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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 3, 1949)
Thursday, February 3, 1949 SOMETHING TO SHOOT FOR From left to rig ht Newt Copple, Earl Luff and Ed Copple pose with the trophies to be awarded to varsity wrestlers. Huskers Ouen ttv in mi Diamond Drills This Week Nebraska baseballers opened spring practice session.? this week j villi their sights set on defending the i.ig Seven crown won by last year's nine. Tony Sharpe, Husker diamond iVi hc ic;nf.H n rail for all upperclassmen wishing to try out for a mound spot to report to him ! in the Coliseum any day before ! three o'clock. , Fifteen batterymen have re ported for early drills, including veterans Jim Sandstedt and El roy Gloystein, top NU hurlcrs last season. Jim Sharp, an out fielder last spring, is making a j try for a mound position. Also shooting for varsity hill berths are: Jack Helmsing. On- j aha; Sterling Van Vleck, Neligh; j Dick Todd, Millard: Bob Camp. West Point; Bruce Perrine, Kan sas City, Mo.: Ernest Behne, Bra inard; and Neal Haffenmeister, Seward. Catchine hopefuls include Dil laA rl, " 71. V ""v;. v - 1 r I e 1.11. w i 1 1 a r a JjldlliUll, Oiaiiiuo. , Omaha; and Delmr Deerson, Bennington. Cage Slale THl RMAT 5 p. m Ripma Phi r Siema Gmm Xp: l'orm A 1 vs. Inrra C-2: lH.rtn B 2 vs iKirm B 1 7 p. m. rit Ttiet It.i v. rtn I-elta Phi; Iental School vs AlEE; PM Alphu rua vs Arcbitecu 7 i( p. m Brown Paiice vs. Phi Kapp n iBi; Sicma Nu vs. Phi Gamma lelta Bi; ta Beta Tu v f tmi Alpha Ep nlon iBi. 40 p m L-rja l'rin vs. Kappa Sieiria iBi; A .pt.a Gamma Rho vs. Sicrr.a A pt.a Xiu B; Theta Xi v. Beta Ttieta Pi iCi. Rifle Matches THl nntv P-ia Thfta P! vs TVita Cl.i; ROTC I v At M.ns Club; Navy 11 v Pershing Ki.'les 11; Navy I vs. R;fle L i'4 . JIM Try Seventeen. Youll love it says Senior Glarooroua coeds know it' that natural look rxt-n look for! Tliat'g why they use Sev enteen Cosmetic, the cos metic made for Eentilive kina ... the cosmetic that re free aj poiLle of allergy causing ingredienU. Follow their lead. Use Seventeen Cos metic for peaches-'n'-crea.m lovelineaa. Priced to fit cam pus budgets ... SEVIHTEEH COSMETICS on Male at . . : n i i; Husker Grapplet j Aim at Trophies . University of Nebraska wrest lers have something more than points to shoot at as the result of trophies donated by former Corn husker mat lettermen. Newt and Ed Copple. and Earl Luff have donated trophies they are shown holding in the above photo. Newt Copple has pre sented the scholarship award, Ed Copple hoi is the award to the too freshmen, and Luff holds the ! cups which go to the most im ! proved wrestler and the high point maker. IM Basketball Play Resumed I ! Play was resumed in the In itramural Basketball leagues Tues day, w ith 18 teams seeing action, j in the feature game of the I evening, the Phi Delta Theta "A" ! team eked out a 33-28 victory over SAE. The game was close thruout. ' with the Phi Delt's going to rest 'with a 15-14 edge. Dick Meissner i poured in 12 points for the Phi iDelfs. while Bill Wenke paced the ! losers with 7. In other Intramural games. Lutherans raced past the Inter varsity 25-18. Zeta Beta Tau "A" team defeated Delta Sigma Phi 27-14. Reformatory Guards swamped Muscle Men 39-11. In a low scoring contest, the Kappa Sigma -C" team hit Delta Upsilon 11-4. Phi Delta Theta "S"' squad de feated Phi Kappa Psi 20-12. Two "B"' league games were played with Delta Tau Delta swamping AGR 30-13, and Theta Xi slipping past Pioneer Co-op 22-20. Brown Palace Co-op won a close one from Pioneer Co-op 20-18, in (University of Washington at Se an "A" league game. 'attle the first quarter. Replenish O" Sfreet Engxeering Supplies Slide Rules Drawing Sets T-Scuares Dicrwlng Paper At the " Law Books fill General Supplies Renwmhrr Yrtrrm i i atscn TATIOHERSOLy PRINTERS. 