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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 13, 1948)
Tuesday, April 13, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 Jayhawks Edge Huskers In Opening Cinder Meet Kansas University came through in the final two events to win a dual track meet Saturday in Lawrence from Ne braska, 66 23 to 64 13 The Cornhuskers led, 64 13 to 57 23, with the javelin and the mile relay to be run. Kansas' quartet of Dick Wag- staff, Bill Binter, John Stites and Dick Shea raced to victory in the relay. Kansas still needed the first two places in the javelin to overtake the Huskers. Bob Drumm and Bruce Henoch turned the trick by placing first and second. Le roy Robinson took third to give the Jayhawks a clean sweep in that event. Karnes Wins Two Hal Moore, Kansas' distance star, was unable to compete be cause of illness, but Bob Karnes took over and led the milers and two-milers to the tape. Al Thompson of Omaha, Ne braska sprinter and hurdler, cap tured igh point honors for the Nebraska team with 11 points. He won the 220-yard dash and finished second in both the 100 yard dash and the low hurdles. Thompson clipped off the 220 in :21.7. Dick Hutton, Auburn speed specialist, turned in an outstand ing :09.7, performance as he won the century i event. Hutton also pushed Thompson in the 220 to take second place. Cooper Cops Vault Don Cooper returned to competi tion for the Huskers in the pole vault. The York athlete won his speciality at 12 feet 7 inches. Jim Myers and Jim McConnell took second and third, respectively, to give Nebraska a clean sweep in that event. Nebraska also swept the high hurdles. Jones, Magsa men and BrShire took first, second and third, respectively. Wayne Sees "of Nebraska sur prised with a first place in the discus. He hurled the platter 131 feet l-lfe inches. Summaries: Pole vault: Won by Cooper, (N; sec and. Myers. (Ni; third, McConnell, (N). Height 12 feet 7 Inches. HlKh Jump: Won by Scofield. K; second, Kinder (N and Richardson and Norrls (Kl tied. Height 6 feet. Shot put: Won by Piderlt N; second McConnell (NI; third, Robinson (Kl. Dis tance 49 feet ' Inch. Mile nin: Won by Karnes (K); second Morris (Kl; third, Studt (Kl. Time 4:37.7. 440-yard dash: Won hy Hurlburt N: second, Binter (Kj; third Stites (K). Time :49.7. Broad Jump: Won by Crowley (K) ; second, Buton (K); third, Scofield (KJ. Distance 22 feet 5vi inches. 100-yard dash: Won by Hutton (N); second Thompson (N); Schlusser (Kj. Time :9.7. Discus: Won by Sees (Ni; second Robinson (Kl: third, McConnell (N. Dis tance 131 feet 1 i inches. High hurdles: Won by Jones (N); sec ond, Magsameu (N); third, Bershire (NJ. Time 1:59.9. 220-yard dash: Won by Thompson (N ; second, Hutton (N; third, Wagslaff (K). Tims :21.7. Javelin: Won by Drumm K): second. Henoch K; third. Robinson iKj. Dis tance 19 feet 5 Inches. Two-mile run: Won hy Karnes (Kl; second, Martin (Nj; third, Morris (Kj. Time 10:21.6. 