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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 23, 1947)
;ansiers Formal eEieduSed ch 3 Vol. 48 No. 4 LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Tuesday, September 23, 1947 " W' raw SOON TO CHANGE This view Union will be no more when the completed. A new carpet will be moved from its present place " "'J j I - s 1 " b ; x If rJr . $9,000 Facelifting in Union Program Near Completion An extensive "face-lifting" pro gram totalling nearly nine thou sand dollars will be completed this week in the Student Union, according to Duane Lake, Union manager. Final steps in the remodeling will include the installation of carpeting in the main lounge and new booths and tables in the Crib. The carpeting will be in place by this afternoon while Hie job of in stalling new Crib furniture will be completed by tomorrow, Lake indicated. To Brighten Interior. Completion of the program will brighten considerably the interior of the Union building. Lake said. The now broadlo"m pile carpet ing will be a cheerful dawn j.rcy. Booths for the Crib will be up holstered in bright red diiiatone plastic. Tables will be cream color with chrome trimmings. The new Crib furm.-hings will be installed by sections with as little interruption to legular serv ice as possible. Tables and booths will not be anchored to the floor until Thanksgiving, since this would mean closing the crib. Other Improvements. Installing the 473 square yards of carpet and the new furniture is only the final part of the Union's remodeling program. Lake has pointed out. Other improve ments already completed this fall include redecorating of Parlors X, Y and Z, the Faculty Lounge and the Nebraskan and Corn husker offices and reupholstering Yearbook Asks Officer Lists Wednesday, Sept. 24, is the deadline for filing lists of of ficers in the following campus organizations with the office of the Coinhuskcr, editor Joan Ack erman warned Monday. Organizations which have not yet chosen oflicers for this year should submit those names im mediately following election. ASVK I , nrrr Cl 'r A.-CK TC.-A A K'H 4 H A IKE t,::wir.x plt Ar !nte turn! K-.'ri. i- -i"y iTit.i rtii rvn Air Knuirir Ti-'-i S v. 'i I'h! Ac M-n ii tsH ial I'l.i I.' n H,"l '"l'Jb I ' ".a Cj.'i.m I'-n P!.-k tr I?iiIic '' i I I I Kp' 'Urn Var-uy I:,iry f fun "r.i. ,tj Tn K I" i i.l Tl.i ts Vct.f.ri' Or;.iii- ! Kt.'il'.p P.Un jnm 1)11 Aifa 7.i-'i k'.l Clllh li.V.l .'.fill Pho Amii:i.i ';-itt.tti Mij Tiitu H'iw:irl Hall ; I..irnM Wilon llall I'l.l l.'liicii Omi Pallartian rn Iff.1-! ri.-i Omif-ron Nt Hrotvn Pala hlfcfna Tau Crntiuker Cci-u r '. . I - u - ft: i ... f p i I 1 of the lounge in the Student union beautification program is put in place and the furniture in the cast part of the room. of furniture in the main lounge. All furniture in the Campushne and the employees' dining-room has been newly repainted. Cor ridors of the buliding have also been repainted with a new, wash able enamel. Universily Named ROTC Specialized Training ("enter Along with fuur oilier midwest universities, the University of Ne braska has been named a military intelligence training ccnler in 1he filth army aica. Col. Howard J. John. KOTC head, announced. KOTC student training is being introduced at this lime as an ex tra curricular course for the por pose of perfecting time training methods. Col. Jones said. Specialized training will include lectures in types of intelligence and operations, intelligence func tional organizations and agencies; demonstrations by intelligeivp specialist teams, local cotatt with the FBI, classroobm problems and field maneuvers. Col. John stated that this is the first purely intelligence training to be introduced in the ROTC pro gram. It will be available to selected, qualified volunteers. Other training centers will be located at the universities of Mis souri, Illinois, Wyoming and Mich igan State. YMYW Plans Mixer Party "Nebraska Statehood" will be the theme of halftime enter tainment by the 125 piece var sity band and the student card section at Saturday's Indiana Nebraska football game in Me morial stadium. First of the five acts is the icard section spelling out '"Hemic plus Bo' while the band marches onto the field. Next the band will form the numeral "li'Ml," the year of Nebraska statehood, while the cards flash n big red "N." Ti.e cards will then display a larre football with an ".V in the middle rivi the band will form "1947.' Then, when the card sec tion fpt-lls out "Hi Hooker" and a hand of welcome, the band will make