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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 29, 1947)
WEATHER ValU4 Mtlw Weihr BttreM Weather report for April 29, fcs received from the Lincoln Weather Bureau: Tartly cloudy, hlrh temperature around 73. W Sat Ig 1 rfmtstut STUDENT EXCHANGE PROGRAM Vol. 47 No. 126 LINCOLN 8, NEBRASKA Tuesday, April 29, 1947 Contestants, Song Leaders! G. E. Young For Ivy Day Announced To Address Contestants for the women's Ivy Day sing, and their respective songs and directors were released today by sing chairman Jane Mc Arthur. Singers listed in the order in which they will appear are as follows: Gamma Phi Beta, Dora Lee Neiderthall, "Gamma Phi Beta Sweetheart"; Alpha Omicon Pi, Donnie Wageman, "Beautiful Lady of Alpha O"; Towne Club, Anna Sorenson, "Pearls of Friend ship"; Kappa Kappa Gamma, Shirley Lierck, "I Love You Truly, KKG"; Delta Delta Delta, Betty Nicodemus, "Deltas Mine Alpha Xi Delta, Barbara Vesley, "Whether Her Hair Be Gold or Brown"; Alpha Phi, Barbara Jean Olson, Two Bright &tars ': Sigma Delta Tau, Annette Jacobs, "When Hies letting Sun"; Terrace Hall, Rosa May Harney, "Terrace Hall Girl". Alpha Chi Omega, Peggy Shel ley, "Toast of Alpha Chi Omega"; Ssigma Kappa, Jean Lock, "Sigma Kappa Loyalty Ode"; Chi Omega, Margaret Ann Amend, "A Chi-O Girl Who Wears a Pin of Pearl"; Residence Halls, . Arelene Kostal, "Sweet heart of Raymond Hall"; Howard Hall, Rosa Bouton Hall, and Wilson Hall singing together; Gladys Kasal, "Smoke Gets In Your Eyes"; Kappa Alpha Theta, Jo Ackerman, "Would That Wishes"; Love Memorial, Florence Arnold, "Why Do I Love You"; International House, Laura Wil derdink, "It's Spring Again"; Delta Gamma, Mimi Hahn, "DG Girl"; Cart Hall, Rita Maginn, "In The Still of The Night"; Pi Beta B. Holcomb New Radio Club Prexy Betty Jeanne Holcomb, arts and science junior, was elected presi dent of Alpha Epsilon Rho, hon orary radio group, at a meeting held Thursday in the radio stu dious of the Temple. Miss Hoi- comb, who is a t radio assistant, " is also presi- I dent of Delta Sigma Rho, $ forensic honor- 4 ary. She is a member of Co ed Counselors, j y squad and was the first woman to win the Long aeoate cup which is awarded an nually to the most outstanding iresnman debater. Other officers elected are: Mar ilyn Davis, vice-president; Patri cia Guhin, secretary; Patricia Hey nen, treasurer; Margaret Han ock, historian; Mike Vaggalis, re porter, and Mimi' Hahn, pledge chairman. - New pledges to AER are Av Bondarin, Kenneth Greenwood, Bill Lucas, Bill McBride, Dean Neill and Ralph Sears. Eligibility rules for Alpha Epsi lon Rho membership require one year of radio, a weighted over-all average of 78 and an 85 average in radio courses. Convo Today Slides of Russ Life Scheduled Phi, Marilyn Nelson, "Sweetheart of the Wine and Blue." Judges, who will be announced In Friday's Daily Nebraskan, will cnoose three top winners on the basis of total effect, blend, pitch, and PenerAl ghnoornncA Representative. U. S. Denartment "L 5? ?P"si of Agriculture, representing the singing, at the appointed time. official, of the Secretary of Ag ricuJture on!.e Missouri' Basin t Inter-apenrv Committee, will h''d -0 , id main speaker of the day, today,ry at 4 p. m rariors ayc or the Student Union. Mr. Young, who:le has been with the U. S. Depart-0-" ment of Agriculture since 1935ver recently returned from a six-ep month leave of absence to go to Russia on the UNRRA mission to Ag college students and alumni Byelorussia. me who have attended the college j , ,n8 i ivii . luuim wan Ki uuuHieu iixiiik. thru Carl Raymond Gray scholar- Purdue university in 1923, an&il ships are getting together at the received his master's degree irt00 Student Union, Thursday evening, agriculture and economics iron i i. v. Purdue in 1927. Mr. Young waii. :Vr , 1"1'u"s" a member of the Purdue Agri. ui aioinus Btiiuiai&iup cultural Experiment Station Staf " tor lz vears. in Of the hundreds of students who Tha Hicrnccirn ttAav urill i have benefited from the scholar- the subject of "Farm Life in ByefT ships awarded in the past 26 years Prussia." Unrestricted picture1' about 125 are expected to attend will be shown as siides by M osh me meeting, ine occasion ior me vnn in a tro naar y,tA meeting is an opportunity for the Russian ..Iron curtain." a m. students to meet some of the Un- ,: ,,,,-n , j r. ... "F0 the fine par" WVUVU VH hVSlllC.V V lillC 10t1 wlrkrsW V. A 1 . A i lTt Which wiU be aAnSan ImplSs o y n -win lire Ei a n qe Scholarships Negotiated With European Countries A program of exchanging scholars with those in certain foreign countries this year will be established by the Uni versity this year, according to Dr. Geprp.e W..ficTZMTOMtie 'one V!rM. 1 OL. H. A. wiled 1 OPreMbyterlBn Ag College Will Honor Carl Gray Both 4-H club members and Smith-Hughes students in high schools in counties through which the railroad runs are eligible for the scholarship. The scholarships were made possible by the Union Pacific railroad, through the ef forts of Carl Gray, when he was president of the road. Theatre Group Presents Last Of One Acts The last Experimental Theatc L. I. Frisbie, state 4-H leader, m . . . . . , , Akiv. V . 