in 1927 where his cage teams wen two Big Ten championships and finished out of the first division only five times. I ( BUTLER'S MADE EVERYTHING BUT THE TEAM J-i SINCE HE STARTED You'll b the) tor in the gals' eyes if you use your head and "Live-Action" Vilalis care. Give that mop on top the famoiu "60-second workout." 50 seconds scalp massage (feci the diller ence!) ... 10 seconds to comb (and will the wimmin see the dif ference!). You'll look neat 'n natural. Bye-bye loose flaky dandruff and dryness, too. So latch on to Vilalis e the man at the drug store or barber tbop pronto. vruw , , y "60 A MODUCT Of MltTOl-HTKDl ) I f 1 II I ' T 1 1 a AU III III. A II Huskers Swamp Cyclones 79-25 in Indoor HOW THKV SCORKD Irarlt Jhr. n r l""h 4411 d. danh H;llt yd. run I One-mile run Two-nillr run 4 Low hurrflfa lllith lnir.Hr. B Mile relay Totala 4 fiirhr. Sol put lllah Jump 7 Hroad jump R I'ulit tault i I i ' J J n Totala .90 (.rand total 1 BY KNOX JONES The University of Nebraska Cornhuskers rang the opening bell in defense of their Big Seven indoor track title Saturday night as they crushed Iowa State 79-25 at Lincoln. Coach Ed Weir's thinclads grabbed 10 of 12 first places from the undermanned Cyclones and swept the field in the 60, high and low hurdles and the shotput. Jim McConncll opened the Husker point parade with a vic tory in the shot. His winning effort, 46 feet 1 inch, was only two inches better than that of Charlie Toogood who copped second. Wayne Sees took third to give Nebraska a 9-0 lead, after which they were never headed. Sophomore Lee Moore won the mile in 4:34.1 after taking over the lead from Gene Rob inson on the fourth lap. Uob ' Inson took third behind Bark ley of Iowa State. Don Cooper, sidelined in the pole vault from an operation on his right hand, led teammates Lee Alexander and Bill Mueller to the tape in the 60 yard dash in :06.4. Leonard Kehl, indoor record-holder, won the vault at 12 feet 6 inches. Iowa State's two first places came in the confused 880 and the two mile. Starter Ed Higgin botham fired the final lap gun on the 880 after the runners had circled the oval only one and one-half times, thus cutting the race to approximately 630 yards. Harold Kopf, Husker vet who was favored to win, failed to note the mistake until too late and was pressed to place third behind Dick Miller and Gerald Broshar of the Cyclones. Aydin Forced Out In the two mile the duel be tween Shaver of Iowa State and Esrcf Aydin of Nebraska failed to materialize as Aydin, his workouts hampered by a tough examination week, was forced to drop out on the eleventh lap. Shaver won in 10:10.9. Dean Barnell of Nebraska took second and Bob Recce of Nebraska third. Coach Weir was especially pleased at Nebraska's showing in the shot, high jump and the two hurdle races. Dick Meissner, jun ior letterman, won the high jump at 6 feet 1 inch and barely missed three tries at 6-2 for a new meet record. Ted Mead tied with Jim Doran of Iowa State for sec USING VITAL. 5 - Socond Workout" W tW I .' 11 llw IJ Vf 1 I . VTi Regents Bookstore bod verHTO Track Opener ond at 6 feet even. Riiy Magsamen, high-point scorer last year, outpitched Bob Berkshire at the tape in the high hurdles in ;07.7 and came back later to tie Wendy Cole in the lows in :07.1. Don Bedker placed j tmrd m both events. j Summaries: ! Track Events 1 60 yard dash: Won by Cooper (N); second, Alexander (N); j third, Muller (N). Time :06.4. I 440 yard dash: Won by Hurl- jbert (N); second, Wright (IS); I tnird, Kehl (N). Time :52.5. 630 yard run: Won by Miller (IS); second, Broshar (IS); third, Kopf (N), Time 1:23.3. One mile run: Won by Moore (N); second, Barkley (IS); third, Robinson (N). Time 4:34.1. Two mile run: Won by Shaver (IS); second, Barnell (N); third, Recce (N). Time 10:10.9. 60 yard high hurdles: Won by Magsamen (N); second, Berk shire (N); third, Bedker (N) Time ;07.7. 