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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1949)
' PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, October 20, 1949 Wishnow Names 62 Orchestra Members Sfxty-two students have been chosen members of the Univer sity Symphony orchestra for the 1949-50 school year. Emanuel Wishnow, conductor, announced the following orches tra members Thursday. Violins Aleta Snell, Kathleen Forbes, Norman Splittgerber, Jeanette Hause, James Stevenson, Alice Saunders, Jane Gocres, NROTC Tells Deadline for Applications AH male Nebraska high school seniors and college students un der 21 who wish to apply for the NROTC should submit their ap plications at once, Capt. W. L. Messmer, professor of naval science at the University, an nounced. Application blanks can be ob tained from most high school principles or by writing directly to the naval science department at the University. Nov. 12 is the deadline for the applications. Applicants must be between the ages of 17 and 21 and eligible for entrance into college next fall. The navy will select 2000 men to receive the four-year scholarships, authorized at 52 Universities in cluding Nebraska. The scholarships will cover the cost of tuition, books, and fees with an additional amount of $50 a month for living allowances. Scholarship winners, if quali fied at graduation, must accept a commission in the regular Navy or Marine Corps for a minimum of two years. Alumni Luncheon To Precede Game Buffet luncheons for Univer sity alumni, their families and friends, will be resumed Satur day noon in the main dining room of the Union preceding the Okla homa football game. The luncheons are being of fered by the Alumni Association before each home football game. Lunch will be served from 11:30 Irene Roberts, Pamela Kinne, Helen Murray, Elinor Flanagin, Gayle Henkel, Marilyn Ham mond, Donald Prusia, Ruthann Levine, Eileen Oelrich, Virginia Lovejoy, and John Schwartz. Violas Roma Johnson, Mari lyn Harms, Russell Norman, Janet Clark, Martha Christiansen and Robert Webster. Cellos Janice Liljedahl, Ruth Bergstraesser, Richard Guy, James Christiansen, Kathleen Burt, and Jeanette Dolezal. Basses Marjorie S. Farmer, Keith Stevenson, Dale Read, Bar bara Gilmore, Beth Wilkins, and Harold Hollingshcad. Flutes Miriam Willey and William Wurtz. Clarinets William Elliott, Rob ert Harrison, and John Berigan. Oboes Colette Donaly and Eu gene Tedd. Bassoon Marilyn Maca. Trumpets Dennis Rohrs, Maria Marx, Don Engle, and Dean Del linger. Trombones Carroll Brown, Al fred Zimmer, and John Thorin. Tuba Leonard Henry. French Horns Louise Miller, Walt Cole, Fred Vanosdall, Kath ryn Baker and Joel Waddill. Harps Bonnie Weddell and Dixie Pettijohn. Percussion Joanne Smith, Kent Tiller and Catherine Elliott. Yearbook Seeks Barbs' Pictures All Independent students who have not had their pictures taken for the 1950 Cornhusker are urged to do so in the immediate future by the yearbook staff. Appointments for having the pictures taken may be made in a Cornhusker booth in the Union lobby. It will be open every day this week through Friday. A deadline will be set for reg istration of the pictures with the Cornhusker and no other pictures will be accepted after that date. Photographs are being taken by Rose Manor Studios, 1421 O, George Randol, photographer. a.m. to 12:30 p.m., William L. (Bill) Day, president of the As sociation stated Wednesday. There will be no program, he said. Res ervations should be made by call ing the Alumni Association office. ML. I GREAT r-il TCAW OF 1945 SET fjlyf v? A MODERtf HARK N-PP OF462.7YDS. O T AVERAGE PER. J GAME A UTTLE OP rS TMATttRDAGE h ) 3335, THE BALL THAT 6ZT& THE CALL V DUTIFUL X 1 1 IN AMERICA'S LEAD! NO DAUlN'jW ' ' f GRJOIRON CLASSICS TZZs Af ,-rsx '7 AHDiN MosTor--y ffv fM prJk hi THE KHNUAL f L f ' lW IL ifi KfiD) . etXWL GAMES., y Y$y Red Cross Board Filings Still Open Filings are still open for the Red Cross board. Two board positions, special projects and first aid, will be filled by application, according to Audrey Rosenbaum, president. These applications must be sub mitted by Oct. 21. They will be approved by the entire board. The special projects position entails acting as co-chairman of a group which sponsors special campaigns and drives. The first aid chairman organizes a class in first aid instruction which is taught by a Red Cross instruc tor. Applications are to be left in the Red Cross box in the base ment of the Union. They must include name, year, collegeand past experience with Red Cross. According to a University rul- Council ... (Continued from Page 1.) Cadwallader (chairman), Jim Stoddard, Shirley Allen, Vladi mir Lavko, Mayer Moskovitz, Herb Reese, Rod Lindwall and Ben Wall. Howard announced that stu dents must secure parking per mits this week. Office hours for these permits will end Oct. 28, he added. In line with its routine duties, the Council placed it's stamp of approval on an annual budget of $453 presented by Rob Raun, treasurer. In a unanimous vote, it waived the junior class re quirement to permit graduate student Vladimir Lavko to rep resent Cosmopolitan Club, which the Council ruled is composed primarily of graduates. ing, freshman are not eligible to apply. Werner to Speak To TC Grad Club Dr. O. l Werner will be the main speaker at the annual fall meeting of the Teachers College Graduate club Friday, Oct. 21, at 7:30 p.m., at the home of Dean F. E. Henzlick. All Teachers College students interested in joining the club and graduates members are urged to attend the meeting. Those planning to atend should sign up in Dean Henzlik's office before Friday. of". CIGARS RAY'S CANDY Try Out HOT FRESH POP CORN THICK MALTED MILKS 1516 O Street ru m 1 NOW Y0UK LIPS CAN BE 4f ...wilh 'f J Mi LJi r fKJkjL Fashion's hmi Lip Colors by Max Factor PINK VELVET a smooth, provocative Invitation on your lipi 14 tj .1 ts CORAL GLOW warm, vivacious lit tcilh gold $ .7 it- - J-f Jf&- 3 I ittf PLVK SECRET delicate, tcith a hint of feminine myttery 4 f'T. 12- 4. Three dramatic new Lip Colors create fresher, more brilliant lip flattery for you in fashion's newest costume colors. Each shade is a masterpiece of color blending...! "Fashion Must" to complete your lipstick wardrobe of Color Harmony Clear Reds Created for Color Harmony by and Fashion Harmony Blue Reds and Rose Reds. us, "well-behaved" lipstick.., non-drying, it really stays on. In Max factor s tamous, well-benaved lipstick... Ci 1 00 plui ni accept this umaui YouiUreceivegc QyiOpC Oct&p LLYWO O D SEND FOR THIS UNUSUAL OFFER TODAY! fill IN AND CHECK CAREFULIY THE INFORMATION CHART BELOW AND MAIL Mm FKtif Mitt StirfM. In Ml. Ultfwi 21, Ctttt. ftoM Mfld m your wnlqw bawly e(fr. I mkIom 10 nti ! htlp cevw coil of pock as and handling. COWPHHIQH ffCS HiR Fk BM D BLONI'C cnm o ey . . . if a oii o O C O BRUNETTC Hvoat o Hu. .. D WO "D UIKm D imi....O BROWNf TTC r.M ...o Buck .. .o L't""a D-iQ Ww O RFDHEAO o--o uWIGW KIH NormQ Q Q Q Chi twQi-xM Dry 0Hr O Lr Dm w mmn m Spalding sets the pace in sports Nam. colo-iUu K".Ti, book by VmjYi-W"- , Addr.M -Ao