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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1947)
J Thursday, February 6, 1947 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Paae 7 U I B C C orge Miller - ... vumms Leftovers from the UN-South D.ikcta State b;i.sketb;ill name: Kaiis arc wondering just how many point Claude Hetherford would have amassed had he re niained in the name longer than 14 ni'iuitcs. In that brief time, the hotshot connerted for 12 points, and the manner in which ho was hitting coupled with the angles from whieh be shot indi cated that the high scoring for ward might have established some kind of a scoring record. The now class hankhoards did not seem to hamper the Iluskrr marksmen, altho two regulars, Rodney Cox and Joe Itrown, failed to dent the sroring column. Nt lnaska has Rotten an earlier ac quaintance with the transparent targets during; the Kansas City tournament and also at Louis ville. Kentucky, when the Univer sity of Louisville provided the romictilion. 4 South Dakota State Coach Th in 1 MeCrady had good cause to wi'ihier about the perils of road tiii - . Prior to leaving for the An ."ii:. tana and NYbraska cn fiam ir.ents the Jackrnbbits had faili i to win a game away from heme. The team defeated Augustana in a N'.-ith Central conference clash on o.Mnday night but lost the ser viecs ol Ace Forward Jim Schmidt and (luard Ken Hummel during the tion. I'.oth players suffered sp:.,; Med ankles. "I'm keeping my boy-: ;,t home in the future," said Mi Craily before the game. The Jae;abbit mentor undoubtedly ri'M'A'i test. as A. l.-t this vow after the con- ("i .1 idy has been mentioned mMc successor for Ilobbs in a coaching or ndmin capacit.v at Kansas State. ':' e ;'"inj: to the Hrookings, S. IV : : '!, MeC'radv turned out .-"!: e o! tiie bevt small college ath '!: uads in the nation at Has t;: iollo;;e. Ho was a bitter rival kcr KruMi Coach Top Klein yiars back while the Pop as tutoring the ftearney Teachers athletes, k change artists please of III! .1 tew per v State note: Lad) Koite, squad member on the I .X. basketball team this sea son, switched his allegiance to Lairbury Junior College after re luming from last week's road trip. V.'lw'o the Scarlet squad was gnashing South Dakota State, Koite was scoring 20 points to lead the Fairbury J. C. aggrega tion to an upset win over Con cordia college of Seward in the Neh:aska Intercollegiate confer ence. Dick Pcderit, Nebraska's sur prism:; shot putter, will have to boost his season's mark a goodly distance if he hopes to win his pet event in the Missouri dual meet Saturday at Columbia. Late word from the Bengal headquarters contain the infor mation that F.d Quirk lias re turned to school and will be ready to go against the Iluskers. Quirk holds the Hi Six Indoor retold at 53 feet 's Inch and won the weight event' in the 1945 NCAA meet. I'edeiit has been advancing Ids best mark almost a foot per wik, his latest effort being 147 met ll'j inch toss against Iowa State. Missouri is amply fortified in the weight events since Nels Klaus, former Purdue husky, Joined the team after a season of campaigning in the Dig Nine. C ach Jerry Adams' wrestlers were the first Nebraska athletic squad to bent a iMnnesota team dining the '-16-47 school year. The yopl.ers had rolled over Nebras ka in football, basketball and SWiiimiinf Jest wait until the Scarlet Gymnastic team gets rolling. atest unsung hero Is wrestler J "aroia sholund of Gothenburg io replaced Harold Bokrr in the a pound class against the Min "la matmen last Monday. Sho :u'il was making his first start ln varsity competition and man f d to keep from getting: pinned tnruout nine minutes of milling gainst the