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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1947)
THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Ttresclcry, ScpTernfoy S3, 1947 PAGE-2 J Jul (Daili Vfa&AaAkcuv Member Intercollegiate Press 1 (til l VMM II U K Stilivripliiin rnlo. rr M Ml n-r M-nii-sti-r. M MO pi r ni t r nuillril. r VMM! lor tli r.illiui' iHr. vl.llll MiiKlr rupy iV. I'lllillslii-il ll:lily illiriHK tin- m-IhmiI jriir rtn .t M..mi:i ami Siiltir.l;i.., ; iuimi mill vili It:t1 l.iri mHhiI. Iiy llif I lil i-rsil v ol Ni-lirakn iiinl.-r I hi' .iinr Im.hi ul I lie I'lililiriil inn Hi.;iril. hnt.riil h MmiiiiiI !. Mailer Bl llie 1' Olflee In I ino.iln. V'ttriioku. lliul.-r Ai l ul oiik rf-. .Miirrh .1, IV1. nml Hi .iiliil rale nl imisIkki- i..iiI.iI Inr ill M-cliim llli.i, Art if OiIiiImt ii, I'M;. H.itlinrii il i i'li nil., r :li, VXll. I lUl ulll l. M l V I riltiir l:ti" Novnfny M iinikiiiK rilil.irV . Jaek Hill, .. riti Miller Nrn, i ilili.r. -I.nniie Kerrltan. Ni.rm I . r, all Meeker, nil Inn. 1tlir Hi.ilmk MMirli I .'lilnr nlh Mewarl An I K'-tlh lT.-iliTirk-.iin tlK-t-iiil I ralnr,. I "" HI sIM ss M l T" HhM.hv. Mnnnm-r r.nuM Mace 4 irriil-il Man. it. t -I n k Neler Ai-ianl I'.iimih -s Maiii;i-r Kill ilkins, Merle M.iillrr, Irwin ( lie.ell Id. N.l.risknn i pithlMiril h tin- Hi.lrnl nl Mil' I Hiwr-ily lif elnkll H nn rvi.rr-.Mnn i.l Mnilenc in-- anil i.iiii..ns inl, A rr. uali'ii: lo ailnlr II i.f I he Hy I in toMlinnt vluili-nt inililii-.ili.ips an. I iiilriii-.ivl . n il li lln- H.iar.l nf I'lllillial inns : Il i- lii. il.-. I ir. il ...ln i.l Ihr liiiar.l llial riil.lieall n.t llinl. r. Its jurKili. Initi sliall 1-.- tirf In. in mil.. rial i -rniirhi;i nil llir ait nf llir Ihianl. nr n" I In- part nl iin hii-iiiIht nf llir la.nll nl tin imi i rtit : lint ' Ihr Hall l-l llir lail air pel ..uinll r .i.iiMlite .r what lliey say nr iln nr railvi- In lr printeil." il.l. llir npinitiiis e. resell li' r.iliininist . In Ihr Daily Vi-hrnvkan d mil nr. . i il it-pievenl IIium' nf tin- I niveril nr ihr lla'ly N.hraskail.l Lincoln Fine Arts Scries Features Seven Performances Conslitulioii Amendments Get Hearing Approval of the revisions in the Student Council constitution sub mitted to the faculty committee on student organizations after the general elections in the spring has been withheld until further hear ings can be held on the proposed change in membership of the council judiciary committee. In a letter to Ned Raun, council judiciary committee chairman, llean Marjorie Johnston, secretary of the faculty committee, slated: "At the meeting on July 2, 1947, ..the revisions were presented for approval. "Alter considerable discussion ..the committee voted to ask the Student Council to give an ex planation of these two points: (1) the increase to eight members of the judiciary committee and (2) tlii cc inexperienced junior mem bers on t're judiciary committee. Revisions Tabled The Eyes Have It llv Jeanne Kerrigan -. ..... . f .; xz if . -. y- ? . a t ? - -1 Interviewed Johnston state, to the couii.-il been tabled at 1T o n ri a y. Dean all re'isions constitution had the July meetinj The Lincoln F'ine Arts series Don Cossack chorus, conducted by V. ill begin Thursday. Oct. 23. r.t Serge Jaroff. the Lincoln high auditorium with Also included in Hie series are Die S. llurok presentation of the 'six performances. Kederieo Rey pending the hearing on the revis ions to Article YIII changing the organization ol t bo judiciary com mittee. Harold Mozer. president of the Student Council, and Ned Kaun, chairman of its judiciary commit tee, in their reply to Dean John ston Monday stated the council's position: "The Judiciary Committee was enlarged and reorganized in order to give n broader representation of the Council members on the committee. ".. three junior members were added . to give them experience for possible service. . on. . .next year s . . l ommittee. Harold Mozer, Student Council president, stated that this delay in approval of the revisions to the consitution docs not effect the changes in the by-laws moving 1heh fall general election from the third to the ninth Tuesday of the semester. and Lolita Gomez will give their interpretations of the rhythms of Spain on Saturday, Nov. 15. Guimomar Novaes, "the world's foremost woman pianist," will re turn to Lincoln Thursday, Dee. 4. On Tuesday, Dec. 9, Alicia Markova and Anton Dolin feature famous ballets with string or chestra. Ramon Viany, tenor of the Metropolitan Opera Co., will appear here Thursday, Jan. 21. Isaac Stern, who recorded the violin music in "Humoresque," comes to Lincoln on Thursday. Febr. 19, and Norena Greco, soprano from the Metropolitan, will