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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1949)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednesday, May 4, 1949 PAGE 4 Corilllliskcr, Coriislllicks Staff ISA Celebrates tirsi mrinaay To celebrate ISA's first year on Position Filings To Open Today Filings for fourteen editorial and business positions on the 1949-50 Cornshucks and Corn husker staffs will open May 4 and close Thursday May 12 at noon. Interviews will be held May 14 at 9 a.m. Applications, which may be picked up at the School of Jour nalism office, 316 Burnett, will be made for the following positions: Cornhusker . . . Army To Build College Grad Officer Corps To more adequately settle "problems of management, re search, operations and leader ship, the United States Air Force has announced a program to build an officer corps composed in large part of college grad uates. Efficient solutions of these problems depend on a highly competent officer. corps composed mainly of college-trained men and women, according to Gen. Staff of the Air Force. HE EXPLAINED that for col lege graduates interested in fly ing careers, the Air Force is re serving a number of places in its summer and early fall Aviation Cadet classes. The purpose is to permit seniors graduating in June to begin pilot training with minimum delay. Seniors who apply now will have their papers processed so that, if qualified and accepted, they will be ready to begin train ing in one of the early classes following their graduating. Students, interested are ad vised to contact local recruiting Offices- rTC Discusses ?49-'50 Plans New members of the deans' ad- isory committee of Teachers' col ege have drawn preliminary (ilans for the group's function dur ng the next school year. Elizabeth Schneider will serve fes chairman of the six-member board which is drawn from all clepartments in the college. Rep resentatives include Dorothy Bor gens, and Janet Carr, elementary education; Suzanne Koehler, mu sic; Harry Stayer, commercial arts; and Falp Hunkins, second ary and graduate schools. Dean F. E. Henzlik and Miss Mary Mielenz, faculty member of the board, outlined the duties of the committee at a noon lunch eon meeting. Main purpose of the baord is improvement of pub lic relations and conditions within the college, in an advisory capac ity to the Dean. Alpha Zcla Elects Si alder President Merle Stalder, Ag Junior, is the newly elected chancellor of Alpha Zeta. Ag honorary fraternity. Stalder will guide the activities of the organization during the 1949-50 year. Other officers elected include Stanley Lambert, censor; Ed Sautter, scribe; Jack DeWulf, treasurer; and Lloyd Wirth, chronicleer. Dr. D. D. Deane of the Dairy Husbandry department was elected to succeed Dr. T. H. Goodding of the Agronomy de partment as one of the three faculty advisors to the group. The other two advisors are Dr. E. Hixon and Prof. C. W. Smith. Each advisor serves for a term of three years. Beuiel to Address Pre-Law Group Pre-law students will have the opportunity to learn much about law college curriculums and ad vantages at 7:30 p. m., Wednes day, May 4 in 201 Law. Law College Dean Frederick K. Beutel will address pre-law stu dents on the status of law college courses. A short business meeting will be held at which time the NU Pre-Law association will be organized with the hope that it will carry on into the coming year. 1 editor 3 managing editors 1 business manager 3 assistant business managers. Cornshucks . . . 1 editor . 2 managing editors 1 business manager 2 assistant business managers. Positions on the Daily Ne- braskan may be applied for start ing May 11. Filings will remain open until noon May 19, and in terviews with the Publications Board will begin May 21 at 9 a.m. Daily Nebraskan positions to be filled are: 1 editor 2 managing editors 5 news editors 1 ag editor 1 sports editor 1 business manager 3 assistant business managers. The Publications board, which is made up of three elected stu dents and four faculty members, make all appointments for paid positions on the three publica tions. Chairman of the board and a non-voting member is Dr. Wil liam F. Swindler, head of the School of Journalism. Theta Chi Gets Chapter at NU Theta Chi has come back to the university campus. Ceremonies marking the reacti vation of Alpha Upsilon chapter of the national social fraternity were held Saturday afternoon, April 30, at Nebraska Wesleyan. The reactiviation was held in conjunction with the installation of a new chapter at Wesleyan. Officers include: President, Warren L. Bull; vice president, Robert E. Wesslund; secretary, William C. Boiling; treasurer, Dwaine Van Pelt. New members include Raul Brabo, Calvin L. Coulter, William J. Doyle, John J. Heirigs, John Kjrchofer, Robert E. May, Rob ert L. McConnellee, Earl H. Mc Nare and Louis E. Mlaska. Principal speaker at the ban quest following the initiations was Stuart H. Kelley, national president of Theta Chi. About 120 members and guests attended the banquet. the campus, the independents will sponsor their annual spring picnic May 7. The affair, to be held at the Welfare hall, 430 No. 10, will be gin at 4:30 p. m. with games of handball, baseball and volleyball. At 6 p. m. the serving will begin, followed by the dance at 8 p. m. There will also be a floor show by local talent. According to Phyllis Barribo, social chairman, no expense