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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1948)
Page 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wednes'day, March 17, 1948 Broadway Star J Vets' Fling Will Portravs 'Joan' Iii Local Plav An opportunity to see a fa mous Broadway actress in a new different type of play will be given local drama-lovers this Thursday. The original production of Benefit Needy it f) ' XiliJ Maxwell Anderson's "Joan of Lorraine," starring Diana Barry moore, and supported by a veter an Eastern theatrical cast, will be performed at the Lincoln high school auditorium. Curtain time is 8:30. This will be the second version of the Anderson drama that local theater goers have been privi leged to attend. The first enact ment of "Joan of Lorraine" was performed by the University ineaier as ineir lirst production ot the current season. Diana Barrymore. who Dor trays titular and leading role ni the coming version, is known for being the youngest thespian mem ber of the famous Barrymore jamuy. wnen Ingred Bergman forced the Broadway version to close because of Hollywood com mitments, Miss Barrymore was quickly selected for a successor on nationwide road trour. Marshall Zhukov, the famous Russian army officer, says Amer- uuiiuuaut institutions allow the people to be as "selfish as Ihcy want to be." He omits, how ever, that it also permits them to oe as free as they want to be. Classified CORYELL CONCERN Needs first cla,s accountant, full time work, good salary. Sce Professor B u 1 lock. l'ASSENGEKH wanted to Washington. D. C, spring vacation. Driving new- Chevrolet. Qucnt Lindsey. Phone STUDENT w.ints ride to vicinity of Columbia, Missouri. Spring vacation Call 4-H 18. to ST Green striped Shneffer Lifetime pen. Call 3-R127. Reward. 1UR sale Underwood portable. Good condition! After h p. m., IMS Sumner, . el 3-1229. Harold Slickney: Kink, wanted veteran and wile to Scoltsbluff on 25 or 26 of March. Will snare expenses. Call 2-7S:K. NOTICE All EXTTr ED advert ising cer tif:eates will he honored if used befue April 1st. Colvin Heyn Studio, 2T2 So 13th i-O.ST Black Parker "bV pen! between Andrews and the Library. Reward! Sen timental value. Call Bill. 3-13!5. SQUARE DANCE Sponsored bv Wesley Foundation at St. Paul Methodist Church. Friday, March 19 at 7:30 p. m. WANTED'ridcrs" to Hastings lor" ThursT spring vacation. Call after 7:b0 p. m., EbsT At-iTt h A K bus st op s77e42 grey coat sweater. Return to Sam Roy, A TO House. MIDDLE-AGED woman wiif "share a" penses for transportation to Imperial, Nebraska, any week-end. Phone & 8767 aier 8:00 p. m. TEACHERS WANTED NEW GR ADS public, private schools. Without experience begin at $2,500 up. Annual in creases to $3,500 $4,500. More for Masters. Pacific coast, Flor ida, Michigan, and others. DOCTORS and MASTERS for leading Colleges and Universi ties all fields and locations. Highest salaries FREE ENROLLMENT Give phene, post ana qualifications. Cline Teachers Agency East Lansing, Michigan The Univet-sponsored "Spring Fling," a benefit dance to secure clothing for the needy of Eur ope, will give an opportunity for students who do have sufficient covering for livelihood to enjoy themselves while helping "That man who owns none." The Union is co-operating with the University Veterans organiza tion to provide an evening of dancing to the music of Jean Moyer's orchestra for the price of an article of used or out moded clothing. These garments will be sent to Europe during the summer months, by the Univets in con junction with CARE agency, and the Lincoln Council of Churches for distribution before another winter. A special call is put out for mismtea army and navy uni forms, and women's woolen gar ments. Any wearable item for man, woman or child will be accepted. Contributions will be received in the Union booth or at the door of the dance from 9 to 12 p. m.. Friday, March 19. The regular admission charge of 44c will be made for all those wishing to at tend who do not have clothing contributions to make. Choir Performs Here Thursday If the cost of living soars any higher, grocers are likely to be come the most influential social and political leaders of the