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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 24, 1948)
Friday, September 24, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 5 SFashion Plate As I Was rnn" x : ?.. i i r ' - "V. THEY'RE OFF! All set for a bis week-end are Mardclle Buss left, Robin Rauch, center and Marilyn Dawson. The pals wear classic campus garb suitable for any occasion whether it be the game, freshman hop, or church mixer. Attention, Blind-Daters; End Your Confusion! To save future embarrassment, this information is offered to prospective blind-daters, whether among the ignorant frosh class or the unobserving upperclassmen. As a supplement to little black address books and fraternity dat ing bureaus, this knowledge is necessary for a normal social life. Embarrassing situations fre quently arise when one attempts to date the girl in the next seat in biology class, only to discover that she's a sorority sister of his pinmate. At this point, a knowl edge of the various pledge rib bons proves itself expedient. Heed well this warning, so that next time it will be evident that the girl wearing the red ribbon in the next booth at the Crib is an A. O. Pi and not a prospective bull fighter. Also- the girls seen on campus wearing the green and white aren't 4-H representatives, they're Kappa Delt pledges. S K's Choose Lavender. Not lavender and old lace, but lavender and maroon are the choice of the Sigma Kappas. The holiday-conscious Thetas wear the black and gold colors of Hallow e'en. This does not imply, how ever, that there is any resem blance between the proverbial witches and the Thetas for they are seldom seen riding on brooms since most have a preference for convertibles. Reminding you that there are only 73 more shopping days until Christmas, Alpha Chis wear their red and green. A little more dif ficult to decipher are the colors of Alpha Phi, bordeaux and silver. Bordeaux may be interpreted in several different waysas a bev erage, fungicide or city in south ern France. From this you can draw your own conclusion. The S, D. T.s add a touch of V Vv ir- It - pC-''M-' vv.".'..v. - Av .v.wGOOQG'V " ,.'WCa .'." Parisian sophistication to the list with theh- ribbons of cafe au lait and old blue. For those not ma joring in French, cafe au lait means coffee with cream. (We didn't know it either.) Another mystifying color combination is the brown and mode of the Gam ma Phis. (According to Web ster's Collegiate Dictionary abridged form, fifth edition, mode is "a color approaching drab, but of somewhat lr.wer saturation and higher in brilliance." Now do you understand?) Trying to outdo the others, the Alpha Xi's wear "double" blue and gold. You can explain that one! The Pi Phis get back to reality with their ribbons of wine and light blue, but the Chi O's in dulge in another flight of fancy with cardinal and straw as their colors. These, incidentally, are the same colors reflected in their house at 480 No. 16. Kappas Prefer Boys. The Kappa light blue and dark blue signifies their preference for boys. The triple ribbons of the Tri Delts are distinguished by their silver, gold, and blue colors from the bronze, pink, and blue of the D. G.'s. If you are still confused, or have a short memory, perhaps you'd better try dating actives. University Dames lo Give Parly for Students' Wives The University Dames are sponsoring a get acquainted party for all the university students' wives on Thursday, Sept. 30, at 8 p. m. at Ellen Smith hall. The purpose of this party is to help the new girls get acquainted with the Dames and their organization and to promote university activ ities. budget Jewel-ton aviii! J By Pat Nordin Emily Ileinie, fast becoming one of the most quotable persons on campus, has come up with an other retort. Her parting comment to a recent date was, "Well! H's been an experience!" One of the cuter new couples is Janice Lindquist and Cliff Chris tensen. They can be seen almost any afternoon "coking'' in the Crib. Big Question: How did the re cent "marriage plans" of Duane Demaree affect his date situation? Duane had everybody thinking that he was going to be married Sunday to a Norfolk girl one doesn't scoff at a marriage license. Evidently someone was kidding, 'cause Duane is