220-yard low hurdles: Won by Schlos arr (Kl; second, Thompson (N); third, Magsumen (Ni. Time :23.8. Mils relay: Won by Kansas (Wagstaff, Binter, tStites and Time 3:24.6. Nubbins Nine Downs Frosli Nebraska University's "B" baseball team too a 14-3 verdict from the Husker freshmen Satur day afternoon in a seven inning practice game on the ' Nebraska diamond. Bob Camp of West Point, hur ling for the Nubbins, limited the frosh to three runs and a lone hit for the first five innings Ernest Behne of Brainard finished the game, allowing one hit and no runs. Don Hays of Lincoln and Bob Hinde of Salina, Kansas, were the game s top hitters. Hays collected a double and two singles in three times at bat, and Hinde slammed a triple, douche and single in four trips. IM Softball All games will start at 5:10 p. m and 6:30 p. m., Either on the Coli seum diamonds pr on the Ag col lege grounds. 6:16 Wednesday. April 14. As. Field No. 1 Ag Men's Social vs. Ag IMC. Ag Field No. 2 Delta Sigma PI Kanna Hlema. Ag Field No. 3 Delta Chi vs. Alpha Sigma Phi. 6:36 Wednesday. April 14. Col. No. 1 Civil Engineers va. Electrical Engineers. Col. No. 2 Chemical Engineers vs. Me Benson Takes Gymnastic Win Omaha Benson high school be came the new state prep gymnas tics champion Saturday in the Coliseum. The Bunnies piled up 203.2 points to nose out Hastings by one point. Coach Art Harris' crew replaced Beatrice as the cham pion. Beatrice finished fourth with 180.3. Richard Russman of Benson totaled 59.3 points to be named all around champion of the meet. He nosed out Leo Vastine of Hastings, who had 59 points. Omaha Tech finished third in the meet with 180.4 points, and Omaha Central was last with 50.6. Potsy Makes New Division Coach Potsy Clark announced new divisions of his spring foot ball candidates after Saturday's scrimmage sessions. Squad "A" will be under the leadership of Coaches Clark, Prochaska and Klein; Blazine and Russell will tutor Squad "B"; and Lorenz and Moore will coach Squad "C". A scrimmage between the "A" Blues and "B" Reds has been planned for Saturday morning in the stadium behind locked gates. Squad "A" Blues Ends: Damkroger. H. Fletcher, Cochrane, Schneider. THCklrs: Toodgood, Harrington, Goegleln, Levlne. Godfrey. Guards: Pisinger, Lipps, Hoy, Sedlacek, Rolfsmeyer, Means. Centers: Costello, McOill, J. Thomson. Backs: Story, Halestrom, Bauer, Ferguson, Dick Novak, K. Fischer. J. Myers, Hutton, C. Fischer, Moomey, Mueller, F. Collopy, Young, Tom Novak. Squad "B" Reds Ends: H. Fox, Manion, Elliott, Sailors, Bryant, Larsen. Tackles: Golan. Schmidt, Prince, Muanman. Famer, Schrage, Wilson. Guard: Kane, Kimball, Becker, Steele. K. Ackerman, Hawkins. Centers: Mullin, O. Johnson, Brune, Wiegand, Wllkins, Sloan, Stras heira, F. Meyer, B. Ackerman. Berquist. Bostwick, Magsamen, Bloom, Harrison, D. Schneider, Dovle, Spellman. Squad "C" Whites Ends: Preston. Mc. Kay, Donegan, Bauphn, Brown, Kipper, Copenhagen. Devish. Josclyn, Frlcke, Gal brelth. Tackles: Warner, Hermanson, Rus sell, Doerr, D. Johnson. Collins, Nlelson. Reese. Guards: Heckenlively. B. Becker, Mandula, Ray, Boekle, Sullivan, T. Avner, Gophers Rally n Eighth; Drop Huskers, 8-5 Minnesota's Duane Baglein hit a three-run homer in the eighth inning to break a 5-5 tie and give the Gophers an 8-5 victory over Nebraska in Minneapolis Satur day. The victory gave the