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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1947)
PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Friday, October 31, 1947, Campus News In Brief Sig Eps Win. The Sigma Phi Epsilon table tennis crew defeated the Delta Up silon quintet Wednesday after noon 4-1. Fowler, Williams, Cop sey and Camp won matches for the Sig Eps while Richard ftgnew won the lone DU match. Homecoming Ceremony. All members of Mortar Board and Innocents, and the twenty designated Tassels and Corn Cobs (ten of each), are requested to be present at the football field promptly at 5 p. m. today to prac tice for the Homecoming game ceremony. News Deadline As of this issue of The Daily Kebraskan, all news items to be printed in the Campus News in Brief column must be submitted to the editorial offices of The Daily Ncbraskan no later than 3 p. m. Style Show All women students who are participating in the Coed Coun selor Style Show are to attend Church News METHODIST A Halloween party wMl be held Friday. Oct. 31 at 7:30 p. m. in the Methodist Student house, featuring spooks, fun and refresh ments. A Fellowship supper at 5:30 p. m. Sunday at St. Paul Meth odist church, 12 and M, will be followed by a program to em phasize the AUF drive. Letters from foreign lands will be read and Mary Louise Boehm, who studied in Paris this summer, will discuss her experiences in Eur ope. LUTHERAN STUDENT ASSOCI ATION Sister Helen Erickson from the Emmanuel Deaconess School in Omaha, will be guest speaker for LSA Sunday. Nov. 2, when she and Dr. Lisher of the Grace Lutheran church of Lincoln ad dress the City Campus LSA at 5 p. m. at 17th and A. Sister Erickson will also address the Ag LSA at 6:30 p. m. at 1200 North 37. In observance of the annivers ary of the Reformation, Rev. H. Erck, University Lutheran pastor, will speak on "Some Results of the Reformation" in Sunday cha pel, services at 10:43 a. m., to be held in Union room 315. EPISCOPAL A Sundav evening dinner will be held at 6 p. m. in the Episcopal club room at 13 and R. Reserva tions should be made at 2-2251 no later than Friday. Sunday services will be at 11 a. m. PRESBYTERIAN "Halloween Horrors" will be the theme of the party to be held Friday, Oct. 31, in the Presby terian Student House. A ghost walk, scavenger hunt, refresh ments and apple-dunking will provide fun for the evening. On Sunday, representatives from labor and management will discuss the Taft-Hartley bill at the regular forum at 5 p. m. Sup per and games will follow at 6:15 p. m. UNITARIAN A discussion group led by E. James Brownson on "Ideas and Ideals in Modern Art" will be held at 7:30 Sunday at the home of Ruth and Anna Price. 1545 Washington. Transportation will leave the church at 7:15 p. m. Pike to Snonsor Twilight Dance The Phi Gams and their dates will be guests of the Turnpike at a Twilight Dance, Sunday. Nov. 2. from 7:30 until 11:00 p.m. DO YOU NEED MONEY? LOASS OIS DIAMONDS WATCHES RINGS RADIOS CAMERAS Royal Jewelers 1138 P ST. V a meeting Friday, Nov. 31, in the Union ballroom for an im portant practice, according to Jeanne Branch, show chairman. Bridge Lessons Third In the series of beginning bridge lessons will be given by Dale Ball, Culbertson official in structor, Thursday from 4 to 6 in Room 315 of the Union. Halloween Dance The YMCA and YWCA service clubs will sponsor a Halloween Coed dance at the YWCA gym, Friday, Oct. 31 from 8:30 to 11:30 p. m. Music will be furnished "TONIGHT IS COLLEGE NIGHT at Couples Only Adm. 1.50 per couple INfUDF.1) A 'v by Jimmy Lawson and his band. Tickets are 75c each. rsi cm Psi Chi, psychology honorary, will meet at 4 p. m. Monday in 224 SS. Films .of Gessell's re search on a child's first live years of . life will be shown, and a book review on, the subject of a layman's point of view of psy chology will be presented. Re freshments will be served. WIN FAME and 500 In TISH-U-KNiVS Sweater Girl Contest 2 DIVISIONS No obligation 1. Photo Contort Send plrtwre wearing iwoalor. 1. tttay Contott Writ ottoy about tweoter. (Illustrated) THE COBBY nnrMC. , smoothest sweatee ? , in year. Duffle-Bag pockets ribbed ; , gob neckline Prwto-Tono Eng lih Drape draw atring back ao yott can wear it casual or pulled into new torto thape. 100 wool. All color. JO to 40. About $5. v.v. v . .......... ...v V. .. W.".Wil ..... I DON'T SAY SWEATERS, SAY Rf. Afp. fr. 9 tin FfJitg. designed by loan. ....... v .. - v - . v Ask fV fro Contort Nonk w rtor tvorywW. to t wltM Wdw. -;: j TiSM-U-JCNIT, JJ72 Broodwvy.N Y. U . . . Cooodo: 303 $ S, W. Mwoit Jj t 7l M 1 iH it 3 1 i .' "1 'fii .... -j. it " f ' Si: I 'I ft" DON DRAEGER BILL VLCEK GEORGANN WYTHERS BILL WALDIE GEORGE DURRIE DON McARTHUR ROD FRANKLIN BILL KRAMER not in picture Migration r.r. tickets are "on the house" for these eight campus representatives from Magee's! Con gratulations to the winners in our recent college contest. Have fun!