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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 16, 1948)
PAGE 10 N.U. Varsity Football Roster No. Pos. Wt. lit. Aire Exp. Home Town 10 Arden Means G 200 5-10 23 2 Lincoln 11 George Bostwlck E 173 6-0 21 1 North Platte 12 "Robert Costello C 184 6-0 22 2 Lincoln 13 'Arthur Bauer B 175 5-10 21 1 Shubert 14 Cletus Fischer- B 163 5-8 23 3 St. Edward 15 Kenneth Fischer B 158 5-101 i 21 2 St. Edward 16 Oscar Mussman T 191 6-4 22 2 Deshler .17 Robert Mullen ' C 205 6-ZM 23 0 Connellsville, Pa. 18 Darwin Salestrom G 191 6-1 22 2 St. Edward . 19 William Rolfsmeyer G 191 5-11 20 1 Lincoln 20 Robert Ackerman B 150 5-914 24 2 Sidney 21 'Ralph Dankroger E 239 6-0 22 2 DeWitt 22 Bruce Bergquist B 168 5-10 20 0 Lincoln 23 VVilliam Mueller B 168 5-8 21 1 Omaha 24 John Sedlacek T 206 6-0 23 3 Seward 25 Donald Bloom B 146 5-10 19 0 Omaha 26 Harold Dorn G-T 187 6-0 23 It Scottsbluff 27 'Robert Lipps G 168 5-10 24 1 Lincoln 28 Frank Collopy B 182 5-11 22 3 Scottsbluff 29 Mike DiBiase G 220 5-8 i 24. 2 Omaha 30 Howard Elliott E 201 6-1 21 0 Hartington 31 Loren Ellis G 180 5-10 21 If Scottsbluff 32 'Gerald Moore B 191 5-10 25 1 Walthill 33 Gerald Ferguson B 167 5-ll'2 20 0 Scottsbluff 34 Howard Fletcher E 180 6-3 20 0 McCook 35 Harry Fox E 180 6-1 23 2$ Lincoln 36 'Robert Schneider E 185 6-1 Vi 22 1 Nebraska City 37 Clayton Frazier T 210 5-9" 24 0 Pawnee City 38 James Godfrey T 199 6-0 19 0 Cozad 39 James Harkrader G 174 5-9 22 If Norfolk 40 'Fred Colan T 228 6-1 21 2 Chicago 41 'Delbert Wiegand B 172 5-9 21 2 Kearney 42 "William Moomey B 164 5-11 22 2 York 43 Fred Hawkins G 177 5-9 21 1 Omaha 44 'James Hornby E 178 6-2 20 1 Lincoln 45 William Kane G 192 6-1 24 1 Aberdeen, S. D. 46 'Phil Young B 178 5-9 21 1 Oakland 47 William Kimball C 178 5-10 20 1 Lincoln 48 Joseph McGill C 191 5-11 19 0 Omaha 49 Richard Goeglein T 202 6-2 25 0 Lincoln 50 Frank Meyer B 177 5-9'2 23 1 Lincoln 51 Jack Hazen E 185 6-2 27 3 Omaha 52 "James Myers B 175 5-10 25 2 York 53 Warren Pizinger G 181 5-7 20 0 Omaha 51 'Don Sailors E 195 6-2 20 2 Omaha 55 Don Schneider B 169 5-10'2 19 0 Norton, Kansas 53 Don Strasheim b 170 5-5 18 0 Kimball 57 Herbert Reese t 181 6-0 19 0 Omaha 58 'James Thomson T 211 6-1 24 1 Lincoln 59 Alden Ike e 207 6-4 27 0 Lincoln DO 'Charles Story b 194 5-11 25 3 Lincoln 61 "Thomas Novak B 204 5-102 23 2 Omaha 62 "Alex Cochrane e 172 6-0 23 3 Scottsbluff 63 "Richard Hutton u 163 5-9 24 3 Auburn 64 'Charles Toogood t 240 6-0 21 1 North Platte 65 Ray Magsamen e 188 6-2 25 It Albion 66 Harry Meginnis b 160 5-10 21 1 Lincoln 67 Robert Bergan B 183 5-7 22 Chappell 68 Gardner Johnson o 207 6-2 18 Sioux Falls, S. D. Key t Junior College Competition Major Letter Minor Letter Rentals Sates All Makes of 323 N. 13 " - W gloom- GET ALL YOUR STUDENT NEEDS AND SAVE! OPEN TONIGHT 6:45 TO 9:00 FOR STUDENTS' CONVENIENCE $ B Team Competition Lettered at Nebraska Wesleyan TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE Repairs Supplies New Portables Ph.2-5258 DT temsm BOOK STORE THE DAILY NEBRASKAN xj j. HUTTON AROUND END Dick Hutton (63) follows his inter ference, Cletus Fischer (14), Del Wiegand (41), and Jim Myers (52) around end in Wednesday's scrimmage. Report Announces $65,000 Profits in Athletics for Year University athletics "showed a new profit of approximately 65 thousand dollars the past year ac cording to the annual report of Business Manager Ad Lewandow- ski. The Cornhuskers' gross revenue for the year was $496,286.31 which included $127,914.64 paid in guar antees to visiting teams. Lewandowski's financial statement reveals the department had $139,686.40 in cash and bonds on hand July 1, 1947. This jumped to $204,488.06 on July 1, 1948. Biggest share of the balance has been earmarked for plant im provements. Officials hope to start work late this year on completion of the Field House at the north end of Memorial St?dium. The structure probably will be completed for use next fall. Drop Expected An. estimated 433 thousand dollar drop is expected by Mr. Lewandowski. He expects de partmental and maintenance