finish the series on Monday, March 29. All performances will begin at 8:30 p.m. The series will be man aged by Philip J. Mullin, new con cert manager. Book store notes.... the thrifty freshman art student who asked for five different colors of. pa'nt and then wouldn't buy them be cause they came in separate bot tles. . . . Also, the inquiring soul who entered the Co-op bookstore on the campus and asked the, clerk if he sold books there. When re assured, she had to know if the store carried any books connected with the university. Hour dance observation .. . .fra ternity member to his dance part ner. "I'd sure like to introduce you to that fellow over there, but 1 don't know who lie is and it mieht be embarrassing if he turned out j to be president of the house or something."' Famous names and people de partment ... Innocents prexy Stan Johnson was overheard rather sheepishly asking a fellow Inno cent when their croiin was sehed- 1 uled to sell freshman beanies. . . . the latter, being equally puzzled on the matter turned to an ener getic RAG reporter who supplied the necessary info. Campus scene .. two of the; more industrious students dashing j out, unobserved they thought; for the nearest cup of coffee while j their class was changing rooms. - Rush week hangover. . . .the lit tle tale about the frat prexy who traveled over to see the head of a neighbor group when that group was entertaining rushces . . . . it seems that a departing guest dashed up to the wrong president, grabbed his hand and fervently exclaimed how much he liked the house, the men in it and how much he would like to come back . . . controlling his mirth, the W. P. thanked the guest, returned the handshake warmly and ushered him out the door. Glancing through the Univer sity's intramural athletics hand book, we note the startling fact that Sigma Nu won the soft ball championship in 1838 ... some 31 years before the University of Ne braska was founded. .. .amazing, men, these Sigma Nu's. Another IM handbook tabula tion shows that Jim "Squat" Meyers set a pole vault record of 55 feet, one inch .... maybe he was jet-propelled? - Suggestion of the week. . . that about half the mob of students struggling to enter and leave Sosh by the north door between classes try the entrance on the west side of the building. . . it works too. MAGEE'S A '"in NELSON-PAIGE always turn out a mighty smart shirt . . . and this college man's favorite is super in fine "Lonsdale" combed cotton oxford. It will give valiant service in your wardrobe! It's Sanforized-. shrunk for perfect washability. find there are 3 cf Dmerica's smartest collar styles in Magee's big selections. Sizes 14 to 17. Ge t yours today I $3.95 rollar ipread-and-nlttlH-tl! hullim-flinrn! regular! Mafre't Firtt Floor tYr 4 y ; Iff ''WV' ky CRIB NOTES hy It. J. I lot comb find so four days are scratched from the calen dar and the campus set tles down to a funfull per haps studyless semester . . . seen in the Crib are the usual collections , of friends seeing friends for the first time since before the war . . ." or the first time since high school, all c: three months away . . . male Cribbers keep not ing the long, long apparel covering the feminine an atomies with increased dismay . . . seems the ma jority of the male senti ment agrees with Univer sity Theatre Director Dal las Williams when he says, "fl good speech is like a woman's skirt; long enough to cover the sub ject but short enough to be interesting." Cribnoters are also tcking note cf the Harvey Broth ers "Ccrnhusker Tour" Drawing registration . . . a great many smart cam pusmen have already reg istered for their chance at winning a free tour ticket to the first Notre Dame game since 1925 . . . and it's all so easy and pain less . . . simply walk down to 1230 O Street, the head quarters for the best dressed men on campus, present your ident card and fill out registration cards . . . that's what we said, it's so easy and pain less . . . ABSOLUTELY NO -PURCHASE IS NECES SARY TO BE ELIGIBLE TO REGISTER! THIS IS NOT fl CONTEST! The two lucky winners will have their names drcvn at the Tassel-Cob Rally, October 10 and will each receive one round trip tour ticket . . . REGISTER TODAY! YOU MAY BE THE LUCKY ONE! "LOVE THAT JOKE" NOTE . . . comes from Fritz Daly, amiable Alum ni Secretary, who tells the joke about an American and Englishman driving down a road in England. Upon seeing the sign, "15 miles to London. For those who cannot read inquire at Blacksmith Shop across the street." the American bursts into laughter. A trifle perplexed, the Eng lishman finally shouts, "Oh, I get it! What if the blacksmith isn't in?" Harvey's Far More For Less 1230 0 St.