60 yard low hurdles: Tie for first between Cole (N) and Mag :iinrn (Ml. (Ul RorlUcr TM1 I -Tin, . nVi ' ! " ivuie relay: won d.v iNCDrasiia Mr V,..,!,. , ,,u ""i. -Kch ' Colc' "ur'" t Alexanrier bert). Time 340.1. I AT MILLER'S T I Iff i i 7 w A T " 11 I casua sa wn ' f rt v our litis U V Iowa Teachers I Jar Husker Wrestlers 23-3 The University of Nebraska wrestling team ran into the 1H49 National champions from Iowa Teachers College Saturday night and were defeated, 23-3. The NCAA and AAU cham pions felt defeat in only one match in racking up their twenty-third consecutive wrest ling victory. Bob Russell saved the Husk ers from bring blanked as he derisioncd Tutor Clyde Dean, 5-3 in the 145-pound class. One of the top mutches of the evening was the Herb Reese-Bill Smith duel. Smith,, the NCAA and AAU champion of the 175 pound division finally won a long, gruelling match by a 4-3 de- Field Events Shot put: Won by McConnell (N) 4G-1 second, Toogood (N) 45-11; third Sees (N) 42-10Vi. Pole vault: Won by Kehl (N) iz-b; serond, Silver (IS) 12-0: third, McConncll (N) 11-6. ltlvi:wl inmii Wnti K.r TiHtnw rw . J ...n.w w, , n-ii; second. Kandolph (N) 21- 7V.i: third, Beal (IS) 20-8. : in... t.. I ...K.i jump, won Dy ivicissner ; (N) 6-1; tie for second between I Mead (N) and Doran (IS) eX" kippers M l 1 Pair. : ..m rr. Included in the collection of Denim casuals Miller's have: Sun-Jumper 8.95, Bolero 3.95 . . . Coat Dress 8.95, Skirt 5 95, Seersucker Blouse 3.50 . . . Slax 5.95, Weskit Blouse 3.95. Mail Orders Filled! SPORTSWEAR . . . Fashion Floor Second YiDft Iowa Coach To Holy Cross Dr. Eddie Andersortf who re cently designed from his head coaching position at Iowa Uni versity, has been appointed foot ball coach of Holy Cross college, succeeding Bill Osmanski who recently resigned. Anderson, who left Holy Cross for Iowa 12 years ago, is taking a turn-about with his new five year contract. Only yesterday, Anderson stated, "everything is indefi nite" and denied rumors that cisiori. Reese was undefeated last year in dual meets and was the Big Seven 175-pound title holder, Nebraska's 1946 AAU champ, Mike DiBiase, lost his rubber match to Fred Stroeker, 5-1. In an invitational meet at Cedar Falls last year, Stroeker won a referee's decision and DiBiase, in a dual meet, won a one point decision. Another previously unbeaten Husker suffered his first loss of the year. Louis Caniglfa. 121- nnnnrlor foil ho ttra rPan1. A It . i man, i-i, ' iuiuio nroduced the evening's only pin. nine as he stoDDed Ed Lane in .SI ids in ThTisS class" in blue DDsMmI to 'Shore Males . . . Combine onderful crew of sturdy faded Blue Denim Offs with striped or create gohs of wardrobe changes. All San- Denim is unconditionally washable and color-fast. The exciting style wave . . . hand ed trim throughout integration. You'll lly belong together! Sizes Popular Set . . Visor Double Breasted Jacket 7 Pauls 4.95 Ite prepared for sunnier days . . . Hal ter 2.95, Hoys Shorts 3.95, Bermuda Shorts 4.95, Bobby Jacket 5.95. he had been offered the Holy Cross position, terminf them as "the bunk." Anderson said that he gave up his $13,000-a-year job at Iowa because the Board refused to give him a full professorship. During his eight seasons at Iowa, Ander son's teams compiled a 35 games won, 32 games lost. In 1939, he coached Iowa's immortal Ail American Nile Kinnick as his team took second in the Big 10, Anderson was a former Notre Dame star and went to Holy Cross from DePaul University in Chicago. While at Holy Cross from 1933-1938, his teams won 47 games, lost seven and tied four. Twice he fielded unde feated teams. No One at Iowa Anderson had resigned from Iowa in 1947, but the Board of Control refused to accept it after his team upset powerful Minne sota 14-7. No successor has been named to fill the post vacated by An derson at Iowa University. , Track tryouts for the Min nesota duel meet will be held in the low hurdles at 5 p. m. on Tuesday and In the 80 yard dash, high hurdles and other events at 5 p. m. Wednesday. All interested varsity track men are asked to report to Coach Weir in the East Sta dium at that time. plain seersuckers to makes perfect group love the way they just 10-18 Cap 1.9. 9.J MIL F 'SI 1