nation. "Under the auspices of the Lin coln chapter of the American Guild of Organists, the famous Westminster Choir will appear tomorrow at 8:15 p. m. in St. Paul Methodist church. Dr. John Finley Williamson, founder, will conduct. The choir college at Princeton university is fully accredited, and grants the degree of Bachelor of Music. The choir has toured America, Cuba, Canada and Eur ope, making 90 appearances in seven years with major symphony orchestras, including the New York Philharmonic, the Philadel phia and NBC symphonies. The choir's repertoire extends from the standard masterworks of Bach, Beethoven and Brahms to works of contemporary compos ers and Negro and Indian folk melodies. Tickets are available at downtown music stores and at the door tomrorow. The complete pro gram: Stabat Mater, Motet for Double Chorus, Palestrina. Be not Afraid, Motet for Double Chorus, Bach. Good Is It To Thank Jehovah, Shubert. Oh, 8avior, Throw the Heavens Wide, Brahms. The Crusaders, MacDowell. To Be a Song of a Summer Night on the Water, Delius. Montserrat, Nicolau. Haste the Nymph. Handel. There is a Balm in Gilead, Negro Spiritual. Dawson. Soldier, Soldier, Virginia Folk Song, Powell. Go 'Way from My Window, Nlles. Saint Louis Blues, Handy. Lane County Bachelor, Traditional Cow boy Song. Dixon and OHara. Skip to My Lou, American Square Campus News In Brief ALPHA KAPPA PSI will meet in the Union at 7 p. m. Wednes day. AIEE will meet Wednesday at 7:30 in the Social Science Audi torium Dean Green will speak on "The Engineering Society and its Place in an Engineer's Profes sional Life." THE AMATEUR RADIO CLUB will meet Wednesday evening at 7:30 in Brace laboratory. Dale Ball will give Bridge Les sons in Room 315, Union, from 4 to 6 p. m. Thursday, March 18. PHI UPSILON OMICRON will hold a special meeting at 7:30 p.m. Thursday, March 18, in the Home Economics social rooms. A meeting of the CORNHUS KER COUNTRYMAN staff and all prospective reporters will be held at 7:00 p. m. Wednesday in the Countryman office, Ag Union. An important TRI-K meeting will be held Thursday night at 7:30 in the Ag Union game room. Bob McDill, President, empha sized that all members are to be present. SIGMA KAPPA officers elected last Monday night were: Ann Herse. President: Kay Schoona- Dance, Wilson. I Am a Poor Wavfarlne Straneer. White Spiritual, Jackson and datwood. Deaf woman a Courtship. Virginia Folk Song, Powell. Kzekiel Saw de Wheel. Meero Sniritusl. Dawson. maker, Vice President; Dottie Corbett, Pledge Trainer; Jean Fenster, Secretary; and Mary Mattox, Treasurer. Cosmopolitan Club will meet Wednesday, March 17, at 7:00 p. m. in Room 315, Union. Kosmet Klub meeting for all actives will be held Thursday, March 18, at 5 p. m. in the Club Room, I.ATTIMORK 8 IIKIH I.K. Wednesday, March 17, 10 a. m. Talk before class in political geography. Place: Former Museum. 102 Dr. Leslie Ilewes. chairman of the de partment of geography. 8 p. m. Public lecture, "Internal Pol itics and Frontier Politics in China." Place: Love Memorial auditorium, hr Carl E. Georgl. chairman of Rcseur.h Council Montgomery Lecturshfp Sub-Committee in charge. Thursday, March 18. Noon Luncheon sponsored by the de partment of political science. Place Union, Parlor Z. Dr. Lane W. Lancaster,' chairman of the department of political science, in charge. 1 p. m. Talk before the class In com parative economic systems. Place: Social Sciences 303. Dr. M. c. Lata, assistant professor of economics, In charge. 8 p. m. Dinner sponsored by the Uni versity Research Council. Place: Union Parlor B, Dr. R. W. Goss, dean of the graduate college, in charge. A S. :A.E. will meet Wednesday at 7:15 p. m. in the Ag Engineering building. Dr. Kurt von Schussnigr pre mier of Austria before U.e Nazi invasion, is a history lecturer at St. Louis University. Easter Cards For Rvlatire and Friend. Also Easter Gift Wrap Ribbon: Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street - CAVALCADE of HandScteen Painting by ' Barret DEMONSTRATIONS DAILY 11 A. M. 2 P. M. 4 P. M. Auditorium. ...Fourth Floor 9 WftM LIMOGE LA FEMME 0 ; L L ill ME SONATA Only three of many Barret fabric mailable in DRAPERIES . . . SIXTH FLOOR