ex pense to shrink from the $431, 484.65 last year to 409 thousand dollars. Football shows the heaviest STUDENTS (?) FOR GYM SUITS, SWEAT-SHIRTS. GYM SHOES. AND THOSE OTHER NECESSITIES. FOR FOOTBALL. BAKETBALL. BOWLING & HUNTING EQUIPMENT. IN FACT. FOR ALL YOUR SPORTS NEEDS. IT'S RUSSELL SPORTS 133 No. 11th Open si WE HAVE IT! gross income of $462,824.04. Rev enue by sports: Last year's football schedule produced an income of $216,835.85, of which $67,816.57 was produced by the Notre Dame game. The Husker share of the South Bend gate was $72,691.10 and the trip expense was $4,874.53. Nebras ka's smallest guarantee was the $6,609.37 received from Iowa State. Cornhusker basketball fca 1 s o showed a net gain of $3,594:71. The largest home gate was $3,480. 87 for the Kansas State game. Missouri drew $2,526.35 and Pur due $2,427.92. The university's athletic ex pense last year totaled $431,484.65 of which $127,914.64 was paid in guarantees to visiting teams. Sal aries totaled $73,584.83. -Figures Announced Footbnll Two Mile Basketball B-Team lia.iketball Indoor track . . . . ftymnastica ...... Wrestling Swimming Bnseball Outdoor track Tennis Golf A .iminial ration .. .Jtfi2.R21.04 212.51 . 23,113.60 9.50 77H.85 34 00 44S 71 . 323.90 1.016.07 1.04.Y51 4OO.00 400(10 J5.079.56 Total ..$496,286.31 The football figures with gate, Thurs. Til is 2-3425 UWOVERSOTY Thursday, September 16, 1948 Benchwarmer BY HAROLD ABRAMSON. Dully Nebrasknn Spurts Editor Nebraskas Cornhuskers could be the wrench in the Big Seven conference title race this year at least if they continue perfoming as they have in recent scrim mages. Promotion of Bill Mueller to the varsity last week seems to have given the backfield an added punch. Mueller's hard running should ease some of Coach Potsy Clark's backfield worries. Rumors still persist that Ne braska's 1948 and 1949 games might be the last with Minnesota. The Golden Gophers have been very receptive to a series with Michigan State and would have to terminate the Nebraska series to schedule the Spartans. Accord ing to a Minneapolis sports uriW Nphraska is not eivine the Gophers the kind of testing com petition it wants in eariy non conference play and unless the Hnskprs recover from the slumu thev have been in since the start of the war Minnesota may change erid foes. " It seems that Bernie Bierman, Gopher head man, is not in favor of early run :: ay games. Mavbe this year's sauad which seems to have gained the spirit and enthusiasm which was so l.trkine last vear Will be able to wirte a different ending for Min nesota and a Minneapolis sports writer. At least we have to ad mit that those are very painful words. If we were passing out orchids we'd send a dozen to Coach Potsy Clark whose enthusiasm and spirit has not only been caught by his players but by most of the student body on campus. If spirit alone could win games Mr. Clark's bovs would win them all! The 1948 edition of the Corn husker team will have plenty of opportunity to stage upsets this season. We say this because as the 1948 season opens we can see the Huskers as logical favorites in only three of their ten games. Nebraska rates a slight edge at this time over Iowa State, Colo rado and Kansas State. In the other games they will probably be rated as underdogs. We think the Huskers will be tough stumbl ing blocks regardless of how they are rated. In tomorrow's edition of this paper Cub Clem, Lee Harris, Fritz Simpson, Bob Phelps and yours truly of the Daily Nebras kan staff will start a weekly chart of winning predictions for the Nation's football teams. expenditures, guarantee paid and gain respectively. Home Games Intl.. 53,161, $522.88. $25,761.31, $26, 847.30. Minn. $57,531.04. $630.88. $25,510.08. S31 390 OH KW. '$55,772.38, $447.35, $27,662.52. $27,662.51. Okln.. $40,561.33, $444.24, $19,413.35. $20,703.54. Guarantee received, trip .ex pense and gain respectively. Games Away Iowa State $0,609.37. $1,33VS9 $5,273.78. Notre Deme $72,691.10, $4,874.53, $67, 816.57. Knniai State $10,581.05, $1,163.00. $9, 418 05. Miraourl $13,349.50. $4,975.10, $8,374.- I'll