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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 17, 1948)
Bfffoy, SepTemb'er T7, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Bchchwarmcr BY HAROLD ABKAMSON. tDsrfljr Nrsrassaa, Newels MMor). This season the nation's lead ing newspapers and wire services have agreed on new form for football summaries which better fits the new manner of play. The old style was to run the starting 11 names by position with the rival left ends opposite each other and so on through the line up. Names of substitutes were grouped lower "in the summary. The form was retained even though grid routine out -da ted the system. In the new form names of all ends who get into the game will be carried together as will the tackles, guards, centers and backs. No longer will a starter, who may play only a few min utes in the game be given more credit than a fellow who com. tn late, but sees more action. Backs no longer will be broken down into quarters, left halfs, right halfs am fullbacks. Differ ent formations now make the du ties of quarters entirely different. No attempt will be made to sep arate the left tackles from the right tackles because on many teams the players work on both sides during the .game. This year football enthusiasts should see some real old-fashioned football campaigning. The wartime supermen have almost deserted the gridiron and the squads will be younger, faster, and easier for the coaches to handle. The peacetime draft doesn't have coaches too worried. Some of the players are ex-servicemen and many others are enlisted in the active reserves. These boys will not be called for peacetime duty. We'll pick Notre Dame to top Michigan again this year for top ranking in the national football picture. Then we'll pick Michig an, Texas, Southern Methodist, Penn State, Georgia Tech, Cali fornia, Norlh Carolina and Army to complete the top ten. We don't like to pick favorites but Benchwarmer will really stick his neck out to pick these sectional champions: East, Penn State; Midwest, Notre Dame, with Michigan the Big Nine champion; South, North Carolina U.; South east, Georgia Tech; Southwest, Southern Methodist; Big Seven, Missouri; Rocky Mountain, Den ver; Pacific Coast, California. Since every other sports writer in the country is picking All American - teams Benchwarmer can be no different. Ends Hart Notre Dame) and Poole (Missis sippi); Tackles O'Reilly (Pur due) and Harris (Texas); Guards Fischer (Notre Dame) and Franz California); Center Bed narik Penn.);( Backs Walker (S.M.U.). Derricote (Michigan), Justice (North Carolina U.), Bill Elliot (Minnesota). From the standpoint of a base ball spectator both Boston clubs may be monopolizing the base ball spotlight in the world series this fall. The Braves hold a five-game advantage over the second place Pirates, while the Red Sox are one and one-half games up on the New York Yankees. With ball players like Williams, currently hitting .377, Pesky, Spence, and Tebbets, the Red Sox are almost sure to increase their game and one-half lead. Men like Torgeson, Elliot, Heath, and Holmes guarantee that the Boston Braves will win the pennant. Here Are Your Winners Expert (?) Harold Abramson Cub Clem Bob Phelps Fritz Simpson Lee Harris Jack Donovan f Managing Editor. Saata . I SC- Clara- TCU- Idaho- Tex.- UCLA- j Tex. AM Wich.- lUh Calif. Kans. Ore. St LSU. Wash. St. I Villa. Ok. AM USC Calif. TCU Ore. St. Texas UCLA Tex. AM Ok. AM USC Calif. TCU Ore. St. Texas Wash. St. Tex. AM Ok. AM USC Calif. KU Ore. St. Texas UCLA Tex. AM Ok. AM USC Calif. TCU Ore. St. Texas UCLA Villan. Ok. AM USC Calif. KU Ore. St. Texas UCLA Tex. AM Ok. AM USC Calif. tie Ore. St. LSU UCLA Tex. AM Ok. AM News Editor. fObserver. Tight Race in Big 7 Predicted According to advance dope, the Big Seven conference will have one of its tightest football races in history. Optimistic reports from the conference schools show many lettermen returning to bol ster weak spots at any position. At Oklahoma Coach Bud Wil kinson has inserted many sopho mores into the starting lineup. The SmrtOT hackfied is composed entirely flf sophs except for Dar rel Royal, veteran halfback. Ok lahoma opens its season Sept. 25 when they travel to California to nwe Santa Clara Missouri again will be near the top of the conference scramble. The Tigers will make use of their fleet backfield in Coach Don Fau rot's version of the "T." Last year's co-champions, Kan sas have ben hurt bv gradua tion and the lure of the pro teams. ' With Ray t-vans, uuo Schnellbacher, Red Hogan, Lynn McNutt, Don Fambrough and others missing, KU may have to be content with a runnerup spot. Iowa State is ready for its opener against Nebraska, Sept. 25 at Lincoln. Twenty-two lettermen havp rpnnrtpd to Coach Abe Stu- ber, and the Iowans will give their opponents busy afternoons. Down at Manhattan, Kas., Coach Ralph Graham sees hope -of breaking the Wildcats' 26-game losing streak, but admits that hop ping out of the cellar will be a tough assignment. Morale is high and the team is willing. Colorado U will make its debut in the Big Seven this year with 18 lettermen on tap. Lack of weight in the backfield is Coach Dallas Ward's biggest headache. With Harry Narcisian and Roland Gregory in the lineup the Buffs have speed aplenty but injuries may hamper them through the season. AH men teieresie ia ffieiaU lag tatramaral ttck ftbIl rmaaes should see Haltfe Lester either la rosea C ia tfce aew physical educate haiMiag r ta the swtHuauag aaal ia the eali seaaa Friday r Satarday aasra- iar. latraaaaral Buaaxers will saeet September U at 5.