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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 21, 1948)
PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Sunday, November 21, 1948 Philosophy Class Waits Report On Third Lunar Expedition BY HERB DENENBERG "As is common knowledge (in the year 1975) the first lunar ex pedition took place in the year 1958. The most remarkable result of this expedition was the discov ery of an engraven rock tablet, obviously an artefact of some in telligence." 'The second expedition to the moon (1959-60) was carried out for the express purpose of ob taining more information about the lunar inhabitants who had created the 'moonstones.' The only additional information that was obtained by this expedition was the discovery of two stone tablets, again in a state of partial decomposition." Storer Storing Up Information is as yet unobtain able about the third expedition to the moon, but it is rumored that Doctor Thomas Storer is now stor ing up hot air for the third trip to the moon. Dr. Werkmeister is working him hard, and Dr. Pat terson is patting him on the back. But the above information about the expeditions to the moon is authentic; at least that's what the assignments sheets distributed in the Philosophy 1 classes of Oct. 11 and 12 stated. Any scientist or student desir ing further information about or pictures of the two stone tablets and the two expeditions may either bay at the moon, or may enroll in the Philosophy 1 class which in the words of the univer sity catalog is an "analysis of our culture in terms of the ideas which determine its character and q study of the inter-dependency of these ideas and of their lm nact upon contemporary culture is a whole." Watch Class for News For big news on the third ev pedition to the moon, the great est expedition in history next to the migration to Kansas, watch the Philosophy 1 class as it studies "ideas in contemporary culture." All authorities, including the three teachers of the class Storer, Werkmeister and Patter son are agreed that despite the students and the professors, the next expedition to the moon will definitely be out of this world. $250 Design Prizes Offered Beaux-Arts Architectural students are eli gible to compete for prizes total ing $250 in a national design con test announced today by the Beaux-Arts Institute of Design. Sponsored by the Institute in cooperation with the Tile Council of America, the contest calls for the designing of an elementary school and kindergarten in which special attention is given to the use of clay tile. First prize in the national com petition is $100, second $75, third $50 and fourth $25. The contest closes Dec. 20 and will be judged between Jan. 4 and 8. Students from ' universities and colleges in the United States, Canada and Cuba have been in vited to submit entries in the con test. It is one of a number of competitions being sponsored by the Beaux-Arts Institute this school year. t X "i I i. vv I wish to announce that I represent America's largest and oldest made-to-measure clothing house, M. Bom and Company. If you are a particular dresser and want clothes that fit you need to talk with me. I have 30 "'EOLD LOOK" coat and trouser styles and 250 fabric samples from which you may select an appropriate garment I have suits, coats, slacks and t j-vedoes. S45 up. Zee me on the campus or dop a card to: Tom Mur phy, 6444 Leighton Avenue. bo . may "Call on you!" Classified CASHIER wanted fnr Lincoln Theater. Applicants please phone 2-5305 far appointment. !. ;- "'MsS:-:v;--x. " 1 ':.' ':.:: ::::: - - ft ;,-wI Conductor Emanuel Wishnow rehearses a portion of the University Symphony Orchestra through a particularly tricky movement of one of the symphonic works to be performed this evening. The 70 piece group will appear with noted cellist Dimitry Markevitch in the Union ballroom at 8 p.m. Group Pictures All organizations that plan to have group pictures In the 1949 Cornhusker must sched ule a definite date this week. IMease .contact John Connelly or Betty Green in the Corn husker office between 2 and 4 p. m. this week. RARE OPPORTUNITY! STUDY . . . TRAVEL SPAIN IN MALACA CROUP 65 DAYS JULY 2, 1949 BARCELONA CROUP 65 DAYS JUNE 29. 