still single. . . . Surprise? Nancy Howie may surprise her Kappa sisters by marriage in De cember. There are big reports on her summer romance with a big Texan. Attention Guy Dean! Who is the mystery girl that Bud Buckley is currently squiring about town? The dark-haired girl has not yet been identified by Bud's friends. A quick prevue of week-end plans shows that Sunday's column may be a scorcher if there is anyone left to read it. What with the game, open houses, and Harry James, it'll be a blue Monday. Topping the roster of Univer sity events tonight are the vari ous church get-togethers. Gay blades Chuck Pederson and Dave Neely are going all out for the "date or drag" affair' at the Uni Episcopal. Even the fac ulty will be there according to "Prexy" Faulkner, who has been contributing her talents to the decorations and punch. See you all there . They'll Chain Them Next Sigma Kappas, Alpha Phis, and Chi Omegas it is too late to warn you about "portable" furniture, but we can advise a thorough canvas of local fraternity houses. Alertness paid the other day for Kathy Swingle while on phone duty. The Lincoln theatre award ed her two free tickets to the movies this week-end for naming the current show. Anyone like to see "Luxury Liner" with Kathy this week-end? Wonder if Win Wyman and Carmen Christoffel will ever get together? We nominate them as "couple most likely to succeed." Boy Meets Girl Charles Newell has a gripe This summer he met a girl in Oregon and called it "the real thing." Now that he's back in school, he's dated a certain Pi Phi three times. Well, on the night of that third date the girl from Oregon called the Sigma Nu house for him. The person who millinery TUIRD Beret by Betmar this foll'i favorite for its debonnadre air. Velveteen in Grey Pearl. Emerald, Sapphire, Ruby, Gold or Topaz. 4 95 By Carolyn Bukacek With swift, hehind-the-scenes changes to accommodate the weather, the UN coed proves her ability to adapt, herself to any clime. A standout against a grey sky is Kathleen Dodson in a gab- BABW 'Hello GirV To Highlight Dance Highlighting the fifth annual "Hello Dance," to be given Friday, Oct. 1, from 9 to 12 p. m., in the Student Union ballroom, will be the presentation of the BABW "Hello Girl." The "Hello Girl," to be chosen by popular election from candi dates representing the independ ent houses and clubs on campus, will be revealed at 10:30. answered said, "Sorry, maybe you can contact him at the Pi Phi house." The gripe? Oh yes, Charles says, "I can go with a girl from Omaha or Fremont or anywhere near and get by with it, but not with a girl 3,000 miles away!" . . . "Sweet and Lovely" June Scha berg is fast becoming one of the most in-demand Tri Delt girls. Her brother, Bud, is already one of the most-liked Kappa Sig pledges. Hair-dos are still turning heads around the campus. Dorothy Kent, M. J. Melick, and Norm Leger are just a few of the chief shears fiends. ' IN LINE WITH u CORNHUSKERS p-.. GET I? KM ' V1 FEATHER ardine raincoat of bright blue, green and black checks. The sun comes out when it views Marcia Tepperman in a cherry red skirt and white slip-on. Just then Mary Jo Hamilton further dispels gloom by appear ing in a canary yellow jersey. She wears it tucked into a beige tweed skirt. Keep 'Em Varm When there's a cool breeze, Shirley Douglas keeps warm in a cuddly navy blue short sleeved sweater. Sweater and skirt com binations rate, too, with Marilyn Dawson. She chooses a grey sweater and soldier blue gabar dine skirt. Pearls accent the out fit. For the picnic season Mardelle Buss favors red jeans and a trim white blouse. If the wind shifts to the north she keeps warm in a suede jacket. Off to the Hop In preparation for the fresh man hop Robin Raugh straight ens the folds of her pastel wool date dress. The nink, grey and white stripes are used to advan tage on the turn back collar and for the three-quarter length sleeves. For the "special'r date Charli Collison looks smooth in an ex pertly draped grey satin cocktail dress. Remember the top fashion on the campus tomorrow will be the scarlet and cream costumes of the cheerleaders and the jerseys of the team. Are you with 'em? YOUR FREE at GOLD'S SATURDAY . . . 9:30 to game time Men Men'i Store street floor Women Sportswear