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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1948)
THurs'day, September 16, Houses Look To Big IM Sport Year , As the fall semester begins, an expected twenty or more organ ized houses and independent or ganizations will once again begin participation in the far reaching intramural competition sponsored by the university. The SAE's, defending cham pions in the nineteen event Jack Best Intramural Trophy race, will find a rough and rocky path to traverse in order to capture the coveted trophy which they have won for two straight years. The first sport to get under way will be touch football, Sep tember 23. Next in line will be basketball free throws, tennis singles, and a fall golf tournament. Team table tennis, bowling, hand ball tourneys, swimming, wrest ling, and cross-country races will probably start before November 1. Director of intramurals, Lou Means, has called the first meet ing of the intramural committee for September 20 at 5:00 P. M. in the Physical Education building. All organized houses and inde pendent organizations are urged to attend the meeting to plan the coming' intramural season. Mr. Means said that he hoped to reach all men not taking physical education with the bigger intra mural program. He fields that this form of recreation is healthy, is good for making social contacts, and is a wonderful outlet for mental and emotional tension. The new athletic field at the Aa College will not be used until spring when the seeded grass gets a strong and vigorous start. It is hoped that some of the fields will be open to night play. A program is also open to fa culty men. with , new private dressing rooms in the P. E. build ing or coliseum. Tournaments are planned in bowling, tennis, badminton, golf, and other selected sports. Record of fniammmt In rant Yrars la Tooeh Football. Teur Champions ':tS RlRitia Alpha Epullon '3s Acacia 37 Aeacia 3S Slum Nil Sigma Phi Kpsiton '40 Beta Thcta PI '41 Phi Delta Theta '42 Farm Houm '43 Alpha Taa Omega 44 Alpha Tau Omea Delia Tu Delta '43 Brown Palace 4 Phi Gamma Delta 47 Phi Delta Theat '41 Alpha Taa Omesa Cyclones Claim Lightest Squad Nebraska's opening game with Iowa State, Sept. 25, will put the Cornhuskers against one of the lightest teams in conference football this season. The Cyclones will challenge Kansas for the right to be called the lightest team in major com petition this year. Iowa State will average 188 in the line, 172 in the backfield, and 182 as a unit. Coach Abe Stuber's players meet Iowa Teachers College Sat urday afternoon in a game which is expected to bring out Cyclone defects. Iowa State's starting offensive lineup appears to be shaping along the lines of veteran juniors as the opening game nears. Stuber will probably -field Dean Laun and Dean Norman, ends; Tom Southard and George Griedl, tackles; Joe Brubaker and Billy Myers, guards; Rod Bust, center; Don Fergus"bn, quarterback; Webb Halbert and Bob Angle, half-backs; and Bill Chauncey, full back. Every man in the lineup is a returning letterman and a junior. LIGHTHOUSE SOUTH STREET frj"ak Randwlehea RT 33 it Open till t mburer 1 A. M. DRIVtNN for good food : 'ft -I. -fcfc. creams 1 1948 Tickets Going Fast For All Home Gaines Stadium seats are na . longer available for the UCLA home coming encounter, and the bleach er section is going fast, according to Business Manager A. J. Lew andowski. Football fans can still be ac commodated for the three other home games. The November 20th battle with the highly rated Mis souri Tigers is the fastest selling of these. Sellouts are expected for all the contests as the orders for the Iowa State opener and Kansas State band day continue to pile upon Lewandowski's desk. General admission tickets will not be available to Nebraska fans this season. The bleachers have been reserved for the Notre Dame and UCLA games and knotholers have priority for the others. Heaviest orders on tickets for games away has been for the stu dent migration to Lawrence, Kan sas. If the demand exceeds the quota of 1,500, "Lew" hopes to obtain a few more. The business manager antici pates sales reaching 1.000 each for the Minnesota and Colorado games, and 500 apiece for Okla homa and Oregon State. OPPONCNT v MINNESOTA MINNEAPOLIS 13.90 t.. COLORADO BOULDER .17.85 t KANSAS LAWRENCE 6.40 .. t OREGON ST. CORVALUS 53.35 (a. TM G. W. WILSON 320 South 13th 27071 We Give S A H Green Slimpi GOLD'S white: Professional Garments With tug-of-wor toughness for Lab Wear 4 for Waiters DUCK PANTS sanforised shrank full eat .. 