Image provided by: University of Nebraska-Lincoln Libraries, Lincoln, NE
About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1948)
THE DAILY NEBRASKA Thursday, September 16, 1948 :,it.lUU hi I NAVAL ARMORY One of the new university buildings to be put into use this year is the Naval Armory shown above. Located at 14th and Vine streets, this building was specially designed to har monize with the architecture of the coliseum next to it. 'V .J... ", K .UM 'l.n' 1 1 t'W Willing PAGE 8 o O .-5v, t,; 4,-4 U. -A- " . ' ' f I ? If M ! , , I i i I - f" xw oviiwui n s gooa to De back" ... to walk across the campus ... to cokes in the Union ... to studying into the "wee hours" ... to dances in the Coliseum ... to bull sessions and IrlennlV rnats tn fnntKoll rramaa ll: j i . . . ...... . . . . Landscaping BY IIF.RR nERERr. BY HERB DENBERG. tue udmpus isn t Deing scalped, 1 i - V J 1 v 1 WE CAN ACCOMMODATE ANY SIZE PARTY FROM A COMSO TO A LARGE DANCE BAND. Call DAVE Residence 3-6705 Business 2-5889 And remember.?, fcci.ivj oiiu iri, lomcs . . . jres, Provided By -5'o f it's ppttinff n npfmnnont ufava ' " o - ...... v.... ..u.w Althdtigh first appearances To be sure that your party is a success call DAVE HAUN. We have one of the finest music libraries in the midwest. After all, it's the music that makes the party. HAUN Lincoln. Nebraska for the beet food In torn, It'e the TASTY - 113 guua W) De DaCk at Old IN. U. Foundation .... ........ are quite deceiving, the area around Love Library, Social Sci ence hall and Teachers college is being landscaped as part of a program to beautify the campus All the landscaping in this two block area was made possible by funds donated by the Cooper foundation. Charles F. Fowler, director of builrfines riv:orihH the, project. The area was first ernrlpr? Thpn an underground sprinkling system was installed. Now sidpwalks r being laid to fit the contour of the grounds. Some of the old trees in front of buiidinffs were rpmnvpH es pecially trees south of the li brary that obscure the view of the library from 13th Street. Some trees in front of other buildings were also removed. Perry Branch, seoretarv-direc- tor of the U. of N. foundation said, "Full grown trees vid shrubs will be planted. Side walks and other ornate landscap ing devices will be installed im mediately." The Dlans wpre mailn Viv TT.iro & Hare, nrominent lanrternno ar tists of Kansas City, Mo., in co operation with the university architecture department and nn. dating superintendent's office. PASTRY SHOP! Speech, Hearin Laboratories Offer Services Four score and seven years and so it goes. It's all part of the job of getting registered. And it's all part of the job for the speech labs, too. To every new student the Speech and Hearing laboratories offer their services without charge. These laboratories are lo cated in the second floor of the Temple Building. Every new and transfer stu dent is given speech and hearing tests as a part of the Junior Di vision program. On the basis of these tests the student who has difficulties in speech is recom mended for work in a special voice and diction class ThnA Ha. fective in speech are required to report for individual work in the labs. GrOUD instrurtion t crivnn in lip reading to those having signif icant hearing losses and recom mendations are made for the fit ting of hearing aids. Mew to the speech labs this year IS John Wilpv whft rnmnc frnm the University, of Southern Cali- xornia xo act as Director of the Ltaoora tones. Any student having nrnMomc related to speech andor hearing is urgea to consult the workers in the laboratories to receive help. Ag YM-YW Hold Relreats The Ag Commie VM.VW aV.i nets held joint retreats Tuesday, Sept 14th. at Peter Pan nnrlr Lois Thorfinsnn. Af Pnmnne YWCA President, and Dale Stauf i -, Ag Campus YMCA president, were ni charge of the program. Miss Ruth Shinn, new YWCA Classified STUDENTS WIVES: We hav a few positions opn tin our nrltintr itaffn for full time employment. You will be Riven complete traiinng. Apply Employment Office, 7th floor 11-12 or 4-4:30. MlLl.f.K PAINE. CARD WRITERS W have two poult Ions open for part time card wr.iere. Work onnslsti of making prlca eardn and window carda uaing pen and brash. Apply Employment Office, 7th floor. MILLER PAINE. ( -17HEII YOU SEND IT HOME BY OAILVAY EXPRESS lawidry worrlet got you? Then lort using Ht direct convtn-. pr04iafizd laundry Mrrlc offered by RAILWAY EXPRESS. By ptrtonaliztd serv ice we neon your laundry wil be collected by Railway Ex- pee pkfc-tjp facilities, sent to N xtra dtora for pkfc p net pritiripol town. VotmHoa fr $30.00 secretary, was introduced to the 38 cabinet members. Plans were made for the coming fall program including the final plans for the Welcome Party to be given on Ag Campus Tuesday night, Sept. 21. Vince Kess. Social Chairman of the YM, was in charge of recreation. STATE: "Rachel and the Stranger", 1:30, 3.32, 5:33, 7:35, 9:39. VARSITY: "Return of the Bad men", 1:10, 4:11, 7:10, 9:45. r STATE -n Now Showing! WORLD PREMIER FNOAGKMKNT OF 'RACHEL and the STRANGER' Starring LORETTA YOUNG ROBERT MITCHUM WILLIAM HOLDEN EXTRA! OOI.OR CARTOON! NEXT! Tin: iiAni: IUTT. STOIIY' Starring WII.IJAM BENDIX r VARSITY t STARTS TOD4YI "Billy the Kid." "The Daltons." "The Youngers' All RIDE AGAINI "RETURN OF THE BADMEN Starring RANDOLPH SCOTT ROBERT RYAN "GABBY" HAYES ,v. nh your home promptly, and re turned to your college address. If your folks Insist on paying cfl the bills, you can stretch your cash-on-hand by sending tauto dry home "charges cotlecfand having It returned with charge prepaid at the other end. and dalivaev U all MM M 1 id- ;.