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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1947)
ft ( n j.3 V I PAGE 4 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, September 25," 1947 Mizzou Trek On Schedule For Oct. 31 The general schedule for the Student Council-sponsored migra tion to the Nebraska-Missouri game at Columbia Nov. 1st was announced at the Council meet ing Wednesday afternoon by Frank Loeffcl, rally chairman. Plans include a round-trip in re served train coaches, block at tendance of Nebraska rooters at the game, and a mass rally staged in the center of the Columbia business district. Annual Migration Each year the Council sponsors a student-body migration to the scene of a Cornhuskcr game away from home. A traditional event, the migration offers students a special opportunity to display school spirit. Last year's jaunt took varsity boosters to Kansas University. The yell squad, the 125-piece ROTC Band, approximately 50 Corn Cobs and Tassels and repre sentatives from Student Council will form the nucleus of the mi gration body. Members of WAA will manage food concessions on the train. Costs Low Cost for railway fare and game ticket total $20, with $2.75 for the game, and $17.25 for the round trip Burlington fare. The special train will leave the Lincoln Union terminal at 11 p.m. Friday Oct. 31st to arrive in Columbia during the forenoon of game day. The group will depart again at 11 Sat urday night, to arrive in Lincoln Sunday morning. Announcement of the ticket selling drive will be made later, Loeffel said. In the meantime, his committee urges students to set aside $20 in their budget for the annual migration. Committee members include Betty Aasen, Joan Farrar, and Stanley Mala-shock. Coeds to Meet Dean Johnston At Annual Tea An annual tea for all women students, particularly freshmen ji nd new students, will be given by Miss Marjorie Johnston, dean ot women and her staff at Ellen Smith hall on Friday, September 2Cth from 3:30 to 5:30. Guests will be greeted by Miss Joyi e Gcddes, president of Mortar Bonrd, Miss Elizabeth Curley president ol Associated Women Suulents, will introduce them to Miss Johnston. In the receiving line with Miss Johnston will be Mr? R. G. Gustavson, Miss Elsie Foid Piper and Miss Jean Witt. Assisting in the parlor and court will be members of Mortar Board, Miss Margaret Cannell, Miss Mildred Taylor, Mrs. Philip Schmelkin, Miss Sallie Wilson and Mrs. Paul Sehnert. During the first hour Mrs. Carl z V ( HMIetinsa Riema Tau will meet in the Stu dent Union, room 316 at 7 p. m. Thursday. Gamma Lambda Gamma Lambda will meet in the Student Union, XYZ parlor each Wednesday at z. Cominius Club Cominius Club will meet in the Temple, room 24, at 7:30 p. m. Thursday. Unl Vet's University Veterans organiza tion will hold their first meeting in the Student Union, parlor Y, at 7:15 p. m. Thursday. Any one interested in working as pub lic relations man for the uvu call Uni. Ext. 146 or come to office at 209 Nebr. Hall. Phi Upsilon Omlcron. Phi Unsilon Omicron will meet Thursday evening at 7:30 in the Home Ec Social parlors. Gamma Delta Lutheran students are invited to the Gamma Delta meeting Thursday, 7:15 p. m., Room 315, Student Union. Courtesy Lincoln Journal rrofessor and Mrs. Marvel L. Baker have announced the engage ment of their daughter, Frances, to Robert Wesley Koehler, son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Koehler of Fremont. Miss Baker is a grad uate of the University of Nebraska where she was a member of Towne Club, and Is a former. member of the Lincoln Sym hony Orchestra. For the past year, she has been employed by the Citizens State bank. After serving as a pilot in the Army Air Corps, Mr. Koehler is con tinuing his studies at the Uni versity of Nebraska, where he is president of Alpha Gamma Rho. No date has been set for the wedding. CLASSIFIED LOST Wednesday afternoon. Mortar Board pin. Brverly Jackson, phone 6-7594. BALLROOM danclnW Ftmllo 2705 Royal Court. Nellie Hpeuli-U. Telephone 3-54SO, ENJOY bicycling at TKD'S-RENT-A- BIKK, 25th N. Phone 5-9129. 25c per hour. Etolit Commission Leader Positions Open in YWCA Junior and senior women who wish to lead YWCA freshmen commission groups are asked to apply at the YWCA office in Ellen Smith Hall before Monday, Sep tember 29. There are openings for eight leaders for the fall semester. Any girl interested in the field of hu man relations will be considered. Sociology, psychology, and educa tion majors are preferred, but previous experience in the YWCA is not necessary. Further information can be ob tained at a personal interview, from the YWCA secretary, or from Marcia Mockctt, director of YWCA freshmen work. WATCHES THOROUGHLY CLEANED Oiled, adjusted and electronically timed for only $3.50. Dick's Watch Service, Nebraska Book Store. LOST Terminal leave bond Sept. 15 near administration building. Call Don Slama at 5-9674. Learn Ballroom at tl Jean Mikkelsen DANCE STUDIO ther type of dancing Phone 5-906$ T. Borgman and Mrs. C. II. Old father will preside at the tea table in the dining room and Mrs. G. W. Rosenlof and Mrs. Earl Fullbrook at the table in the court. At the tea table in the dining room during the second hour will be Mrs. T. J. Thompson and Miss Mabel Lee while Miss Margaret Fedde and Miss Luvicy Hill will preside at the tea table in the court. Assisting with the serving will be presidents of the women's houses and organizations. Mem bers of Delta Omicron, Mu Phi Epsilon ond Sigma Alph Iota will furnish music for the tea. DICK'S Watch Service In the Nebraska Book Store Your watch cleaned, oiled, adjusted and electronically timed. Only $ 3.50 BT TICKETS for Concert Scries SALE! &t20 More wanted than the next three makes combined on SCHOOL OF MUSIC and STUDENT UNION STUART THEATRE SEASON TICKETS ?5 Incl. Tax ... . ":V- jf" 4yxiiX $i -if-ia3fti i , , , V 077 lurvtyj In 29 countriet confirm tho Parkor 31'$ amazing popularity. At 20 leading American unrversJtk. lenioc men and women voted Parker more wanted than th ntxt thret makts of pens combined. This preference stems from the 31i dlitlnctivt styling Its Incomparable performance. Precision-made, it starts on the mstantglides with satin smoothness. And only the "51" Is designed for satisfactory uso.wt& new Parker Suptrobomtthe super-brilliant, super permanent mk that dritt ax k writes ! Choice of points . . . smart colors. $1 2.50 1 $15.00. Pencils," $5.00 ffc30. Sets, $17,10 to $80.00. Parker "V-S" Pens, $WJ, Pencils, $4JB0 JPu Parker Pen CoH Janes ville, Wis., and Toronto, Can.