Gophers' veteran Gail Abels, altho Abels had the upper "and thruout the bout. he Minnesota man could gain 0njy a decision and the two point 'Inference between a decision and ' fjdl was all that separated the 'Y and Gopher teams when the mt ended. w VAt 1 . i.i.nT,,M -...ii ii i. hi .t.iii, ,, ii.. ,.. -Si i, ii- i rum iii i l' Mfcn n a, mi Dougal Russell lows The vacancy on the Nebraska coaching staff, left by the departure of backfield Coach Glenn Presnell, has been filled by the signing of Douglas Russell. Athletic Director A. J. Lewnndowski announced Wednesday noon. Russell, a graduate of Kansas State College in 1931, lettered in football, basketball,, - Cyclone Inhncii Face Koti"1i Foes Iii Southern Trip (" Lincoln Jnunial Jl'MPING JACKS South Dakota State players surround Musker Anton La wry but the Nebraska center had enough spring to out leap the Jackrabbits and get possession of the ball dining the Scarlet's 53-34 win over South Dakota State Tuesday night. Foreign Court Hoodoo Haunts Bis Six Teams Itlli sl STANDINGS. pit .MHI .M Ml .4i'll 4INI :ct.i .3.13 21 ' 2:u 2J7 214 op 3m4 1HSI L'.VS Ji ifi Okl.ilioma 4 Ntt.-iiourt 4 NKHKASKA 2 2 Inwn Sl;it 2 Kan.inn Slnti- 2 4 .3.13 214 24S The road teams are leading the Hig Six basketball race as con ference quintets get ready to re sume league warfare after the layoff for semester exams. All told, the home team has won in 12 of the 15 conference games played thus far. Nebraska, Kan-1 sas, Kansas State and Iowa State' have racked up all of their con ference victories on their home floors, losing every time they venture into foreign territory. j If Nebraska is to move up in the loop standings the Goodmen will have to tighten their defense. Tabulations of offensive and de fensive averages show that Ne braska is last in defense, having allowed opponents an average of 51.6 points ht game. On the other side of the ledger, the Huskcrs are is good in this lar number of ranks sixth in scoring scramble. Twelve top scorers ence games only: contest. Brown the conference in confer- TuckiT (. c . . . Hi.wiv iKSi. f . Black IK i. f . . . K.-lhorfnr.l 1N1, f Pippin I M'. f Hriiwn iN'i, g Siliiifllli.'irtiiT 1 1C i . I Wrll.ll' ( ISi. ( . . , ', Cmiri v on. f . . . , l Mivri i IS i. I I P.-mlstri i IS i, e . , Ki h (Oi. f . 2 lTi 1 1 I'.' 21 m i.ri 17 1 li 1M 21 1.1 s .l 1 1 9 17 13 13 t hvk 7 1 14 f.o 71 1 1 J- 3 til 12 20 Ml 11. so .-: 1 1 00 .'2 10 lo .Mi In on 7 .Mi i) no ii k:i which place scoring a 46.2 pace enough for second department. Sooners Lead. The Oklahoma Sooners. rolling at full tilt after their early defeat by the Huskcrs, lead in offense averages with a mark of 50.4. Kansas is close behind Nebraska with 45.4. while Missouri, Iowa State and Kansas State trail in that order. Coach Wilbur "Sparky" Stal cup's Missouri Tigers head the defense column with an average of 39.8 points scored against them. Oklahoma is next with a 40.8 mark. Then come Kansas, Kan sas State, Iowa State and Ne braska. The Sooners' massive center, Gerald Tucker, has moved to head the scoring pack with 73 tal lies in five games for an average of 14.6. Nebraska's Claude Rether ford has fallen to fourth place with 59 points in five appear ances, while Guard Joe Brown has gathered 52 points in a simi- Phi Delia Tliela Heads Fralernilv Trophy Scramble According to statistics issued by the university intramural office, Phi Delta Theta leads the campus organizations with 920 Jack Best points. The basketball and indoor track points have not asiyet been recorded. The Phi Delts also have won more sports than any other group, winning the touch football, fall golf, wrestling, and swimming titles. The Sigma Nu's copped the bowling crown, the DCs walked off with cross country honors, and Sigma Alpha Epsilon led the pack in both table tennis and handball. The ATO's won the indoor track title handily. Standing of the teams: Phi Delia Thi-ta 920 Sitma Alpha Kilim . s.'