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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1949)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, February 3, 1949 NU Bulletin Board THUKSHAY A.mqucttes will hold their regular iiueti.ig. Triitent Initiation meeting. 7 p. m., R Miii 107 oi Armory. All A.lT. sulkltcrs v. ill meet 7 p. m.. Union ballroom. The Union Fulii'iiiy Committee will moot Thursday at 7 p. m., Employees dining room. U.N.T.S.C. c;e?titive board Junior Judges Take Honors The university junior judging teem placed filth at the South western Livestock exposition in Ft. Worth Saturday, according to u'Cid received from Prof. M. A. Alexander, coach of the team. There were 14 teams competing in the event. A five man team compo.--.ed of Merwyn French, Robert L'sgert, Norman llolmbcry. Stan Lambert and Duane Sellin competed in the contest. Lambert and Eggert tied for ninth place in the entire contest. The team placed second in sheep, fourth in horses, sixth in cattle and ninth in hogs. In individual events, Lambert ranked third in sheep and tenth in cattle, while Ecrt was eighth in hog judging. French and Ililm berg were ninth in sheep and hoiaes respectively, and Sellin placed tenth in hogs. A three-man meats judging team made up of French, Eggcrt and Sellin with Holmbe.g as al ternate will compete Feb. 1 in the meats event. Charles Adams is coach of the meals team. Nebraska's junior meats judg ing team placed fourth at the Ft. Worth Southwestern Livestock; Ex posit ion Tuesday. It was their last competition in the show be fore returning to Lincoln. The team was composed of Merwyn French. Duane Selling and Robert Eggett. They placed second in beet and (nth in pork, lamb and grading. Chailes Adams is the team caih. Individually, French and Sellin tied for eighth in all classes of meat judging. French was third in beet and iourth in pork. Sellin placed fifth in beef. meftins, U.N.F..S.C.O. office at 7 p. m. K:n;)n Alpha Mu meeting at 4 p. m., C 4 Burnett. A.U.F. mass meeting of all .Yorkers in Union ballroom, 5 p. m. Open house at the Lutheran Student House, 1440 Q St., be tween 2.30 and 5:30. All-Caiupus Vespers will hear Rev. Robert Moody, pastor of the African MethJoist church, 5 p. m.. at the University Episcopal chapel. U.N.E.S.C.O. Cultural Relations Committee, Room 315, 7 p. m. U.N.E.S.C.O. Human an ! Social Relations Committee, U.N.E.S.C.O. office, 8 p. m. I KU) AY Registration for the Pins Pons tournament, evening ot the 8th, el oses at 5 p. m. Square danrc at Ag Union, 8:30 to 11:30 p. m. U.N.E.S.C.O. Natural Sciences committee. 4 p. m., Rjoui 315. Union. SATL'KI)Y Bridge tournament, 2 p. m. in Union ballroom. Registration closes at noon. Remainder of 1949 Mid-Year Graduate Class List Completed The following list is the re mainder of tke mid-year graduat ing clas who received tVeir de grees Saturday. Other lists were printed in the Feb. 1 and 2 is sues of The Daily Nebraskan. The 1949 class was made up of 531 persons, the largest mid-year graduating class in the history of the University. TEACHEK3 COLLfcCE. Bachelor of Fine Arts in Education. Donna M. McA'ile". Wahw. Bachelor of Music in tdutatinn. John R. Freeihv. Traverse City. Mich. Bachelor of Science in Education. Catherine A. Adorns. West Point. Marilyn J. Bets. Mead. Harold L. Blnser. Columbus. John F. Bloom, Spalding. Oscar O. BreUhoiot. Syracuse Donald W. Brown, Columbus Dean