1124-26 "O" Street THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wrestlers Go ii7 w rur ui urn Against I-State The University of Nebraska wrestlers are trying for their fourth win of the season when they meet Iowa State Friday night at 7:30 in the Coliseum. The Cyclones have lost their only two meets to date while Ne braska has won three of its five contests. Coach Pat Tatterson named Louis Caniglia of Omaha, to captain the Cornhuskers. Ca niglia is making his first start since losing a decision in the Oklahoma A.AM. meet. A new Husker face will wrestle in the 165 pound class. George Ostermiller and Earl Schneider are presently battling for the berth. The entries: 121 pounds-Iowa State. Pave Vane : Netraska. Lou'S Camp 128 pounds -Iw a State Ralph van ; Nebraska Robei . Eaton or Jim Mala." Yan-bor. l.';6 pounds-Towa Sta'e. Bob Kueer.i Hon McCormick: Nebraska. Mickey Sps ritno. 141 pounds-Iowa State. Jack Par' Tarn: or R..cer I'axis; Nebraska Jack l.M noun'ls- Iowa State ruck I'. worth or Pat Bush Nc-bra.ka, Rol Russell. 165 pounds-Iowa State Bu.-h or P' Thomas; Nebraska, Ostermiller cr Scr.i.i der ITS pounds Iowa State. Tl nmas or r.a K:o"tvAk: Nebr?ka Heroert P.-ee H-ayweteht Iowa Siaie. John Stoi; Ncorufka. Mike D.B.ase. Former Creiphton Prep jGridder Transfers to NU William W'inger.der. former Creighton Prep football standout. has enrolled at the University cl Nebraska. Wingender attended the BACK TO SCHOOL FOR SECOND SEMESTER Your School Supplies College Headquarters Artist Supplies Textile Fair.t Erushes Colored Pencils Vater Color Paper requ'uitums Uvnttred nn n rocners ninlSw!ll11lllllcrlJiM WcConnrf laing iJuaiDWiiiimiiig SlceJlst Steel PoIe Entries Made Entries .for the Nebraska-Iowa State dual swimming meet to be held at the Coliseum pool Friday afternoon at 4:30 were announced Wednesday. The Cornhuskers are undefeat ed in four dual meets while the Cyclones have two dual meet vic tories and a second place in the Iowa AAU championships. Iowa State has one of the greatest free style swimmers in the country in conference cham pion Roger Watts. Watts recently tied the inter collegiate 220-yard free style rec ord of 2:09.7 in a meet with Illi nois. He also swims the 440 yard free style. The Cyclones have another con ference champ in diver Sam Shif fler. The entries: 300-yard medley relay Iowa State (Earl Jezi'k. Bob Nielsen or Chuck Cownte, Iiek Kullman); Nebraska (Jack Campbell, Con rad King. Ted Kanammei. 220-yard free style low Stat Rcr Watts. "Howard Lambert i; Nebraska (Mar vin Grimm, George Hillt. AO-yard free style Iowa State (Ed T.a herKe. Malcolm Schmidt): Nebraska (Perry Branch. Ted Kanamine. Tom llarleyt. Divinp Iowa Slate (Sam Sbiffler, Ray Your College JUNIOR DRESSES mmm tmWA This iwo-piece dress in fabrics is Just right for gay spur-of-the-moment doings! The fabric design, Carole King's alone. The jacket rayon shantung: the skdrt, rayon crepe. Sizes 9 to 15 in sparkling spring shades. 16.95 Exclusively VAGEES ThirdTloor Pags 3 Jim McConnell, Central City, University of Nebraska track man, is using a steel vaulting pole, it is a bwedish innovation and Jirn is the only vaulter in this area using this type of pole. It provides con siderable "whip" and has almost tossed Big Jim out of the pit on occasion. Obermiller, Iave Bonehrakc Nt'bra.ka (Ed Craren. Gould Klapdi. 100-yard free style-Iowa Stale ( K1 T.aberce, Malcolm Schmidt); Nebraska (Marvin Grimm. Ted K.maminei. lftO-vard backstroke Iowa State (Earl Jezek." Bob Wyant.i ; Nebraska (Jack Campbell i. 200-yard breaststroke Iowa State (Ed Howes Bob Nielsen, Howard Johnson, Charles Cowniei: Nebraska (Bill Greer, Bob Phelps. Conrad Kinisi. 440-yard free style Iowa State (Roper Watts, Howard Lambert); Nebraska (Georue Hill). 400-yard dee style relay Iowa State (Malcolm Schmidt. Dick Kullman, Rush Smith. Ed Lahernei; Nebraska (Perry Branch. Jack Campbell. Tom Harley, Mar vin Grimm i. VALENTINES For Friends, Sicerlhearts, Kiddies and Relatives Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 No. 14 Open. Thur. to 9 Clothing Store eokc-'Dater r