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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 16, 1947)
Sunday, NovemKer 16, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 Nubbins Blast Ft. Riley, 18-0 BY LEE HARRIS Playing their first and last home game of the season Nebraska's Nubbins Friday afternoon powered their way to a decisive 18-0 victory over Ft. Riley's centaurs amid a constant downpour that kept the footing slow and heavy throughout the afternoon. The first Husker score was set up by a blocked punt that end Sophus Larsen recovered on the Soldier five with one minute remaining in the half. After Meginnis had failed on the right side and a pass by Hale into the end zone had fizzled, Ray Magsamen plunged through a big hole in the middle of the Ft. Riley line for the initial six points of the game. The half ended with the Huskers in command with a 6-0 lead. W Club Gives All-State Dinner The University of Nebraska and Wesleyan Athletic departments and the Lincoln junior chamber of commerce, sponsorers of the eighth annual all-state high school football rally have completed plans for the big event, which will be held Nov. 29. Early response and a top-notch program indicate that the rally will be one of the biggest of its kind. The affair will bring to Lincoln the coach and two out standing football players from many of Nebraska's high schools. Following registration at 9:30 a. m. at the chamber, guests will take a tour of the Nebraska Wes leyan campus under the direction of Coach George "Bus" Knight. The group will attend the Nebraska-Oregon State football game after which the "N" club will be host at dinner at the Student Union. During the third quarter the 300 rain-soaked fans that wit nessed the game saw Meginnis, Scoville, DaMoude, Magsamen, and Hale carrying the mail as the Nubbins rolled sixty yards to pay dirt. Meginnis scampered for a major share of the distance on a 25-yard run end run shaking off would-be tacklers almost at will. DaMoude Scores. Scoville and DaMoude cracked the center of the Army line to account for the rest of the dis tance with DaMoude going over from the three on an off tackle play. The try for point was fumbled. , t The final quarter was a repition of the third with the Nubbins ad ding their final touchdown on a 40-yard march climaxed by Russ Hale who dived thru the center for the last foot. Jim Peters picked up twenty . yards on the play be fore on a handoff from Hale only to be stopped a foot short of the double white stripe. For Ft. Riley Chuck Fusion and Bill West werpthe constant stand outs. Fusion lived up to expecta tions backing up the line in good style often stopping Husker Ball carriers just when they seemed to be in the clear. Nubbins Spirit nigh. West was the only offensive threat that Ft. Riley could muster doing his share of the running, most of the passing and all of the kicking. The Ft. Riley aggregation lacked the fight and spirit to keep up with the younger and more ag grgesive Husker hopefuls. Leading the Husker ball luggers was the hard running Meginnis who continually swivle-hipped his way through the army line for long gains. His running may be rated along side any performance seen on a Husker field this year, thus offering him as a strong can didate for a varsity beth ne'xt year. Along with Meginnis, Hale dis played his usual good form at quarterback often plunging those last two or three vital yards that br'ng first downs. End Harry Fox, Guard Eill Kimball and Tackles Bob Farner and Bob Harrington turned in strong line oerformances. For the Nubbins crew the Ft. Riley game was the final of the season as no other games have been scheduled for this year. Many of th B team boys promise to offer stiff competition for the varsifv boys come next year. Fort Rilrr. fn. KabMaa. Piulea IS! Lrm Rilf-a LT Mnfutman Faith LJ Ackrrmsn Fuam C J. Fox Haurk R"; Kimball Rnl.lnaon PT Harrlnplon Tittlf PK H. Fox W?Uiurn OH PHr Fcid. HB Me-KinnU KrtUM 7F VntKamen West FB DeMoudr . Fort Rily 0 0 0 0 0 JCubb'na Ig Nut'bini tou'-hdowna Virstnen. Pa- Nubtjina touchdowns MugFamn. D Voua. Hal. Fort PJirr rubatHutiona Crnnmtn, Riley. Hihl. Tavwl. Garvin. Mai'wwy. Pwannnn. Grrcory Puqunnin, Ozer. Bar telff. Maf-Leod. Addition. Ntibbina Bubmilutionii Tupotwh, Pow 1 Riff. Drr, Fnrner, Krmpk. Som Tnera, Hkin. Kane. Plpele. Pf1eron. I'nrer, T. Villara. B. Vi)lir. Churchill. Hale. Flrwtrnm. Johnston, Munaon, Her mnnnen,. fom llle. Referee William Keefer. ITmT'tre Frank Mueller. Llrieatnan Wendell '"roth. Fort lUley Nebraska Flrnt aowna 3 Tarda KmwJ ruling 37 171 Yarda Jot ruKlilnc 38 3 Paaaea completed ........... 4 Yarda Kalned paving 21 " Paeaea intercepted by I 1 Fumblca 0 i 2 Own f umbl' recovered ..... O 1 Yarda In penaltlea 20 25 KU-NU MOVIES. Movies of last week's Nebraska-Kansas football cane will be shown Monday night at the Coliseum starting at 8 p. m.. Business Manager A. J. Lewandowski announced. Ad mission will be 25 cents. X Shellacks Links. 