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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1948)
PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, September 17, I94B Lentz Names Forty-Three Members to Varsity Band Th Varsitv Band, directed by Don Lentz, has approved 43 new members for the fall semester. This is Mr. Lentz's 11th year as director of the band here at the university. Walt Davis from Kear ney will be drum major. the opening engagement will be at Iowa State game here Sept. 25 The theme will be a Good Luck" motive with a special dedi cation to all fathers for "Dads Day." Openings still remain in oboes and bassoons. Students interested may try out by appointment with Mr Lentz. The following people weer approved, for Varsity Band for this semester at tryouts held last week: Flat. J,Ai nnbrrf Kathryn S-h warts Frances Swartw.vxl Irene Roberts Kobert Rosenquist Robert Kelligar Bill Wirti Oboe. William Shoen Uonley Coletto Walter Palmer rurBrt5 vnk Pkokan Carl Iihrey Norman Tooenhoft John Wilson UMIiam V.lliott Liia Venable Cleon Austin Elmer Vosi Ponna McAuley Brvce Bame Kirk Bowman Edward Opocensky Mary Toua Robert Puis ttonald Kortnek Rene Webo John Luebi Vnrmtn Kl rand Orvid Owen Aaron Schmidt leo Schmidt Chris Kuyatt John Beriga Joan Albin John Krogh Betty Rnessler Janet Clark Emilv Heine. Clarinets. RolifH Mll IUm Clarinet. Dean Wallace Bassoon'. Donald Collie. Darwin AIM SaPme William French Z? Pete Keene Boo Penney Warren RV. James Hanson Jn Allen John Curtis Herman Lnrsen Ted Thompson Robert Hine Rex Webb . Charles Hynick Dean BushneU Nat Sherman Richard Guy wHinv Beaton Eufren. 8to!l Martin Killian William Bplichal Huril Cook Dean Whttla Herbert Jack man Conrad Reneman Robert Waters Warren iveiiy Ravnard Solowltr Dan Johns Robert Staoenka Dennis Rohrs Warren Thomas John F.llis Lewis Forney John Toft James Fkstrand John Kline T l Jiipe- Wall Ooodbrod George Olire S4 wells lUratoaes. Robl. Westfall Dale Hall Gordon Riley Walt Sehnert. Donald Lojr Jack Tilton Brice Hendricksnn Ed Gass Charles McVay Kent Tiller Jack Snider James Welch Don Boyd Robert Kurth Al Smith Fred, Vansdall riiil Neff Paul Austin Don Steinacher Walter Davis Enbre Rains Warren Brannon Don Schneider Al Heln Merle Gerpeson Karl Zimmerman Paul Moaeman Gerard Walton Robert Church Richard Byerlr Gordon Gealy Gerald Morris Harold Srhroeder Harvey Knoblock Dean Killian Harold Holmquist John Wooden Charles Sharpe Robert Porter Clark Boauirhton Don Coulter Byron Havlirek al 7immpr Richard Bulls Richard Churchill John Thorin Carol Brown Herb Danley Vernon Vrtiska Itcaaea. Richard Oarreteon Charles Jensen Garreth McDonald Forrest Morris Don Knebel Ramon Kunc Douglas Freeman Dorm Notice If the following people are interested in Dorm A housing they most contact Room 209 Housing in the Administration building immediately or they will be dropped from the wait ing list: Robert Ottiman Cedric J. Ilartman James R. Holden WllUrd D. Olsen Marl in L. Bopp Robert A. Stratborker Ray F. Stryker Albert Naber, Jr. James B. Banner Frank O. Simon Leslie R. Pennington Robert W. Price Dean M. Connett John D. Woodin Jerome IL Vance George D. Swanson ATTENTION VETERANS! SAVE TIME SAVE MONEY PATRONIZE THE HUSKERVILLE BARBER SHOP BLDG. 109 SHOP OITNS T. M. Union Show ... (Continued from Page 1) will be given that opportunity. Ed Trumble, first vice president of the Union Board, and an Ag Union member will be on hand to receive applications. Committee positions are open to any student in the University. The Union operates on a plan that permits freshmen and sophomores to work on committees of their own choice. The committee chair men judge each student's work to determine their possible place ment on the slate for election to the Union Board of Directors. This board, composed of students, faculty and alumni, is the su preme governing body for the Student Union on both campuses. Information Will Be Posted. Information will be posted for those interested in learning more about this activity, and Union workers will help with the stu dents' applications. Six committees, music, general entertainment, games, library and house rules, convocations and hos pitality and publicity, are recruit