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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 4, 1949)
PAGE 6 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, March' 4, 1949 'Big Seven Crown Rests on OU-NU Clash 1 DON McCLOSKEY Sensational sophomore swimmer from Okla homa, preparing lor the Big Seven meet this weekend. McCloskey has bettered the conference record in the backstroke already this season. He will also be out to set a record in the 150-yard individual medley. r M sportswear there's THE LITTLE COAT lf Cay bruslird vool little coats. . .to draw admiring gUare in any crowd. Fully lined hortie. Sizes 10-18 in rich shades of red, kelly, nary, gray. f)5 Gold's . Sec onfl Floor Students Must Show ID Cards At OU Game Any student activity books not presented by their proper owners at the Oklahoma-Nebraska game will be confiscated! That was the warning issued Wednesday by the athletic busi ness office. A capacity crowd is expected for the contest, and the business department wants to as sure legitimate holders the best seats possible. Emphasizing that the books are MAIN FEATURES START LINCOLN; "Don Juan," 1:00, 3:00. 5:07. 7:15. 9:24. STUART: "Chicken Every Sun day." 1:28, 3:29. 5:30, 7:31, 10:23. Sneak Preview, 9:03. NFRRASKA: "Anna Karenina," 1:07, 4:36, 8:05. "Isn't It Ro mance?" 3:02, 6:31, 10:00. CAPITOL: "Sea Spoilers," 2:27, 5:12, 8:30. "Pardon My Sarong," 1:00. 3:45, 6:30, 9:45. Stage, 8:00. Z t Ion Opes W i7i s lt:4 Mv ffi Y- The NEW V-r I JSysnrvrj or - i with 1X ERROL FLYNN Vim IMIm AUi Hal TUE-: ALAN LADD lu. worn i 1 . mw SOON! "Mother Is a Freshen" V BIG HITS! -3 1 Billy DeWolfe f 1 Veronfca Lake L j Mna Freeman q Saturday Win Would Give Huskers Sole Possession By Jerry Ewing AhI. Hvrtm Kaltar Sole possession of the Big Seven conference cage title will be at stake for the Nebraska Cornhuskers when they en gage Oklahoma at the Coliseum Saturday night. The win would give Coach Harry Good's five the first clear title won by a Nebraska team in loop history. Nebraska the crown with Kansas shared in 1937. Three Huskers will be making their last appearance at the Coli seum. Claude Retherford, Rod Cox and Ken Anderson complete their eligiblity this season. The Scarlet cagers missed a chance to cinch a tie luesday night when they dropped a 53-28 decision to Kansas State. The Wildcats, smarting from a 70-48 whipping by the Huskers earlier in the season, were well-rested and primed to upset NU. Ne- not transferable, and those pre sented by someone other than their owners can and will be taken up, the department asks that students have their ID cards ready for the checkers at the doors. Ticket number 21 is due Sat urday. To avoid congestion and speed handling students are re quested to have that stub ready at the door. 1 ROK I vrv: ISNT IT ROMANTIC VIVIEN LEIGH AftNA KARENINA J, n Oaa U:tt Mai. 4U U 8IOW TONITE AT P.M. I I 4 TOP ACTS! I 1 The Taa Talrai af Uawata.' I J - On the Scrtm 1UD ZF rUlL,DH3 ABBOTT A- COSTELLO "Pardon My Sarong CIIKIHAVI '! la "Oac Saoaar Aftcraaaa" Museum Seeks Display Ideas For Collections The staff of the University State Museum is offering awards for ideas to improve the displays of the museums collections of minerals and rocks. The Museum staff is planning to rearrange it's mineral and rock collection, and is interested in learning the viewpoints of the students as wells as those of the public. The University Foundation, on co-operation with the Museum, offers the following prizes to the four geology students who sub mit the best papers on an im proved exhibition of mineralogic and petrologic material shown on the lower floor of Morrill hall. The following points will be considered by the judges: 1. The arrangement to present a clear, concise and interesting story of the various processes of physical geology. 2. The relationship of geology to the cultural development and everyday life of man. 3. The value of geology to the people of Nebraska. 4. The degree to which the pro posed arrangement pleases the eye. Entries must be in to 101 Mor ril hall before noon of April 26, 1949. Additional information may be secured in Room 101. braska showed signs of the pres sure that has been put on them the past few weeks- and having just returned from the game at Boulder Saturday had little time to prepare for the Kansans. Oklahoma, pre-season favorites, have been running hot and cold through most of the campaign. The Sooners took wins from Oklahoma A. & M. and Nebraska on one of their best week-ends, then lost to Kansas State and Missouri. Most of O. U.'s victories In con ference play have been by narrow margins. Nebraska, Kansas, Iowa State, Missouri, and Colorado have dropped contests to the Sooners by margins of four points or less. Sooner Coach Bruce Drake will start an All Western lineup against the Huskers, backed up by a reserve squad composed of four lcttermen and one sophomore. Paul Courty, conference scor ing leader last season, will cap tain the invaders. He was named on almost all Big Seven all-star selections in 1948. Joe Malacek stopped the 6-3 Courty in the game at Norman, holding him scoreless from the floor. Other consistent performers in the Sooner lineup include Ken Pryor and Wayne Glasgow. Pryor is probably the best set shot art ist in the loop, and Glasgow be sides being a scoring threat, is a key man in the Sooner floor play. Only non-letterman on the Oklahoma squad is sophomore center Marcus Freiberger. Frei berger, 6-11. Is the tallest player in the conference, and has been battling all season with Bill Wa ters for the starting center berth. Coach Good indicated he would use the same starters who faced Kansas State Tuesday. The team has been drilling on stopping the Sooner attack as well as stepping; up their own. Claude Retherford, held to six points Tuesday, will be attempt ing to boost his conference scor ing lead against Oklahoma. Reth erford has a 13-point lead over Gene Peterson of Kansas, and needs 30 points in the last two games to reach the three hundred mark against all opponents. Students are again reminded to have their ID cards along with their activity books ready for the checkers at the doors. Probable starters: Nebraska . Oklahoma Malacek f Coutlf Cot t .......... Gin row kV!iilffc-ad c Waters Retherlord t f'ryor Or f Merchant O M . O ol'JEBSTER'S COLLEGIATE? DIG riUiJAfflES o o o o o o o o o o o o o FORMERLY S00 NOW ONLY REGENTS BOOKSTORE O O o o o o o o o .1