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About The daily Nebraskan. ([Lincoln, Neb.) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Jan. 22, 1947)
i i,',.J,...,,. , 1.,., . THP nflTTV MTDD K Pf . XT nr I . . iMi-j-iioriN weanesdav. cmuarv 947 Page 4 Botany Expert Retires, Plans Virus Studies Dr. Albert F. Woods, prominent research authority on plant life, and former Nebraskan, has re tired as educational advisor of the United States Department of Ag riculture Graduate school and plans to join his son, Dr. Mark w. wooas, in an investigation of filterable virus. Dr. Woods received his Bat chelor of Science degree from Nebraska in 1890 and his mas ter's in 1892. In 1912 he was a warded an honorary degree as doctor of agriculture from the university. Three brothers, Frank H. Woods IT t lit . iuaiK w. woods and George J. Woods, and a sister, Mrs. Helen Woods Haecker, reside in Lin coln. In addition to his research In viruses, Dr. Woods has done out standing work in determining causes of plant diseases. Other honors include being chosen as a delegate to the International In stitute of Agriculture in Rome in 1905 and president in 1925 of the Land Grant College association. He holds honorary degree from the University of Maryland and St. .TcIid's College. Annaonlifi. Dr. and Mrs. Woods now liv at Hyattsville, Maryland. Queens . (Continued from rage I). Mimi Loomis, Joanne Patton and Ruth Byers. Preliminaries. In the preliminary judging, the sixteen were selected from a group of 45 candidates put up by their respective houses. The Beauty expert committee chose the girls on a point system rating mem on carriage and poise, walk, hair, proportion, complexion, eyes, make-up, colors, expression and hands. The girls were scored from one to nine on each nf lhfv Hi- visions and the sixteen with the highest total score were named semi-finalists. By Ellie Swanson. "And what are VOil rlnincr fhi'c weeKenar- i doubtfully asked otveiui young men about the campus in hones nf finrlincr n little. p.ews. "Studying, of course, "came thr replies. "Broke, you know." Probably -the only social event ui me wenena which will draw any crowd at all. i namm r-.,,!.. naro wno is playing at the Pike Friday ninht. Amnns tVmM at tending will be Pat Felger with xiarvey oiroud, sue Cochran and Joe Partington. .T.inio nn-rifinir ana iwarv liownay and Jean Guenzel with Don Peglar. Measle Epidemic? One of the mnn mucins inci dents of the weekend concerns Bee Smith who came down with measles Friday but didn't know it until Saturday. The ATO's who danced with her at the Pi Phi nour dance Friday thought it was particularly funny they didn't Sfant to take their finals anyway. In case you have wondered why Bill Orr hasn't hung his pin on Dottie Manion as yet, there is a very simple explanation. It seems he hung his pin on a girl in Chic ago about 1944 and has never seen her rince. He is now trying to borrow a pin from his brother Kappa Sigs but hasn't met with mucn success. It seems the Millie Haycraft, Bob Burhans duo which broke up several weeKs ago is now back logemer. iney aren't going steady, but cvervthine is natr-hH im An. other interesting counlo is th nnh easier and Marce Anthony rnm- bi nation. They had a blind date rriciay and are now well dated up. This mnv be th snlnti - if -- ay wa VS ixd s problem. Permanent Now. Jean Metznor and ChiVlr rji passed the candy Monday night making uieir pinning look fairly permanent. Bob Berkshire whn hasn't done much dating this year, surmised brother ATnve hv kissing Jean on the cheek. Bill Denkor denly to Eet his car for thi uptr end. It Seems he thinks ho miirit oe a miie anead in the compe tition for Tootsie Campen if he has a car for these cold days. One very complicated campus "mess" is well described by this situation. Jerry Whelan who is tentaivtelv coins stenriv with Ginny Kellison has been seeing quite a bit of Jolie Venhorne. also going steady. To makp it mors confused, he has also been dating Jo Ackerman and is now inquiring about Peggy Cowles... nice work if you can handle it, jerry. Early Bird. And then there is Sid Wells who got up at 4:30 Tuesday morning to study for an exam. Everything would have been all right if he hadn't spent two hours putting on his bow tie. Anything to be a conege joe. BoBlHettfiim CORN COBS. TIiam III 1 . i - r . - MMTiin g in torn loo workers In lu-lnp V 1 1 . ... . . I.IVM U P. in. loduy. XV MKD. hm Med Society will hold Its monthly niniM-r-itiertlnic In the Inion on Wednes day, Feb. . with l.r. I. K. M. Thempsoa. aa orthopedic surgeon friMii Lincoln, as IU.I . I I . I . attend. The tapping for membership of Tliola Nil, honorary pre-mcd fratrmltn. will bit held. Those who will attend the dinner wfli lira thr list posted In licssey liail, Avery Lab, and Bnwe Lab before aooa of Feb, 4, BTI HENT COINCIL. Filings for the two student council tsv eaiicir will close Monday, Feb. 4. at P. m. The positions vacuted are one Jan. ior man in pharmacy and mm junior maa in dental school. Any junior men In either of thew rolh'Ki'H who intend to file may do i (it the student activities office In the coliseam. Elections will be held a lib. t. AVV.1 BlIJNO. Friday, Jan. 24, aiul Kiidai', Jan. IL, wlU be 1Z:30 BlKhl for all Mudeatg waa do not have exnniinationi the folkrwlac Hatnnluy. Saturduy, Jan. fA. will he a 1 'clock aUht. No men will be allowed In the houses d urine exam week uv du.w er evenlac exorpt Saturday, Jan. t. when ry may ne m nonaea from aooa oatll 1S:SO a. m. Thin auimnMl wu by Mind Ann JohnMin, AWS president. PKNNy CARNlVAf., Prentdent houses must (urn In pliuis for Penny Car nival at Alias "Filler's office la Mien Smith by A p. m. todir. failure to uihmH nj. will dlsauaUfy participants, aeesrdiaK t Mary live and Hcvertv Jachaon. eo-elinlv. mra of the event. KOS.MKT 1MB. All active members of the Koanei Kiak are reqaesled to be at a siweisl meeUac In MM.iii S07 of the I nlon toduv at 5 p. m. for the purpose of electing; ultlvm. Si tf TH HIGHEST mmm PRICES PAID YOUK SEcoCndMsemTe!tEr BOOKS BOOKS and SUPPLIES U 1229 R : UNC01N.I Eddie Garner's Orchestra Playing 9 fo MIDNIGHT Friday, Jan. 24 44c per person Union Hall room No Union Dance Sat., Jan. 25 FRIDAY IS COLLEGE NIGHT at HGBBI L "its' " . liL liOli Lll'KA DANCING 9-12 Couples Only g j t- ill ((y(x w f m .v, , f.v..-vri- x I - 1 tmS ill yinjuouoUffl when you smoko philip tiionnis! CLEAN, FflESil, mUE America's FINEST Cigarette! First smoke in the morning or last one at nfoht-My fitrlidLk'2!Ii ten you smoke Philip Morris! And here's why . , , There's an Important difference la Philip Morris man txfacture that makes Philip Morris taste bettet-smoke better-because it lets the FULL FLAVOR of the world's finest tobaccos come through for your complete enjoyment "Clean, fresh, pure Try Philip MoRRis-you, too, will agree that Pinup MORRIS is America's FINESX Cigarette! Sir ifl ALWAYS BETTER... BETTER ALL WAYS tl