Gophers a clean sweep of the two-game series against the Huskers. Min nesota won Friday, 6-2. Bill Denker led the Cornhusker batters with three singles in four trips to the plate. Hegwood, Gro gan, Schleiger, Novuk and Gloy stein each collected one hit. The Cornhuskers scored two in the first, one in the second and two in the fourth to hold a 5-1 edge going into the fifth inning. But Minnesota rallied in the fifth when Harry Elliot combined a Croisant, Unrig, Showtoskl, B. Vi liars, Spencer, Patton, J. Fox, Frailer, Jones, Anderson. Centers: Hand, Reynolds, Et mund, DaMoude, Andrews, Stine, Alfrey. Backs: Wolfe, Prather, Wm. Collopy, Hageman, Munson, Flnstrom, Goracke, Dllldine, L. Villars. BellinRer, J. Peters. Ed,ecomb, Walker, Dave Doyle Kasraarek, Croke, Bennington, Phillips. Torcron. Tay k,r. Korbellk, Addison, Curran. Norval, Wagner. J. Fletcher, Churchill, Eisenhart, W. Avner. Rltter. 1 pinch hit double with Bergstedt's single to count three runs. Tepel was the winning pitcher, and Elroy Gloystein was the los ing hurler. Nebraska ab n o a Minnesota 4 13 0 stedt cf 3 0 12 Wheeler rf 5 12 4 Holker as 4 0 2 0 Lucken If 4 3 2 4 Shields lb 4 0 10 Schutz 3b 4 1 10 0 Raglien 2b 3 13 1 Coilias 3 10 1 Glass p 0 0 0 0 Tepel P 1 0 0 0 Klliot c J'owskl Hegwood If Hays 2b Grogan as Cerv cf Denker 3b Sharp rf Slelger lb Novak c Q'stein p Ossino p B'ford . hb h o 5 10 0 4 0 1 4 0 0 1 3 10 0 4 2 14 0 4 2 0 1 4 15 4 1110 10 0 1 2 0 0 0 3 2 5 0 10 0 0 Totals 35 8 24 12 Totals 38101716 Blotchford grounded out for Ossino In ninth; Elliott doubled for Colllas In 5th; Julkowskl filed out for Glass in 5th. Nebraska 210 200 0005 Minnesota 010 031 03x 8 Runs: Hegwood, Hays. Schleiger, Novak, Gloystein Lucken 2, Shields. Schuts 2, Boglein 2, Elliot. Errors: Baglein 2, Shields 2. Hays, Schleiger 2, Denker, Grogan. Runs batted in: Denker, Heg wood, Shields: Elliot. Julkowskl, , Berg stedt, Baglein 3. Two base hit: Eucken, Schuts, Elliot 2. Home run: Baglein. Stolen base: Gloysteon, Bergstedt. Double play: Hoker to Baglein to Shields. Left on base: Nebraska 7 Minnesota 4. Base on balls: Off Glass 1, Gloystein 1. Tepel 2. Struck out: By Glass 2. Gloystein 3, Tepel 4, Hits: Off Glass 7 in 5 innings; Tepel 1 In 4; Gloystein 10 in 7a; Ossino 0 in 4. Wild pitch: Gloystein. Winning pitcher: Tepel; losing pitcher: Gloystein. Time 2:08. The certificate of eligiblity is sued to a veteran preparing to enter training or school under the G.I. bill loses its validity if the veteran discontinues his' training, veterans administration said. APIS I -"' lit Wd f?sM V.- JgS- !!-. ,w r ipi I ' is so much I : , M I beWer to smoke! I PHIUP MORRIS offers the smoker an ma ffdilJp K' I finitely less irritating. I " - . I smoking enjoyment for yoH: . kff ff( I Yes! If every smoker knew Q I V ft if I Mokkis smokers know, they d ALL dung. " f I PHILIP MORRIS. I V . A ( it 1 ci w 1' VsJ 1 J $ f j . - s y- s s t " y V. m,Mimml' 1 N 1 "'" "I 'II- " .MliMiMiM.M..M,iirnnmJ 2-- ni n rifTH HT1 "TP! fu fob mm uuuyyuOUOUiil TRY A PACK.. .TODAY chanical Engineers. Col. No. 3 Dorm; A-3 vs. PHI Rollers. Crl. No. 4 Dorm B vs. Dorm C. Col. No. 6 Newman Club vs. Musclcmea.