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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 20, 1949)
Sunday, February 20, 1949 Coriihuskcrs Trip Sooner Track Team BY HOMER SMITH The Nebraska University track team's chances of finishing near the top in the Big Seven indoor championship meet next Satur day were brightened by an im pressive 66 ', -37 victory over Oklahoma on the Husker track last night. The N.U. boys swept the 440 yard dash and the 60-yard high hurdles. In the quarter it was I x'al Hurlbort, Fritz Ware, and Don Vollertsen finishing in that order; and in the hi hs Willis .Tones, Bob Berkshire, and Ray Miigsamen placed one, two, Ihree. LEONARD KEIIE, flashy Hus ker pole vaulter, cleared 13 feet. 7 inches in a tie for first with Sooner Bill Carroll. This was the closest Kehl has ever come to the rafters ol the indoor track. Bobby Grimm's mile record of 4:30.2 tell as Bill Jacobs, son of the Sooner coach, went the seven laps in 4:27.2. With a time of :07 Hobo Gilstrap, versatile thin from the panhandle, tied Ihe low hurdle mark set by Bill Smutz in 1941. BIG DICK PIDERIT of Ne braska appeared to bo hitting his did shot putting form as he heaved the iron ball 49 leet. v2 inch to win easily. Charlie Too good, of Husker football fame, made a successful indoor debut by copping third with an im prosMve 46 foot, 3 inch put. In the two mile run Don Mor rison, Scarlet and Cream track slcr. turned in the best time of his indoor career. The slim dis tance man finished strong with a 10:07.9 clocking. FRITZ WARE. Bill Moorhouse. Bill Hein, and Don Vollertsen combined to give the Huskers the lmal event as they ran away from Oklahoma in the mile relay. The quartet went the route in a good 3:31.9 timing. Nebraska was without the services of Harry Meginnis, crack sprinter, and Esref Aydin, the "Tireless Turk," who usually fin ishes in the money in the two mile run. Meginnis has a stom ach ailment and the Turk is bothered by a head cold. Track Kvents: Mile run won hy Bill Jurnlis. pi'conil. hill M'nin' fiird. Ni-t-r ; It iy Hums. Oiila. Winner' lime Cl1 record, 4 M 2 !' limn, Nelir., G'i-3rl flush wm ly rli k Huttnn, sri-ond, Alan Thompson, Ni'lr., 'J'u nriiy Gruv, Okla. Winner a lime Okla ; third. 4 .27.2 1941). Nehr., third. :06.3. 440-jard rliiMh won ty Iyvl Hulliorl. NVhr ; .'.ceom;, Kntz Ware. Nehr. . thinl, I "n Vollertsen, Nedr. Wmner'f time : f(j 7 . ti"-;anl tiinh hurdles won liy Willi" .lones. NeSr ; peronii. Koii Berkshire. Nmr : tlirid. Ray .Vasameii, Nelir. Win ii"r s tune :e".7. 2-mile run won hy Don Morrison. Nelir : 'i ml. R. c, siocum. Okla ; thinl. Kot trt iieece. Nehr. Wiimel s time J'i.7.9. smi vard run tie for first herween Jim M . r , in". Nehr.. and llnnld Ko.f. Nehr.. thinl. Bill JaeohB, Okla. Winner's time 1 ::iV.i fi'i-wird low hurdles won liy Hobo Gil i ;si. okla.; second. Ray Viat'samen. Ni hi .; third. Jim Kinley, Okla. Winner f time :(7 Hied record sei liy Smutz, Nelir . in 19" li. Tu-ld Events: F'ole vuult tie for first between Inward K-1,1. Nehr . and Bill Carroll. Okla ; tie lor third between Jim MeC'onnell, Nelir., and Kenneth Kiltjore, Okla. WimmiK vault 1 3ft. 7 in. HiMh jump won by Bill Carroll. Okla : I f lor second between Orville caass. Nelir. and lurk Nelssner. Nebr. Winner's Jump II., ' In. Broad lump: Won by Holo raistrap. OklH. ; second Merwin McC'v.nnell, Okla.; third, leonard Kehl, Nebr. Winner's jump 2 ft., 5 in. Shot put won by I'ltk Tiderit. Nebr . si'eond. Clair Waves. Ok lit : third. Churlf TisiK'Mid, Nebr. Winner s put 49 ft., ft in Mile relay won by Nebraska (Bill Moor home. Kntr Ware, lion Vollertsen Kill llein). Time 3.31 unci Throo Wrestlers Lead Point llaee Three Omaha wrestlers are tied for first place in the race for the Earl Luff high point trophy of lered to University of Nebraska matmen. Bob Yambor, undefeated in 128 pound competition; Herb Reese, undefeated at 175 pounds, and Mike DiBiase, heavyweight, who has been beaten once this year, are the current leaders. Each has 23 points in dual meet competi tion. Other scorers are: Mickey Spa rana, Omaha, 12 points; Louis Caniglia, Omaha, 11 points; Jack Tamai, Omaha, 10 points; Ken Brown, Columbus, 8 points; Bob Pussell, Salina, Kansas, 6 points; Earl Schneider, Snyder, 3 points. ; 1 ; - ! I , i I "i ' . i 1 V : i ; v- ) f i I I 'V.Xv. 1 '' I - - - - I ' ' 'i wimMiHiiwxfft&&wmi. ?s ' y iriiii ftnmniiwiiini r'f imiiri'-YiYri'ir'' -i DONALD HEDSTROM, Big Nine parallel bars champion in 1947, will lead the University of Minnesota gymnasts against the Cornhusk ers squ;id Monday night after the basketball game. Hedstrom was also flying rings