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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Feb. 6, 1947)
Pago 6 THE DAILY NEBRASKAN Thursday, February 6, 'MIUUITtuulWIWJIgillW'Bf:il''IWI"'MWBl -y.uaMiinn'wiwi'Winw w'nii'nin 'I'm' unr'm""""''-'' i ? : , i M ' S it - , v i A . J . . v . . .. , , s k AM- 15V HI.MSl l.l (:(.: mm- the is Nebraska ivi rarer Mori i stunt against the l'i n i r- C , !' .v. " ' v-- .4 . . - ... . t . -:v . f f - V y. . ' f- - -i . v " - . . - '; ', vv' --- . -.- v i . . . v , , i m.v J: ' .r. " 1 J v I h, . 1 ? , i .-.-- s r-, . -. . i . ; ,V. .. i S s 5 7 , A 1 vj i', V s I - - J "" 1 V. H ' - I : - . T " . . j ' v - ,- : '..x.- f . " .v. . v - r- I I 111' .. I, .,!: Ii'.i'l M-Tl U ho !;!! I" I l . i.'.il M.v: . in l;.. . : C . .,;,i.i! l, Scarlet Track Squad Ready For Tiger Test BY WALT l.OOMIS. Kollowini; thoir one-sided tory over Iown State last week end, t ho C'ornlmsker trackmen re turn to the indoor boards this Saturday nij;ht for a dual meet with the Missouri Timers. At Columbia, Nebraska will at tempt to haiiu up' their second victory alotij; the i'o;id to the Six indoor championship, which they so often held prior to the war. Tin performance against Iowa Slate indicates one of two things, either the Cyclone squad is far below that which has won the indoor ehainpionship the past three years, or else that the Corn hiiskrrs have a very potent squad tins year. The 7 5 23-28 13 mar gin of ictory over the Cyclones was one of the widest in the series of meets between the two schools. However, Co.n h Kd Weir is not ountini; his chickens be I ore they aic hatched, for he believes that his stpiad is lacking in depth. The et (plat tei -imlei s Dick Youn;; Hill Moorhoiise will be y IV ii 1:1 that clepai tnient. 11(1 .Men Drop. Hi- It I i t r ecasls i "i.i 1H 1 1 to . pped out ol ter and Moor to pa; s" up the ri icr to de'i te ! t I o 1 , i s 1 1 1 'A .ii k ; t T . : j (j " j ! v-. ,V"V" -.'.V V'.j .: - jf ',..H,v... " v '.,..., - ' . ' l "' . S 11 j .' '. . - . , J', yv ' -1 . m - (L . h X.ikSl'i'f ..J.i I r pie vaulter Hon Cooper nispl.iy-; inches aeamst Iowa State in For M.t !i: ..., ; pi n:'( r - Ii: . i i i lei i.l aic NOIiMAX. Okla, Oklahoma's eajie have K"t n lot of ; of reading that AT "ru e Drake, proxy, must atisfaction out story describ- I m V If '.1 11' Tl..'i . : I I I f I r lory a' oil. ' ( mial ca ilv s. bl!t s l.ot "ill Mooiney 1 'lit.' Ware, idelir.ed tor h of tune by loWOIS thl Missouri Sal ami im; So I in a. Iiad leen for points in due to his lei: I eon able to ( I lI.INd IM.IMIll I) Hu the torm he Used lo i leal the t'?i' track team's open is a I ri : lnnan and is one tiack k 13 le.t ni: indoor appeal anee. The Voik ath of th( brightest prospi-ets on this ye. ( Daily Nebrakan 1'hoto ) in liow Max Palmer, the seven font seven-inch Vance, P.iss.. liijili school boy, was revohit ioniin.n basketljall alon '.he Mississippi delta. Because in a recent isMie of Salute magazine, Drake predicted Llax Palmer with amazing ac euracy in an article titled "Bas ketball Beanpoles." an Orson Welles preview ol when- Drake believes basketball is i;oin;; un der the present rules. In liis article Drake created a fictional young giant eight feet tall whom he ealled Cangleshank. eoaehed him two hoirs and stuck him in a game. In Drake's story Oangleshank stood by the sid? of the goal, fielded high passes from his teammates and in prose at least, proceeded to shoot the op position club out of the gym nasium. The young Sooner coach look a lot of kidding in his own slate after that article appeared but now that the world lias heard iiuoui i i -w;ix rainier, lets com pare Max with C.angleshank and .Nil I I.l ana A! I I'.'ll.l I'l sil ,:l S.nna A i In I ., . i l lo ;.i ioit'..- n.'i' Alj I. i i aunm.i la 1 ' .- Tall I'. It i Hfia Siiimn I'm l!rtiMi l' .'i, .n nice tl, veai lAIir.lHOlaffVIll' yirsiiy Lim Irani to Oppose UionSatiinIa l'i'lta i 11 Kiv. nwn.i I n :: Ti'inn'v. winner of the GO yard dash in the t'yilonr meet, aggra vated an old leg injury and will ; be out of action for at least a werk. i Mooi;:c'.