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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 9, 1947)
Page 4 News Honorary Discusses Aid To Prep Press Possible ways Sigma Delta Chi may aid in sponsorship of the state? high school press conven tion in Lincoln Feb. 21 and 22 were presented the journalism fraternity Friday by William H. Hice, university professor and past president of the Nebraska High School Press association. Fraternity participation in or ga: izalion and planning of the convention is definitely planned, Scott Greenwood, president, told members. The group will work with Theta Sigma Phi, women's jour nalism honorary, under auspices of the School of Journalism. Con vention planning is directed by the Nebraska High School Press as sociation. Officers of both journalism honorarics will meet Wednesday to map final plans for the event, it was decided. Alumni Speaker Chancellor R. G. Gustavson will speak at the Lincoln Alumni Club's Charter Day dinner, Monday, Feb. 17, at 6 p. in. in the Union. Fred Williams, president of the club, said reservations may be made by calling: the Alumni Association office, 2-1181. Ext 58. Knapp Appointed To Librarianship Paul Knapp has been appointed as Divisional Librarian in Science and Technology of the University Libraries Friday according to Frank Lundy, Director of Univer sity Libraries. Before coming to the University of Nebraska Knapp was librarian of the Research and Development Library of the Owens-Corning Fi berglass corporation in Newark, O. He has previously served on the staffs of the nublic libraries in To ledo, O. and Jackson, Mich., and as chemistry librarian at the Uni versities of Cincinnati and Illi nois. The new librarian holds bachelor and master degrees in library science. Pre-Med Group Taps Nine Men Theta Nu, honorary fraternity for pre-medical students, has tapped nine university men for membership. They are: Frederic Ware, Oma ha; John C. Schutz, Steinauer; Ernst A. Yeck, Lincoln; Ainton l.. Kaiser, Humboldt; Roger E. Wehrs, Milford; Harris w. tsaroer, Omaha: William C. Allen. Lin coln; Hans Roth, Jansen; and Leo Hmnicek, Lincoln. Two Wesleyan students were also tapped. 'Daily' Application Applications for assistant business manager and special feature editor positions on the Daily Nebraskan will be ac cepted until noon Wednesday, Feb. 12. Interviews will be held Feb. 13 at 4:00 p. m. in Dr. Fellman's office at 108 Social Science building. Salaries for assistant business manager and special feature editor will be $20 and $10 respectively. RADIO REPAIR Work Ruaranteed. Will pick up and deliver. Wilson ic Garrat, 3-3672. CRITICALS t S RING. ZIPPEK NOTE BOOKS CANVAS LAL'NDKX MAILING BAGS Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street VALENTINES A grand selection for your approval Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14 DONATIONS BY DON AMSDEN. Thursday's column was quite a success! When I mentioned that your opinion and suggestions on what you wanted to pee discussed here would be welcome and desired, I didn't really expect that results would be immediately forthcom ing. I didn't think you'd respond with practically, an avalanche of notes, letters and memoranda. And I was right you didn't. Your silence was deafening; unless I could count the scribbled postcard that hl?w into the Rag office during Thursday's dust storm. And all its illegible scrawl said was, "Who are yotj, vr:t?n' a column, ya bum?". Touching, lira? Now, if my illiterate friend meant by what authority was I writing, I have the Innocents' per mission to make this my class "B" activity. And never mind what I consider class "A!" On the other hand, if that bil let-doux really meant literally, "Who are you?", all I . can say is "Nix." J'm saving the story ot my delinquent childhood for an other column. Suffice it to say that I was born of parents. Also you may say that I started to school at the early age ot. And it's no use thinking of revenge. My parents (rest their souls) are be yond retaliation. No, not dead just committed by a friendly psy chiatrist. As for the epithet at the end of my fan mail obviously hurled by a frustrated columnist. If I asked you to sit clown anil, in one continuous uninterrupted speech, tell me all you knew about any one of the subjects you took tlpmvntafvr (JUUL, irilh flowers from HILTNER FLORAL CO. TLANTS CORSAGES - CUT K LOWERS 135 So. 12 2-2775 if- nice vcays to Flowers Candy (Gift s FLOWERS In special bou quets corsages plants or prepared the way you wish and delivered in trans parent boxes. CANDIES This is a new department with quality w e e t s in heart-shaped boxes, as well as specially packaged candies. GIFTS Our gift shop is fa mous for unusual items made of precious and semi precious materials. Domestic and Imported gifts. FLOWERS A2VD GIFTS Continuout Service 59 Years 1338 O Street . 2-6928 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN last semester, what would you think? Well, you'd ex nee t me to realize that you might momenta- 1 nlv overlook some things. You'd expect me to realize that it might take considerable prompting to elicit all the information you ac tually did absorb about the sub ject. In short, you wouldn't want me to base an opinion of what you knew on that one monologue even if I gave you three hours, would you? All of which is simply my ap- 1 proach to this examination ques tion, i everyone eise nas taken a shot at it. Guess I'll just "fire one" and retire.) I won't take a chance on giv- ; ing free rein to my thoughts on three-hour exams! Unless it's 1 simply to say that I know of at j least two universities from per- ' sonal experience that shun the f marathon quiz. And they seem to 1 get ty. inree-nour quiz! 1 can't holp thinking there must at least be a public health law against such prolonged restraint of movement. Even David O. Selznick had to split Gone With the Wind into, two sessions and all his audience had to do was sit! Yet every person reading this has sat in class while the instruc tor was bombarded with "How many questions will there be on llic exam?", or "What sections of the book will the exam cover?", or "Do you expect us to remember that for the exam? Those are the most common responses an in structor gets when, after putting forth considerable effort on an en thusiastic lecture, he asks if any one has anything to add to the OX say u A I fi tif I M . LiliMf, topic or a question. It must be disheartening, par ticularly to an instructor who happens to have a desire to really teach his subject. And, to their credit, a lot of them have. But it must be discouraging- to- face this constant preoccupation with examinations. And yet you can't really blame the student. If the exam itself is goven such all-fired importance, who's to criticize if he sets his sights on the exam it MM '4 to nV X I up FEBRUARY 14TH! Beautiful simulated pearls to clasp her throat. Coro's singK double, and triple strands. $1.95. $3.95. $5.95 pius Us Lingerie is an unerring choice! Our lush eyelet embroidery or ecru delicate slips are trimmed with lace. Nylons, rayons, and silks. Sizes 31V2 to 40. $2.98 to $10.98 k'$:j I " Gift Wrapping Tool First Floor Sunday, February 9, 1947, self and is Inordinately proud of any knowledge he happens to pick up in the process? The majority of persons enrolled here are far from stupid. They know that any thing they memorize in a few hours' cramming will be gone in a few days. But they know too that it's a time-tested way to pass the all-important exam. With so much emphasis on the mechanics of examinations, that's more im portant than learning! ft 8 ! 1 o ai 9 y 9 V For scentimental reasons: Secret de Suzanne cologne, $1 to $3; per fume, $3.50 to $15. (plus tax). Other fragrances in clude Toute de Suite. Heure Intime, Beau Catcher. A i J J f)