has been spared to make this the "picnic of the year." Tickets are 65c a person or $1.30 a couple. Joh Interviews For Graduates Start May 5 June graduates seeking full time employment may be inter viewed Thursday and Friday of this week and Wednesday of next week. " Personnel from the Nebraska State Employment service will ap pear on the campus to conduct personal interviews. T. J. Thomp son, Dean of Student Affairs, has scheduled the following program: Thursday, May 5 Graduating engineering students in room 104, Administration building. Friday, May 6 Graduating business administration stu dents, room 206, Social Science building. Wednesday, May 11 Gradu ating students from all other colleges, room 104, Administra tion building. Interviews will be held from 9:30 a. m. to 4 p. m. each day. Graduating students will be given a chance to look into pos sibilities not only in Nebraska, but also throughout the United States and its possessions. The fa cilities of the Nebraska State Em ployment service are world-wide in scope because of its affiliation with the United States Employ ment service. The service is in co-operation with the University Occupational Placement council. The aid makes it possible for graduates to elimi nate lengthy and tedious steps in securing permanent jobs. AWS Board Announces Inter-Sorority Sing Program i r..i i ; ihn Ompta" Jo Ann Hansen: Dorm "If Win- I LINCOLN'S BUSY DEPARTMENT STORE T1HCKETEEK" SPOUT TOAT w I yZ '''A r cnpETEEnj featured in Esquire Cricketeer. , one of the finest makers of men's sport coats. Hand-stitched. 100 wool fabric. Many colors. 24: so in GOLD'S MEN'S STORE Stree Finer Rules and participants in the Intersoronty Sing for Ivy uay have been announced by AWS. The Sing will start at 10:45 a.m. on Saturday, April 7. The AWS rules are as follows: No more than 25 girls, including the director, may represent any group in the sing. Each group is assessed a fee of three dollars to cover the cost of judging. No group shall partici pate without payment. The fee must be paid to Marilyn Moomcy, 540 No. 16 St. by May 5. Groups will line up in order of participation immediately before the sing. In interest of good sportsmanship, the directors are urged to keep the groups quiet while waiting their turn. Each group must be ready when its number is announced. ALL GROUPS must remain after their participation for re call if necessary. Questions concerning these rules should be referred to Marcia Tep perroan, 2-3526. Participants, their songs and di rectors in the order of their ap pearance are: Alpha Thl "Two Bright Stars" Murj Wherry; Kappa Delta "Kappa Delta Waltz' Wllllstine Clark; Sigma Kappa "Lovely Sigma Oirl" Myra Hauge; Gamma Phi Beta "Gamma Phi Sweet heart" Dora Lee Ncldenthal; Wilson Hall "Deep In My Heart" Norma Keuten; Tl Beta I -hi "Follow the Arrow" Krnamarie Trefz; Alpha Omlcron PI "Dream of Girl of AOPi" Virginia Nordstrom; Interna tional house "The Wind" Lois Kadehler; Chi Omega "The Sweetheart of ("hi '49 Journalism Banquet Planned It'll be a big day for the jour nalism department May 12. On that day, at the Continental Cafe, the four department honoraries, Kappa Alpha Mu, Kappa Theta Alpha, Sigma Delta Chi and Theta Sigma Psi, will sponsor the annual journalism banquet. An added attraction will be the University of Kansas' Dean Bur ton Marvin as guest speaker. Also, the Sigma Delta Chi initiation will be held before banquet time. Tick ets are $1.75 and are available at the School of Journalism in Burnett hall. Omega" Jo Ann Hansen; Dorm "If Win ter Comes" Mary Barton; Kappa Alpha Theta "The Night la Yonn" Pnt liad ilm; Towne Club "For Friends Whom I Now Cherish" Klalne Carroll; Sigma Delta Tau "Reflections of Sigma Delta Tau" Hernlce Beasel; Rosa Bouton "Love is the Sweetest Thing" Dorothy Taylor; Kappa Kappa Gamma "Kappa Land" Margaret Muscheites; Alpha Chi Omega "The Toast" Pat Larson; Delta Delta Delta "DeHa Indigo" Carol Youm kln; Alpha XI Delta "Sweetheart Song" . Helen Anderson; Delta Gamma "Delta Gamma "Delta Gamma Dream Girl" Virginia Taylor. Award Contest To Cover Six Writing Fields The National Five Arts award, Inc., has announced a contest covering six writing fields: the play, short story, short short story, popular song, radio script and movie synopsis. Cash awards for winning entries total $30,000, fellowships, $70,000. The contest is open to college writers only and 23,000 manu scripts and inquiries have already been made at award headquar ters, 715 Fifth avenue, New York. The non-profit contest has at tracted the following as judges: play Moss Hart, Mike Todd, Arthur Hopkins and Whit Bur nett; popular song Benny Good man, Duke Ellington and Vincent Lopez; radio script Ed Byron (producer of "Mr. D. A.") and Erik Barnouw (president of the Radio Writers Guild); movie Bynopsis Hal Wallis, Anatole Litvak and Rouben Mamoulian. Competition doesn't close until July 31, and entry blanks and full information may be obtained hy writing to The National Five Arts Award, 715 Fifth avenue, New York 22, N. Y. Wedding Stationery Invitations or Announcement Printed or Engraved Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street Refreshment And Movies Go Hand-In-Hand niuinJiD'in::rj,irAi"" - ' 11 ' """" m "' tmrntmrnm " I i j li?W r F 7 A I ill T tf M Pi en! f yk $ lL-u cllnm i lOlTlffl UND AUTHORITY 0 THE COCA-COIA COMPANY Y LINCOLN COCA-COLA BOTTLING COMPANY O 1949. The Coca-Cola Cowpony A a