- a. as. ia the aew raysical Edaeatfea haiUiag to discuss plans fr the year ac cording to L. E. Means, Director af latraataral Athletics. GAMES IN m XATSOK rvMay. IT, IMS frfem, Urs. II. !- rtah at S. CaUrorala. Mont. State Col. at Utah Stale. ' Kaar. Sra. IS, IS4S. Arkansas at AMlea Onr. Oot. New Mexico AC- at Afiaona St. Saata Clara, at California. Onkra4a Col. at Cotanutt A.AM. T.C V. at Kanaaa. N. Texas St. at Oklahoma Oily. S. Barbara St. at Orecxm. Idas at Oreroa State 8a Jos St. at Stanford, i. S. IT. at Ten. W. - Texas St. at Texas Teefc. Bate at Toledo. Was. State at PCt. A. Texas A . Ac M at Vtiianova. Oeorce Waabington at Wake Forest. WaymatMirt; at West Va. Okavboaaa. A. A M. at Wtrliita. S Mi III. Sa. IS, IMA. Loyola at St. stair's. TONIGHT IS COLLEGE NIGHT Free Booth Reservation mm Couples Only Potsy Reveals Cage Schedule University of Nebraska Ath letic Director, George (Potsy) Clark that announced the 1948-49 basketball team will play 11 home games and 13 away. The season's opener will match Northwest Missouri State college against Nebraska at home, Dec. 1. A road trip eastward during De cember will bring the Huskers against Purdue, Dec. 17 and will culminate with the meeting of Western Reserve at Cleveland, Dec. 21. Coach Harry Good announced that the Cornhuskers will meet Kansas State, Dec. 27, in the an nual p re-season Bib Seven Con ference tournament to be held in Kansas City. Pairings for this meet were drawn at the May meeting here. Nebraska's Sa&keraaB SrsiHale. Dee. 1 Northwest Missouri stale oil leKe a' Dee. A Minnesota at Dec. 11 Iowa State Teachers at Lin coln. Dec. Dec. Dec. Dec. land. Dec. 27-30 BiR Seven tournament Kansas City. Jan 8- ksnsss at Lincoln. Jan. 11 Washington (St. Louis) at Lincoln. Jan. 1 lows State at Lincoln. Jati. 29 South Dakota university at Lincoln. Jan. 31 Kansas Stat at Lincoln. Feb. 5 Colorado at Lincoln. Feb. 12-Kansas at Lawrence. 14 Oklahoma at Norman. 18 Iowa State at Ames 21 Missouri at Lincoln. 28 Colorado at RouMer March 1 Kansas State at Manhattan. March 5 Oklahoma at Lincoln. March 7 Missouri at Columbia. 17 Purdue at T-afavette. IS Cincinnati at Cincinnati. 20 Duqiieane at Pittsburgh. 21 Western Reserve at Cleve- Feb. Feb. Feb. Feb. STADIUM STANDOUTS If you fellas want smart new clothes at a price you can afford to pav, visit CLARKS. 'You'll find "Master-Tailored" suits and topcoats. Wor steds, Tweeds, Ga bardines, Shark skins, Flannels that give you long-lasting, handsome wear. Come in to day and get ready for y grandstand days. $3450 , $4750 1918 Football Schedule Sept. 25 Iowa State College at Lincoln (Dad's Day). -Oct. 2 University of Minnesota at Minneapolis. Oct. 9 'University of Colorado at Boulder. Oct. 16 Notre Dame University at Lincoln. Oct. 23 'University of Kansas at Lawrence. Oct. 30 University of California at L.A. at Lincoln (Homecom ing). No:. 6 'Kansas State College at Lincoln (Band Day). Nov. 13 'University of Oklahoma at Norman. Nov. 30 'University of Missouri at Lincoln. Nov. 27 Oregon State College at Portland. Asterisk denote Big Seven Con ference games. Novak Shines In Scrimmage Nebraska's foobtallers started their one-day football scrimmage sessions Thursday in a two hour practice which saw Tom Novak continue to sparkle in his role as a passer. Coach Potsy Clark continued to rehearse his varsity plays against the scout squad. The scouts then ran Iowa State plays against the varsity. The team will drill once daily between 4 and 6 p. m. for the remainder of the season. Coach Clark cut the squad to 40 men Wednesday. A lengthy scrimmage behind locked gates is on the Saturday wcred L. F. "Pop" Klein's call schedule. Meanwhile 200 aspirants ans swered L. F; ' Pop" Klein's call for freshmen. "U. 5. AIR FOEICE" 4 z 'T&o' ftaf.xo Never before in its history has your Air Force faced heavier responsibilities. First line of defense in a still unsettled world, the Air Force must continue to grow and be ready for Instant action. Today, only the best fitted prospects are being accepted by the Air Force. But young men who measure up will have unequaled opportunities. The world's finest pilot training Is open to single men, 20 to 26 y2 years old, who have completed at least half the credits for a college degree, or are able to pass an equivalent examination. They can win their wings with the Aviation Cadets! Veterans of the Armed Forces who are qualified in one of 300 skills and trades may re-enter the Service in advanced non-commissioned Air Force grades, depending on their previous training and experience. And for officers and men alike, in today's growing Air Force, there is literally no limit to the possibilities of advancement In a great career. On Air Force Day, September 18, get to know your Air Force better. Visit Air Ferce exhibits. Talk to Air Force men and you'll understand their enthu-siasm-their alertness and competence -their pride in the comradeship and the fine traditions of the Service. U. S. ARMY AND U. S. AIR FORCE RECRUITING SERVICE H'fF Admission only 1.53 per couple Tax Included 11 Hi & 0 Sfs.