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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1948)
Friday. September 24, 1948 .t, tup nanv wfrraXAW 171 5 Af lmtt Here Are Your Winners Experts? and Percentage ICo.o- N. Mex. Harold Abramson (.875) , I hi,. Ila. St.- (0. St.- IKans.- IS. Clara- Army INotre D-ITexas- JWaah U-l ex. K. St. INebr. (Mo. Denver Okla. ViHano Purdue N Car. UjMinn. ) . XT I 77. mi TmZZ. r t M II I Minn. I Nebr. U. ttateis.ansas &. viara vmano muue v. ...... , i i I I I I I L N. Mex Mil. Cub Clem (.750) Colo. III. INebr. f Mo. Kansas Okla. Army INotre D.Texas Minn. I Frit2 Simpson (1.000) Colo. III. Nebr. Mo. Kansas Okla. Army Notre D.N. u, k I I I ' I Minn. Lee Harris (.750) Colo. Nebr. O. Statel Kansas Okla. I Army Notre D.IN. C. U.Minru I Bob Phelps (.750) Colo. IIL INebr. 10. StateKansas Okla. Army Purdue (Texas Minn. J ! ! J . . ZTl i ... . r IT- I : I Jack Donovan (.625) Colo. N. Mex. IIL Nebr. Mo. Denver S. Clara (VHiano Notre u.iexas v.inn. i I I I ' : I .... I Frosli Squad Lacks Centers The shortage of centers is mak ing things tough for L. F. "Pop" Klein and his assistant frosh coaches. There are enough backs and linemen for 18 teams, but only enough center for ten. At present, the lines are run ning through their plays and al ternating backfields go through their paces. The first icrimmage takes place today. When asked about cutting the squad, Klein said, "There won't be any cuts. This is a training program here at Nebraska. We're teaching these kids tha funda mentals of football." In addition to Mr. Klein and his regular coaching staff of "Ike" Hanscom, Harry Miller and Neal Parsons, four assistants have been added to help with the task of in structing the 200 freshmen. They are Bill "Killer" Kane, Roger Johnson, Carter "Spike" Kokjer and Fred Metheny. Corn Shuclct Anyone interested in writing:, typing-, filing-, copy reading, etc, for the campus humor magazine, meet at the Corn Shucks ffiee in the Union basement 3 p. m Friday, Sept. 24. Continuing Our Special COOT OFFER! Beautiful stripes and plains rTK lis regular $1.00 grad INTRODUCTORY OFFER Valuable Coupon jj c This Coupon and . g-y q J q entitles you to one j y ROUCII1E KMT TIE! Name if i p. Address . M Only 1 Coupon To A CnsUmer n ? .' A Writ w , - i i , L li lit J - I ii - .: f ' IS. HERE COMES THE NAVY Many university students are throw ing tjieir books up and taking the oath for the services. With the draft situation as it is, many college educations are being postponed for several years. YMCA Receives 20 Men Wednesday Twenty new men received membership cards at the opening meeting of the YM Wednesday evening. This makes a total of 40 men to date. The goal set for this year is 200 men or more. There will be a booth in the Union attended by a Y member on Friday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 11 a.m. to 1 p. m. and from 3 to 6 p. m. All men wishing to join the Y may do so at these times in the Union or at the Y oHices in the Temple building. The membership drive for the YM got under way Wednesday with a program consisting of short introductory speeches by several cabinet members explain ing the Y program for the com ing year. Refreshments were About a year ago th "Rag featured a picture of Burnett Hall going up. Now we who are so fortunate as to have classes there are waiting for the temperature to hit zero at which time they will probably have the air-conditioning working. Some lounge lizards are just no ticing the Union's new face-lifting job. The Crib "addicts" prob ably don't realize that the lounge was redone last year either. A year ago the 23rd a mixed party given by the YM-YW was announced with Nebraska State hood as the theme. If the number of women stu dents attending the Dean of Wom en's tea astounded them last year, what will be the reaction when they see the crop that has the dorm bulging this year? served and a few magical tricks were performed by Ray Kelsey. Saturday Football Schedule MTTKDAr, 8CTT. IX VWItinc Tram Texas Duke Purdue ... Missouri .. T. C. V S. M. U. Klvno Bt Sam Houilon Maryland . ... Oklahoma ..... Oregon Mini. Htau . . Trxju A. U. Alabama Northweatera Mario UeorKia Tech .. Ban Irek Bt. . finat Tezai 8t. Vilianova ... Tulaa Home Team. , No. Carolina No. Carolina St. Notre .ONo Mat Okl. .x .. A. and M. pittnlmrKh . Portland Rice .Richmond ... Santa Clara ...... Stanford Tennessee , Texas Tech At Ban Antonio Tulane U. C. L. A. a Utah Vanderbllt .a. ....... Anions ........ Arkansas ...... ...a... Army ,.x Baylor Visiting Team Home Tram a .. .1.. . Cincinnati ColKate X....C0I0. A A 31. . Colorado .a... Columbia Cornell Frank. A Marsh. . . Gcoricla Holy Cross ........ . Illinois 1 aa . Iowa ,...x Kentucky iaiayeite MlchlKaa Michigan fitate Florid X uit miss. At Jacksonville Utah f ... Montana Bt. No. Dakota BV. Montana St. Col. Hos'.on tf. ....... .. .X Muhlenberg California Navy At Baltimore Iowa Stat Nebraska x Denotes BlKbt (am. Hardln-Bimmoni Buffalo New Mex. AAM New laexte ... ftutffers . . N. Y. V I-rhiKh Chattanooga ... Georgetown . ... Kansas Stall ... Marqtiete .a... Xavler rorunam ........a EPISCOPALIANS! REMEMBER ... YOU HAVE A DATE FRIDAY NIGHT MIXER AND DANCE 7:30 UNTIL IIP. M. Come early and stay for the night . . . or drop in for a while and meet members of your church from all oyer the state! Was f.A7 First Captain How many of the bid timers remember the first football team? Seventy-three-year-o 1 d Eb E. Mockett does, he organized it. In a boarding house on 15th & P streets, E. E. Mockett lives among the past surrounded by over 100 trophies, medals and awards. He is described by Walt Dobbins, sports writer of the Evening Journal as "one of the greatest living athletes in the country." The school has long forgotten the old man and only a few of the old timers remember him. He is the proud owner of a silver-plated lifetime pass which entitles him to attend all uni versity games free. Eb won honors in la crosse, bowling, bicycling, roolerskating, iceskating and football. In the 90's bicycling seemed to be Eb's favorite sport. It was in the days of the high-wheeled bicyclers that Mr. Mockett won the state championship in a six day bi cycle race. His speed was 219?g miles in 12 hours; two hours every night. One of Eb's con temporaries, remembering Eb's amazing powress says: "No man living could ride like that boy." Eb remembers during that race how he gave the band which played there every night $5 to play his favorite, the "Arkansas Traveler" during the Inst ten minutes of each round. Eb says: "I used to stay in back of the bunch each time around in order to conserve energy then at the last ten minutes they'd play the song and I would come up and pass them by at least one lap. That's how I won the race, the music inspired me." Mr. Mockett was la crosse champion, bowling champion, and captain of the champion roller skating team. Mr. Mockett has a picture in his room of the first football team. Dressed in white canvass uniforms and various hats and caps they look like a potent .earn. "We won most every game we played that year," said Mock ett. Mockett has the distinction of being the university's first football captain. Eb's formula for athletic suc cess: Go to bed early every night and don't drink. "I never touched a drop and never will," says this great athlete. Heavy Grid Slale On Tap Saturday King football gets into high gear this Saturday all over the nation. The day's headliners find Notre Dame, co-holder of last year's mythical title with Michigan, meeting the powerful Boilermak ers from Purdue. The dopesters recognize this tilt as the tough est hurdle on the Irish schedule. At West Point, the Armyi plays host to Vilianova. The Wildcats showed that they are to be reck oned with as they trampled Texas A. & M. last week, 34-14. Texas University and North Carolina U meet in an intersec tional headliner at Chapel Hill. Northwestern University and Minnesota journey to the west coast to meet uuw ana wasning ton U, respectively. Lynn Waldom Uaiirornia tsears travel to Baltimore for a spirited contest against Nary and Missouri opens against Ohio State at Co lumbus, O. In the Southlands, Tennessee and Mississippi State tangle in one of the top games of the day. The Crimson Tide of Alabama and the Green Wave of Tulane also clash in a Southeast Confer ence opener. FREE REFRESHMENTS COME STAC Oil DRAG 1 Make It A Pep Rally for tks Iowa Slate, Came! , . ( Vufversitr Episcopal Church Thirteenth Sc K St., Lincoln The Rer. Harry B. Whitley, Chaplain Tassels will meet for the rally tonight at 8:43 In front of the Student Union. FOR A BETTER VIEW OF THE GAME RENT A PAIR OF FIELD GLASSES FROM 1123 P ST. V