4JApVllllVlltdl lll( nUlr3L " Presented Thursday at 7:15 p. rr . 'Z.1? 'V; . li C I" the Studio Theater of thus loiuuau jjicniuciii aMvcu wiiaii i TemDle might be done to boost the en- . roiiment at the college. The schol- "Before Breakfast." a Eueei arships were then set up for 4-H O'Neill drama written, in th fnr; ciud memc-ers, ana were awaraea of a monologue, will be given to outstanding Doys and girls Mary O'Donnel who plays th wuu l " juiuwauLdiijr anu part of Mrs. Rowland, a naggin. were leaders in 4-H activity. Lat- wifp whn i rciHon nt i,. J lOOO A I- - V -1 I " ' v...v...v v - " - ci, in iio, ine btnoiarsnips were east side New y0rk also made available to Smith-1 Hugnes vocational agriculture stu- A sophisticated comedv. "Fart dents. well to Love." hv Florence Rver- in. . , , , i awn miu vuiiii iciiicilla. Xiao a The success of the scholarships L t ... rr., , J,.J AXaiJSSSfJSS' Lrma B"Ua. and Dale Wis- deeply in love but continually run thru the routine of bickering and fighting and then make up. Max Whittaker, experimental theater director, is directing both plays. Eighteen Men Join Honorary Yl A. J. a a .iKiueen siuaenis nave Deen ni n n i pledged to membership in Sigma I lilOCK liriflle uetta Chi, men's professional jour- .j.. nalism fraternity, Scott Green- llDPfc I Irl Greenwood, president .- announced Monday. Richard Wahlstrom, ag junior, nas been elected president of Fledges are to be initiated Into Block and Bridle, asr animal hns. L l - a w a - mm. - me soeieiy may o. mose named bandrv club. Wahlstrom an ani. , iiicuiuviMUii ucuige au- mai nusDanary major, was a bott, Paul Scott. Gordon Bolks. member rf th innirr T .i70cfrlr Don Amsden, Dake Novotny, Judging team last year and was Charles Greenlee, Robert Hertzler, high man in the annual student v-iarence nauiman. .uaie anrn- I inHcrino rnntoct r.i tu; bruch, Glen Speidel. James Lar- "'6- son, Clesson Jeffrey, Sid Bradley, Other officers elected were Rob Frank Rail, John Bergstrom, Rex ert Hamilton, secretary-treasurer: dribble, Bill White and Nome Dwight Baier, vice president, and Anoerson. jonn Bran. h. historian U I day contest leaving the play today o i ' wide open to all. Watch On The Bum? Stop In And Let Bill Look At It AT GreenV Watch Repair 1341 P St. 5-6533 KOwned & Operated by World War II Vet Our Forty-Second Year! California Inspired... CARDIGAN JACKETS 12.95 Pure wool polo cloth, for work ... for play . . . for dress! Light- w.JfTStl.ffcft reports from 32 midwestern schools, to Washing ton, D. C, by the League of Worn en Voters for the use of their reg ular lobby there, and will be brought to the attention of U.N. delegates at Lake Success. CityCandidates To Talk Tonite At AVC Meet Lincoln city council candidates Rees Wilkinson and Willard Townsend will address the joint meeting of the university and Lincoln chapters of the American Veterans Committee tonight at 7:15 in the Colonial Room of the Lincoln YMCA. The meeting will be the second in the series of talks by Lincoln city council candidates- T. R. Pansing, another council candi date, spoke at the April 15 meet ing of AVC. It 5 - and traditions. Three unsigned copies accompanied by a sealed envelope containing the author's name must be submitted with the poem. Entries will be judged by mem bers of the English department faculty and the winning poem will be read by the author during the presentation of the May Queen's court on Ivy Day, Saturday, May 3. UN Staff Members Give Report to Iowa Alumni The Des Moines, la., Alumni club of the University of Ne braska Alumni Association got a first hand report on the univer sity when three members of the Nebraska staff met with club members at a luncheon Friday noon in Des Moines. Director of Athletics A. J. Lew- andowski, John Bentley, director of publicity and assistant to the atheltic director, and Fritz Daly, secretary of the Alumni Associa tion, spoke. 1MI-VETS 1 k-i. (3 ' mum F u LbLiuv . ABC Room ' Student Union 6:30 P.M. 85c Per Plate. Dinner Tickets, 209 Nebr. naff iit dm WEE: Gay Feistner and his. Orchestra Membership Card Admits . Member nd Guest 9-12 Union Ballroom i i S i if" 5-