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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 20, 1949)
Thursday, October 20, 1949 PAGE 2 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN JJul (Dallip Vbd)AaAkcuv l Member Intercollegiate Press FOKTY-SKYENTH 1 EAR The Dally Nenraakan I published by the atndenU of the Cnlverally of Nebraaka e rxpretMon of alodent wi mnd optnione only. According U article II ( tte rly l.tWi (iivrrnini undent penllcationa and . dminiatered by tlie Board of Publication!' "it la the declared iMtliry ol the Board that publication ondcr lie iuritdirtloa hail a free from editorial reuaorahip on the part of the Board, or oa the part of any member of the faculty of the nnivenity: bat members of the staff of The trail) Ne-raakau are personally responsible for what they say or do or cause to be printed." Subscription rates are $1.00 per semester, i.50 ne semester mailed, or $3.00 tot the eollrce year. $4.00 mailed. Sinrje copy 6c Published daily during the school yeai except Mondays and Saturdays, vacations and examination periods, by the University f Nebraska under the euprrvialoa of the t'uhlirntioo Board. Entered as Second t hus Matter at the Post Office la Lincoln, Nebraska, aadVr Act of Consresa, alarco 3, 1879, and at special rale of postage provided for ha section 11 OS. Act of October I, 1917. authorized September 10, I922. EDITORIAL Fdilor rnb Managing Kditort Simpson, Susie Keed Nea r.ditora ticne Berg, Bruce Kennedy, Norma Chnbbnck, Jerry Kwlng, Poorhle Kedlget Snorts Editor irrT Mnn At Editor Arlcn Beam tuiriety Editor I-"" Eenster KeBlnrr Editor R"th Ann Sandstedt I'boliiKraplier Hank l.ammera Bl'SIES9 fttiaine Manager AxMstant Business Managei ( irciilatinu Mummer Niisht News Editor Keith O'Rannnri . .Ted Randolph, Jack Cohen, C hock Burmelstel Wendy Hanger (iene Berg r u II Karon Tl 9 Gahariline . . aJL 1 Mark I nine 'Sfe UU n ,a,d of Junior House' designed this Ikiiiril in 3 versions! Kvn Gabardine All H Varvl Stripe Glen Vlaid Flatlet-ins; styles for every figure . . . pencil-slim trouser-plcaled, back- zipper and kick-pleat back types. Green Wy Hullersrolrh All Wool Yard S.riM 5 Grtvn lilue n.d Back View Drown GOLD'S Sportswear Shop Second Floor NU Bulletin Board Thursday Meeting of all concession sales men Thursday at 7:30 p.m. in N-club room. All Independent students are urged to sign for Cornhusker pic tures in the Union booth before the end of this week. The booth will be open from 1 to 5 p.m. every afternoon this week. Phi Lambda Theta, women's educational honorary, will hold a breakfast meeting at the home of Luvicv Hill and Gertrude Beers Saturday morning, Oct. 22, at 9 a.m. Tickets ior the breakfast are 50 cents. Dues for the current year will be oaid at the meeting by mail to Helen Halberslebon. Those planning to attend arc advised to take the Irving school bus and stop at the Royal court in front of the home of the hostesses. Christian Science Organization will hold its weekly meeting in Room 313 of the Union at 7 p.m. Thursday. Alpha Zcta will meet at 7 p m. Thursday in the Crops lab. Thi Chi Theta will meet in Tai lor Y of the Union at 7:30 p.m. Thursday. Engineering Exec Board will meet at 5 p.m. Thursday in Room 313 of the Union. Inter-Varsity Christian Fellow ship w ill meet at 7:30 p.m. Thurs day in Room 315 of the Union. Friday All section heads, managing ed itors and photographers of the lOfiO CORNHUSKER will meet Friday at 4 p.m. Saturday. First meeting of the Red Cross Motor Corps First Aid course will be held Saturday from 9 to 12 a.m. in Room 315 of the Union. Monday All Corn Cob actives will have their CORNHUSKER pictures taken at 5 p.m. Monday in the Thoto lab, West stadium. Council to Keep Office Hours The Student Council office. Union 305, will be open from four to six on Monday and three to four on Wednesday. At this time students may contact Council President . Ros Howard. "The specific purpose of office hours are to give the student a chance to present his views or gripes to Council officers," How ard said. At that time students who need to make changes in parking per mits may do so, Howard added. This wili efe t students who have lost permits, purchased cars or tailed to register, he said. Student Migration . . . Tickets for the student migration to Iowa State go on sale Monday, Oct. 24. One hundred students, in addition to band members, must go on the migration train or the event will be called off. j The Student Spirit Committee, under the chairmanship of Roz Howard, has studied the migration from all angles to determine its advisability. Previous University-sponsored trips have not received the cooperation needed to