- lo; .s will not ho felt '" stio'i: ly, however, lor Weir! still ha Duk Hulton. the An- j burn vj )ci m b t or , and Al Thump- son, one ol the most promising lit omen pro- peels, who can be Coach Charlie Miller's Univer sity of Nebraska gvmnastics squad will make its second appearaia e of the season Saturday afternoon against the University of Minne sota squad at the i oliseum. 'up The boy score- of the Ni !; ka -South Dakota Stale r.. tilled to appear m WYdneso Daily Nebraska!). Here aie lineups for the contest in v. hi. h ' I I US Kt V N. I Mk , M. In-iihi.ll 1 I'Ol i ( )la ers Slate ; ( appeared i if i i ." i' aa . i.n.i : ! K Alpha Tan Oin. Siina .n . . SIKIlin l"hl Kappa Simula li'!':i Tail I !!. Simula I'l i K....' I r,.n r.ii.u,. Tin Oaninin SiKina Aiph:' It. la 1 1. iia A 'pl.n . I 1 I'K'll Ii.-.: I'l- has v. h ii'i'eil on tor points in the nuts. Thompson also tuipturcd l hoi...;s iii the sixty yard low u rdle i," iiii'-i Iowa State, lying e ,.; . c, , .id ,,f (17,2. Alth.oii. !i Weir is lacking in i"'!h throm.h.oiit the squad, he as one or two men in each event The Nebraska team lost its opening match to Colorado last vi -..L- l.i.f .. .ii. . I .. , , . - v -. mi o ! m e j 1 .ii 1 1 1 e time under their belts the Scarlet I pet formers are expected to turn in ! better performances. A poor 'showing on the fKing rings cost jthe team a chance to defeat the I Coloi adans. for the lings had not been installed on thr stage long enough to give the Buskers a i chance to work out on them. are , ii in canabli an f . I tl I II L r i '. Now meet. m lai'.rant. Spiague Stars. Phil see how often tjie Sooner called the turn. Short Time. Drake wro)p, "(Jive me ; 74 or 8 leet tall and I'd two to p coach to boy have '.ours iy a Tia-ta a I'll! l.':tl I . ;-i.:tiLi i '..rnliu..-i S:fna , 1 1 . ' . I'l.i Kappa I-..I in :iia..-:,. 1:. . a ii. I P v. i 'mi. Il'IH'.H .:u;i.'r TP.-i Don net. ; Coo .rape, with i . ti f "l: I M , I', i a Yoik piod I the ceiling Sat a leap of I ,'i feet 7 1 " do ,iult and sin v s e of I'.oin: uell over isoii prop ri'sses. l.iiicoln strong io shot put 47 fe-t n the yiMi's first tli lit 1 1 work with him only JC.'ore he d be readv game oi uasketball. The critics hooted at that, alleging it took Henry Iba, famous Oklahoma Ag gie coach, four collegiate years to make a player out of Bob Kur land. Yet the AP story reveals that Palmer, the 7-7 Mississippi boy, is only a ninth grader. Regarding Oangleshank, Drake wrote: "We formed a four-man zone defense before their goal. Where was Oangleshank? He hadn't g;one down on defense. He hadn't moved out of his tracks beneath our goal." By gun, neither does the real flcsh-and-blood Mississippi ninth grader. Of his tactics, the AP story quoted his coach as follows, "We just let Max stand there and wait for passes. He never has to ro down the floor. We use only four men on defens.." Of Gangleshank's "accuracy" Drake wrote in Salute: "Our feeding passes, miles over the heads of the opposition, were snared by Oangleshank who with his right hand held high in the air, moved the ball directly over Roal and released it neatly, like a barkeeper placing an olive in a nartim glass. Two points, dead asy." n ,.p ... p,V.' II I'ltllk.- -. i lie 'mil M.I I III Smut nv I. hi.' J.i llll.-lo '.'.Jtl . I- H V t) Vi't'n i.i I.l V-.V.l I.lla'D I'll :i runn y ChHi'm- . I'. V.. Club ; Y.MCA ' lallupiiiK liimiii s . . . ruintrrs .iiioii IV Whiz Kill Si'afram'.i 5 Kni:inoTH . MfUuiilist's KOTO '..'.'.'.'. I'resliyterian lluuse ... Newman C'luli lr..pp,..l. Iicch (jiven one . m. in. hi i'l eat 14 leet as Duk Pi boy, p.p-la - IP.. 1 i. he, met t. This c out ; tl fiipthcred by r K-- ter ei i! i i' i gi '"ii, loi n. 11 and trai k ina:i fn While on:je!,ng pra tire. T. .op,, od ball o-, i , 4:; !,.,.t. ;, mark which w i. ul. I I ,, e ! , ,-ti t;,,o, enough to will be further the M'ri.nd se d Chai lev Too Male footballer in Noi th Platte just for the heaved the iron roll, lace last week's ul .sprague, I.ealine. headed O,.. 