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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 22, 1948)
Wednesday, September 2219 PAGE 4 Uni Singers , Marilyn Voorheea Mary Wherry Gay Worcester Second Sopranos. Janette Armstrong Eleanor Bancroft Willistine Clark Neva Orafton Alice Ruth Harm Muriel James Virsinia Lange Jean Lelsy Nancy Pierson Ttaxi Ann Scharmov Beverly Shuman Dorothy Taylor Ila Faye Ullstrom Jeanne Wood First AM. Helen Anderson Virginia Be r, ngtoa Mary Barton Audrey Brown Eugenia Simms Browa Janet McCrory Rosalie Paul Elaine Putenseil Dorothy Sch".der- Hrcoad AM. Helen Abdnor Virginia Damon Jeanette Doleial Audrey Flood M. JoAnn Hansen Marilyn Harms Myra Hauge Gretchen Hemminger Margaret Kslllwff Bhlrley Laflin Marian Petersen Eugenia Samuelso Shirley Sabln Mary Lou Bommer Lois Swanson Ruth Troxell Carol Younkin First TM. Peter Anderson Don Carlyon William French Gordon Gealy Harry Glesselman Calvin Gloor Ralph Hoyt Lewis Hubka Bill Mundell R. F. Parks Dick Ridgeway Robert Scheffel Cecil Smith Ed Wells Dennis RohrJ Kerond T eaters. Holmes Ambrose Ray Biemond Bob Gllbride Don Hays Bob Laflin Larry Owen Rex Pcttijohn Aaron Schmidt Sterling Seaton C. C. Svohoda Bob Wallace ItartUmr. Ronald Bartns Harold Bauer Jim Lafeita Lewis Forney Warren Hughes Herbert Lakeman Melvin W. King Jack Learned Llovd Lotspeich R. A. McGebee Paul Marquart Richard Sautter Neil W. Solomon C. R. Stasenka Edgar Tegtmeier Bae. Francis Amato Joe Bednor Ponald Benson Bruce Campbell John Cun'is Glavne Imolittle Henry Doling Gordon Flood Phil Guntafson J Korowacki Keith Meininger Neal Mieshach Robert Price Campus News In Brief m.i t hi ThrLa will meet Wed nesday, 5 p. m. in Room 313 of the Student Union. Cosmopolitan club wishes to ex tend an invitation to all mem bers, guests and new students to attend the first meeting Wed nesday night, Sept. 22, in Room 316 of the Student Union. ASCE will hold its first meet ing Wednesday, Sept. 22, at 7:30 p. m. in parlors XYZ of the Stu dent Union. The meeting will be a get-arquainted smoker with new members. Entertainment will include a short film entitled Alaskan Highway" and the John Carson magic show. Refresh ments will be served. Student Council will meet at 5 p. m. Wednesday, Sept. 22, in Room 315 of the Union. Coun cil holdover members will meet at 4:30 p. m. in Room 305. M I ! ij. TONIGHT ft Vocatt by- K 7 Gordon Mac Roe Mu$ic by i'i Fronkie Carle fj and his orchestra Hmker Halfback . . . I -Mil CLETUS FISCHER Standout in Cornhusker scrimmages will help carry the load in Nebraska's opener with Iowa State Saturday. Fischer's speed and passing have been one of the bright spots in recent practice sessions. The fleet St. Edward back is expected to see plenty of action against the Cyclones. Thi winter will Im? as arm as glowing wood fire whe you snuggle down in bunny-soft Lady No-Belt flannel pajamas. They come in dream-like pech or blue and in tiny floral prints. Lady No-Belt pyjamas are cut generously in the shoulders for $CJ twist and turn sleepers too. Sizes 12 to 18. Lingerie . . . Third Floor - ? 'IS Y) H EATWAVES fa CH I LLY New Students Receive Check In Speech Lah BY BRUCE KENNEDY. Now is the time for all good men is the familiar saying which echoed through the speech! laboratory halls last week during the rush of registration. This lit tle sentence and many others like it niH th snpprh laboratories finding defective speech among new students. The speech and hearing labora tories on second floor of the Temple building fulfill two pur poses: to test students for speech and hearing, ana to neip xnose students having defects in speak ing and hearing to correct them. Tn testine? the students various machines are used which find de fective hearing. Faulty diction can be discovered by different para graphs which the" student reads or by conversation with a trained instructor. Careful records are kept of each new student's inter view. ). If a student should be corrected in either speech or hearing, the laboratories urge him to take ad- vantaee of the facilities. It entirely free to a university stu rlpnt. The laboratory helos to fit hearing aids or teaches lip read ing. Defects in speech can be corrected bv attending the num erous classes offered by speech department. Classified WAITER or waitress wanted for part or "v. .. j ...u n ritmnon or avenlne ah ft Apply ANDY ANDROS, SOW COFFEE SHOP, 140 No. 10th IK. Lost: Delta Gamma sorority pin. Call 2-lln lor reward. DRAFTING 8ET3-2 Grman , 1 1 unustd Noris; ixg ik "iiT leather case. i.ioyq, -qj". - GIRLS part-time theater work for both cashier ana cuniu' ' : ant working conditions. Apply 32a Stuart Building. FOR SALE 1947 Chevrolet Club Coupa radio, gas heater, sun vwr ... y:tZ sories. Color: brown and beine. Onljr 4800 miles. No dealers. Phone 3-2489. in I LOST: Delta Upsilon fraternity pin. AJax O' Meara. -nn ir , LOST-Bracelet. triple 8trn.,nol(dn 5e PV.Y.n" bus. Reward! Call 2-UOT. TIRD-oTyinjC rent? W. have a fur nished nanemenv "l"1"""" water floor and fire place. Rent, light, gas and telephone free in hanse for washing, ironing "d b",,"1":" real deal for a vet with wiffe who pre fers not to punch time clock. Com fortable for two. but no children plea... Cull 3-8861. ATTENTION VETERANS! SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY PATRONIZE THE HUSKERVILLE BARBER SHOP BLDG. 109 SHOr OPENS S P. M. is the ' " V' I '4, V 1 " -M L