2514 BY RALPH STEWART (Spuria Editor, The Daily Nebraxkita) Grand Island's touted football jaungernaut lived up to advance publicity Saturday afternoon as they rolled over the Lincoln high grid machine 25-14 on Nebraska's Mem orial Stadium turf. Over 15,000 fans watched the. two high school clubs battle in what was termed as the state mythical high school championship contest. ' 1 ' And as the spectators filed from Memorial Stadium there was no doubt concerning the superority of Coach Jerry Lee's smooth-functioning machine. Paced by Halfback Bob Reyn olds and Fullback Bill Noble, the Islanders rolled up 18 first downs while the Links were picking up 10. Although trailing 7-6 at the half, Grand Island outdowned the Links 12-4., Scorless First Period After batthng to a scoreless first period Grand Island hit pay dirt when Noble powered his way over from the one yard line to climax a 33-yard march up field. An attempted pass for the point was incomplete. Lincoln bounced back into the game midway in the second can to with a pair of long passes put ting them into scoring position. Bill Howell . passed to End Ed Weir, jr., for the extra point as Big John Moore rammed over and Coach Bill Pfieffs boys took a temporary lead. Grand Island roared back in the third canto with Noble galloping 19 yards through the middle of the Lincoln line after Reynolds helped advance the ball from the Islanders own 33. A pass from Reynolds to Co-Captain Dale Toft netted the extra point. Moore Tallies. Big Bob Mockett, burley Links tackle wearing a cast to protect a broken hand, blocked a G. I. punt and Weir recovered on the Islanders 22. A screen pass to Moore carried to the 12 from where Moore counted after two line smashes. The hefty fullback pounded over center for the ex tra point to again put the Links ahead. But the lead held for only five plays. The Grand Island power house unleashed a deadly ground game to roll from their own 20 to score in just five plays from scrimmage". Tackle R. Clark set up the final G. I. tally by recovering Stan Ger lach's fumble on the Links 19. Noble and Quarterback Bob Hann collaborated with the ball toting chores with Hann sneaking over from the one. Perfect Team Play. Considering the point of a per fectly functioning team, Grand Is land turned in one of the best played games witnessed on the Memorial Stadium grounds this year. Perfect blocking on end sweeps helped shake the speedy Reynolds and Noble loose for sub stantial gains again and again. Lincoln, battling for the top high school honors, went down in defeat with one of its top per formances of the season. Backs Howell, Howard Cook, Moore and Gerlach starred for the Links while Mockett, Weir and John Reigert paced the forwards. A tower of strength in the G. I. forward wall was Toft, along with Center Howard Jelinek. Reynolds and Noble shared offensive hon ors for Grand Island with Hann and Lowell Hayman. i&?f "V :L 1 1 -H- v. 1 SOONER MENTOR Nebraska's Cornhuskers will battle Coach Bud Wilkinson's Okalhoma Sooners in the Scarlets' next outing at Memorial Stadium. The youthful Wilkinson, at the helm of the co-champion Oklahomans, will bring a favored and title brand Sooner crew to Nebraska Nov. 22 for the Huskers final Big Six engagement for the 1947 season. Independents Cop j Francis Leighton ' jl tans COMPLETE SELECTION OF MEN'S ACCESSORIES . . . TIES SOCKS SCARVES HATS ALSO BEAUTIFUL FALL SUITS AND TOPCOATS "A COLLEGE STORE FOR COLLEGE STLDEKTS" CORNER 14TII & "O" STS. 131 Swim Honors Independent mermen swam off with the intramural swim meet honors Friday afternoon with the Phi Delta Theta team copping second high honors in the annual event Delta Upsilon, Sigma Alpha Ep silon and Beta Theta Pi finished in that order. The Phi Delts cap tured the interfraternity title in the Jack Best competition. Ted Kanamine, Independent, gained high individual honors with a 1214 total. He copped both the 50 and 100-yard free style events. The smooth stroking Kan amine established a new 100-yard free style mark by clipping 1.1 second off the former mark set by Marvin Grimm in 1946. He toured the distance in 56.6 sec onds. - Bud Oehlrich, Delta Upsilon, won the 100-yard back stroke event and George IT ill. Independ ent, copped the 220-yard free style race. Eddie Craren, Inde pendent, won the diving. The Independent team of Hill, Craren, Kanamine and Howard love, copped the free style relay event. DU's Oehlrich, Chuck Hem ingsen and Martin captured the medley relay. Named Husker Tennis Mentor Francis E. Leighton, 1946-47 Husker net star, has been appoint ed University of Nebraska tennis coach for the 1947-48 season, ac cording to an announcement from Athletic Director A. J. Lewan dowski. The new net mentor formerly attended the University of Cali fornia where he was also a mem ber of the tennis squad. After serving in the army air forces, Leighton enrolled at the University of Nebraska where he is studying architecture. Leighton was associated with the Vallejo Tennis club while in California and served for a time as a private tennis instructor. The Nebraska tennis schedule lists six matches and the Mis souri Valley conference cham pionships at Kansas City, May 17 18. The dual meet schedule is as follows: April 24, at Colorado; April 30, at Kansas; May 1, at May 8. at Kansas State and May 10, Oklahoma. LINCOLN'S FINEST FOR ' YOUR DANCING PLEASURE EVERY FRI. AND SAT. NIGHT 70TII AND SOUTH STREETS SEE US ABOUT PRIVATE ROOM FOR PARTY REGARDLESS OF SIZE