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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1948)
II n Page 4 Straight BY SUSIE REED. Most everybody came to class with sand in their hair Monday morning; it seems that we had some fine picnic weather last weekend. The Phi Psi's opened their pic nic season with an open air fes tival (with food) Saturday night It began out at Pioneer Park and wound up at the Phi Psi domain. Sandy Crawford's little sister came down from Omax to picnic with Gordon Gealy. Jane Mc Arthur and Ann Kenner, who seem to have taken up permanent residence there as of late, were seen muling around with stand bys John Connelly and Filthy McClymont. Man Goes Overboard South Bend was crowded Sun day with Betas, Sig Alphs, ATO's and Phi Delts. After pulling brother Bruce Bergquist out of the drink, the Sig Alphs spent the rest of the afternoon play ing football. Nobody knows how they spent the evening. Around the Phi Delt campfire were Bob Phelps and Pat Nordin, Tom Harley and Jo Johnson Bill Stewart and Marinn Rattov - - - - - -. , Jim Edee and Marg Muscheites, jacK caay ana an old name, some oi xne more energetic people in the crowd even hiked to the lo cal general store for two loaves MAIN FEATURES START LINCOLN: "To The Victor," i:uu, 3.08, 5:17, 7:26, 9:35. STUART: "My Girl Tisa," 1:10, 3.-J8, a:z3, 7::3Z, 8:39. NEBRASKA: "Of Mice and Men," 2:42, 6:00, 9:20. "Our Re lations," 1:20, 4:38, 7:58. CAPITOL: "Wild Brian Kent.' 1:18, 4:39, 8:00. "Cass Timber- lane," 2:20, 5:41, 9:02. PLUS: ARTHUR GODFREY 44tt Tomorrow! F1KST TIME at KEGVLAK PRICES Fait Lcnrta M rlfinallr ibiwi at II .SO Gary COOPER Paulette GODDARD 1 'UNCONQUERED la TECHNICOLOR Starts Tomorrow! t RaiMbJag FtorM IN GRID BERGMAN ta "INTERMEZZO" Tim "BROADWAY" Oe. RAFT Pat O'BRIEN DOORS OPEN 11:4MAT. 44 TO STARTS TOMORROW! A Roarln Hara f the I'ntamnl Wcatl Kudolph Hcntt Jalbjr Hays ta "ALBUQUERQUE" W- STARTS TODAY! J f DENNIS MORGAN I 1 VIVECA LINDFORS g of bread,' sorrte 'candy 1 bars, and a box of oyster crackers. Betas Left Stranded Nobody knows if the Betas ever made it home from the picnic They were last seen waving a white flag as they huddled to gether on the sandy shore. The DU's had their picnic at Roberts Park. A delightful time was had by all. The Kappa Sig "Prohibition" Party turned out to be quite a free-for-all. Jackie Wightman led the reform movement with Randv Ewing. And everyone had a bang-up time out Phi Gam way as they entered through the "rear" door for the Phi Gam "Gay Nineties" Party. Charlie Orr brought D.G. G.G. Dinsmore. Tom Peterson escorted Joel Bailey, and tsoDDie uejarnette tagged along wnn ueorge coupe, we under stand that Bobbie also gave some of her free time to an ex-pin- mate last weekend. Seniors . . . (Continued from Page 1.) the seniors adopted, was a delay of examinations in order to give students two days of preparation before their first final tests. The Chancellor's third point was in the form of a suggestion from the Alumni activity board, who had asked him if the seniors would be willing to squire alums through the university following the lunch eon. Sunback VSp9 Be a sunback beauty or be a pert girl of the day in this Jopara Juniorl Cape Cod rayon linen is youthfully accented by contrasting crepe cummerbund sash. In grey, brown and black . . . Sizes 11 to 15. Exclusively . THE DAILY NEBRASKAN )M f 1,1 " " " nwg" m v. y AND VOTE FOR mLM&flDILIID IE. THE MAN AMERICA NEEDS" IN NEBRASKA'S "ALL-STAR" PRESIDENTIAL PREFERENCE PRIMARY STASSEN-FOR-PRESIDENT Beauty . . MAG EE'S Third Floor i r-TT" - BE SURE TO VOTE TODAY CLUB $29 95 Tuesday, April 13, 1948 mm mm With so much political activity on the campus recently Notes of the Week include some startling news ... a women's faction of blushing rose shade has announced their candidate for president as DUGIE DOYLE, Lincoln law student. . . in re leasing this c a m p u s-shaking news the coeds announce they are "way behind their candi date. . ." Miss I. C. Awl, pub licity chairman states, "DUGIE'S a darling boyl We think DUGIE would make a darling president!" . . . immediate re action came from the LAWYER'S LOYALTY LEAGUE endorsing the candidate as a "representative American boy" but warning voters the DOYLE platform con tained "some knotty loopholes." At a rally staged at the Delta Omicron Nu house by the Glass Blowers Union, MR. DOYLE ac cepted the nomination as a citizens call to arms' and stated he felt honored that he had been called" upon to serve his country in such a capacity. Addressing the group he said, We all know that we must work hard to get a head. I feel con fident that I am a self-made man. An ambitious lawyer needs the office. I want reform. I want housing reform. I want educational reform. "I want " Voice from the audience, "Chloroform!" "The other party has been rob bing the people for years. Now give us a chance!" And now that he was finished and the facts were before them, there existed a vast silence. It was a silence pregnant with possi bilities; anything might be born of a calm such a3 that. But strange to say, absolutely nothing happened. They were all asleep! "Tis a slack season! Time now to supply your wardrobe with durable, lona-wearina slacks and HARVEY'S have them! Trimly tailored to compliment your figure , . . stylishly cut from the finest fabric . . . and orieed to fit Your cam nun noekxthook. Your best buy in sportswear and slacks is a HARVEY BROTHERS. 0f Robert Taylor la "HIGH WALL" Friday: Amateur Nil! il riirmi mii 23c to t Kidi fre Opea U:4t