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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 4, 1949)
Wednesday, May 4, 1949 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Dells Spurt To Overtake ATOs, 11-10 Upsets were the feature of the day Monday in softball as more unbeaten teams were knocked off. The big upset came when the de fending champion Alpha Tau Omegas dropped an 11 to 10 de cision to the Delta Tau Deltas. The Delts had a big last in ning as they pushed over four runs in the top of the sixth frame to take a one run lead. In the bottom half, the first two Taus went out. The following two reached bases, but the next Tau batter flied to deep center to end the game and give the win to the Delts. Delta Sigma Pi provided an other thriller as they topped the DUs 7 to 6, out at the Ag fields. Sigma Alpha Epsilon took high scoring honors for the day as they punched out 20 runs against seven for Pioneer Co-op. Dthpr scores: Betas, 11, Sigma Nus, 2; Brown Palace, 14; Delta Chi, 11; AGRs, 1; Acacia, 0, for feit; Operators, 2; V-5's, 2; Kappa Sigs, 10. In the horsehoe competition, three games were played. Inter varsity took nine from the Meth odists, Newman Club slipped by the Presbys. 5-1, and the AORs dropped the Kappa Sigs, 6-3. The intramural department announced that the deadline for the second round matches in the badminton singles tour nament must be In by Thurs day, May 5. These results must be turned in to the IM office before 5 p. m. IM Gymnastic Contest Slated For May 9-13 Competition in the intramural gymnastic meet will open next Monday and continue through the week. Six events will be offered: mat tumbling, trampoline tumb ling, horizontal bar, parallel bars, stationary rings and side horse. A contestant may enter any number of events. The all-around champion will be determined by the total number of points made in all events entered. The scoring will be on a per fect score of 100 points. Half will be given for difficulty and half for execution and form. A team trophy will be awarded to the winning fraternity team. All men interested in compet ing should work out this Aeek in the Coliseum basement. Any one wishing to have instruction should contact Charlie Miller in Room 107 of the new PE building. Each event will consist of two parts, a required exercise and an optional exercise. 7Z?F? ZZ ,r J 'Most Likely to Succeed... Choose a Champion to share your future. Have this able assistant at your finger tips . . . always ready ,to transfer your thoughts and inspirations to paper . . . ready to help in your progress and ad vancement Your Underwood Champion Portable is a complete personal typewriter . . . with every fea ture you need to assure finest quality work. Count on your Underwood to help get things done quickly, easily, and accurately. Count on this Champion to boost your chances of joining those "Most Likely To Succeed." Have Dad see your Author ized Underwood Portable Type writer Dealer in time to order a Champion for your gradua tion. Ask him . . . now I Or MOVED CHAMPION FIATUIES TNAT SPtU S-U-C-C-I-S-Si mncuss kit ion . . nn,uA- calljr dMlfned Finger-Form keys. Ml CKtCU CONCAVt KtYSUIFACa . comfort to busy nngoip. DUAL TOUCH TUMMO. Adjusts all keys simulUn.ou.Iy . 4 . or WnJJ r . . .to your individual touch. VAtlAMU UHt JMCft . . . , bi. Underwood typewriter featura, now am your Portable. STAHDAtD tMON . . uaad am Undarwood office ma cbinaa. Therefore, obtainabla everywhere. tMAKTlOOKIHO CAHYtHO CASI. . . bandy, dureble, compact . . . dM 'or traveling. t4 Underwood Corporation Typewrite . . . Adding Machine . . . Accounting Machine . . . Carbon Paper . . . Ribbont On. Park Avanu T Haw York 16, N. Y. Underwood Limited, Toronto 1, Canada Saet and Service Everywhere IM Cindcrmcn Will Compete For Relays Title Wednesday and Thursday, May 11, 12, have been set as the dates of the intramural track relays, ac cording to L. E. Means, head of the IM department. The meet will be held on the Memorial Stadium track, with each day's schedule to start at 5:10. Four events, shot put, broad jump, 440 relay and the sprint medley relay will be neia Wed nesday. Thursday's schedule lists the pole vault, discus. 