champion in the 1948 Big Nine meet. Husker Caners ! To Entertain AT All1 1 AT Coach Harry Good's hard-driv ing cagers play host to the Mis souri Tigers Monday night in a crucial conference game. Game time is 7:30 p.m. Missouri must win this game to have any hope at all of staying in the conference race, while the Huskers need a win to maintain their present position in the flag race. Nebraska dropped an early tilt to the Tigers in the Kansas City Tournament, 52 to 50. That was the last loss for the Huskers till Omaha took them last week, 47 to 45. COACH WILBER (SPARKY) STALCUP has nine lettermen back from last year's second place team. The Tiger offense took a setback with the loss of Dan Pip- Vl OFF V LAMPS V PIPES V SLIDE RULES V STATIONERY V WASTE BASKETS V NOTE BOOKS Sale Effective UednetJar, Feb. CLEARANCE SALE OF DISCONTINUED AND SHOPWORN ITEMS J THE DAILY NEBRASKAN pen, senior forward who scored 237 points in 1947-48. Good will stick villi his win ning combination of Forwards Joe Malccek and Rodney Cox. Center Milt (Bus) Whitehead and Guards Bob Cerv and Claude Retherford. The Huskers have received good reserve help from Dick Srb, Anton Lawry, Bob Pierce, Henry Cech and Kenny Anderson in winning eight of their last nine games. Ne braska now has a season record of 11 victories against seven defeats. Coliseum Closed Saturdays Athletic Director Totsy Clark has announced that the Coliseum Mill be closed to stu dents Saturday afternoon. Only varsity athletes accompanied by their coaches will be per mitted to use the Coliseum fa cilities that day. This is being: done to allow the janitors to clean the Coli seum. Vs OFF V RADIOS x CAMERAS V PENCIL SHARPENERS V WATER COLOR SETS V ARTISTS iMOCKS V PHONOGRAPHS 16, Thru VeJnedar, Feb. 23 hzBOOK STORE- NU Gymnast To Powerful Cornhusker gymnastic fans will get a chance to see one of the top teams in the country per form Monday night when the Huskers play host to the Minne sota gymnastic squad. Three Big Nine champions head the array of Gophers. Donald Hedstrom, Gopher sen ior, is defending champion on the flying rings in the Big Nine and in 1947 was parallel bars cham pion. James Peterson, another senior, has boon Big Nine all around champion for the last two years and is also defending cham pion in the long horse event. Another Big Nine titlcholder is Howard Swanson. who is defend ing champion in the parallel bars event and also took second in the high bar event. MINNESOTA suffered a big loss when George Patten decided to withdraw from school. He was number two in the conference behind Peterson in all-around competition. Minnesota is defending cham pion in the Big Nine and placed third in the NCAA meet last year. The Huskers will rely on vet erans Phil Sprague, Clarence Lef ler, Leo Geicr. Ken Harding and sophomores Al Dunavan and Art Hillman. Sprague will compete in five events and Geier will com pete in four. Lefler and Dunavan will han- j die the high-bar assignment. Al I Dunav an will try the rings and the trampoline. Harding or Hill i man will round out the side j horse along with Geier and Sprague. i i THE Hl'SKER squad is wilh j out a coach since Charlie Miller resigned last season. Phil Sprague ! lias been handling the team and Pat Patterson, wrestling coach, has been in charge of trips. In the Husker 'point scoring, Phil Sprague leads with 591, 1 points, followed by Leo Geier ith 28 po;- ts and Al Dunavan I with 19 po.. .s. ! The meet will be held before. AT MILLER'S Little Bonnets at Little Prices . i A LA Millinery ... Foshion Floor . . . Second flliLLER C PATflE Page 3 Squad Host Gopher Team during and after the basketball game Monday night. The high bar and rings events will be held before the game, the trampoline between halves and the side horse, parallel bars and tumbling will take place after the game. The basketball game starts at 7:30 p. m. Sports Calender Wrestling: St. Ambrose College of Davenport, Iowa, Friday night at 7:30 p. m. in the Coliseum. Track: Big Seven Indoor cham pionships at Kansas City Friday and Saturday. Basketball: University of Mis souri Monday, at 7:30 p. m., at Coliseum. University of Colorado at Boulder, Saturday night. Ne braska B against Wesleyan B, Monday at 5:45 p. m., at Coliseum. Gymnastics: University of Min sota, Monday night, following the basketball game, in the Coliseum. Saturday at 2 p. i v and 7:30 p.m. in the Coliseum. Midwest Invita tionals Gymnastic meet. Days 'Til 1949 Cornhusker Sales Close See a Cob or Tossel And Get Yours Now! This spring: brings tiny head-hugging hats in felts or straws . dressed op with pert flowers or fay feather fancies. 1 vv ' 4