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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 1, 1948)
Thursday, April I, 1948 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Paae 3 Cornhusker Baseball Nine Sweep Opening Series Coach Tony Sharpe's Nebraska baseball team swept a two-game series with Southern Methodist Monday and Tuesday in the 1948 season openers. The Huskers won Monday's battle, 10-8, and walloped we uauas, i exas school, 19-7, in Tuesday's encounter. .In the opening game, the Huskers put .on a two-run eighth-inning rally to oreaK an 8-8 tie and win the game. Elroy Gloystein was the winning pitch er for Nebraska. He relieved Jim Sandstedt in the sixth inning Gloystein gave up five runs in the sixth before retiring the ,side and then blanked the Mustangs the rest of the game. Groran Tops Hitters Bob Grogan was the Huskers' top hitter. He cracked two doubles and a single in four trips to the plate. The two doubles were the only extra base hits of the game. Bob Schleiger and Bob Cerv each hit two singles for the Cornhusk ers. Southern Methodist's all-Amer fcan football player, Doak Walker, Lynch and Jensen, each hit twice for the Southerners. Tuesday's one-sided contest was marked by errors, .wild pitching, walks and passed balls. The game was close until Southern Metho dist's Billy Knott took over the pitching duties in the sixth. He gave up ten runs off eight hits. Cerv Collects Three Bob Cerv was the Huskers' big gun at the plate. The Weston slugger hit three times, one a homer, and scored three runs. Hobe Hays and Willard Branson also collected a home run apiece. Bob Schleiger, Husker first sick er, hit two safeties. Three Nebraska hurlers saw action and held the Mustangs to two blows. But the SMU cause was helped by seven walks and four Husker enors. Angelo Os sino, only veteran Nebraskan to hurl, struck out two and walked one in pitching two innings of hltless ball. Jack Helmsing was given credit for the victory. The Cornhuskers will open a two-game series against Okla homa at Norman Friday. Tuesday's box score: Neb. HfRWd If Powley If HHays 2b Crogan ss Cerv cf Renker 3b Dllays 3b llaser rf Sharp rf Schl'er lb Scli'ding c Branson e V'Vleck p Osaino p HelnuinK p Mathews Bull BU'ford ibkti So. M. ab k a 31 1 0 WilhMt 2-Sb 432 2 110 WaHier cf 1 6 S 4 i Lynch at 5 1 5 1 1 T Jenaen If 0 2 4 14 0 HuKtws 2b- J 0 2 3 10 0 LiRon c 3 0 5 0 3 0 0 0 Hanson e 0 0 2 0 2 10 0 EMreee rf 2 0 10 3 2 2 0 Penn lb 4 1 10 2 4 2 0 0 Baker p 10 0 3 3 12 2 Knott p 10 0 0 3 13 0 Salmon 3b 10 10 10 0 0 110 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 10 0 0 IM Department Offers Another Spring Event If Nebraska University's intra mural activities swing into action on a new front Monday, the inter fraternity and independent motor scooter 1948 tournament will take the spotlight. 1947 Tourney Largest. L-ist year s tourney was one of the largest in the school's his tory with 400 teams in the com petition. Thigma Drinka Stronga Beera walked off with the in- ter fraternity championship, and the Magnanima Moronas copped the independent title. Thigma Drinka won 249 matches while losing only one, and the Moronas were victorious in all 250 of their matches. No Big Mogul Declared. No all-University champion was declared due to the shortage of high octane gasoline which is needed to run the scooters. Each of the two championship teams will receive a two-inch trophy, and the individual team members will be awarded tickets to the Vaughn Monroe dance in the Coliseum on Ivy Day. Same Rules. The rules for this year's tourna ment will be the same as those in previous years. Each team must have four scooters in every relay race. A white flag will be carried by each driver as he makes his speed run around the stadium track. The flag will be passed on to each driver until all four have circled the track 20 times. A beverage stand will be erected in front of the judges box in the east stands. Beer and Scotch will be given to any driver who desires a slight pick-up. Entries By Friday Morning. Entry blanks must be sub mitted to 1709 Coliseum before 3:00 a. m. Friday. The intramural department urges all interesting groups to compete in this thrill- mg sport Totals 45 17 27 12 Totals 