an oulline map of Nebraska. To complete the half-time fes tivities, band members will place their hats on the ground to form a map of Nebraska while they su per impose the Indiana map over it. The accompanying cards will show a running liuosier. A Word of Appreciation The Offii-e of Admissions wishes to take this opportunity to express to all of the students on this campus, its appreciation tor the splendid co-operation during the registration period. It was expected that there would be some difficulties ex perienced by students in con nection with their registration procedures. The installation of new International Business Ma chines meant new procedures. A very large scale experience has shown us that there were some mistakes, or shall I say "bugs". These, 1 trust will be removed prior to the next reg istration period. You as students have been most patient and courteous, and we wart you to know that we in the administrative offices deeply appreciate that fact. We also want to express the hope that your years of experience on the campus will be your most happiest and best, and that you will have every reason to con tinue as loyal friends, students and alumni of your alma mater. Ct. W. Hoscnlof, Registrar University Examiner, and Director of Admissions Countryman Staff Meets The staff of Cornhusker Coun tryman, official magazine publi cation of Ag Campus, will holds its first organizational meeting m the office located in th cAg Stu dent Union on Wednesday eve ning at 7:30. Marianne Sib, editor of the magazine has requested that all members of the staff be present and also anyone else who might be interested in working on the publication this year. Various positions are open in the editorial, business and circula tion departments. Cornhusker Countiyman was re vived last spring alter a silence of five years forced upon it by the war. Present staff members in clude: Foilor, Marianne Sib: Man aging Editor, James Scars: Cir culation Manager, Duane MuiiUr. Halftime Fun ForUN-Huosier Tilt Announced A minor party will take the place of the first YM-YW joint meeting for the fall semester. De signed to acquaint new students with the organizations, the party will take place in the College Ac tivities building, starting at 7 p. m. Tuesday night. An evening of get-ncquainted games has been planned according to Virgene Kovarik, who will be in charge of the program. The cabinets of both groups will be introduced and a short worship program wnn Liiuan iocke in charge will conclude activities, after which refreshments will be served. 1917 Band Day Set for Next Fall Band Day scheduled for the Oklahoma game here November 22 has been cancelled because of a conflict with the date of the annual Nebraska Music Educa tional convention. The 1943 Band Day d..1e, at which high school bands are gucjts, has been set lor Nov. C when Kansas Stale comes here. "The ch.'e has been set so that conlhct will not prevent this an nual gathering of music makers in Memorial Stadium next year," Don l.enlz. university band di rector said. Frosh Kcrcpliou Cunccllctl The Chancellor's annual recep tion for Freshmen students has been cancelled. The oil ice an nounced this morning that due to conflicting activities there will be no opening Xor the reception at U.ii lime. Exec Board Theme for Tentative jilans for the annual Farmer's Formal hoale.l the agenda for the first meeting of the Ag Exec Board Fii day noon. Neal Baxter and Lillian Locke were named as co chairmen for this year's party which will be held on Oct. :. Traditionally a rustic affair, the country-stylo ball transforms the student activities building into a scene ivpro- (Jianjie ot (,lass Procedure Told Tuesday and Wednesday are the last days that a student may apply for change of class or sec tion from the assignment com mittee, state George W. Rosenlof. director of admissions, Monday. Procedure should be accomp lished in the follow ing order: The student should first see his ad visor and secure an add and drop slip if the request is justifiable. He should then go before the as signment committee which is now located at Grant Memorial Hall. The committee will make the fi nal decision on all changes. Students May Still Regislor In FA Groups University Orchestra, KOTC Varsity Band. University Singers, and two sections of the Uni versity Chorus are still open to interested students, according to Dr. Arthur Westlirook. director of the School of Fir.e Arts. Since the Chorus has always eneoiuraged students from all eol- leges to enroll, two sections have! Resignation from the Stude ,t been reopened. Section one meets Council of .Jo Ackerman. senior at 11 a. m. Tuesday and Thurs- ! holdover member and secretary of day under Dr. Westbrook. Section 'the council, and Jane McArthur, two meets on Tuesday at 5 and junior member from the college Thursday at 7:15 p. m. with Prof. ,, arts :md science, was annomn cl David Foltz. 