L. Clawson. Lincoln Hubert E Cook, Lincoln ALT' RED B. COOPI R, Hastings (With Distinction! Bernice B. Ebbcrs. Dcykin Wendell G. Graham. Lincoln HELEN M. HAGENSICK. O'Neill i With Distinctioni Dolores O. Ilartinann. Lincoln Robert L. Hn?ms. Lincoln Marilyn E. Iliuscr. Lincoln Rotvn A. Jerauld. Auburn Don L. Johannes. Lincoln RAM Announces Contest, Judges Kappa Alpha Mu has an nounced that the judges lot its annual photographic contest and salon are Dwight Kirsch. Paul Kubychek and Richard Hufnagle. Dwight Kirsch is a professional art critic and judfie of photog raphy. He i.s a professor of art and director of the art galleries at the University. Taal Kubychek is a national exhibitor. professional photog rapher and head of the process ing ciopartment at Nepho Labora tories. Richard Hufnagle is a profes sional free-lance photographer, and experimentalist. Closing date for entering prints i.s Feb. 7 before 5 p. m. They are to be turned in at room B'4 in the basement of Burnett hall. Photographs will be entered in one of four classes: news, action, j still-life and miscellaneous. All j prints must be mounted on a ver- j tical 16 by 20 inch mounting board. I Dr. 'Borgnumn Named Client Group Member Dr. C. W. Rorgmann, Dean of Faculties, has been made a- mem ber of the advisory committee on Basic Research in Chemistry of the Office of Naval Research. Chancellor R. G. Gustavson an nounced his appointment Tuesday. Dr. Borgmann was in Washing ton. D. C. Tuesday to attend a meeting of the committee, which is composed of ten top-ranking chemists. While in Washington Dr. Corgmann also is completing details of transferring from the University of Colorado to Ne braska a research project on cor rosion. Dr. Boignrmn was di rector of the project as head of the Engineering Experiment station when he served at that university. Corgmann has also worked on the engineering research stalfs of the Bell Telephone Co., the Uni versity of North Carolina and the National Tube Co., prior to com ing to Nebraska. Rettr a Kipnan Grafton Sally S. Knudsen, Lincoln James L. Krupper, Lincoln Lloyd R. Lamb, Diller John W. Lehman, Lincoln Robert E. Lipps. Lincoln Dale W. Livingston. Hastings Harold E. Merritt, St. Joseph, Mo. Gail E. Miller, Norfolk Amies T Mooney. Burchard Warren J. O Connell. Gordon William R. Owens, Fairbury VERNON R. PERSELL, San Diego, Cat. tWitti Distinctioni Keith R. Person, Bnstow. Kalherine D. Pfeiffer. Chappell Marilou Fletcher, Alexandtia Colleen M. Ress, Lincoln Eloise T. Schott, Osceola Phyllis G. Schupbach, Lincoln Wiliam J. Schwinck. Neligh Rollin L. Squires, Lincoln Shiriry C. Elandage, Lincoln All"n N Steams, jr., DavKl City Gloria B Stephens, McCook Donald W. Thiel, Lewcllcu Mary E. Thomas, Lincoln Billclte B. Trombla, Lincoln Clara E. Walker. Lincoln Beverly S. Ward. Omaha Ma-ianna Ward. Bancrolt Rozella M Widows. Glenwood. la. Harry J. Wilson. Jersey Cily. N. J. Fukuji H Yoshina, Papaaloa. T. H. GRADUATE COLLEGE. Master of Arti. Gerald R. Abbenliaus. Lincoln Dale R. Bloss. SI. Paul Donald F. Danki r, Campbell Eli anor K. Eliod. Lincoln Ephraim M. Cershaler. Lincoln Jesse W. Goble, Brnuirc Erwin H Goldcnstcin. Lincoln Joiner. W. Hanson. Wakefield Elsie O Hcnihorn. Lincoln Lvlc B. llimkins. Columbus Ralph W. Julleiisien. Oi.allala Lticile Koi'itii;. Elsln Thomas H. Lar.?cvin. Seward Maitli.i Locl:e. Maryville. Mo. Mary S. Mc.MiMcr. Lincoln Marion R. P.n.siii;i r. Shelby. Ia. Kerniit J. I:. le. Omaha. Tl-.eo. B. SondeieRi-r. Lincoln Eunice J Slauffer. Meadow Grove J'lhn A Stephens, Council Blufis. Ia. Glenn H. Straight, Lincoln Phyllis L Warren. Lincoln Robert A Worsing. Council Bluffs, Ia James E. Zoubek, Stanton Master of Science John E Adams. Curtis Sell Guaranteed M.TONT NYLON HOSNKY . . . in spare time to friends and classmates. NO CAPITAL N F. K I) i; I). EARN EX TRA CASH. Write for free sample kit. No experience necessary. KITTY IIOSIKItY COMPANY l.'