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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1948)
ityTectnesHay, September 22, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 jmchwjoAjmL Monday's meeting in the intramural office set off a fire which is certain to spread over the entire campus. A cry of indignation has been raised against the athletic department's attitude toward intramural touch football. It seems the practice fields west of the Coliseum are to be taken op by the freshman and B teams. This means that the large number of men who yearly participate in I. M. football are supposed to settle back and Qlay "tiddely winks" for the current touch football season. Actually we wonder just how much of the practice fields the freshmen and B teams need. Maybe the univer sity should forget about the Jack Best trophy and hold intramural bridges games. Our solution to the problem is simple. Allow intramural touch football games to be played on the null in front, of the coliseum and rive part of the practice field to the west of the coliseum back to intramural play. It is only right that the treat humber of men who participate in intramurals be riven adequate playing space. Minnesota's grid squad could appropriately be called "Giants of the North" this year. Eight Gopher linemen on the squad weigh 220 pounds or more. They are Guard Don Anderson, 230; tackles, Dave Blanchard, 226; Bill Carrol, 25; Jerry Ekberg, 223; Ed Johnson. 224; Bob Mealey, 222; Leo Nomellini, 250, and center, Clayton Tonnemaker, 232. In strange contrast, the Minne sota varsity backfield group av erages less than 180 pounds, with the halfback average under 170. We doubt very much that the Gopher backfield will have much j trouble with al! that beef up front to push opposing teams back. With all the talk about colleges buying football teams Minnesota's Bernie Bierman seems to have little trouble keeping home state boys on the campus. Out of the 36 men Bierman intends to use on his travel squad only five come from outside the state of Minne sota. The Gopher mentor figures that the homes of these 36 ath letes are an average of 96 miles from the campus. No longer will the University of Minnesota football team be called the "Golden Gophers." The familiar woollen gold jersies worn by the Gophers through their national championship years of 1934, 1935, 1936, 1940, and 1941 have been replaced by two sets of lightweight rayon jersies one with maroon numbers on white, and the other with white numbers on maroon. No longer will Min nesota players be caught by op posing teams and pulled to the ground by their jersies, accord ing to Bierman. FRIDAY, SEPT. 24 COLLEGE NIGHT at ) ' I (X SKIPPY ANDERSON featuring "SINGIN' SONG TITLES" Dancing 9 until 12 Adm. 1.50 Per Couple Tax Included f r n ...... LOU BOSNYAK Last of the "old guard" will throw his 230 pounds against the Huskers Sat urday. Bosnyak has earned four letters at Iowa State. What ever became of the little frosh miss who took seriously the sign "Freshman Girls Register Here?' Lincoln frosh should be wise to our roinrs, out but, honey, that was no med trad who compli mented yon on your sun tan at the physical. Are the two entering coeds still around who were ordered to move off the steam tunel grate by a workman's anrry "move on" from below? Means Announces Touch Football May Be Dropped The intramural program suffered a severe blow Mon day when it was announced at the first meeting of the intramural committee that the intramural touch football fields must be taken over; for the use of enlarged fresh man and B team activities. . Lou Means, director of intramural activities, an nounced that every possible playing site was being in vestigated in an effort to keep touch football on the intramural agenda. Another meeting of the intra mural committee has been called Friday to take decisive action on the matter. The intramuraj picture was brightened by the announcement that six new grass-tex tennis courts are to be added to the intramural facilities in the near future. Horse shoe courts, bad minton and shuffle board courts are soon to follow in the growing program. Tourney play will begin in the tennis singles on Oct. 3 and con tinue until completion. Fall golf follows on Oct. 17 and winds up Oct. 24. Mr. Means expressed his grati tude at the turnout of the first meeting when 35 fraternity and independent organizations turned out. In response to the interest that has been shown in the intramural program by participants, many new and expensive trophies are being added to this year's collec tion. All intramural trophies are on display in the foyer of the new intramural building. The first event on the schedule will be the free throw tourney to begin Sept. 28 at 3 p. m. and end Oct. 4. All students who have not won an "N" are eligible to com pete and are urged to sign up immediately. Phys Ed Courses Open The men's physical education department is offering an extens ive program of recreation courses this year. ; 1 Bowling, swimming, golf, ' bait and fly casting, handba.ll, squash, wrestling, boxing, basketball, ten nis and badminton are all open to every man enrolled in the uni versity. Interested men should report to room 102 in the Physical Educa tion building, according to L. E. Means, physical education director. r. The Perfect Sports Shirt U - ti' VN u BOWLING OR $T ff GABANARO" by ARROW Just received a grand gabardine sporU shirt good looking, long-wearing, and completely washable. Tailored with Arrow's traditional skill, Gabanaro is a shirt you will be proud to wear. let us show you the "Gabanaro" today. Free Throw Trials Set The annual basketball free throw championship will be con ducted this year in the physical education building, Oct. 4, 5, 6, from 3 to 6 p. m. daily. No official entry is needed for this tournament. All aspirants need only to report in basketball shoes on the selected ' days. Last year's champion was Fritz Simpson. And then there's the entering Spanish I student who sat in German III classes for two days before the dawn came. Rush week was rourh on many, but the young rushee who went into the night air with three frat pledge pins and orders to decide in two hours takes the prize. Sigma Delta Chi will meet Tuesday, Sept. 28, at 5 p. m. in Room 309 of Burnett Hall. Tuesday's Scores AMERICAN LEAGUE. Ronton 10, Detroit t. WaMiington at Chicago, podponcd, rain. Only camel cheduled. NATIONAL LEAGUE. Pittsburgh 6-12. Brooklyn 3-11. Ronton 11-4, St. I-ouU 3-0. New York :-2, Chicago t-.l. Cincinnati 6-1, Philadelphia -. AMERICAN LEAGUE. w I pet. Ronton 01 S4 .028 Cleveland M 66 .621 New lork 8 65 .618 Philadelphia 63 64 .MS Detroit 71 72 St. Iiuln M 86 Waahtngton 61 65 Chicago 46 96 NATIONAL LEAGUE. w I pet. Ronton 86 68 Brooklyn 79 66 St. IiulH 78 66 Pittsburgh 77 67 New York 76 66 Philadelphia 64 82 Cincinnati 69 8S Chicago 68 86 lb i" IV4 6 .497 19 .sw 3:1 vi .849 4l'i .324 4:)'j 6b .697 . . . .645 7'i .642 8 .s:is .621 11 .488 23 .416 26 .406 ITi TALENT 'N-U with MARY &'B0B BAKER Every Wednesday Nile 11:00 P.M. Presented by Johnny Johnsen's Nebraska Book Store Over KFOflt 1240 on your dial LINCOLN SYMPHONY CONCERT ASSOCIATION SEASON TICKETS NOW ON SALE at STUDENT UNION OFFICE and SCHOOL of MUSIC $coo STUDENT TICKETS SIX CONCERTS Ticket Sales Close Wed. Sept. 29th FOR ARROW SPORTS SHIRTS- COfw1iW& YOUH WAY! Here's a rugged and handsome shirt of rayon gabardine that Arrow's sports shirt experts designed for action plus comfort. Gabanaro comes in several smart colors ond is Sanforset labeled for complete washability ... $5.95 Will never hrink or stretch out of fit. ARROW SHIRTS and TIES UNDERWEAR HANDKERCHIEFS SPORTS SHIRTS