120 yard low hurdlers. 880 relay, high jump and thousand yard run. The meet scoring will consist of: individual events 7-5-4-3-2-1. and the relays will be scored 13. 10, 8, 6, 4, 2. The meet is a Jack Best event, organizations must have at least five men actually competing to be eligible for par ticipation points and team honors. An individual or group in the University is eligible to compete except members of the track squad, former track lettermen, men who have represented the University in track meets since April 1, and members of spring sports varsity squads. Besides Jack Best points, the winning fraternity will receive a trophy. A trophy will also go to the man declared the meet's outstanding athlete. The winning Coach Harry Good wishes all men on the varsity basketball squad to meet in the locker room in the Coliseum at 4 p. m. on Wednesday, May 4, so that varsity pictures may be taken. All men are urged to be on time. Meinke Outspells ROTC Scholars Darrel Meinke is the first win ner at the manual of arms spell down sponsored by Scabbard and Blade. Meinke won through a process of elimination. He re ceived a medal for the victory. At the next spell down, to be hiuiri at 4 n m.. May 5. in the Drill hall at the Armory, Cadet Meinke will defend his title. Semi-weektv contests for the award will be held throughout the remainder of the semester. Huskcr Swimming Coach in Hospital Coach Hollie Lepley, veteran swim mentor, underwent an ap pendicitis operation last Thursday at Lincoln General hospital. Coach Lepley is currently running a L,ne Saving and Water Safety class in the Coliseum. In his absence the class is being taken by warren Web" Emery. independent team will qualify all point winners on' their squad for intramural medals. All recoia breakers will receive certificates No man may participate in more han fnur pvents. The IM depart ment remmmends a maximum of three. Track shoes will not be nllnwpri All contestants are urged to get warmed up early, as all events will start on time. t T.:.t vpni's comDetition found thn f p H house. Daced rjy rsiu Mnmitrnvrl. now a member of the varsity track squad, winning the championship. Second was Aipna Tau Omega, and third Phi Delta Theta. Classified WaTTtED Mjii uver Zl witli aljuul lour free hour per day 10 sen nunic iii.,.1Uv ment product to home owners. Average commission run $10.00 to $15.00 per Bale Average man can easily make 3 or 4 sales per week. SellinK experience helpful but not necessary. Must have car and be abel to handle occasional evening calls up to ab.iut 8:00 p. m. Apply 2413 'O. NEK I) a car for work this summerT 4.-u will finance 1947 Plymoutn '"" actual miles. Loyd Forma, 1063 B. Huskerville. LOST-- Dark brown plastic rimmed glasses. Urgent! ubii o-isw. FOR Sale 26 ft. Spartan Msnor trailer house. Has bis; front window, electric refrigerator, bottle gas stove. Perfect condition, big discount. Can be seen after 4 p. m. Ka Van Dover, 1201 West O St. . CASHIKR WANTKO Need attractive girl age 17-25 No "Peri- ence necessary. OR RUNT-2 room apt. with bath Hart ing July 1. Must sell furniture. 449 No. 10. 5-84 13 KOR SAIK-31 Chevrolet coach S new tires, sea'ed beams. Ian etc. J-"' shape. J. Munllo, 2-7631. Kxt. 3154 or r-!tR.rfi evenings. . SAVE YOUR KKKT Get a good '27 Chevrolet, only miles rhone 3-9245. .12,000 KOR SALK-'49 Green Mercury nvert i ble. . 2500 miles. Asking $2,600. See Bob Davis. Athletic Dept. AT MILLER'S w IMMACULATE WILTLESS CruLsaltne Gasuals Here is the most carefree summer wardrobe you've ever had . , washable crease-resistant, they've perfect travelers . . . choose soft pastels or bold tropic-tones in solid colors . Charming "Toile de Jouy" prints patterned after 18 century French prints. 195 525 See CRUISALINE CASUALS modeled while you lunch Wednesday and Thursday Tee Koora . . . Fifth Klwor She 12 to 20 $25 DRESSES Fashion Floor . . . Second M H IL L IE M &' IP A fl M IE The Underwood Portable Typewriter D )63)-S Col tit Ntuispaprs, May 1949