194S Sponsored by: UNIVERSITY Of MADRID For Information Write SPANISH STUDENT TOURS 500 Fifth Ave., N. Y. 18, N. Y. IX)ST Gold Kversharp pen on campus Portie" enpraved t hase of rap. Call Dodie Kolfspar, Z-.S3.12. Reward bizt S FOR SALE Tux, 2S. 3-4S35. good as new. LEAVINf for Albion Wednesday noon Can take two riders. Fred, ft-6.121. STUDENT and wife drsire ride to Sioux City or Sioux Falls lor Thanksgiving, willshare expenses. 3-S87S. ON-CAMPUS! Home-FrylimeaisTBmTir fast 7:30 or 8:30. Rooma optional. Men students ReaaonaMe. Phone 2-4438. DRIVING to Hastmcs Wednesday. Can accommodate 4. Share expenses. Call 6-1138 evenincs. WANTED riders" to Ie:iver andBfrthoud Pass Thauksgivins vacation. Call Mor rlson 2-Mi4. Evenincs. BALLROOM DANCING Expert private Instructions. Nellie Speidell Studio, 2705 Royal Court. Call 3-46H2. RENT: TDxedo.. M.fifl ht evenlnc. Wide sire ranee. GMd liMklnc, well cut. If you prefer t Invent in one of your own we have a complete selection. SSfl.50 UP. A t.RS C'LOTHIMi, 1400 FOR SALE Standard Royal typewriter. excellent connnion. tan y-z4h. ANYONE wanting free ride to Aurora Wednesday contact Willard Hohnstein, f 'JTTt I WANTED Ride to Indiana for Thanks- KivinK. Hii Kua rtranoenourE 3-znii. LOST Gold capped Shcalfer fountain pen. Reward. Call Betty West, 2-357 after b LOST Turquoise bracelet at Grant me morial cym. Call Donna Burley, 2-771. Reward. LOST Tie Clasp with Phillips B. O. Key. Reward. Phone fi-4fis3. LOST Black Sheafter Lifetime pen pencil aet near stadium. Keepsake. iarpe reward: tail John. 2-2H(n rpe reward ! MORROW S SELF SERVICE LAUNDRY 1024 Que St. Open between 9 A. M. A 8:30 P. M. Student owned. Student Taleiit Still at Large A big response has been shown by those signing up for the big Union Talent Show but there is still room for more entrants. Individuals, groups and some organizeoViouses have entered tal ented personalities to take part in the big show which will be held Dec. 11 in conjunction with the Union Juke Box dance. Tryouts will be held Dec. 4. All interested students who haven't signed up for an act should do so by Friday between the hours of 12-1 and 4-5 o'clock. Cash prizes will be presented to the winners of the three top acts of the show by Art Curtiss who will act as general host and master of ceremonies. The Union office keeps files of the acts and par ticipants for future reference. Re quests for entertainment at var ious other engagements, on or off campus, may be a part of the program. Be sure to enter your act in this great show, which is expected to be bigger and better than ever this year, by Friday, Nov. 19. It's the chance of a lifetime to display those talents so don't miss it. Continuous Quality Is Quality You Trust : ' ' ' ' ' '' I! I hi,. J ( ) , X AAJur it either uay . . . loth trade-marls mean the same thing. t dttl;- :z.?. ;. : : tme coca-cola company rr LINCOLN COCA COLA EOTTLLNG COMPANY O 154B, The Coco-Colo Cornea? EXECjTIVE CACEEOS in nETAiLinp On-yor Court Prepare lo step into a reponibl executive poeition in the retaHicg field: buying, advertising, fashion, preoaaL Spocialved training, exclusively for col lege graduates, covers merchandising, personnel management, textiles, store organisation, sales promotion, and all phases of store activity. Realistic ap proach nnder store-trained faculty. Classes are combined with paid store work. Students are usually placed be fore graduation. Co-ed ucationai. Mas ter's degree. Tuition $350. Four full tuition scholarships available. limited enrollment. Write Admissions Office for Bulletin C fUAtCH IVIMV KM tFTAJt rAIJWN PNIVERSITT OF PITTSBURGH Plttstwt. U fa. Tyjo things every College mzru should know! 1. I Tli is is a fan danorr. Unaccustomed to public sjHHiling. But not timid. Holds Iut n n u ith any audience. A "Manhattan1 sjxtrlshirt liolds its oun with audiences, too. As. Tliit is a " ' Mancunian hjxrtshirt. Nothing timid about thai colorful Scutch Tartan plaid. Sujxtbly tailored for style and easy comfort. Falnic is uadtable rayon. At your faunile men's store nou . ' CAMPUS FAVORITE THI MANHATTAN SHIRT COMPANT Copr. 148, TK Moii'id Viirt Compony