1 . . on- ,n- ;n.i ci uupgeiu Willi .1 tirst in the tunilding and trampo line events. Leo C.eier was the , only other Ncbia ka man to place1 in any events. i In 1913, Coach Kalph Piper's last season before rnterine the army, t lie- Minnesota gymnasts Miail only one meet that with , Iowa I're-riight. Four mrmbrrs ; , of that '4:i group form the nucleus ! of the current .Minnesota squad of si men selected by I'iper to carry .the load anainsl Nebraska. They are Ann- (iillurtson. a senior and .only man awarded a letter in 1!M3, Don llrdstrom. James It. ' I'eterson, and Oeorge I'atten. Ah are from .Minneapolis. i. sili'Mr t II llannoi sa-:- : I! 11 -is, ll in S T. .:..! Ni'l,r.ii.i K, OaTpil.l l'i, t I Ii S.-hlriKrr I IP n k c, r k 1 Am,.T:.i.1 I . I a r v c S.'i -,-i.M f . ttlil 111 I . 1 P a. k f ' K.-a' iv.K t : K S li'i't-r j IP. s:.... .1.1 K i K.l Pll K )P.I.:..n k ; IP .- t I.: . ,i . n il. Pi, h k 'PiiiPi n Ip-.Vl l Ilk f I t ri- in ii n n Huiti ni,.-' k l 1 i i i I 1 11 1 1 in .'s It I I ii n n o v ii n ii on p ii l l ii l n ,i ii l n ,i ii i o i H i' l ci ii i T. i.-iii 2 rt " s,-of .n In'l yl.r..!ik.- 31. s,- l'i j - i , mii.i.a- i',,rn,f O.lnn. i.'r.'U I'l"". J"e j .Io,x, n, I.inru.n Gym Shorts i i i I 2 I 2 Kveryni horse, and as win Jim Peterson. Ciilbtrtson is slated to concentrate on the . ''. titi7 rrpi :i :i:i;i has I Classified RADIO REPAIR -Work Ruaranlopd Will pick up and deliver. Wilson & Garrat. 3-3H72 RED AlKsator liillfold lost. Helieved lost in Co-op Book Sioie. Call Lee Russell. 3-4183. Reward FOUND Maroon n aif Owner call Gor don Johnson, 2-7741. AUTOMATIC Rrvorrt P'.avi r for sale 10 and 12 inch roenrds. New. $35. Phone 6-41)33, Bob Joiin.ion. pear in five events- iontal bars, side horse, and tumbling. rings, hor !"ng horse. tak meet j lleilstrom, a Sopbomoie, will Hobby Oinn in tlie half and oicte in tb.o rings, parallel bar.-., r..... .-.II- - . - l IliMlf I, nun ,,.! . I . I . .. - . (hi 'in- rrius, .il o II I r n "n""hk ceii'..s Kinder, the Cambridge kangaroo, ! in the luqh jump. Kalph Kins and Rob Hrrkshire in the hurdles, and Dick Miller in the pole vault are the other men upon whom Weir is eeunting for points throughout the season. With a little more competition tinder their belts, these men should place the Corn huskers among the track leaders of the midwest. Down at Columbia, Coach Tom Bott's Tiger squad has been bol stered by the return to school of Ed Quirk, former Big Six and 1915 NCAA shot put champion. Quirk holds the Big Six indoor shot put record of 53 feet Vh inches. Floyd Oaultney and Bob Chase are two hurdlers who are capable of giving the Nebraska aggragation a run for their money. Beyond that, the strength of the Missourians is unknown as they have not participated in any competition this year. .j 'By Lois Fntz Four tournaments were com pleted in the first semester of coed intramurals. Leading the con, pe tition weie the Alpha Omicron J'i horizontal bars. I'atten will ap- 1 teams which copped the two lust War I'risoner to Compete. Howard Swar.son. former Min neapolis Roosevelt High luminary who was a Jap prisoner of war for three years and four months of the five years he spent in the Marine Corps, will work the -horizontal, side horse, and parallel bar events. Hon Peterson, freshman from Minneapolis North High, will en after points in the side horse com petition. The current Gopher squad is the 15th directed by Piper since he came to Minnesota in 1929. Dur ing that time his teams have fin ished third or better in the West ern Conference every year, and captured titles in 1936. 38, UO, and '42. v soccer-baseball and vollevbao: and one second, bowling. Gamma Phi Beta follows with one first place, bowling; and one second, soccer-baseball. The Alpha Xi Delta's placed second in volley ball. First place in the recently com pleted table tennis tourney was won by Mary Mitchell. Chi Ome Ka, who defeated I-ois Oobar, Kernel. Tournaments on the tentative schedule for second semester are badminton, basketball and soft ball. Basketball will begin Monday, Feb. 10. Practices start today. A hfi.ilth if riot a llhvsical education class and two practices will be required of each partici pant. Intramural representatives should watch the bulletin board for practice schedules, according to Marjorie Bock, basketball head.