! Siicnia Nu 640 PeMa I'lMllim li Alpha Tau Omrfca .VSO Sit;ma Chi . . M.'i Slltma Phi Kpsilon '' Phi Ouinuia Delta 4N2'-. Hi-ta Sltrnni Psi 4MI Delia Tau Delta 412'-. Beta Theta Pi . Phi K.ipp.r PM . Zeta Mela Tau Si:m.i Alpha .Mu Thela XI baseball and track. He played against Head Coach r.ernie Masterson in 1932 and 1933 when the latter was quartcrback ing Nebraska teams and again in professional football when Russell played with the Chicago Cardinals and Cleveland Rams while Mas terson was with the Chicago Rams. Russell played five years with the Cardinals and a year with the Ranis. He coached Hot Springs (Ark.) high school two years and then enlisted in the navy where he served four years. After discharge from service he returned to Kansas State as back field coach, lie developed Carl Kramer, Harold P.ryant and Vic Joiies as punters to the point where they were among the best in the Dig Six Conference the past season. Two Year Tact Russell was signed to a two year contract at $4,500 per year. The new staff member played against the Cornhuskers in 1932 when Louis (Bullet) Brown ran back a low, angling punt in the last few minutes to give Nebraska (5-0 victory. Russell is 35 years ld, mar ried and the father of an 8 year old son. lie will move to Lincoln immediately from Manhattan. "This is the first replacement for our staff. We are working on others," Lcwandowski said. "We feel fortunate in being able to obtain a coach with the back ground possessed by Dougal Rus sel, both a player and a coach." Jane Withers and Diana Lynn are two of Hollywood's closest friends. Now twenty, Jane is starring in Pine-Thomas' "Danger I Street" for Paramount, where Di ana is under term contract. AMES, Iowa. Iowa S.ate moves into Oklahoma this week end with wrestling meets sched uled for Saturday with the Soon ers and Monday with Oklahoma A. & M. The Saturday clash brings to gether the two "winningest" wrestling teams in the Big Six. Oklahoma and Iowa State are at the top of the conference in num ber of wrestling titles won. The Monday eneountct will pit the Cyclones against the team which has won the national title some 13 times in a row. The eon test will finish a cycle which has had the Cyclones facing three top wrestling teams in the nation Oklahoma A. & M., Iowa Teachers and Cornell. VALENTINES .4 grand st-lection for your approval Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14 CRITICALS J Si 3 RING ZirPER NOTE BOOKS CANVAS LAl'NDRY MAILING BAGS Goldenrod Stationery Store 215 North 14th Street THE UNION PRESENTS AGAIN 6 Free Dancing Classes Donna McCandless, Ir. rnctor 7:30 p. m., Tuesdays, Beginning Feb. 11, Union Ballroom 7:30 p. m.. Thursdays, Beginning, Feb. 18, Ag Union Contract Bridge Classes Drle Uall, Inslrurtor 4:06 and 5:00 p.m.; Thursdays, Beginning Feb. 13 Union 313 5:00 p. m., Tuesdays, Beginning Feb. 11 Ag Union . 4' Li :iti.'i , :iu'o 31.1 2:i0 Pioneer Co-np lwo Kappa Kicma Kami House I-'"' I'ornhusker Tn-np 1-0 Alpha (i-imnia Kho l'-n Krown Palace I'1" I'elta Sicma PI 1U0 !iTrprmTiTilU.aiJ n-.-r, . t . , n ...... Innm 1 1 ini nu; riJI I WE HAVE THE KIND OF YOU LIKK TO SEND AM) HKCKIVK . A LARGE SELECTION FOR FIIIKXWS-FAMILY-SWEKTIIKAIIT EASTMAN KODAK STORES' Inc. 1221 O STREET A Gift That Endures A PrfOTOGRflPHIC-PORTRAIT is a source of much pleasure to one's friends. As a token of affection and remembrance, it is certain to be appreciated. And when done by Townsend, it is certain to be artistic and distinctive. 58 Tears ai 226 South IHh