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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1947)
Page THE DAILY NEBRASKA Thursday, April 17, 194? Counselors Will Initiate 147 Sunday Coed Counselor Board members will hold initiation services Sun day at 1:45 p.m., in Ellen Smith hall for the 147 girls who have been selected to serve as counsel ors next year. are: Maxlne Ludwlck Marilyn Legge Mary Libemhal Trudy Lucas Shirty Laflln Louise McDiil Jean Ann McLaughlin Girls selected Becky Allen Helen Anderson Flalne Arenson Alice Babst Betsy Bahensky Mary Barton Marian Battey Lura Lea Best Bernioe Bessal Father Beynon Marilyn Beyer Pat Black Betty Hloss Suzanne Bockea Maxine Rohaboy Janet Bohl Pace Bolyan Patricia Boyd Charlotte Bricker Dorothy Brown Patricia Brown Wanda Buell Shirley Burton Ruth Byers Phyllia Cadwallader Louise Carter Iorothy Cattle Marjorie L. Clark Margy Cherny Connie Crosble Beverly Cunningham Rosemary Deffenbaugh Mary Alice Dosek Barbar Lee Dunn Jean Kckvall Grace Kdllng Marilyn Kidam Janet Falrchlld Jean Fenster Valora Fiddork Ruth Ann Finkla Marian McNaught Mary Helen Mallorjr Jean Mann Mary Ann Marshall Mary Mattox Clara Lee Maatallr Marilyn Ann Miller Genene Mitchell Mae Mnuk Lydia Nekuda Luana Nelson Claudia Neuenswander Betty Nlcodemiis Margerite Noota Pat Nordin Ruth Norman Janet Nutzman Helen K. Ochsner Mary O'Connor Peggy O'Ponnell Beverly Owens Camilla Talmer Kloise Paustian Donna Philpot Harriet Folansky Donna Pratt Klaine Putensen Kathryn Rapp Dona Reagan Shirley Reckewey Georglanne Redlger Kathryn Rhodes D. Ann Richardson Kathleen Flaherty Annla Gllmora Nancy Glynn Mary Lou Graham Pal Graham Norma Grothe Pat Guhin Catherine Ham Juanita Ann Hanger Lorraine Hardt Myra Hnupe Colleen Haworth Diane Hayes Lois Hayes Carol Henrlckson Patricia Hlckey Nnrmajean Hock Betty Jean Holcomb Erther Virginia Horot Hazelle House Patti Hyland Dorothy Ichlnaga Genene Jensen Joyce Johnson Jeanne Kerrigan Shirley King F.sther Lamb Virginia Lampshlr Virginia Lange Pat Ijirsen Dorothy Lasher Peggie Lawrie JoAnn Learning Lois Richmond Pat Rolfsmier Dolores Rum Eugenie Sampsoa. Mae Samuelson Myrna Samuelsoa Helen Savles Ula Mae Schall Shirley Schnittker Mary Kllen Schroeder Kathryn Schwartl Virginia Seller Dorothy Sen f ten Jeannette Sherwood Sylvia Shykf n Jeanette Sieloff Ixls Sievera Betty Stehly Janet St ration Pat Toof Mary lxu Tracy Ruth Tropell Kliza Venable Sherrll Von Bergen Marilyn L. Vorhees Wary Jewell Walker Marianne Ward Marjorie Wilbura Janice Wolford Wanda Young Barbara Zemer Alita Zimmerman Religious News Inter Varsity Christian Fellowship. There will be a meeting of the Intervarsity Christian Fellowship tonight in room 313 of the Stu dent Union at 7:30. The meeting will include several reports on the J tint Nebraska-Kansas Intervar sity Conference which was held at Topeka, Kansas, April 11-13 and will offer special music. Presby House Activities. On the Presby House calendar for this week are the following: A spring party to be held in spite of the w eather this Friday, April 18, at the house; a work party is planned for Saturday, April 19, and all who are Interested in help ing with some odd jobs around the house will meet at the house in old clothes at 9:30. A lunch will be served at noon and the party will adjourn about 2:00. The Ur ban League is joining in the work and a reciprocal work party will be held the following Saturday at their house; Sunday evening, April 20, at 5:00, Georgette Khouri, a graduate student from Lebanon, will speak to the group on "LJie in LDanon. Vespers. Miss Kadv B. Faulkner, assist ant professor of art, will speak on . . , a .i a a. "Religion Througn Art" lonigni at 5 in room 315 of the Union. David Evans will play the organ. 0 for U I t spring's scintillating, extra-curricular campus uhirl you'll delight in our GAIiA-ANI-TMEN-SORlIE PRESSES the go to all lengths to make you the magnet for glances. And . . . 2 there's a wedding in your futur you'll more than ador our memorably romantic collection! Our collections begin ol '2995 IF? $ ifSlf 'J 1 pi $s t nil I ' Uf ill A