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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (April 17, 1947)
Thursday, April 17, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Paqe 3 Scarlet BasefoaSEars Leave on Road Trip An acid test looms for the Husker baseball team this week end, for the Scarlet nine will meet two Big Six foes in two game series. First stop on the trip will be Norman, Oklahoma, where Coach Tony Sharpe's squad will play the Sooners Friday and Saturday. On Monday and Tues day the team will move on to Columbia, Missouri, for a pair of games with the Tigers. The Huskers are undefeated in Big Six competition at present, boasting two wins over Kansas University. Fifteen players have been named for the road jaunt. The traveling squad left Thursday morning by bus. Fritz Hegwood leads the squad in hitting at the present time Deadline for Net E Uries Today J 1 entries for tennis singles and doubles play are due today at room 207 in the coliseum by 5 p. m. Both these sports are Jack Best events and each organ ization mny enter as many as eight players in the singles play and three teams in doubles play. Tennis courts between the armory and the coliseum are available for use and will be the site of all matches. Pairings will be posted Monday, April 21, and matches will begin at once. Independent men as well as fraternity men are urged to get their entries in by today at 5:00. The only men ineligible are those mebers of the varsity tennis squad. .671 .438 .400 .333 .333 .333 .231 .188 .125 .125 .125 and with a tremendous .714 average. Next in line is Thurman Wright who is sporting a .571 mark. The averages: R ABH H Pet. Fred Heewood 4 7 2 5 .714 Thurman Wright 3 7 Jim Sharp 4 1 8 Bob Grogan 4 15 Hob Ha vi 4 12 Wea Maser 3 6 Harold Jacobs 2 6 Bill Denker 4 13 Butch Matthews 4 11 Bob Cerv ... 3 8 Sam Vacant! 2 8 Bob Bchlelger 3 8 Husker traveling squad the numbers players will wear during the road games: Pltchsra: Angelo Oaslno. Omaha 8): Harold "Tap" Jacobs, Lincoln 9; James Sanrintedt, Omaha (231 ; Elroy Oloysteln, Waco (18i; Wallace Schccf. Gretna 5. Catchers: Orvllle. SchmeldlnK. Oresh am (19); Robert Cerv, Weston (21). First base: Thurman Wright, Rich mond, Ind. (7). Second base: Hobart Havs, Lincoln (12). Third base: William Denker, Elkhorn (17). Shortstop: Robert Grogan, Lincoln (HI. Outfielders: James Sharp, Omaha (31; Wesley Maser, Lincoln (221; Shirley "Butch" Matthews, Kntirk, Muss. U4; Fred Hegwood, Omaha (10). Softball Next On IM Slate Opening day for the 1947 intra mural softball season has been 'set on Monday, April 21, when jfour bames have been scheduled i to initiate the new season.- In the 'three fraternity leagues and the two independent loops are includ ed 34 teams, all of which will complete round robin schedules. I I.KAGI E I. I Phi Delta Theta, Phi Gamma Delta. f'gma Phi Rpsilon, Alpha 4i amma Rho. Cjrnhuaker Co-op, Zeta Beta Tau. l.KAGl K II. Sigma Alpha Epsllon, Pioneer Co-op, Alpha Tau Omega, Delta Tau Delta. Farm Louse, Theta XI, Kappa Sigma Sigma ivu. I I.EAGI K in. I Beta Theta PI, Phi Kappa Psl, Brown 1-ilace, Beta Sigma Tsi. Tau Knppa Ep- .on, Delta ITpsllon, Sigma Chi. I I.EAGI K IV. 1 YMCA. Huskervllle I, Hskerville othodist Student House, P. P. 8., A.en s Club. I.KAGl E V. Field House Vlnevllle. Yanks, L.S.A., I .eshyterian House, Lilies. I Games will be played on the six fields that are at present available r; 5:10 and 6:30. All forfeits will be declared five minutes after the scheduled time of the game. The big feature of th softball play this year will be the twilight games that are scheduled at 6:30. This will enable all players to compete in such games since classes could not conflict with this time. Seven Innings. All games will be seven innings in length unless both teams mu tually agree to end the contest before that time. Officials will be furnished by the teams with each team furnishing one official. I Contrary to the policy carried on in all other intramural activity t lis year, cancelations will come oily from IM headquarters and fie only cause for deviation from tie regular schedule will be rain. Bats, balls, and catcher's equip ment will be furnished by the iitramural office and may be checked out at the cage in the coliseum. Track Team Looks to KU Relay Carnival Coach Ed Weir and his Husker cindermen will travel to Law rence, Kansas to vie for honors in the Kansas Relays on Friday. The list of Scarlet entries will be announced today by Coach Weir. Private automobiles were to be used to transport the squad to