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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (March 17, 1948)
Wednesday, March 17, Four Knock Outs Feature Opening IM Boxing Card . , BY FRITZ SIMPSON (Daily Netrraskaa Spartt Editor) Thirty-two intramural sluggers squared off Tuesday night in the Coliseum to open the 1948 all-University box ing championships. Four knock-outs featured the opening matches. Keith Lytle, 175-pounder from Gothenburg, scored the first K. O. of the evening when he dropped Marvin Franklin of Wal lace in the second round. Number two knock-out was dealt to George Supp of Los Angeles, California, in the 165 pound class. Bob Edwards of Beaver City threw the K. 0. punch in the first round. . ( Brooker Scores K. O. Ken Brooker, 175-pounder from Gracewood, Ga., scored the third knockout when he dropped Bob Baker of Salina, Kas., for the ten count. Brooker shot a long right in the third round to finish the Kansas boy. Gerald Ferguson of Scottsbluff, a pre-tournament favorite in the J 75-pound division .furnished the e ening's final K. O. when he fin i?i 3d off Melvin Elward of Ge ne i in the third round. Elward had crawled off the canvas after taking two hard lefts when Fer guson shot a long right to finish the Geneva slugger. Last Year's Champs. Two champions from last year's tournament won their first round matches. Don Thiel of Lewellen, 135-pound er, decisioned Gene Hinde of Salina, Kas., to advance to the second round. Bob Skochdopole, 145-pounder from Ravenna, cleared the first obstacle in his title defense when he outpointed Wendell Jensen from Minden. Sixteen matches will be on deck tonight when the slugfest moves into the semi-final round. The fi nals will be Friday at 8:00 p.m. Results: 125 pounds: Bill Coffey decisioned Clyde Luther. ... . 135 pounds: Tom Brower decisioned Cur tis Snowden. Don Thlel decisioned Oene Hlnde. Dclbert Roth decisioned Bill Ray- 145 pounds: Gene E. Thomas decisioned Art Tlrro. O. K. Thomas decisioned Al bert Clawson. Bob skochdopole decisioned Wendell Jensen. Jerry Hull decisioned Bob Kretschmer. ... . 155 pounds: Keith Cossalrt decisioned Orville Vandewese. Tom Loisel decisioned Mark Stratton. Hal Haldeman decisioned Chet Keyes. ... 185 pounds: Jack Meltebarger decisioned Pat Thomas. Bob Edwards knocked out George Supp. ... . 175 pounds: Keith Lytle knocked out Jtarvln Franklin. Ken Brooker knocked out Bob Baker. Gerald Ferguson knocked out Melvin Elward. N-Club Announcement All N-Men must purchase one ticket to the N Club dance in order to have their names placed on the pass list, according to Wes Maser, sec retary of the club. Tickets are available In the Coliseum ticket office and must be pur chased before Saturday. Appraisal of the "new look" by a popular radio adolescent: "All the girls now run around looking like untied laundry bags." Although the University of Ne braska basketball team set a new Big Seven conference record In average points per game (56.2), it only finished in fifth position in this season's race. Congressional passage of the bill granting veterans, in school a pay hike comes under the lable of political expediency. It was shelved for a year and then 'popped-up" during election year. X rUL fAHA? """T ft Vou DIDN'T KNOW SRNDY )Yl fW VJiSS 7 h 0 AT PT TOON'S o Nfio stock op thcm - 1 ' i mil - - ' ammmBssriiieLzamMmmm, w. iaw i 1948 Rockets Lead NU Bowlers In First Week Nebraska's All-Campus Bowl ing tournament finished its first week of play Friday with five matches played. The Rockets took three honors as they downed A.S.M.E., 2-1. They captured both the high team series of the week with 2,470 Dins, and thev took the hish team game with 887 pins. And Bartlett of the Rockets rolled tne nign in dividual series with 605 pins. Reiling of the Lilies took the high individual game honors with 248 pins as the Lilies defeated the Wheels, 2-1. Results: Lilies 2, Wheels 1. Rockets 2, A.S.M.E. 1. Pioneer 2, Y.M.C.A. 1. I.F.T. 3, Alley Knights 0. Navy 2, Newman Club 1. "Come on, Johnny, mother promised us Dentyne Chewing Gum if we only sat through it once!" THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Wildcats Win Berth hi NCAA Cage Playoffs Kansas State's Big Seven cage champions will represent district five in the Western regional N.C.A.A. playoffs in Kansas City Friday and Saturday. A crowd of 9,700 watched the Wildcats whip Oklahoma A.