.ll W'idener Ruilding Philadelphia 7, Pa. Yuen Chiu, Nanking, China Keith E. Gregory. Franklin, N. O. Charles M. Hauptman, Lincoln Keith E. Hughes. Modesto. Calif. Wendell C. Johnson, York Paul F. Sand, Nehawka Chandra B. Singh, United Provinces, India Harold A. Skoog. Monroe John C. S. Swlnbank, Lincoln Robert J. Walstrom, Lincoln John L. Weihlng, Rocky Ford, Colo. Howard L. Wiegers, Western Dora H. Wood, Lincoln Matter ( Science in Agricultural Engineering Ken Shou Fang, Chekiang, China Master of Science in Dentistry Frederic R. Shiere, West Somerrille, Mas. Master ef Science in Mechanical Engineering Iskender Sasati, Mersin, Turkey Master ef Science in Social Wrk Vivian M. Barnert, Omaha Doctor of Philosophy William P. Barnds, Lincoln Philosophy, Latin and Greek Edward M. Cadwallader, Lincoln Sec ondary Education, Educational Psychology and Measurements Donald R. Cornelius, Berkeley, Calif. Agronomy, Botany Arthur L. Dunn, Omaha Physiology and Pharmacology, Radiology, Biochemistry Harold H. Eby, Lincoln Chemistry, Pliy.ilcs Harold F. Heady. College Station, Te. Botany, Agronomy Ralph M. Marrs, Omaha Secondary Ed ucation. Educational Psychology and Meas urements. Wayne O Reed. Douglas School Admln trution. Secondary Education, Political ience Conard N. Roes. Takoma Park. Md School Administration. Educational Psjr iholorcy and Measurements John S. Williams, Tiiton. Ga Agron omy and Botany. COLLEGE OF MEDICINE. Bachelor of Schrince in Nursing. Edna R. Anderson, BadRcr. S. D. Maijorie A. Moore, Omaha Geralciine M. Olio, Aurora Doris M. Purkett Wood. Lincc-ln T Ml iV.W Mi mum if oirf7cbttaife cat ct&efc Jaw fa, VAUGHN MONROE has the answer in "MY OVH TRUE LOVE" New RCA Victor Release Here's dream -stuff that says, "Gather 'round and let's play that again!" Smooth-singing Vaughn Monroe and his Moon Maids make love really talk in this honey of a new recording. Make the CAMEL 30-DAY TEST and see! In a recent coast to coast test of hundreds of people who smoked only Camels for 30 days an average of one to two packs a day noted throat specialists, after making weekly examinations, reported r:oT cue sincLE case 07 THROAT IRRITATION 7 iAofy-3ar&rGtiatatfe: Smoke Camcli and tnt them ia your own "T-Zone." T for taste, T for throat. If. at any time, you are not convinced that Camels are the mildest cigarette you erer smoked, return the package with the unused Camels and we will refund its full purchase price, plus postage. Siftd) R- J. Key soldi Tobacco Co., Wiroton Saltm, N. C , f THAT 30-0fiy f MILDNESS TEST I MADE A SURE COHVlNCeO ME-N0VV IT CAMELS AND ONLY : CAMELS FOR, ME I ) i . -;'s V3 . if " 4r"'- . , -y -: I'M A CAMEL jTVi ,v 'v.-.'O y'A f SMOKER, FROM VJAY frK fy- BACK. I CN0W CAMELS ) I f. I I !( CAMELS SURE HAVE J ,Jr ' !V THE FLAVOR! J f? 1 " . "-."wSSiTC I I" ' -' V .,ui:t I I Vaughn Monroe talks it over with one of his lovely Moon Maids, June Hiett. Hear them on die Camel Caravan... Saturday nights... CBS.