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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1949)
Thursday, October 20, 1949 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 24 : J'"'-.JiK,. J ': .;:Sv-': '::.' i - y CO-CAPTAIN Stanley West of the Oklahoma Sooners has made himself known to opposing backlields, breaking through many times to stop a play before it got started. West will probably make him self known to the Huskers Saturday afternoon. Nebraska Yearlings To Invade K-Slate Nebraska frosh, with a line average of 213 pounds per man, will travel to Manhattan Friday for their first real test of the "49" season. Heading the list of big line men is Don Bole, a 261 pound freshman from Scribner, playing offensive tackle. Other linemen are Wayne Handshy, tackle; Tom Harper, guard; Carl Brasee, guard; Cliff Rifcnbark, center; and ends George Paynich and Frosh Win Two Postal Track Meets University of Nebraska fresh men breezed by Colorado 10-30 and edged out Kansas 17-21 in two postal track tests this last weekend. In the Colorado romp the freshmen swept the first five places in the one and one-half mile. Wayne Judds of Ashland paced the field with a time of 7 minutes 38 seconds. Harold Wray, Spalding; Dale Schnackel. Omaha and Bob Kissinger, Has tings took the next four places. Steers had the best time among the Colorado runners with 7:52.5. The frosh although not plac ing as many men as in the Colo rado win, won their second one and one-half mile postal race at the expense of Kansas with Judds again showing the way. Kirt place however went to Keith Palmquist of Kansas with a time of 7:26.5. Second was Judds with a time of 7:33. Others in the order of finish: Bill Farnev, Kansas, third; Harold Wray, (Spalding) Ne braska fourth; Sale Schnackel braska, louith; Sale Schnackel Kissinger (Hastings) Nebraska, sixth; Bob Kroger. (Schuyler) Nebraska, seventh; Lewis Clum, Kansas, eighth; Neil McNeill, Kansas, ninth: Art Schaaf, Kan sas, tenth. Nebraskan Seeks Sports Cartoonist If you can draw, the Daily Nebraskan needs you. If you have a sense of humor, the Daily Ne braskan wants you. If you have the two fore-mentioned qualities and are sports minded, the Daily Nebraskan sports department has to have you. If you have the talent for draw ing sports cartoons, report at once to Jerry Warren, sports editor. Phi Gamma Delta Cineh League Tie Phi Gamma Delta handed Alpha Tau Omega their first defeat Tuesday night in IM football to take over the lead in League I and cinch no worse than a first-place tie. The Phi Gam victory came by virture of Dick Schleiger's T. D. Delta Tau Delta wasn't as lucky as the AGR's from out Ag way took them into camp, 13-6, while Sigma Chi steamrollered the ZBT's by a 12 to 0 count. In the thriller of the day, Sig Ep "Muscles" Keenan's score went for naught as the Phi Belts squeezed out a 7-6 victory. Billy Best, great-grandson of NU's famous Jack Best, racked up two six-pointers as the Sigma Nu's dirfated the Beta Sigs, 12-0. The Newman Club-InterVarsity battle highlights the Friday Sixteen Men Enter Second Round of Free Throw Tourney Sixteen men were left as the first round of the free-throw tourney reached completion Tues day night. Ten different groups were represented by these 16 with Phi Kappa Psi leading the pack with four. Three groups are represented by two men each. These are: Delta Upsilon, Sigma Chi, and Alpha Tau Omega. The other six groups each placing one man arc Sigma Nu, Delta Sigma Phi, Sigma Alpha F.psilon, Newman Club, Brown Palace, and Phi Delta Thcta. Fritz Simpson and Bobby Rey nolds, both of Phi Psi's, led the first round victors, each netting 47 out of 50. Dean Brittenham, Phil Delta Thcta, gained a victory agenda with the YMCA Dorm C also drawing some attention. by shooting only 30 shots, potting 29. First round results: Mel Williams. Brown Palace over Kill Anclersuh, Sig Kp. Dfan Brittenham. Phi Pelt over Jim Abernnthy, Sic Chi. Bohhy Reynolds, Phi P.i over Bill Ien ker. A TO. Joe Good, SAK over Jack Swedelson, SAM. Bill Wenk. Dlr over Inn Cniieii. ATO. Ron Butler, Sit; Nu over Alien Hansen, RiK K.p. Fritz Simpson. Phi P.-i over Jirry Solo mon. Phi Cam. Dovle Bussknhl, ATO over Jim Thomas, Sig Chi. Dick Michii)-k, DU over Boh Ward, Beta. Jerry Anderson, Phi Psi over Paul Holm, ATO. Al Mamniersky. Newman Club over Jim Sharp. Pelt. Milse l.anspa. Sip Chi over Meile Rial der. ATO. l.arry Andt-rson, Phi Pm over Ciibert Rosenberg. SAM. Warren IoriK, S'K Chi over I.any Kran zien. Phi Psi. Pick Kensler. Delta mis over Bill Greer, Beta. Ted Connor. In the offensive back field it is quarterback Jack Ladds calling the signals with Kim Levendusky and Bill Wing ender at halfbacks and Allan Os borne at fullback. The defensive team has the same line with a different set of backr in Bob Hahn, Bob Reynolds, and Gerald Dunn with Bill Wing endcr the only holdover from the offensive unit. Coach Ike Hanscom has had trouble polishing his T offensive because of nightly sessions on de fense against the varsity, how ever, his frosh defensive combin ations will be tough and ready for K-State. The quarterbacking assignments for this game will fall on the shoulders of four backs, who have yet to be tested under actual game conditions. They are Jack Ladds of Shenandoah, la; Buster Leh man, El Paso, Texas; Cieh Hea cox, Barry, Pa.; and Stan Ger lach of Lincoln. With only two boys on the in jured list, the frosh should be at full strength both on offense and defense. The injured play ers are Dick Anderson of Fair bury, who is out with a bruised hip, and Keith Fcine, second stung tackle from Omaha, who has a bruised foot, but should be ready io play by Friday. The Cornhusker squad will be out to keep a win streak alive since the varsity whipped the Wildcat varsity two weeks ago 13-6. MAIN FKATUKES START VARSITY: "La Traviata". 1:07, 2:52, 4:37, 6:22, 8:07, 9:52. lurkian, 1:4, 6:21, r.zi, 9:26. VARSITY TODAY! A ULM MASTLKI IM E 4 V .A PHYS. ED. T-SHIRTS RED TRUNKS GYM SHOES ACCESSORIES TENNIS SHOES (SMOOTH SOLES) Russell Sports 133 No. H Open Thurs. Eve. COLUMBIA MCTUttl me) (LA TRAVIATA) it Mill . m kMMi Ml in m wxm VEK9 Prices: 50c Mat., 6c Eve. Student Price 40c NOW SHOWING" JOHN WAYNE ROrc.HFR TOl'GIIKR MORK KOM ANTIC AS with OIJ K.R HARDY COMING "ICHAKOn A MR. TODD" 1 ld . Jr. 1 c . v.. s; . I s n mv I . - . " i.'. itt. J f Yes, Camels are SO MILD that in a coast-to-coast test of hundreds of men and w men ho smoked Camels and only Camels for 30 consecutive days, noted throat specialists, making weekly examinations, reported NOT ONI SINGH CASK OF THROAT IRRITATION DUE TO SMOKING CAMELS!