the relays, but instead a bus has been chartered, so a larger group will be taken. Nebraska will be represented by a larger team than participated in the Texas Relays. Workouts have been somewhat handicapped during the week due to bad weather. IM Scores Volleyball. Prown Palace S. CiirnhUHker II 0. VKA t. Miles I. 111! Delta Theta S. Beta Sigma INI 0. !icma Chi 2. Theta XI 1. S ema Alpha Mo 2, Sigma Nil I. 2ta K-ta Tau 2, Kappa Sigma 1. Sigma Alpha Kpsllnn 3, Alpha Gamma Kho 0. Pri Gamma Delta S, Pioneer Co-op 0. I.SA 2. Ag men 1. B-ta Theta Fl S, Sigma Mil Kpftilon 0. I Wat?r Polo. T I Kappa Psl SO. Sigma Alpha Mil 0. S ma Alpha Kpsilou 1, Tau Kappa Ep silnn 0. Z ta Beta Tan 23 Farmhouse 3. Badminton. S tma Alpha Mu 2, Kappa Sigma I. National league Krailta. St. 1ouln 4, Cincinnati 1. Hope Reports Hollywood Life With Lamour Unemotionally ' BY BOB HOPE. I'm supposed to get out of char acter and do a serious piece for your newspaper. .. all about in teresting sidelights on life in Hollywood, dodging Colonna, mak ing movies and records with people like Dottie Lamour. No kidding, that's what they asked for. Make it unemotional, they said. Give us the straight dope. Tell us how it's done. Imagine! Did you ever try being unemo tional with your favorite brunette taunting you all over the set? Did you ever try singing over Dottie's shoulder and keeping your eyes on the sheet music? It can't be done. And anyway, who wants to be unemotional about a thing like that? Lamour. Take our last picture, for ex ample. ' I could have won Dottie jj Classified jj WILL TRADE 1 room apt. in- Omaha for 3 or 4 room apartment In Lincoln. Call 3-3500 evenings or D. C. Harris at Phar macy College. FOR SALE Red cocker female, 7 weeks, full-blood. $15.00. Phone Beverly i-47311. LOST Wine and l-'ick striped flcbaeffer pen In Crib beiore Sprint; Vacation. Phone 3-7354 June. IJST Mon. afternoon, lady's gold watch. Call l-473. 'Beka" in the first ten minutes. That didn't make sense, and I insisted on a script re-write so I wouldn't get her until the end. That made it easy to stretch out shooting time and rehearsals with Lamour. You really have to sneak up on these things or they'll happen and be over before you have a chance to enjoy them. The last record we made could have been made from two songs we already knew. But that meant I'd only have a few minutes sing ing with Lamour. So what did we do? Somebody wrote a tune we had to learn. Of course they stole the title from the name of the pic ture (My Favorite Brunette), and that was silly because the tune didn't even turn up in the film. ii. Ag ZVTrfflflffiJX dl&ffl POTATO-CHIPS (S&lf DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR FROM ftMJ i e.BLS. MKKIDITII'S CAFE vv;-: IT A J ii si tiittrec 2-1470 RES I ifcf fi v r .v v p hi I0y w' iff xvtr. s' ' "X I "" I ...i ui-IM.-. i l i vv filter the smoke. II I 1 l;jS.j ...ursoownnicotme. -J VI I I Cult down irritating tors. I ,C..-a.l . , , , ,,. .i: I In zephvrweiaht aluminum. II 1 1 1 ..... II tl .M ,11.11,11 I.N.I..II.-I. III..I.I.M 1.1.,. n ,.,..,., III... M...,,,, .,., J I aai 4 ...flL. 1A I I.. 1 I ii w rA wirn iv Tiller, nanujr pvven i ana girt box I FOR BIKE parti and picnics go to Fred's ilent-A-Bike, 25th "N." 5-912K. SMITH-WARREN ORCHESTRA Ploying 9 to Midnight Friday, April 18 44c per person Union Ballroom Juke Box Dance 9-11:30 p. m. SAT., APRIL 19 Union Ballroom HOSIERY SECTION TIKST FLOOE .. trie, e7 X ifJim MM i yn VI M JfMPniy Tielen is fatrtr than fair, Okr tyts lit tuv stars o'er ibt sea 7ler dress ts as riabt as tbe cwrf of ber bmr, What a sUck Uttlt cbkkm is shel SHE AtWAYI WEARS HOSIERY Teamed-up for you since '82y T-rrrE'RE symbols of a unique industrial team that ty has been working for you for 65 years. With our research teammate Bell Telephone Laboratories we've helped to give you the world's best telephone service at the lowest possible cost. "My part of the job is to supply high quality products that meet exacting standards. "I vianufacturt telephone equipment . . . purchase all manner of supplies for Bell Telephone Companies . . . distribute equipment and supplies to them from stocks maintained at my factories and my 29 warehouses . . . install central office equipment. "Right now, I'm providing more telephone equip ment and supplies than ever before. Using all my knowledge and skill, gained through years of experi ence, I'm going at top speed to catch up with the greatest demand on record. "Remember my name . . . it's Western Electric" Western Electric A UNIT OF THE BELL SYSTEM SINCE 1882