&M., Missouri Valley king, Monday night, 43-34. Kansas State be came the only team to defeat the Aggies twice this season. Guard Howard Shannon, 6-foot 1-inch junior from Munday, Tex as, hit six out of seven field goals in the first half as the Wild cats set a dazzling pace with their fast break. At intermission the Manhattan boys held a 27-17 lead, and Shanon had 13 of their total. The Kansas State ace added two gift tosses in the last half to finish the game with 15 points. Coach Hank Iba's Aggie quin tet managed only two ties, 5-5 and 6-6, during the contest but were never headed. Centers Ward Clark and Clar ence Brannum, Shanon and Rick Harman controlled over half the rebounds under both buckets. The Wildcats' season record now stands at 21 wins and four defeats. They took the Big Seven crown with nine victories and three losses this season after fin ishing in a tie for last place a year ago. Baylor University, Washing ton and Wyoming round out the Western playoff field this week. When William Henry Harrison was elected ninth president of the United States, he was serving a term as clerk of the district court in his home town. "Not eyen Frank! Swoonatra could make mt mis Dentyne Chewing Gum! That nifty flavor really tend me I mean it really doe. And the way Dentyne help keep my teeth white, I wanta turn on the old mil all the time." Dentyne Gum -Made Only By Adam twit U tb uiiTM PftP AD COLLARS AnO r f I Fern Fun Information on the duckpin tournament will be released Monday, March 22. Team lists must be in the W.A.A. office by March 25. Badminton Schedule for March 17. Liebon-Rayburn vs. Kent Schaffer. Busch-Swanson vs. Stratton Branch. Kellenbargo-Rockwell vs. Bat-tey-Stuht. Allen-Weatherbee vs. Black- Beyer. Pre-orchesis will be held ai 5:00 in Grant Memorial, March 17. Orchcsis will be held at 7:00 in Grant Memorial, March 17. Sig Alplis Take NU Cage Title Sigma Alpha Epsilon took the All-Universitv basketball crown Monday night when they defeat ed I. F. T., independent represent atives, 34-18. Sig Alph Don McArthur topped the game's scorers with 11 points, and Bill Wenke finished second behind his team mate with ten counters. Jensen came through with seven points for the victors. Wpss tnrmerl the I.F.T. Quintet in the senrinff column with Six points. Duling and Kreizinger hit fave each. The halfway score was 14-5. Will you be going home? Will you be visiting friends? Of if you are staying here why not suggest that your folks visit you! Either way, Overland Greyhound pro vides convenient, comfort able, low-cost travel. : GREYHOUND NORTH PLATTE $4.40 NORFOLK . . 2.75 OMAHA . . . 1.10 G. W. Wilson Union Bus Depot 320 So. 13 Ph. 2-7071 OPERATED IY INTERSTATE TRANSIT LINES Page 3 IM Riflemen Train Sights On Shoot-Offs Ten Nebraska intramural rifle teams will have their sights trained on the championship shoot offs which start Monday, March 22. According to Sgt. Lovolo, Sig ma Alpha Mu will go into the finals in the role of favorite. The Sigma Alpha Mu sharpshooters established the highest mark of the year in the interfraternity leagues Monday night when they downed Alpha Sigma Phi, 872 to 811. The winner and runner-up of League IV will be determined on Thursday when Sigma Chi, Beta Theta Pi and Delta Tau Delta shoot for playoff-berths. The top two teams in each league enter the playoffs. The following teams have as sured themselves berths, in the shoot-offs next week: Sigma Phi Epsilon, Pioneer, Phi Gamma Del ta, Phi Kappa Psi, Zeta Beta Tau, Sigma Alpha Mu, ROTC, and Pershing Rifles. St. Patrick Cards Have Fun! Send your best friend a St. Pat Card this year Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street LEADS IN COURTESY I DES MOINES CHEYENNE . CHICAGO . $3.85 9.10 9.65 (Oh wty, add tlx) COMPARE AND YOU'LL FIND tlide ale na lowest, atei! W30 0 ID GO