warrant annual migrations in the future. University authorities have been a bit skeptical about past migrations because of reports of poor conduct. However, after studying the situation thoroughly, the Spirit committee decided that an official migration would definitely benefit the team arid that it could be conducted properly and with no adverse criticism. The fact still remains that 100 students must partici Ao r?r7 Mnurarrl nc "The entire success and the de- ! ciding factor of the migration will be the number of students 1 traveling by train.". j This means that your cooperation is needed. If you are planning to attend the game, why not go on the official 'train? Arrangements have been majc with Iowa State or I ganizations to insure Nebraska students a good time. So get your ticket as soon as possible so a successful migration can be assured. It would certainly be a black mark against student spirit, which is far from lacking this year if the migration should have to be cancelled. Fritz Simpson. The Moral Victory Routine . . . I The Huskcrs come face to face with another nearly i insurmountable foe Saturday the Oklahoma Sooners. The lOklahomans are very fast, very tricky and very, very big. Prospects are for a long afternoon for the Nebraska faithful, to say nothing of the players themselves. j Even if the Huskers are at their best, they will be hard- pressed to keep the score down to a reasonable figure. It ! will take all the staying power Nebraska possesses to make the game interesting. But a good showing should be good enough lor the fans. If the Huskers play as well as they did against Minne sota, they will rate our praise. If they don't, the sc6re in the record books should be enough censure. The students should prepare to see one of the best teams in the nation work against Nebraska. The student body can do its part by giving the Huskers all the spirit they can through cheering at the rally and at the game. Cub Clem. Mitt ! ' I HstMMl v-. 1 II to IN Mule Lingo Sparks Fifth Union Movie Stubborn mules play the major roles in the Union's fifth Sunday evening movie of the year. The movie this week will be "Scudda Hoo! Scudda Hay!," which in mulese means something like "get goin'.". The picture will be shown at 7:30 p.m. Sunday in the Unioii ballroom, according to general entertainment sponsor Hob Mo-sher. The film is described by Films Inc., as-"a warm, human screen j story in the rich tradition of i and 'My "Home in Indiana" Friend Flicka." Adapted from the best-selling novel by George A. Chamber lain, the movie stars June Haver, Ixin McCallister, Walter Brcnnan, Anne Revere, Natalie Wood and Henry Hull. Filmed against a farm back ground, the production tells the story about the difficulties en countered by the owners of the pair of mules. Classified HALF PRICE BOXED STATIONERY (Fall Clearance) Well Known Brands GOLDEUROD STATIONERY STORE 215 North Hth Street A.i-.XT U AN I K li K.'irn liberal rummisisims in school sellinc kits ol Irrnuiiful ni.'itr-hoil tnhrir nnl y.trn imported ;imi Imnil-iunnicd, for .uf:)tcr-stiirt pets l-'nr iit't:,i!s writi to I.OOM-SFTS. Box 2."il G F (.. N-w V.Tk 1. N. V. NOTIt K: All iutilat il "niivrrtroinsT "wrli firaO'i will hr hmtornl If liw'l brfore O.tclilT 2.1. (llll-linN Ml 111(1, Hi South i:lh St. roit SAI.K l!i:i7 Ol i-i r.ilH. 2128" S "stT In'iuiri after 7 p. m. INT l-.KKST 1. 1 : S.-e i,.",w" tnakr Vh'.i7- early. I'.i.xer puppies. AKC reie. lihip. 17. lKikervillP. Ju.t east of rental office. Rpk Mnttheus. WANTKI) IinTe Inr 2 stmleiiis to K.ii!as City. Call 3 tiHS after 5. TVT'lNti done f"r pi inlenl.-. Kxpericncrd. Reasonable. Mrs. I. Johtien, .V6H2. V. rent tuir fr MsftQ. t irtue III anil them at AVKRS. 1400 O. I'lORSON fin.1li;K my tollfolcl keep mmry but return other contents. Win. Wilson, .Vfi.T'.l Cull Ixm LOST I'rU l"si fraterioty pin. Williams. 2 44I13. Reward, "oi t'iievrniet roiija Kood condition. 1!40 motor. J17SOO. 8ee at Texaco Servlre, 10th and South. ld.16 Fold 4 door deluxe very clean, new motor. 1442 reach. Pbune 3-1. 4btOfbnt filteri in MedKO pipes and holden hav 66 baftlei that stop flakti and lug... obtorb juket . . . rtduc tongue bit . . . glvt you the utmoit in tmoking pleasure. MEDICO V. f. Q. (VESY FINE QUALITY) Specially selected imported briar Pipes. 0 Widevariety of shapes. With 10 filters... L Alio Frank Medico "Standard" . . . Amrka't Outstanding Dollar (V) Pipe Prank Medico Cigarette Holders & '2 FILTERED SMOKING S. M. Frank L Co., Inc. Flftti Avtnv. Nw Tort J : n i A M ! I . I J Get Your Tickets NOW Only $1.00 Ter Terson Dance To and His Orchestra , at the 1.940 FIKEMAX?S Q1ALL rniversity of Nebraska Coliseum 8:00 T. M. Fri., Oct. 21