2.95 DUCK COATS sanforised shrank lapel collar. . . .2.95 WAITERS COATS sanforised shrunk five button vcit type with sleeves 2.75 APRONS with bib. 85c ,d 1.10 SKULL CAPS bleached fabrio - i i 39c -I 1 , Residual shrinkage not more than 1 GOLD'S . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Name Officials For UN Games Jack North, Bat Chunatona, Ted O'Sullivan and Louis House will referee a majority of the Corn husker football games this season. The assignments: Iowa State Referee, Ted O'Sul livan (Missouri); umpire, Cecil Mullerleile (St. Louis); linesman, El Flint (Greeley); Field judge, Robert Miller (Missouri). Minnesota Referee, Ted O'Sul livan (Missouri); umpire, H. G. Hedges, Dartmouth); linesman, Nick Beam (Western Michigan); Field judge, Clay Van Reen (Bradley). Colorado Referee, Jack North (Highland Park); Barney Snapp (Colorado A. & M.); linesman, Ed Flint (Greeley); Field judge, U E. Haskell (Oklahoma). Notre Dame Referee, Jack North (Highland Park); umpire, H. G. Hedges (Dartmouth); lines man, Joe Sanicki (Indiana); Field judge, Clay Van Reen (Bradley). Kansas Referee, Louis House (William Jewell); umpire, John Waldorf (Missouri); linesman, Bat Shunatona (Oklahoma A. & M.); Field judge, Charles Breshahan (Colorado A. & M.). UCLA Referee, Louis House (William Jewell); umpire, Alan Williams (Cornell); linesman, William Simas (St. Mary's); Field judge, Dick Sklar (Kansas). Kansas State Referee, Bat Shunantona (Oklahoma); umpire, Football is in the air and GREYHOUND goto you there! Clip this handy football schedule for con venient reference and go Greyhound to the way.from-home game for convenience, economy and fun! ttfYHOUNO WHf Jlf ttovnd-TrIp Far 111.11 mtiM INTERSTATE TRANSIT LINES Lincoln's Busy Department Star . . Balcony v 1 HI f I - I John Waldorf (Missouri); lines man, Pierce Astle (Emporia); Field judge, Stuart Beresfoed (Colorado). Oklahoma Referee, Ted O'Sul livan (Missouri); umpire, Cecil Muellerleile (St. Louis); linesman, Harry Easter (Oklahoma A. & M.); Field judge, Dick Pulliam (Grand Island). Missouri Referee, Bat Shuna tona (Oklahoma); umpire, Grady Skillern (Oklahoma); linesman, Jack North (Highland Park; Field judge, George Bourette (Wes leyan). Oregon State Referee, Lob Conlan (Brigham Young); umpire, William Fischer (St. Mary's); linesman, Ted Rohwer (Washing ton State); Field judge, D. W. Lowell (Idaho). Don Schneider has been work ing in the harvest fields and at a grain elevator at Norton, Kans. Bob Lipps has been loading brick at a Lincoln brick yard. Frank (Dutch) Meyer worked as a marble setter's helper while in California. Fred Hawkins has been working as a cement fini isher with an Omaha construc tion company. 13th & R St This Store Designed and Built for the Convenience of Nebraska Students. New & Used Books All Supplies Enp. Sets PHONE 2-3474 S 3) k 4 '; 1 1 i f i . w Make Fall's Debut Exciting with MIT2Zn The charming little sailor that makes a pretty thing of your head. It's styled to show off your new short liair . . .The quill has a colorful flippant air . . . There's a vapor of veiling to envelope you in flattering mist From a selection of Play Toppers , and Connie Maes. . I . " I . PAGE 11 Penn Slate Scarlet Football Foe in '49 The University of Nebraska football team has signed a home and home series with Penn State, starting in 1949. Nebraska visits State College, Pa., on October 15, 1949, and will meet Penn State in Lincoln October 21, 1950. The Huskers . hope to mane alternate trips to the East and West each year said Coach George (Potsy) Clark. This fall they travel to Oregon State. LAST CALL! Tee Shirts and thousands of other rock bot tom prices. This week only! United Army Stsre Sun Glasses Special $1.94 44. 49c THE NEW CO-OP HOOK STORE ajaasaaaaaaBaaaaaasaaaaaaaaansaaM"i art THE CO-OP j Jftfa' u V X - "V v . Second Floor