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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1947)
Sunday, February 9, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Page 3 UM Swim Team Wins; Gymnasts Take Loss A stirring last lap spurt by Marvin Grimm in the 400 yard xree style relay gave the Univer sity of Nebraska swimmers a win in this event and a 43-41 tri umph over Oklahoma Saturday night at the coliseum pool. Trior to the final event the Sooner tankmen had a 37-35 lead, but Grimm's superb an chor lap cave Coach Ilollie Lep ley's team their second win of the season. Grimm, Wilber, Nebraska mer man, also scored wins in the 50 and 100 yard free style events to take high scoring honors for the evening. Other Husker win ners were Conrad King in the 200 yard breaststroke, Les Old field in the 150 yard backstroke, Roger Moore in diving and the 300 yard medley relay team. Sum mary: 300 yard medley relay: Nebraska (Old field. Draper. Klnj;); seeond, Oklahoma (BrlRhton, Bacher. Womble). Time. 3.23.3. 200 yard free style: Won by Burna (O); second Racx tO); third, Burr (N). Time, 3:34. .10 yard free style: Won bv Grimm (N); second. Hill (O); third, Campbell (N). Time, :24.4. Diving: Won bv Moore (N); second, Robinson (0; third, Klily (O). 100 yard free style: Won by Grimm (N); second. Hill (O); third, McHllliams (O). Time. :55.2. 150 yard back stroke: Won by Oldfleld (N); second, Bacher (O); third, Womble (O). Time. 1:53.1. 200 yard breast stroke: Won by Kins tN); second, BrlRhton tO) ; third. Green berg (N). Time, 2:47.6. 400 yard free style: Won by Raei (O); second, Burns (O); third, Burr (N). Time, 5:50.6. 400 yard free style relay: Won by Ne braska (Branch, Campbell, Draper, Grimm); second, Oklahoma (Burns, Womble, Racx, Hill). Time, 3:51.1. 47 Batterymen Out for First Baseball Drills Forty-seven men responded to Baseball Coach Tony Sharpe's eall for pitchers and catchers. With the opening game with Colo rado University less- than two months away, conditioning work outs will be held indoors until the weather permits practice out doors. The basement of the field house, which is large enough to accomo date five batteries, will be used for early workouts. The remainder of the squad will report in two or three weeks. Jim Sandstedt, Tap Jacob, Wally Scheef, and Dick Lebbs are the returning chuckers from last year's squad. Sand stedt pitched in the Pioneer Night league during the sum mer while Tap Jacobs twirled with Sand's in Lincoln, where he won 19 games while losing three. Bill Kinnamon, regular catcher for Nebraska last season until a broken finger sidelined him, re- ported for practice. Whether or not he will be eligible to play still remans a question. Battery Mates. Elroy Gloystein, star twirler for Utica of the Cornhusker league last summer, and his battery mate, Orville Schmieding, also re ported. Portsider Gloystein won 12 games including one no-hitter, a couple of one-hitters, and five shutouts, while losing only four Schmieding was the team's lead ing slugger and, while in the army, caught such stars as Tommy Bridges, Ken Gables and Bob Savage. LeRoy Schumacker, another newcomer, had a 13-3 record dur ing the summer while pitching for Platte Center in the Tri-County league. Dick Todd, Millard fresh man, who hooked up in a couple of pitching duels with Fremont's Paul Menking in legion ball, also made his appearance. Players reporting: ' Pitchers Del Wlepind, Kearney; William Vocker, Stanton: Dick Todd, Millard; Glen Tim mono, Eustis; Sterling Standape. Phillips; Marlon Spldalleri. Tuckahoo. N. T. : H. D. Sell, Louisville: Jerry Schmidt, Fchuyler; Charles Rommel, Omaha; Dwayne Puller, Lincoln; Max Powell, Central City; Aneelo Ossino, Omaha; Robert Noel. Larranee. Indiana; William Meyer, Greenwood, la.; Justin Manvlta. Omaha: R. B. Lowe. Wolbach; Keith Lowe. Huntley; M. D. Krbsbach, Virginia; Milroy Kantor, Wahoo; Norman Holra berg, Phillips: Cliff Hermonce. Raymond; Elroy Gloystein, Waco: Morris Gaiter, Lincoln; Hobert Camp, West Point; John Brady, Lincoln; E. C. Alfrey, Louisville; Raliegh Gissler, Osceola. Catchers Duane Birt. Oxford: Marvin Weber, Randolph; Orville Bchmledinc, Gresham; Dale Olson. Oakland; RoRer O' Donnel. Lincoln; Dillon Neu, Wakefield: Bill Mundell. Gothenburg; 3. Maxwell, Weehawken. N. J.; Jcroid McDonald, Gen eva ; Ken McArdle, Elkhorn; Robert Lowry, Cairo; Beaver Lemmor, Grand Island; Ed Gegenbach, Eustis: Walter Egeers. Byron; Dennis Freeburg, Petersburg; D. E. Deer son. Benninngton; Bernard Dennis. Ar nold; Wlllard Branson, Stanton: M. E. Blatchford, Ponca; D. Blatcliford, Mas kail. " Coach Charlie Miller's Scarlet gym team absorbed its second loss Saturday night when the potent Minnesota squad won all but one event to take home a 91 to 59 win. Phil Sprague was the only Husker to triumph, as he won the trampoline event, George Patten won two events and tied for first in a third to pace the Gophers. Summary: Horizontal bar: Tie for first between George Patten (M) and Howard Swanson (M); third, Jim Peterson (M). Side horse: Won by George Patten M); second, Phil Sprague N); third, Leo Gcler (N). Flying rings: Won by Don Headstrom; second, Phil Sprague (N); third, Jim Peter son (M). Parallel bars: Won by Don Headstrom (M); second, Howard Swanson (M); third, Phil Sprague (N). Long horse: Won by George Patten M); second. Jim Peterson (M); third, Leo Geier (N). Tumbling: Won by Jim Peterson (M); second, George Patten (M) ; third, Don Headstrom (M). Trampoline: Won by Phil Sprague (N); seennri Jim Pui.Mnn u k . , ..... - ...... IIIIIU, UVIIC Sundeen (N). Trial coffee hour periods will be inaugurated this Sunday. If the events prove to be DODular. thev will become a weekly feature. Huskers Host To Cyclones A triple header basketball pro gram featured by the Nebraska Iowa State meeting will be on tap for university sports fans Monday. Coach Harry Good's Husker varsity will entertain the Cyclones in the third meeting of the season between the two teams. Iowa State won the most recent en counter, whipping UN 61-44 at Ames in a conference battle. Earlier this season Nebraska nipped the Iowa Staters 54-51 at the Big Six preseason tourney. The Varsity game is slated to begin at 8 p. m and will be preceded by two .Nubbins games. At 5 p. m. one section of the Nub bins will meet Luther college of Wahoo, and at 6:15 another group of the reserves will play a return game with Concordia of Seward. The Husker B team won the first engagement 66 to 48. A win for the Husker varsitv will give the Scarlcteers a foothold in the first division. Nebraska defenders will have to cope with Don Paulson, lanky center, and Ray Wehde, hotshot forward if they are to silence the Cvclone attack. , i in nmn i il WsftfsTsWme Books Supplies V HrlEa for A1I classes Your "Expendable Kits" and "G. I. Vouchers" When turned in at BUY MORE MERCHANDISE THE 1229 R ST. LINCOLN. Ntlft. IVl'il Free Variety Show Dorothy McGuire & Robert Young in CLAUDIA 3:00 p. m Sunday, February 9 Union Ballroom 8:00 p. m.. Sun., Feb. 9, Ag Union Coffee Hours, 5 to 6 p. m., Union & Ag Union Gym Shorts By Lois Fritz The spotlight in women's intra murals the past week has been focused on basketball. Thirty-four teams have been entered in the tournament. Practices began Feb. 5; the tournament games begin Monday, Feb. 24. First practice schedule: Monday, Krl). 10, 8 p. m. Alpha Phi, ri Iteta I'hl. Tuesday, Feb. 11, 8 p. m. International limine. Kappa Alpha, Thrta, Towne Chili, (art Hall. Wednesday, Feb. 12, A p. m. Wilson Hall, Sigma Kappa, kappa Kappa Gamma, Delia 4amma. Thursday, Feb. IS, A p. m. Gamma Phi Beta. Terra, Hall. Saturday, Feb. 14. 9-11 a. m. For those Who missed their scheduled prartlre. IM Basketball A TKAM. Phi Gamma Delta 47, Brown Palare 20. rhi Gamma Delta star: Myers 25. Brown Palace star: Welch 6. Brta Thrta PI 30, Theta Xi 9. Beta Theta Pi star: Emmctt 7. Theta XI star: Suhliioklhur 3. Sigma (hi 34, Phi Kappa PnI XI. SlKma Chi star: McWilllams 6. Phi Kappa Psl stnr: Schneider 6. Phi Delta Theta 29, Farm House IS. Phi Delta Theta star: Cady 10. Farm House star: Damkroger 7. B TKAM KKSU.TS. Phi Delta Theta 35, Beta Slf-'ma Psl 24. SlKma Alpha Kpsllon 17, Kappa SlKma 14. Theta XI 31, SiKma Alpha Mu 9. (inllopinK Dominoes 34, Pharmacy College iSH. OiillopInK Dominoes star: Robertson It. Pharmacy College star: Hladlte 14. engineers 17, Methodists 9. KnKinecrs star: Shoneyfclt 8. Methodist's star: Thomas 4. 'UNION OPEN HOUSE For All Students DAVE HAUN'S ORCHESTRA Playing 8:30 p. m. 11:30 p. m. REFRESHMENTS IN UNION LOUNGE Jay Norris at the Hammond Organ SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 8 AT THE STUDENT UNION Only Admission Your Ident. Card I ii i. ini.sjBmuiii.aiiMniijiipai sst.iisiijwl.'llJ-y'tjBjiW 1 -.-. J.... . ...J ... -.. i ii the gift for your Valen-leen! Look-zy Miniatures the 8-on-a-chain charm bracelet Top suggestion on a Valen-teen'a list is this bracelet of jewelry fan. Well-known kitchen cans like "Crisco, "Heinz Baked Beans" and others, reproduced in accur ate miniatures, in true colors, swinging from a silver finished charm bracelet. And they're all mounted on a gar Valentine card! 1 00 pics tax - GOLD'S ... Street Fleer A Gift That Endures A PItOTOGRAPHIC-PORTRAiT is a source of much pleasure to one's friends, As a token of affection and remembrance, it is certain to be appreciated. And when done by Townsend, it is certain to be artistic and distinctive. 56 Tears at 216 South 11th You're the man most likely to Succeed You're head and shoulders above the crowd when you appear in a Van lleuscn Sport Shirt. Van Hcuscn Sport Shirt collars are styled and tailored to look right, fit right, with or without a tic keep you trim and comfortable wherever you go. Magic sewmanship and bSoratory-tested fabrics give you tops in rugged wear. Tailored in bright colors and patterns, to fit and flatter your torso! Graduate to Van Heusen today! Phillips-Jones Corp., New York 1, N. Y. ...Ill Van Heusen sport shirts Made by the makers of Van Heusen Shirts, Tics, Pajamas, Collars, Sport Shirts