'Monday bv Harold Moor, 11(47-43 Students interested in either , Council president. v norus or lingers can enroll wnn Westbrook at his studio. 101 School of Musi'-, any time today or Weiine-day. Those interested in band should contact Don Ben. 201 SM, and those in orchestra. F.manuol Wishnow, 210 SM. Or chestra opening are available par- ticularly and oboe In adc activities I,;,: id w: pei torma will the Chorus Union v. orat.i .i io in the string, ccti r.s. :'i"ii to traditi' at lout ball ga 1 st. .go : over;,! aces t uln il t ;( a i o I ! . : :es. t co,.; ei t vear. as oichi-lia. S lligclS aid help loim the l.ich resei,ts a Chora! soring at I tie '-Mes-Ti.e Sii.Li rs ; 1 is at at Christmas. SCUtS 'Oo'i so pre-Chri-t- iva.s. r..!i;i S in 1'e'oi uai v. av and an AVC Activities Begin Wednesday The university chapter of the American Veterans Committee will begin its 1947-1048 pim'ram of activities Wednesday evening, according to Faul It .gc rs. AVC chapter chairman. Opening meet- ing will be at 7:15 in room 316. oi the hturtent Linen. Guest speaker will be Fugene Herman, aits and science sopho- more. Henna n 'omvd Europe last . . ' in,M",Mili' I X 'Nl II I I ft 11 ' I I I lv. Mr, In i i nervations of Europe's progress towards social and economic rc ciAery. All vc-teians of tie university are invited to attend the Alplia IMii ()nic:a Firt .'Mrrlini? I'lH-day Alpha 11 1 i OiiMiM. national Boy Scout service Ic.iti j i.ity, v. ill ha'.e iti lii't inciting Tuesday evenim'. a'-oni dii, a t0 Walt I.env,, pre. i :.t o the oi :'ajii.ati ,n. Tie nuc'Mi; will take ) lace at 7:30 p. m. in the Methodr t S".j dt lit la i t i i 7 B st ret t. AfJelplii 'IVa The fail li.'iod'i. toiy 1. ;i of A''c!l)''.;a, an oi;an;a'i . j i on y campus for unaudited wom :i. was hc-1 I Saturday in the uinon from two tf five. Ov er lifty girls, .signed ti e gut st book, and c i joyed spiced t a and cookies w hile new and old mi m- bers t'iscusscd social ilans for this fctintittr. Plans Rustic Annual Event " 1 senting outdn.r '. i mode is also c costume for t .leans and rite: war's ati..u ti illl'-'i out o ( !i:n! .0:1 on .tUK'd bal ill I.. I 1. for seating purpn-cs rl II shoi ks for ,,tino j !a re. Students of Ag Cut. pu w:'l participate in an electi in on Tut -day of the nance we k to deti : -mine the Farmer's Formal queen. All senior guls who have a tot.d of F!) houi s or above and a'n a v : age of I'O or better wi'l be eligible lor the honor. Last yc.u's hoi:oivi was Betty Frem h ot Auburn, Calif. Tickets will go on sale Tl.u. day for the dance which will tex ture the music of Morton Wells and his orchestra. Other committees named for the affair include: presentation and election Mavis Mugiave, Marianne Sib. and Frank Loetlil; publicity Ned I'aun and Charles Brim: tickets Bub Hamilton. Du nne Milliter, and Mai.joiio Heyi.- olds; decoration' and John ('. r; Kellogg. Gwc n Monsi chancri 'ii.i - D Tiro Members Leave Student Council Posts Both 1. inner incmbi rs submitted it igiuitions at the I . t . . I spring meeting of the emm -il lullov. mg o'ice from the AV.'S lloard that they wee oir-pu. :;te.l. ?.i iss Ai ia.'i ir.aii l e' ; la Co; A : 1 1 of ' position as i-ditur husker. Similarly. the is now a inaoag:i"; ed.. Col i, 1'usker and a i:,ci,.i r.l. i :n :i P"c ... I -a The '. i li ic U:. f Ma cs oii.ei A v: s .Is t1 , ; aiai ( ! C t d 1 C or Put 'Dall ocielv Filings Open Till Wednesday All sUcu i,is iutere-'i-d ing the position id ii ' on the Daily IVebi a -kan a eoit .P e a. ked ..J ; ii a c in by i v , s Dal.i! l.V all. to of file a 'plications in t! the school of join n. ! Wednesday, Si pt 2. announced Monday I,-. Nootny. Da,lv ed.-'or I Appii. an..,, 'blanks m..v ,i..K,i'(i ii, the i ci J' oflae. The V in. I. . .' e( k jIll, 4u ill. will meet this I appla ,ii.i !. ; ing to )r. r the p. V.. I. .I'.u: n '4 as I s il a ' v rector , I! . The the loinar t op Iiddock , l' S I ( 1 ( I . I I : O w as . to,. ). 'I .U as kan. M ci .r. or C, 1:. !,:!! e Pi li 0 I J, ' .,. ,, (. .... i.. v ,.ti an i j Yr:ttlin.k Cirrus oi :;:..' l.c ! ta.n , and ch.hs w i,o v. ant li'.ii io Ihf 1 1 4 fi Cm n): ! t .!. A' kern.; cdi'or, at once. Miss Ikuid Monday. Jc II .a.' ,- i ker f ho .: 1 n. en i i, . , Ac kcrm.ami