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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1947)
Friday, October 31, 1947 Frosh. Nubbins Play 0 0 Tic On Mud Field Playing on the rain soaked col iseum grounds, the Nubbins and University or Nebraska Fresh men battled to scoreless deadlock Thursday afternoon. Coach Pop Klein's Junior Husk ers, running in two separate units, clicked in the early stages of the game and marched to the varsity 13 five yard line, but lost the ball on downs as the Nubbins forward wall stiffened. The muddy gridiron forced both clubs to resort to straight-away running tactics and darkness mil lified any scoring opportunities via the aerial route. Frosh Backs Romp. Halfbacks Jerry Ferguson and Don Bloom paced the Frosh's early period drive with assist ance from Fullback Walt Spell- man and Quarterback Dutch Meyer. Quarterback Russ Hale and End Harry Fox were late reporting for service with the Nubbins, but sparked the B team thru the sec ond half of play. ' Coach Ray DeBolt's reserves be hind the effective running of the speedy Harry McGinnis -controlled the play thruout the third canto, but couldn't muster a scoring thrust. Halt Late Drive. After recovering a blocked punt late in the fourth period, Spell man's long pass carried to the Nubbins' 18 yard line. The ad vance was thrown in reverse, however, by a hard charging B line. Center John Fox, Tackles Bob Harrington and Bob Farner, and Guard Bill Kimball turned in the strong line performances for the Nubbins while Meginnis, Hale and Fullback Dean Demowde sparked the backs. End Ralph Weddle, Center Gardner Johnson, Guard Jack Heckenlively and Tackle Verne Busch lead the Frosh forwards. The lineups: Nubbins Mussman le Fletcher Villars It Schrage Hawkins Ig Becker John Fox c Johnson Kimball rg Pizinger Harrington rt Busch RISK re Weddle Churchill qb Meyer Meginnla In Ferguson lh. , Mapsman Demowde ,.rh.. ,.f b.. Bloom Spellman Traveling Squad lfl end: Alex Cochrane, Double Doyle, Otto Copenhagen lft tackle: Charlie Toogood, Fred Go lan, Edgar Thompson. lit guards: tteae Wilkin, Gerald Ja rs kr. He Hoy. Centers: Tom Novak, Francis Mandula, Bob Mullen. Kicht guards: Fred Lorenc, Ardir Mraas, John tSedlaeek, Robert fallen. Right tackles: Carl 8am nelson, Harold Becker, Gene Mm. RiKht ends: Jack Pesrlf, Kd Nyden. Quarterbacks: Dirk Thompson), Drl W le ts nd. Joe I'srtlnilnn. Left halfbacks: Dirk Huttoa, BIU Muel ler. Jim Myers, Kenny Fischer. Right halfbacks: Clrtus risehcr, Junior CoHopy. Bob Arkcrmaa. Fullbacks: Dale Adams, Darwin ftales Irom, George Bwstwirk. Husker Two-Mile Squad Meets MU Cooach Ed Wier's Jwo-mile squad, seeking its initial dual win of the season, will meet the Mis souri five-man team Saturday morning at Columbia. Wier has named Harold Kopf, Lexington; Don Morrison, Lincoln; Stan Martin, Broken Bow; Don Theil. Oshkosh and Warren Koe nig, Lincoln to carry the Husker colors Saturday. Kopf has been suffering with the flu this week and may not participate in Saturday's compet. Henry Schleuter will run in his place in the event he does not make the trip, Weir has an nounced. Play IM Football Playoffs Monday Wet grounds forced postpone ment of the intramural football playoffs Thursday night. Lou Means, director of intra mural athletics, cancelled the three Thursday night because of adverse weather conditions. Two of the three contests will be played Mon day afternoon and the third con test will be played Tuesday. Beta Theta Pi will clash with the Delta Tau Delta crew in Mon day's feature game. The winner will play Alpha Tau Omega Tues day for the fraternity league championship. Sigma Alpha Epsi lon will tangle with the loser of this game for third and fourth enough jKWrtikA's rkbT 1 wo W 4j product or 6 -MAM MiiJt L , ALL-STATE. V,'u I I urn mwmz place honors. off for fifth place. Another oMnday night game Newman club meets Ag YMCA pits Kappa Sigma against the Tuesday in an independent league Beta Sigma Psi outfit in a play- playoff battle. I . A ..... . s 1- f -.J ' .tJ,)d i K Imi x3JWk 4 i wj-w Neckwear THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Axj i nun s vo "i USLhAailisL (.1 Scarfs are showpieces this fall in soft-to-the touch PURE SILK hy Clentex . Smart to underline a col lar, highlight a coat, tie Gibson Style, swoop over a low neckline, or drape around a hat. They come in glowing colors . . . are 2.95 and 3.95. First Big Six Grid Machines See Loop Action Big Six grid machines get down to serious business this week-end with every loop eleven slated to tangle with conference competi tion. The University of Nebraska Cornhuskers will travel to Colum bia Saturday to meet the Missouri Tigers in an important game for both clubs. The Huskers and Ti gers are currently tied for the loop lead with two victories and no de feats. Coach Bernie Mastcrson's squad received a jolt with the loss of place-kick artist Bob Costello. Cos tello suffered a spinal injury in the Kansas State game and will be out for the remainder of the season. riot Aerial Attack. Missouri Coach Don Faurot placed emphasis on passing in Wednesday's drill. He believes the aerials will be needed to cope with Nebraska's weight advantage in the line. The Tigers will be at virtually full strength for Satur day's contest. Iowa State's Cyclones, who suf fered their worst football defeat in history at the hands of Oklahoma last .year, 63-0, hope to give those same Sooners a few uneasy mo ments at Norman Saturday. End Dean Laun returned to the Iowa State squad Wednesday to bring 1 rfWe . f, U i Floor IPS r PAGE 3 Coliseum Open House All recreational facilities of the Coliseum will be available for any University of Nebras ka student Saturday afternoon, Nov. I, according to an an nouncement from L. E. Means, director of physical education. The open house hours will be from 1:30 to 3:30. the list of regulars to full strength for the contest. Revised Lineup. Coach Bud Wilkinson of Okla homa, disgusted by his team's 20-7 losing performance against T.C.U. last week, is working with a re vised lineup that includes only three players who started the opening game of the season. Quar terback Jack Mitchell and Tackles Wade Walker and Bill Morris are on the injured list with Walker a doubtful starter against the Cy clones. Kansas State, struggling under the nation's longest losing streak for a major football team, 22 games, will journey to Lawrence Saturday to play the Kansas Jay hawks. It was against the Jay hawks that Kansas State won its last Big Six football game in No vember of 1944. However, Coach George Sauer's Jayhawks aren't taking the pend ing battle too lightly. But by vir tue of its undefeated but twice tied record and the presence of Halfback Ray Evans, Kansas is favored to win by three or more touchdowns. V rf ' M