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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 27, 1947)
Sunday, April 27 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 T 42-0 Win vr Hi's BY GEORGE MILLER. Husker footballers put on a pleasing scoring display Saturday afternoon in a scrimmage session which marked the close of the fifth week of spring drills In the Scarlet gridiron camp. When Coach Bernie Master son's varsity units had finished their tactics against an assortment of Nubbins, the red-shirted Corn huskers were out in front by a 42-0 margin. The Nebraska backs ran and passed with authority during the workout, scoring in a variety of ways. Clctiu Fischer and Dale Adams of .the .opening .backfield .took coring honors with two touch downs apiece. The first unit set a swift pace as it rolled to a trio of tallies within the first fifteen minutes of the scrimmage. All members of the Nebraska coaching staff were pleased with the showing of the NU gridders. Warm weather and sunny skies served as a tonic for the moleskin candidates who have been plagued with chilly weather and overcast heavens during most attempts to get in contact workouts. Fischer Scampers. Fischer, the compact St. Edward halfback, streaked to the first touchdown on the third play of the scrimmage. After the ball had been put in play on the 20 yard line, the first team advanced the ball to the 32 where Fischer took over. Darting through an opening in the Nubbins line, he outstepped all pursuers to cross the double stripe 68 yards away. Quarterback Dick Thompson did perfectly on the place kick for the extra point. , Adams was wholly responsible IM Notes The intramural headquarters re quests all teams and players in the softball leagues to observe these rules: (1) Players are not to wear shoes with cleats or spikes. (2) Baserunners cannot leave their base until the ball has left the pitcher's hand. (3) A batter hit by a pitched ball is entitled to first base. (4) Each competing team will bring one man to help umpire the games. Monday softball games: 5:00 Field 1 Sigma Chi vs. Beta Theta Pi. 5:00 Field 2 Phi Delta Theta vs Phi Gamma Delta. 5:00 Field 3 Zeta Beta Tau vs, Sigma Alpha Mu. First round deadline for horse' shoe matches is Monday at 6 p. m ii "If n; mw ilevi wit Nki i Prt-SmoM Dr. lubtw pipi it would nil it bruklnj to!" No Breaking In No Bite No Bitter Taste, n r i l i L jr - w 350 500 Foshiontd by Unknxm Dr. Grabow Pipe. Co. Inc. Chicago n, III fofthe second varsity marker. The Randolph freshman, converted to fullback from a halfback post this spring, snared an errant Nubbins pass to Pesek was good to the pass and returned it to the B team 15 yard line. Thompson's 6ix-yard line and Fischer fum bled the ball to the three. At this point Adams blasted through the Nubbins line to carry the varsity club Into a 13 point lead. Again Thompson added the extra point. With a new Nubbins outfit on the field the first team scored again. It was Adams who picked on another pass from his line backing post and ran to the B team 10 yard stripe. Fischer tore around his own right end to hit paydirt standing up. For the third time Thompson made good with a ' left-footed placement, Boby Riedy holding me bail. Adams Scores. Tired of setting up scoring plays, Adams took things into his own hands and rambled 80 yards when the varsity again took the ball to make the score 27 to 0. A timely block by End Jack Pesck enabled Adams, to get past mid field and the husky freshman had just enough speed to keep ahead of a determined B team pursuer. lhompson added the 28th point. George Bostwlck provided the high spot of the afternoon for the Nubbins when he ghosted through varsity territory with an inter cepted pass to reach the 32-yard line before being downed. The North Platte halfback bounced off five or six would-be tacklers dur ing his jaunt. Nebraska's second backfield was inactive when the fifth touchdown was scored. Fullback Darwin Salestrom smashed across from within the five yard line to cli max a steady drive featured by the playing of Bill Mueller and Frank Collopy, halfbacks on the second backfield. Quarterback Joe Partington had good luck with his passes, nailing big Carl Samuel son, newest of the NU end crop, and Alex Cochrane several times during his tour of duty. Pass Clicks. A pass accounted for the final Nebraska touchdown while the third team occupied the gridiron. Dick Thompson rifled a 25-yard aerial to End Jim McWilliams, who fell into the end zone after making a running catch. Among the line standouts were End Carl Samuelson, who showed plenty of ability in both the pass catching and defensive aspects of his new Job. Center Tom Novak was hard to beat in breaking up Nubbins plays, while Tackles Gor don Hall, Mike DiBiase and Charlie Toogood came in for their share cf praise. Spring practice for the Huskers will end next Saturday with a fi nal full-dress scrimmage. Lineups: Prof. Hemphill To Attend Annual Architects Meet Prof. Ben F. Hemphill of the architecture department will rep resent the Nebraska Architects Association and the Nebraska chapter of the American Institute of Architects at the annual Amer ican Institute convention which is tobe held April 29 to May 1 at Grand Rapids, Michigan. More than 600 architects from all parts of the country are ex pected to attend the convention. Seminars covering the design ing of schools and hospitals and urban planning will be held for the membership. WANTED STUDENT HELP IN THE UNION CORN CRIB Afternoon and Evening Hours " IN THE DISHWASH ROOM Afternoon and Evening Hours IN THE UNION MAIN OFFICE 5:00 p. m.-7:30 p. m. Monday Through Friday INQUIRE AT UNION OFFICE Our Forty-Second Year! 6l3 fa 0 0 s ti jlor a Swell Swim wear outfit to match tkat nw summer tan comma up m a few weeks, Sec your campus representa tive, aclt ,fewman..m Simons sports wear corner. Drake Relay Results DES MOINES, la. Results of the Drake Relays found the Huskers with a first place In Javelin throw, a tic for first In pole vault and a third place in the half mile medley. Herb Grote won the Javelin toss with a distance of 196 feet 8 Inches. Don Cooper tied with Tom Bennett of Wisconsin and Bobby Lowther of Louisiana State in the pole vault at a height of 13 feet 6 inches. Placing third to Texas and Baylor was the Nebraska 880 relay team. The Texas team won, clocked at 1:25.9 which equals the Drake record. Major League AMERICAN I.EAfll'E. Nw York S, Waahlntton 1. Philadelphia S, Hontnn t. Cleveland , Detroit 0. Chlcaco I, St. IxuU . NATIONAL. I.EAOIE. Brooklyn 7, New York S. Bonton 1, Philadelphia 1. Cincinnati 3, ntUbtirih X. Chicago 4, St. LouL 1. Outdoor Trach Carnival Next On IM Slate An outdoor track and field car nival will be the next big event on the intramural calendar. This two day meet will be held May 12 and 13 at the Memorial Stadium track beginning at 5 p. m. both after noons. Ten events will be run off, four on the first night and six on the following night. On the list of Monday .activities. .are .the 12 pound shot put, broad Jump, 440 yard relay and sprint medley re lay. All men not on the varsity track squad or track lettermen are elig ible for the meet. The entry dead line is Friday, May 9 at 5:00 p. m. No entrant can compete in more than four events, and track shoes will not be used. Each organiza tion must have five men compet ing to gain Jack Best competition points. Free Flicker Show , Old-Time Movies of Yesterday Charlie Chase in "Bromo & Juliet" Laurel & Hardy in "Do Detectives Think?" Andy Clyde in "Taxi For Two" 8:00 p. m., SUNDAY, APRIL 27 Bonnie Com p ton, Organist UNION BALLROOM Free Variety Show Soiii.-i Ilcsiie Hay Millniicl Ilobcrt Ciiiimiings "EVERYTHING HAPPENS AT NIGHT" 8:00 p. m.,: Sunday, April 27 Ag Union College Activities Bldg. Jn.". 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