ing workers. Friday night's "open house" is arranged so that everyone may see each special show or act. All acts except those held in the ball room will be given more than once. Loop Elevens Move Into Final Practice Drills Big Seven conference football squads continued preparations Tuesday for season openers Sat urday and a week from Saturday. Colorado, starting its first sea son in the loop, executed tricky The Union's opening party has been planned by the new Union Activities Committee under the leadership of Mrs. Dorothy Wie rich Day. Mrs. Day has recently joined the staff as Activities Di rector. Committee members are: Miss Alice Mathauser, Ag Union Direc tor; Bob Easter, Marge Cherny, Ed Trumble, Mary Ellen Sehroe der, Paul Weltchek, Byron Hoop er, Sue Bjorklund, Neal Miller, Harriet Moline and Jack DeWulf. The opening party will be held at the city Union for members of both campuses. The evening's schedule is as follows: Main lomite: :- :00, Or km Interlude with Jay JSorrU. Ballroom: t:M. Danrlna; begin with Jeaa Mover and orrheatm. Parlors XVI: t:0, John faraw Miirlc Show. Mala km it re: t:3-l:, Organ Interlude with Jay Nnrrls. Mala kance and ABC: :S-11:. Re freshment . Room S15: Movies. Ballroom: J:l, Floor .how with Jtaa Ulnar. . . ration XTI: 1:M, John Caraon Male Show. Room IIS: 1:S. M.vlr. Parlors XI Z: 11 :M, Joha C aroa Marie Show. pass plays in Tuesday's double workout. Coach Dallas wara was pleased with the improved ball carrying of sophomore Halfback Dane Graves. The long-distance kicking of Halfbacks Malcolm Miller and Don Evans also high lighted the practice sessions. Sooner Sophs See Action. Sophomores continued to see ac tion in the first team lineup in the Oklahoma Sooner camp. Claude Arnold, a pre-war grid der with the Oklahoma frosh, al ternated with regular . Quarter back Darrell Royal. Several soph omores joined the list of backs, and Dean Smith, a second-year man, was in a regular defensive guard spot. Three regulars were missing from the lineup as Missouri's pow erful squad went through Tues day worlfouts. Bus Entsminger and Loyd Brinkman, backs, and End Mel Sheehan were out be cause of injuries received in last week's scrimmages. All are ex pected to report back for duty this week. Martin Sauer and Bob Classified STCDKNTS W1VKS: We have a few positions open on our selling staffs for full time employment. You will be Kiven complete traiinng. Apply Employment Office. 7th floor 11-12 or 4-:30. MILLER A PAINE. SOLVE YOUR HOUSING PROBLEM! At tractive trailer home. Swell for couple. All facilities and parking available. Cheap. Buy like rent. See Blair Kitch, Capitol Trailer Court. LOST: Delta Gamma sorority pin. Call 2-7742 for reward. LOST Siema Alpha Mu Fraternity Pin. Call 2-3120. Church Spokesmen To Speak Sunday Spokesmen for Protestant, Catholic and Jewish faiths will discuss religious influences at the University on the Nebraska Net work broadcast, Yeur University Speaks, Sunday, at 12:30 p. m. Appearing on the program will be Msgr. George J. Schuster, Catholic chaplain at the Univer sity; the Rev. Richard W. Nutt, Methodist University pastor; Rabbi Jerome Kestenbaum, Hillel counselor; Miss Ruth Shinn, Uni versity Y.W.C.A. director, and Gordon Lippitt," University Y.M.C.A. director . Robinson filled in for Entsminger and Brinkman. Dick Gilman, Don Wilsou and Bill Mace showed fair accuracy in Tuesday's session in the Kansas University camp. The Jayhawks stressed offensive drills in pre paring for Saturday's opener with Texas Christian University. In Ames, Coach Abe Stuber al ternated five teams on offensive and defensive drills in Tuesday's two workouts. Wednesday will be the last of the two-a-day sessions. FREE 1 U of N Decol (frothing to Bay) Coldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street e ampus .'ODELED FOR YOU Saturday ofaslw uons 4:. - Saturday in Miller's Tea Rooms jour favorite col lege fashions will le mod eled by University of Nebraska eo-eds. Clever daytime, swish datetime dresses, roaU and suits, will be modeled for jcur approval. Plan to attend. , ' ,s . . I: '-""".'- ir V""'v- . . - i: J i - f r f;: - Vv -r . - .X ' Lr. . - M MAIN TEA ROOM 11 :15 to 1 :45 AFTERNOON TEA ROOM .... 2:15 to 4 . . : X C