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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 25, 1947)
Th'urs'day, SepTemKer 25, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN PAGE 3 MastersonV Huskers Get Light Drills As a chilling fall wind swept across Memorial Stadium's prac tice confines, Coach Bernie Mas terson continued to drill his Husk ers on fundamentals in prepara tion for the 1947 inaugural Satur day with the touted Indiana Iloosicrs. Play reviews occupied the larg est portion of Masterson's out lined practice session. With great respect for Bo McMillan's always potent aerial attack, Masterson also put his charges through an other period of pass defense work No rough work has been on the docket for the Huskers through the week. The injured list is now at an all-time low, but the Nebraska "T" may sputter with out the services of little Dick Thompson. Thompson, Gade Out Thompson will unlikely see ac tion in the opener because of an injured knee. He has tossed his crutches away but is not work ing out. Gail Gade is still nob bing along with the air of crutches. He is also suffering from a twisted knee. With those exceptions, Master son's 1947 Huskers appear ready for George Taliaferro and com pany. Ray DeBolt will announce an official cut in his Nubbins roster Thursday afternoon. The "B" team mentor will slash his reserve unit almost in half. Over 70 gridders have been toiling with the Blues. The number will be dropped to approximately 40 Thursday. Wiegand Gets Attention Little Del Wiegand, receiving overtime attention from the coach ing staff, seems slated for a start ing quarterback assignment. A bruised arm has held Joe Part ington down, but the former pivot man is now tossing the pigskin with accuracy and appears ready for considerable action Saturday. Dick Hutton and Cletus Fischer are teaming on the number one unit at halfbacks while Dale Adams is still getting the fullback call. The first team line includes Jack Pesek, Carl Samuelson, ends; Charlie Toogood, Gordon Hall, tackles; Johnny Sedlacek, Captain Gene Wilkins, guards; Tom Novak, center. The number two unit was com prised of: Partington, quarter; Bill Mueller, Bill Moomey, halfbacks; Darwin Salestrom, full; Ed Nyden, Ralph Damkroger, ends; Gene Sim, Mike DiBiase, tackles; Fred Lor enz, Rex Hoy, guards; Bob Cos- tello, center. Friday, Sept.26th COLLEGE NIGHT f -y :'. J ' "J j v A j N ' t Y i - i- in- -nifiiiMn in - SKIPPY ANDERSON featuring "SINGIN' SONG TITLES" Dancing 9 until 12 Couples Only ' Adm. $1.50 Per Couple Tax Included V : ' : Wmti. ; v; . LOU MIIIAJLOVICII The Big Nine's leading pass receiver last year, is one Indiana end who will need plenty of attention by the 'Huskers' deefnsive backficld in next Saturday's game in Memorial Stadium. Huskcr-Gophcr Contest Sellout Only 1,000 tickets remain in the stadium for the Indiana opener Saturday, A. J. Lewandowski has announced, ine entire stadium is already a sellout for the Min nesota tussle a week hence. General admission tickets for the Hoosiers battle will not be placed on sale until the individual stadium ducats are gone. Across-the-counter sale of gen eral admission tickets for the Min- PIIYSICAL EXAMS Physical examinations for freshman and varsity candi dates for the basketball, wrestl ing and track teams will be held Thursday at 6:30 p. m. at the training room In the Field House, Trainer Elwyn Dees has announced. No equipment will be Issued until the ex aminations have been taken, Dees said. nesota fracas will open Monday at the Coliseum ticket office. Dclts Smack Co-op 26-0; Sharp Shines SCORES. Delta Tau Delta 26, Cornhusker Co-op 0. Sigma Nu 18, Brown Palace 6. Sigma Alpha Epsilon 21, Thcta XI 0. Lilies 14. At Men's club 0. Ak YMCA 2, Ricketeres 0. (Forfeit). One-sided contests marked the second day of intramural football Wednesday afternoon as Delta Tau Delta and Sigma Alpha Epsilon racked up decisive victories. The Delts found Cornhusker Co-op no trouble at all as they romped to a 26-0 win. Jim Sharp, former Omaha North ace, paced the winner's attack ns he threw three touchdown aerials and ran over for the fourth. R. Keller was on the receiving end of two of the touchdown passes. Spearheaded by the passing of Dilldine, Sigma Alpha Epsilon breezed by Thcta Xi, 21-0. The Dilldine-to - Saladen combination clicked for two allies. Another one-man attack de veloped in the Sigma Nu-Brown Palace contest. Bob Hinde com pleted two passes for T. D.'s and scored the other one personally as the Sigma Nus downed Brown Palace, 18-6. Out at the Ag field the Lillies SCHOOL SUPPLIES Note Books, History Paper Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Ink, etc. Golden rod Slalionery Store 215 No. 14th Lincoln defeated the Ag Men's Club, 14-0. I)we was the big gun in the winner's attack. The Ag Y.M.C.A. won by forfeit over the Ricketecrs. Three additional teams have entered in the two Independent loops. Y.M.C.A. and Melting Pot being the new members in IeaKii? IV and the Ac Y.M.C.A. having joined League V. IM SCHEDULE Thursday's Games Field No. 1 Sigma Phi Epsilon vs. Delta Upsilon. Field No. 2 Kappa Sigma vs. Beta Theta Pi. Field No. 3 ROTC vs. Wran gler's. Ag Field No. 1 Sigma Chi vs. Alpha Gamma Rho. CORNHUSKERS- Make your reservations now for air trips to Ne braska Football games Round Trip Iowa State, Oct. 11. $18.50 Notre Dame, Oct. 18, 45.00 Kan. State, Oct. 25. 10.00 Missouri U., Nov. 1. 20.00 To make reservations write or call Air Delivery Co. Phone 101 t-J Beatrice, Nebraska Cute as a Freshi'e . . Sharp as a Senior. Every Detail Right In Bobbie Brooks' Dress! The newest "Side Drape" for campus and dates is Magee's wonderful two-piecer in plaid and plain. Giant plaid 100 worsted Shamokin skirt, in a flattering length. One-color 100 worsted Wyner Sag-no-Mor jersey blouse boasts the side drape and convertible col lar. Top in black, blue, lime, or red, over brilliant fal plaids. Sizes 9 to 15. You'll love this "junior" for its engaging ways! $16.95 Magee's College Fathiom . , , Third Floor (Jiff Trim-Shod Feet Co Places! Just like your pin-mate's loafers . . . women's Trampeze loafers are in at Magee's! They have the same casual good-looks . . . the same comfort . . . your college brethern go for. See it try it on ... in smooth black or brown elk. You'll be glad you chose these fine loafers (at so little price) $6.95 Magee's F ootwear ... Fir I Floor US pj T S 0 IS ib ti