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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1949)
Friday, March 4, 1949 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 5 r Kir M U I: ' vy if I) V,j fi i c7; c Is - V: v U V' ;i 41 0 V ? o ' !; I' MEMBERS OF TRIDENT assemble for one of their first meetings. Trident is a newly established naval fraternity. Its membership is restricted to students enrolled in the Naval Reserve Officers Train ing Corps. The founders and their officers are pictured above. The fraternity originated with Nebraska students but hopes to extend its membership to include NROTC cadets all over the country. JtlliL by Frank Jacobs Campus play-f oers Sunday eve ning awoke to the realization that a gifted playwright and talented showman wras in their midists and proving his talents. Gay Marr, author, designer, and director of Skylone Scandals," the Nebraska Masquers revue, Is one of the true veterans of local drama. A Teachers College senior from Seward, Marr is one of those rare individuals who talks about some thing and then does it Few peo ple viewing the iunday revue realized that not only the acting, but the costumes, settings, and makeup were supervised by Marr. To Marr, however ,it was noth ing new as he probably has ac complished more in the creative field than any student now at tending classes. Marr's name first made head lines in 1945 as a freshman when he won the Nebraska Masquer's Outstanding Frosh award for per formances in the University The ater. His next award was pre sented by the Circlet Theater. The local municipal theater judged him the "outstanding actor" of the 1947 season for his enacting of Joe Ferguson in "The Male AnimaL" Not contented just working In theater, Marr devoted some of his time to campus radio and so shared the trophy of Alpha Ep silon Rho, radio honorary, for 1 948's most outstanding writer for the airwaves. Last year, he turned in a weekly 15 minute radio Ak-Sar-Bcii Rules Given Saturday All animals reserved for the Junior Ak-Sar-Ben shownnanship contest March 26 are ready. Those students signed up as showmen and others wishing to show have been asked to be at the horse barn Saturday at 1:30 p. m. Animal assignments and in structions from 'division superin tendents as to rules and regula tions will be given at that time. The contest will include show ing of beef cattle, sheep, hogs and horses. Judging will be on the basis of training and grooming re flected in the animal rather than on its natural characteristics. Mel Beerman, a widely-knowTn trick roper, will be featured at the show. v adaptation for the campus show, '"Mid-Country.'' All of the above awards, how ever, were topped by Marr's win ning of the Purple Masque, an nually bestowed at the Nebraska Masquer's spring banquet to the person or person's ranking at the very top in UN dramatics. At present, Marr is the only Purple Masquer on campus. Marr has had parts in over a dozen University and Experimen tal Theater productions, and five Circlet Theater shows. He has also seen two of his own original, "New Tomorrow and "Born Bad," one-act plays produced by he Experimental Theater. At present, he is finishing up the 'inal details of "Skline Scandals" nd preparing a new three act play which he expects to have done in the near future. Oh yes, Marr also attends classes. If anyone knows of any present- day student who has accomplished more in the fields of cerative drama, this writer would appre ciate hearing about it. A FOR A REAL SATURDAY NITE! FIRST Nebraska-Oklahoma Basketball Game SECOND Another BIG FLOOR SHOW and DANCING at Lincoln's FOUTY & 0 CLUB LINCOLN HOTEL SATURDAY, MARCH 5TH Dancing; from 8:45 Floor Show 10:1$ 4 DIG ACTS Cover Charge . . . 75c Person RmicrW Tom mnJ Your CuetU Mutt Be 21! MB's to Unveil Top Coed Follies Skits Now it can be declared that the Alpha Phi's winning Coed Fol lies' skit and the Alpha Chi's cur tain act were terrific! And they are to be presented to the male campus population Friday, March 11, from 3:30 to 5:30 in the Union ballroom at the Black Masque Ade. The Ade, sponsored by Mor tar Board, will become an an nual affair. The first all-University variety show of its kind, the Black Masque Ade has received tremendous response to its ticket sales. HIGHLIGTING the affair, the M.B.'s honoring senior men and women who have been outstand ing in activities and scholarship. The receipients of these awards were chosen on the basis of cam pus activity participation and service to the university. In recognition of the important part activities play in campus life, a trophy will be presented to the activity which has made the most progress in its organization and has rendered the most service to the university during the year. There will be two honorable men tions. Dancing for the more aesthe tically inclined will be provided. However, dates are not a pre requisite of attendance. TICKETS ARE now on sale by Mortar Boards and Tassels. The price is 25 cents. In addition to all the attractions of the show itself- each ticket is a chance on a cashmere sweater. The sweaters will be provided in proportion to the number of tickets sold, and both men and women's sweaters are available. Two Germans Will Study US H. Ec Methods Two German women have ar rived at Ag college to study de velopments in home economics, teaching on the campus and ex tension aethods used in the state. They are Miss Erika Gittinger and Miss Helma Schaedler, both of Stuttgart, Germany. They came to the University as a result of arrangements made by Paul Tag gert, chief of agricultural divi sion of the allied government in Germany, and Dean Emeritus W. W. Burr of Ag college, who spent several months in Germany aid ing agricultural colleges. The women hope to take ith them when they return to their country new ideas that will give more vital leadership to farm women. Your College Clothing Store "1 .. .. .. k - ' ; 5;-:.-V:7y.v'. r. i V . , , j.- - -. i ) t : n i iviiifiiniii i iffTTifn mm rm i ilk ii'aiuiiitfMiiiii BUSY MflGEE COLLEGE COMMITTEEMAN Mike Madden displays hla wares to Mary Chase, who admixes those smart new strap Paradise shces. YouU End ne makers oi shoes at MAGEES . . . Paradise. Air-Step. Sandler of Boston. Florsheim and many others. For the smartest in spring footwear; see Mike on MAGETS First Floor. Shoe Department MAGEFS Firtt Floor "7