31 2 27 15 Mathews bartd for Van Owe in fifth; Bull ran foi Matthews tn fifth; Blatcb torJ batted for Helmsintj in eighth. Nebraska 020 02 10 051lt 8. M. U 030 SO 1 000 7 Golf Meeting AU rolf candidates will meet in the N-Club room the Coli seoun Saturday afternoon at 4:3t, Coach Doogal Russel an need Wednesday. Any men interested are aired to attend the meeting. GOLD'S C 42 Every college man's favor lie and we've got them in favorite Van UcnscD collar models Oxfords! Smooth, creamy Oxfords! Van Heusen's De Uxe Oxfordiuu! The Lind that wear and wear and look better every time they're laundered! We've got them now in the low-set collar models you wanted: the wide-spread Barrr and the new soft-roll wider Button Down. They're top shirt value for your money! Gopher Board Accuses UN Of Foul Play If the University of Nebras ka is guilty of the charges, Min nesota University had a perfect right to accuse the Cornhusker school of luring their student basketball manager away from Minneapolis. The Gopher athletic board charges that Coach Harry Good lured Minnesota's ace student manager, Sven Svcnson, away from his duties with the Golden Gophers cage team by offering him more water bottles per game. Only comment from the Ne braska camp was that Minnesota had used Sven long enough and that he should be passed around to some of the other schools. The Husker athletic office is prepared to meet any armed attack from the far-north school. Fern Fun Classes sehedaled to meet in University Hall will not be held tomorrow. The Audobon Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Birds has requested that students be removed from the building following a nervous breakdown en masse by large number of our "feathered friends" whose home construction and vocal work have been seriously impaired by the presence of "people." If the duckpin means anything to Nebraska ath letic females, it will beirin Mon day, April 32. The complete time schedule for the 60-day tourna ment will be posted on the stop sign just west of the Social Sci ence building Sunday night. All teams interested should notify the W.A.A. office not later than Wednesday. March 31. If your scheduled time is not satis factory to all members of your team, that's too bad. You lose. 1 The semi-finals of the badmii ton tournament will be played ii:jo a. m., March 30. The Misses Stratton and Branch wil! battle Misses Battey and Stuht. The winners of this game will meet Bock and Blackstone, winners over Black and Beyer. Finals will be held in 302 Men's Dorm, April 10 at 5:14 a.m. WE ill NU Gridders Pledge Support To Coach Clark If there is a big question in the minds of spring footballers right now, it is when will the training program come to an end. Coach Potsy Clark has put forth a sus tained training program which he claims, if followed, will give Ne braska a cinch mythical national le in 1949-50. tie present squad of 177 play .' will be expected to drill straight through to September, taking off only a week in July to rest up and visit their families. The vast majority of squad members have given their overall approval of the plan and have pledged their last ounce of strength to Potsy. DAY PONT FORGET TO REGISTER BEFORE APRIL 2 FOR PRIMARY VOTING STASSEN-FOR-PRESIDENT CLUB . . -V. - F w-.-oe.... t M , ifidf A Yf . Ji. fc. . . -4 M v -M . W ' . JEFFERSON'S ROUGH DRAFT OF THE DECLARATION OF INDEPENDENCE 1L 66VTTED STATED A 0F AMERICA CvrCr-YS. . iJ O.'lW UrwU T2 fact, tt ' v? .A 9 osN Parker"51 Part of the original manuscript of the DecUratioa of Independence, written by Thomas Jefferson. It i now on display aboard the "Free dom Train." The revisions shown were included in the etocunrnt finally presented to the Continental Confess. BE PROUD OF WHAT YOU WRITE . . . and the way you write itl With a Parker "51", you're bound to take more pride in what you write. You write better taster with less effort. No push or coax. Hie "51" not only does you proud it's the pen that's smart to own. Beautiful- made to the most precise standards. It's the world's most-wanted pen! See the "51" at KS. your pen dealer's. Choice of custom points. Two sizes: regular and the new demi- e. The Parker Pen Company, Janesville, Wisconsin, U. S. A, and Toronto, Canada.